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    1、沙冬青抗寒基因的克隆功能分析与遗传转化研究沙冬青抗寒基因的克隆、功能分析与遗传转化研究(作者:刘美芹,导师:尹伟伦教授)摘要 低温是影响植物正常生长发育的重要环境因子,揭露植物的抗寒机理,培育抗寒新品种具有重要的理论和实际意义。至今人们对植物低温抗性取得机制的了解仍很有限,尤其是对寒温带木本植物取得顺利越冬抗寒力的进程了解更少,而寒温带木本植物对维持北方酷寒地域的生态平衡起重要作用。本文针对生态建设中缺乏抗寒植物的生产急需问题,对我国北方内蒙古荒漠地域特有的常绿阔叶灌木沙冬青的抗寒性分子调控机制进行研究,期望为抗寒良种选育及生物工程定向育种提供理论和技术支持。沙冬青是亚洲中部的一种强抗逆植物,



    4、的候选基因,经两轮杂交挑选后,取得11个不同显著且有编码区的克隆,别离在GenBank上进行了注册,序列号是 AY590122,AY843521,AY846361,AY846362,AY846363,AY846364,AY843522,AY843523,AY843524, AY843525,AY843526。这11个克隆中有三个是全长cDNA,含有完整的开放阅读框,其中两个编码区完全一致,都编码植物防御素;另一个编码植物LEA蛋白。其余的8个克隆中有两个是编码低分子量的低温-干旱诱导蛋白的基因,两个是编码光合系统元件蛋白的基因,一个H+转运ATPase的mRNA相似基因和一个14-3-3蛋白同

    5、源基因。这11个克隆编码的蛋白属于不同的种类,可能参与渗透调节、光合系统调整、能量代谢及信号转导等,说明沙冬青的抗冻性形成进程至少有这些代谢进程的参与,揭露了沙冬青低温抗性的形成是受多因素调控的复杂进程。从以上挑选到的这些不同克隆能够看出沙冬青低温抗性取得进程的复杂性,但要了解其各个进程的作用机制,还需要对单个基因进行深切研究。因此,本文将低温驯化后表达量明显提高的克隆B12进行5端RACE扩增,取得全长806bp的类脱水素基因AmCIP,并进行了序列结构分析和功能预测。经基因组DNA扩增及序列分析发觉该基因没有内含子。Northern 杂交结果又表明AmCIP基因在对照材料中几乎没有表达,而

    6、在低温驯化植株中却有大量表达,在驯化植株胚根中的表达量又明显高于子叶中的表达量。可见AmCIP的表达与沙冬青抗寒力的提高直接相关,尤其是能提高较幼嫩脆弱的胚根的抗寒力。为进一步鉴定AmCIP的功能,将AmCIP别离连接到35S启动子和rd29A启动子(Prd29A)下游,构建双元表达载体,并采用农杆菌介导的叶盘转化法转化烟草。转基因烟草的基因组PCR扩增, Southern及Northern杂交分析均证明目的基因已整合进烟草基因组中而且能在烟草细胞中表达。对T0代的多个转基因株系的低温抗性检测发觉低温下(-24)转基因烟草株系的离子渗漏率降低,膜稳固性增强,零下2处置后的存活率增加,尤其是转P





    11、研究为林木花卉抗寒良种选育及生物工程定向育种提供了基因资源和技术支持。关键词:沙冬青,低温诱导基因,扣除杂交,遗传转化,烟草,三倍体毛白杨Cloning and characterization of cold-inducible genes of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Liu Meiqin Directed by Prof. Yin Weilun)Abstract Low temperature is one of major abiotic stresses that affect plant growth and distribution. Many spe

    12、cies of plants are capable of adapting to low temperature and freezing conditions. Generally, this adaptation is not a constitutive but an induced process in response to low, but nonfreezing temperatures, a phenomenon known as cold acclimation. Although a number of genes have been correlated with th

    13、e acclimation process, it is still unclear what are the roles of individual cold induced genes and how do they contribute to freezing tolerance development, especially in woody plants, even though their freezing tolerance constitute a key challenge in understanding the mechanism and forestry develop

    14、ment in the future. In order to investigate multiple genes involved in cold acclimation of woody plants, an evergreen broadleaf species, A. mongolicus was adopted to dissect the cold acclimation. The rare endangered plant A. mongolicus is endemic to the Alashan desert, northwest sand area of China,

    15、where the climate is arid, the site is desertification and salinization and the temperature is blow 30 in winter, up to 40 in summer. Situating in adverse environments, A. mongolicus has gradually evolved typical superxeromorphic structures and metabolic characteristics to adapt the adversity, such

