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    1、仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案6仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案6 仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案6参考答案:Unit 1 单元测试第一部分 听力1 BABA610 BB111 ABBA16dg 17three 18fll 19turn 20rng第二部分 笔试1 DBA 610 ABAA 111 DDBA1620 GFDE212 DDA 2630 DBAB(A)313 TTFFF(B)36disabled; uniatin37I nt nl red hard but als did ell in ever subet38H did u “tal” ith eah ther?39She tld e t g

    2、there as ften as pssible40许多人关心残疾人,他们向救助基金会捐钱。()414 BADB(D)46The an be fund in Afria, Suth Aeria and se parts f Asia47Sevent-five perent /7%48Nt having enugh fd; living in pr husing; suffering fr an inds f diseases; getting little eduatin(答对其中两点即可)49es, there ill0在发展中国家,超过十亿的人还生活在贫困线以下。(A)1develpent

    3、 2inventin 3quil 4diffiulties flded(B)6prvides; ith 47Thans t 8ade; prgress 9less than 60eep/ath up ith61fr 62nn 63reahed 64untrside 6develped 66prefer 67eduatin 68ntrl 69uh 70serius范:(A)Dear Alie, Than u fr inviting e t tae part in ur birthda part Id lie t e, but ther is ill I have t sta at he t l

    4、after/tae gd are f her S I ant e Happ birthda t u!urs, ate(B)Hell, everne As e n, an Iraqis bee heless peple beause f the ar Se f the are hildren The used t be rih but n the lst ar huses and have n enugh fd t eat The hildren have n hane t g t shl The hard living nditins ade the heless hildren bee hi

    5、ld labrers hat d u thin f their bad life?Lets ae a nderful prgra t help these hildren return t live lie ther peple I thin e shuld all fr(呼吁) ending the ar e give supprt t these pr hild labrers thrugh raising ne S the an live in ar huses, get a gd eduatin and live a happ life e hpe there ill be siles

    6、 n their faes If ud lie t in the prgra, please e t ur unit serviesUnit 2单元测试(满分:120分;考试时间:100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分得分第一部分:听 力(20分) 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(分)( ) 1 A B ( ) 2 A B ( ) 3 A B ( ) 4 A B ( ) A B 听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(分)( ) 6 A Sine I as brnB Fur ties In t ees( ) 7 A Hes gne heB He ill g t his

    7、hetn Hes n the a he( ) 8 A Thell return next nthB Thell visit their parents There ding se shpping( ) 9 A N, I didntB es, I ent there last nth es, I ill( ) 10 A Its ver interestingB es, I d Its a big it 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(分)( ) 11 A ater pllutinB Light pllutin Air pllutin ( ) 12 A es, it isB N, it i

    8、snt I dnt n( ) 13 A hite pllutinB Nise pllutin Light pllutin( ) 14 A N, the antB es, the an I dnt n( ) A es, she desB N, she desnt Thats 听短,选择正确答案。短读两遍。(分)( ) 16 A plant gets fd fr A anialsB the air its leaves( ) 17 hih f the fllings uses the ater and air t ae fd fr the plant?A The rtB The green lr

    9、in the leaves The sun ( ) 18 A plant has ver sall hles in its leaves A fr air t e inB fr ater t e in fr sunshine t e in ( ) 19 A plant an ae its fd hen it is a A sunn daB rain da lud da ( ) 20 Fr the text e n that peple ant get A anials ithut eatB fd ithut anials fd ithut plants 第二部分:笔 试(100分) 单项选择。

    10、(1分)( ) 1 hat are u ging t d next eeend? I et D u have an gd ideas?A havent deidedB nt deide have deidedD didnt deide( ) 2Trees an stp the sand tards the rih farland in the suthA t veB ve fr vingD ves( ) 3e shuld use sides f paperA allB eah neitherD bth( ) 4 H an girls are there in ur lass? In ur la

    11、ss f the students are girlsA three fifthsB three fifth third fiveD third fifths( ) Hes never stlen anthing befre, he? Its his third tie t be taen t the plie statinA hasnt; esB is; es has; esD has; N( ) 6 hat a big bx! an I help u? N, thans Theres in it Its eptA nthingB nbd anthingD sething( ) 7 I th

    12、in e shuld rite a letter abut the pllutin the nespaper Lets beginA tB fr inD at( ) 8 hat terrible eather it is! that itll get rse laterA It is reprtedB It reprt It said It suppsed( ) 9English is ver iprtant u are suppsed it ellA t learnB learns learningD learned( ) 10 There are five peple in the r,

    13、but I n A bth f theB nne f the all f theD neither f the( ) 11 ur rain frests are , s e shuld prtet theA dangerusB in danger invisibleD in safet( ) 12 The little b is nl six ears ld, he an ae nderful del arsA sB r butD and( ) 13 His atins ade e angr sa a rdA s; thatB enugh; t t; ntD t; t( ) 14 D u in

    14、d sing here? L at the sign It sas “N Sing”A f urse ntB N, I dnt ud better ntD If u lie, u an( ) 1 Hell! uld I spea t r Liu, please? Srr He fr a nthA had been aaB as left has been aaD left 情景交际。(分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Lu, h are u ging ut 16 ?B: Thats the sund f a tru lleting rubbishA: D u ean

    15、 u have t tae the rubbish t the tru?B: es u n 17 is ur dut e shuld help prtet the envirnentA: I agree 18 , e ust d sething arund the neighburhdB: Sure It is ur dut t eep the envirnent lean and tid If e ae a ntributin t prteting the envirnent, 19 A: Thats right e ush tr ur best t ae ur untr re beauti

