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    1、Unit1检测卷牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 1检测卷满分:100分 时间:60分钟一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.- Smiths are used to living in Shanghai now.一We hope more and more foreign friends live better life in China.A./;a B.The;an C.The;a D./;the( )2.-What a new look our city has!-Yes.Great changes since2020.A.take place B.took place C.h

    2、ave taken place D.are taking place( )3.-Whats your fathers hobby,Jane?-He likes reading.He has read over three hundred books the past five years.A.with B.since C.over D.on( )4.-Last night,I had a video call with my English friend Allen.-Sounds great!The Internet makes much easier.A.interview B.commu

    3、nication C.situation D.discussion( )5.-Have you been to New York?-No, A.ever;yet B.never;never C.never;not D.ever;never( )6.-Do you know the Great Wall very ?一I know about it because I have just come to China.A.much;little B.welL;little C.much;much D.well;much( )7. -What do you think of a computers

    4、memory?It is the same as humans ,but its also very different.A.in fact B.in some ways C.anyway D.by the way( )8.-David,our project is difficult. ,we seem not to have enough tine.-Thats true.But ,we must finish it within the given time.Lets hurry up instead of talking here.A.Moreover;instead B.Moreov

    5、er;anyway C.Instead;anyway D.Anyway;moreover( )9.- have you lived here?-Since 1998.A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon( )10. -Hes already come back to the USA, ?-Yes.We watched a movie together last night.A.isnt he B.doesnt he C.hasnt he D.has he( )11.I cant play basketball before because I

    6、have too much homework to do.A.as happy as B.as often as C.as free as D.as many as( )12.一I Jim recently.-Really?Can you tell me when you last him?A.havent seen;will see B.didnt see;have seen C.didnt see;saw D.havent seen;saw( )13.-Look!How clean the classroom is!-Yes.Im sure someone it up.A.cleans B

    7、.is cleaning C.will clean D.has cleaned( )14.-What a big and beautiful park it is!-Yes.But there a big wheat field here.A.was used to B.used to have C.used to be D.used to( )15.-English on Cam pus is a very good English magazine.一 .It helps us with our English study.A.Good idea B.Sure C.I dont agree

    8、 D.Exactly二、完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分)China is a country that is changing very fast.If you ask your grandparents about their life 50 years ago,you will get to know the great changes in China 1the years.First,you can see the change of transport.Fifty years ago.most people went somewhere by bike2on foot.It was

    9、 very 3 and tiring.Many cities didnt have trains,so it took local people a very long time to 4 to places far away.But today peoples living 5 have improved.There are many choices(选择).You can take the bus or underground in daily life 6riding bikes.Many people 7 drive their own cars.Modern high-speed r

    10、ailway(高铁)and airplanes make travelling much 8.People used to 9 little money buying things and there were few shopping malls.But now large shopping centers are common.You can 10buy things on the Internet.Television is 11 change that China has.Many years ago,many families couldnt afford(承担)to buy a T

    11、V but now every family has televisions.There are so many channels(频道)for people to 12 from.If people dont like watching TV programmes,they 13 go to the cinemas to see different kinds of films,from 2-D to 4-D.In the age of the lnternet.mobile phones and computers make peoples life full of 14 as well.

    12、What 15 changes we are experiencing!( )1.A. for B. after C. at D. over( )2.A. or B. but C. and D. so( )3.A. quick B. slow C. fast D. cheap( )4.A. get B. reach C. arrive D. visit( )5.A. situations B. conditions C. communications D. Questions( )6.A. because of B. as a result C. in fact D. instead of(

    13、)7.A. even B. ever C. never D. just( )8.A. lazier B. busier C. easier D. heavier( )9.A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay( )10.A. too B. also C. really D. finally( )11.A. other B. others C. another D. the other( )12.A. choose B. coun t C. change D. close( )13.A. can B. should C. must D. may( )14.A. troub

    14、le B. fun C. luck D. fear( )15.A. amazing B. important C. bad D. Possible三、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)AElectric(电动的)bicycles have become one of the most popular vehicles(交通具)in peoples daily life,whether in the countryside or in cities.They run on battery-operated(用电池发动的)motors.Electric bicycles can run much

    15、faster than bikes and they are very easy to ride.They were first made in the 1980s in China,but were not popular at that time.Today,thanks to the improvement on the quality of the batteries,the electric bikes sell much better.There are more than 100 electric bicycle producers(制造商)in China.Japan is a

    16、lso a large producer of such bicycles in the world.Now China is one of the largest producers of electric bicycles in the world,and lots of people have bought this kind of bicycles.People ride them to work,to send children to schools,to go to the supermarkets and so on.However,the electric bicycles a