    16、as drought, salinization, cold, erosion and other stresses. Tolerance to various adversities makes A. mongolicus an ideal material for investigation of the mechanism of freezing tolerance for temperate zone woody plants. Thus far studies are mainly focused on its superxeromorphic structures, whereas

    17、 investigations of the molecular changes in acclimation are comparatively scarce, besides the report that antifreeze proteins have been purified from the heat stable proteins in its winter leaves.It is known that A. mongolicus is abundant in secondary products, so the study was understaken to determ

    18、ine the effects of cold acclimation on content and subcellular localization of phenolics in A. mongolicus cotyledon and the relation with freezing tolerance. A. mongolicus seedlings were acclimated at 6 day/2 night with 14 hours photoperiod (150 mol m-2s-1 photosynthetically active radiation) for 14

    19、 days. Then cytochemical localization of phenolics in cotyledon cells was observed by electron microscopy using caffeine, which forms electron-dense deposits. Results showed that phenolics were mainly localized in the vacuole and in close proximity to tonoplast. Deposits also could be observed in th

    20、e cytoplasm. No phenolic deposits were found in cell walls. After cold hardening, the amount of phenolics increased obviously in vacuole and in close proximity to tonoplast in cotyledon cells. Spectrophotometric measurement revealed that the content of phenolics in cotyledons of Ammopiptanthus mongo

    21、licus grown at 25 was mg/gFw, whereas in the cold hardening seedlings it increased to gFw. As hydrogen- or electron-donating agents, phenolics protect plant cells against reactive oxygen species formed during chilling or freezing stress. So these results suggested that the amount of phenolics closel

    22、y associated with the cold hardiness of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedlings.It is acknowledged that the ability of plants to cold acclimate is a quantitative trait involving the action of many genes with synergistic effects. So a modified solid-phase subtraction hybridization technique was developed

    23、 to isolate and screen cDNAs whose transcripts increased in cold-acclimated A. mongolicus seedlings. The optimized strategy is simple, quick and full-length cDNAs can be obtained. After hybridization subtraction and two rounds of screen, differential cDNAs were selected and sequenced. Sequence analy

    24、sis of the screened clones indicated that all of them hung with poly(A) and eleven clones had coding regions, with three of them containing complete open reading frame. And nine of the eleven clones shared various degrees of homology with the genes found in the GenBank database and the other two wer

    25、e unidentified sequences. Sequence data further revealed that these accumulated transcripts encoded: three low molecular weight proteins a Late-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) protein and two cold acclimation responsive proteins; two photosynthesis-related protein (photosystem I subunit II precursor (P

    26、saD) and photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex 33kD subunit OEC33); a protease inhibitor; an adenosine triphosphatase and a 14-3-3 related protein. Analysis on the function of these proteins indicated that the low molecular weight proteins were associated with water holding ability of cytoplasm; ph

    27、otosynthesis-related proteins participated in the adjustments of photosynthetic apparatus to resist photoinhibition; 14-3-3 related protein could interact with adenosine triphosphatase to enhance ATPase activity and energy metabolism; and protease inhibitor involved in the prevention of unwanted cel

    28、l death caused by reactive oxygen species. We suggest that cold acclimation with low light intensity in A. mongolicus is a more complex interaction of low temperature, light, energy and signal than that assumed previously.The clone with most strong signal among all the screened clones was selected f

    29、or continuing research. Its 5 sequence was obtained by 5 RACE and then full-length cDNA was cloned based on the 3sequence and 5 sequence. The full-length cDNA designated as AmCIP (Ammopiptanthus mongolicu cold-induced protein) gene was 806bp long and contained a 465bp open reading frame (ORF) encodi

    30、ng a kD protein of 154 amino acids. Bioinformatic analyses indicated that CIP belonged to dehydrin family with the features of high hydrophilicity, a helix K-segment, a long Gly-rich region and a phosphorylatable tract of Ser as well as deficiency in Cys and Trp. The expression of CIP gene increased

    31、 after two weeks of cold treatment and more expression was detected in radicle than in cotyledon. And the result of PCR amplification the CIP gene from genome of A. mongolicus revealed this gene has no introns. Function prediction suggested this protein may protect the stabilization of membrane stru

    32、cture and prevent macromolecualr coagulation or sequestrate calcium ions under low temperature conditions.The function of AmCIP was characterized by ectopic expression and abiotic stresses tolerance assay of transgenic tobaccos. Full length AmCIP was ligated downstream of 35S promoter and rd29A prom

    33、oter cloned from Arabidopsis and inserted into binary expression vector pBI121 to construct new vectors S-cip and R-cip. Then these vectors were transformed into tobaccos, respectively. Genomic DNA PCR amplification, Southern blot and Northern blot showed the target fusion gene fragment had integrated into the genome of tobacc


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