    16、ful S e shuld 20 t iprve the envirnentA befre listening t usiB the rld ill bee uh re beautiful d anthing usefulD after hearing the usiE herever liveF taing are f the envirnentG d sething useful16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 完形填空。(10分)a is a little shlb He lives in a sall tn in England His father rs in

    17、 a fatr in Lndn ne da his ther 21 hi t pst a letter t his fathera aled dn the street He didnt see a letter bx n the street But he reall 22 a baset ith a sign n it The sign said, “PUT LITTER IN THIS BASET” “I an read,” thught a, but he uldnt 23 the rd “letter” righta drpped the letter in the baset Th

    18、en he ran 24 t tell his ther abut the baset“h, n, hild!” said his ther, “u put the letter in a baset That litter baset is 2 ld paper and ther useless things”“h,”said a,“des the 26 n the baset ean that?”“es, it des,”said his ther,“The rd islitterntletter N get the letter and pst it”hen a gt there, a

    19、an as putting the ld 27 in a tru“Stp!”shuted a, and he began t tell the an abut the letterThe an helped hi t l fr the letter After a hile the 28 itThen a put the 29 in the letter bx He said,“ 30 dnt the tell us all the rds hen e first g t shl? Then things lie that ant happen”( ) 21 A saidB tld speD

    20、taled( ) 22 A saB t brughtD athed( ) 23 A readB l spellD give( ) 24 A aaB ut inD he( ) 2 A tB n ithD fr( ) 26 A letterB rd senteneD sund( ) 27 A litterB baset bxD paper( ) 28 A heardB finished redD gt( ) 29 A paperB baset singD letter( ) 30 A HB hat hD hen 阅读理解。(40分)(A)an plants eat peple? Prbabl nt

    21、, but there are an plants that eat eat Se f the are big, and the an eat sall anials ne faus eat-eating plant is the Venus fltrap(捕蝇草)The Venus fltrap is a ver strange plant It grs in dr parts f the United States Its leaves are lie the pages f a b The an pen and lse ver quil Inside the leaves, there

    22、are three sall hairs If a fl tuhes ne f the hairs, the leaf lses quil The fl annt get ut In abut half an hur, the leaf presses the fl until it is dead Then, the plant vers the fl Sll, the plant eats the flh d plants d it? st plants get hat the need fr the sun, the air and the grund In se plaes, the

    23、grund is ver pr It desnt have all these iprtant things, espeiall nitrgen(氮) Anial eat has a lt f nitrgen, s se plants eat eat t get hat the need Lets hpe that se f the bigger plants dnt get the sae idea!( ) 31 The Venus fltrap is a ind f A plantB anial fdD eat ( ) 32 The Venus fltrap grs in A st par

    24、ts f the rldB se parts f Afria dr parts f the United States D et parts f England( ) 33 Fr the passage, e learn that A all plants an eat pepleB all plants an eat anials se plants an eat pepleD se plants an eat anials ( ) 34 The underlined rd “presses” prbabl eans in hineseA 挤压B 关上 打开D 松开 ( ) 3 h d se

    25、 plants eat anial eat? Beause A plants are dangerus t anials B anials are dangerus t plants plants ant t get hat the need fr anial eat D Plants ant t prtet theselves against anials(B)hat d peple d ith their ld, ut f date but still useful puters? st peple dnt n hat t d ith the an ld puters are put aa

    26、 in hes an re are sipl thrn aa as the rubbishFinall, se panies are thining f as t bring dn the nuber f ld puters Sn has agreed t help rele ld Sn prduts(产品) Dell, Helett Paard and ther panies n als tae ba se ld putersIn se untries, las have been passed, t puter panies have t pa fr lleting and reling

    27、their used prduts And 70% f puter aste ust be reled The idea behind the las is that puter panies theselves shuld pa fr the st That ill enurage the t ae puters that are easier and heaper t repair and upgrade(升级)et hile an peple are thring aa gd puters, thers annt affrd the at all Hundreds f rganizati

    28、ns are ring t slve this prble The llet and repair ld puters Se als teah thers h t repair puters The puters then g t shls, harities(慈善团体) and peple h need the Giving a used puter t ne f these rganizatins an turn ne persns rubbish int sene elses useful things and ut dn aste, t( ) 36 hat d an peple d i

    29、th ld puters?A The repair the B The sell the The send the t thers D The stp using the( ) 37 H an puter panies are entined in the send paragraph?A ne B T Three D Fur( ) 38 Arding t the las in se untries, puter panies ust A rele st f their prdutsB llet all their used prduts repair and upgrade ld puter

    30、sD ae re heaper puters( ) 39 hat d the rganizatins d t slve the prble f ld puters?A Help the puter panies t llet theB Repair and send the t thse h need the Help peple t learn t use theD Turn rubbish int useful things( ) 40 hat is the ain idea f this passage?A Repairing ld putersB Enuraging t ae heap

    31、 puters Reling ld putersD Helping thse h need puters()1970 as rld nservatin(保护) ear The United Natins anted everne t n that the rld is in danger The hped that gvernents(政府) uld at quil t nserve nature(保护自然) Here is ne exaple f the prble At ne tie there ere 1,300 different plants, trees and flers in Hlland but n nl 866 reain The thers have been destred b dern an and his tehnlg e are hanging the earth, the air, the ater and everthing that grs and l


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