    17、lso have disadvantages(缺点).The most important one is that they are not safe enough for the people who ride them.There are many accidents caused by electric bikes because of their fast speed.Some people even lose their lives.So people must be careful enough when riding electric bicycles.At the same t

    18、ime,people should wear helmets(头盔)while they are on electric bikes.Check the batteries,brakes(刹车)and tires as often as possible.Keeping safe is the most important thing.( )1.This article is mainly about .A.clectric bicycles B.why clectric bicycles are popular C.why electric bicycles are dangerousD.h

    19、ow electric bicycles are made( )2.Electric bicycles were first made in China in A.the 1970s B.the1980s C.the1990s D.the 21st century( )3.From this article,we can know electric bicycles are A.fast and safe B.slow but safe C.fast but dangerous D.slow and dangerous( )4.Which of the following is NOT tru

    20、e according to the passage?A.Japan is also a large producer of clectric bicycles.B.Many pcople ride clectric bicycles to work.C.Pcople in cities do not ride electric bicycles.D.Electric bicycles run on batteries.( )5.To keep safe,people should NOT while riding electric bicycles.A.ride very fast B.ch

    21、eck the batteries oftenC.wear helmets D.be very careful B Londons Chinese community 社区)dates back to the 19th century,when a small number of Chinese sailors moved to the city to work in Limchousc,in the cast of London.As time went on,other Chinese people came to this area and Limchouse began to be k

    22、nown as“Chinatown”.However,Londons Chinese community was still very small for many years.At the beginning of the 20th century,there were about more than 500 Chinese people in Britain.After the Second World War,many people in Hong Kong lost their jobs and came to London.Because Limehouse had been alm

    23、ost destroyed during the war,they settled in a different area-a part of central London near Leicester Square.This area is now what Londoners call Chinatown.At first,the new immigrants found it difficult to get jobs.In the 1950s,however,a small Chinese restaurant opened in London.Many British people

    24、visited it and said that Chinese food was wonderful!After that Chinese restaurants started opening in every part of the city.Instead of too little work,the new Chinese immigrants later found that they had too much!They worked as cooks,managers or waiters.Most of them enjoyed their lives and asked th

    25、eir friends and relatives to join them from their homeland.As time went by,Londons Chinese community became more and more successful(成功的).( )6.What does the underlined word“settled”mean in Chinese?A.定居 B.移走 C.抢夺 D.隐藏( )7.Why did people from Hong Kong live near Leicester Square?A.Because Limehouse wa

    26、s almost destroyed during the war.B.Because there was no work for them in Limehouse.C.Because there were too many people in l.imehouse.D.Because they liked the place near Leicester Square.( )8.Chinatown now in Britain is in the of London.A.west B.east C.south D.centre( )9.When did the first Chinese

    27、restaurant open in London?A.In the middle of the 18th century.B.At the beginning of the 19th century.C.In the middle of the 20th century.D.At the beginning of the 20th century.( )10.Now,it is for Chinese immigrants to find jobs in Chinatown.A.impossible B.easy C.difficult D.necessary四、词汇。(共15分)A.根据中

    28、文、英文或首字母提示写出单词。(每小题1分,共5分)1.When l was about to leave home this morning,I suddenly (意识到)Ididnt put my English homework in the bag.2.-Look,do you know the man in the photo?一Let me have a look.I think I have met him somewhere (从前).3. How to protect the (环境)has been under discussion.4.My uncle is going

    29、 a to study English next month.5.After leaving his hometown,my uncle often feels (not happy because of being alone).B.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)possible recent wife exact north6.The train arrived at 8 oclock.7.Tianjin is one of the biggest cities in the part of China.8.Ihavent heard from my uncle .

    30、I miss him very much.9.Their are doctors.They work hard.10.It is for you to make your dream come true if you dont try your best.C.用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)pollute walk eat drink give11.My grandfather is very healthy.He gets used to after supper every day.12.I dont like the noise .The trains make i

    31、t hard for me to sleep well sometimes.13.-Tom,where is the apple?I put it on the table a moment ago.-Oh,sorry.I it.14.-The book you read yesterday looks very nice.Can you lend it to me to read?-Sorry.I it back to the library.Now,you can go to the library to borrow it.15.-ls there any juice left in t

    32、he tin?-No,my brother all of it.五、翻译句子。(每小题1分,共5分)1.从某些方面讲,有开阔的空地和美丽的花园真好。In some ways,its nice 2.张华刚刚从美国返回。Zhang Hua has just the USA.3.他们经常通过邮件相互保持联系。They often each other by email.4.政府已经把那块地变成了一个公园。The government that piece of land .5.我们应该采取措施改善我们的生活条件。We should our living conditions.六、根据首字母提示补全短文。(每空1分,共10分)Mr Zheng is a 70-year-old ma


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