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    1、儿童日常英语对话儿童日常英语对话1.A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.2.A: How are you?B: Fine. Thank you.3.A: Whats your name?B: My name is xxx.4.A: Hello. Nice to meet you.B: Hello. Nice to meet you too.5.A: How do you do?B: How do you do?6.A: This is my good friend,

    2、xxx. Do you know him/her?B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere.7.A: Whos that boy/girl over there?B: It is a new comer. Sorry, I dont know.8.A: How old are you?B: I am ten (years old).9.A: Which school are you in?B: I am in xxx Primary/ Senior School.10.A: What class/grade are you in?B: I am in Class

    3、One and Grade Two.11.A: Where do you live?B: We live in XXX district.12.A: What does your father/mother do?B: He/she is a worker/ teacher/ doctor(B: He/she works in the office/ factory/ school/ hospital.)13.A: Have you learned English?B: Yes, a little/ some14.A: Do you like English/ Chinese/ math?B:

    4、 Yes, I do(B: No, not very much)15.A: What is this?B: It is my toy.16.A: Is this your bag?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt17.A: Whose bag/book/pen is this? B: It is mine/ it is not mine.18.A: Do you want something to eat/drink?B: Yes, I want to drink some cold water/eat some fruit.19.A: What did you have

    5、 for lunch?B: We had some dishes and rice/ noodles.20.A: What food do you like? Help yourself to the dishesB: I like fish. It is delicious.21.A: What would you like to eat?B: Id like to have some ice creams.22.A: Whats on today on TV?B: There is a good film today on channel 623.A: What is your favou

    6、rite programme on TV?B: Films and cartoons24.A: Can I watch TV a while.B: No, you have to finish your homework first.(B: OK. But only for about half an hour.)25.A: Turn on the TV/ air-conditioner, please.B: OK. But where is the remote control.26.A: Turn the TV down a little. It is too loud.B: All ri

    7、ght. Is it OK?27.A: Whats the weather like today?B: It is said it is going to rain.28.A: It is raining outside. Better take the umbrella with you.B: OK. But Id like to take the raincoat with me.29.A: Lovely day isnt it?B: Yes it is.30.A: Today it is hot.B: I want some ice-creams/ cold water.31.A: To

    8、day it is very cold. Put on more clothes.B: OK/ I dont think so.32.A: What time is it?B: It is eight oclock/ half past eight 8/ eight fifteen.33.A: Take it easy. It is still early.B: Your watch is slow. Lets hurry up.34.A: It is time to get up. It is seven thirty.B: Oh, I must be quick or I will be

    9、late.35.A: Come on. It is time for you to go to bed.B: But I am not sleepy/ I cant go to sleep. 36.A: When do you get up everyday?B: I get up at seven and then wash my teeth and face.37.A: What day is it today?B: It is Wednesday today.38.A: What date is it today?B: I think it is 8th of May.39.A: How

    10、 is everything at school?B: It is fine/ It is terrible.40.A: Can you swim/skate?B: Yes, I can/ Sorry, I cant41.A: Look, what you have done? You did it. Right?B: Sorry. I am terriblly sorry.42.A: Whats happening? Why are you laughing?B: Nothing happened. It is just a joke.43.A: Who has done this? Wha

    11、t a naughty boy/girl you are?B: sorry. I didnt do it on purpose 44.A: What a nuisance? Who did it?B: Sorry. It is not me.45.A: I am sorry.B: Thats all right.46.A: Well done. You have done a good job.B: Thank you. 47.A: Thank you very muchB: You are welcome.48.A: Excuse me. Can I take this seat?B: Ye

    12、s, of course.49.A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office/station?B: You go straight on and turn left/right at the next traffic light. You will see it there.50.A: How long do you think it will take?B: I think it will take you about 20 minutes by bike.51.A: Do you like computer games?B

    13、: Yes, I like it very much.52.A: We are good friends now. Can you give this to me?B: Sorry. I am afraid not. One of my friends sent me.(B: Yes. But youd better keep it secret.)53.A: What are you looking at?B: We are looking at our photo.54.A: Look at my photo. I took it when I was a boy/girl.B: It i

    14、s great. What lovely it is!55.A: Mum/Dad, my shoes are too tight.B: Lets go shopping tomorrow and buy you new ones.56.A: How can we get there?B: We can go there by bus or by bike.57.A: Can I have a look at those clothes? How much is it?B: Of course. It is 20 yuan.58.A: Miss, I want to go to the loo/

    15、toilet.B: OK. Wee wee here and poo poo there.59.A: What a mess! Keep your desk/bed tidy.B: I didnt do it but I will tidy it soon.60.A: Dont put things everywhere. B: OK. I will put them as they are.61.A: XXX, dont help yourself to the things here.B: No, I am just looking at them.62.A: Do you think i

    16、t is true?B: I bet it is/ believe it or not.63.A: Do you like it? It is cool.B: I dont think so. I know there is a better one64.A: Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them.B: OK. But there is no water.65.A: Excuse me. Do you know xxxs telephone number?B: Yes, let me see./Sorry. I cant remember it66.A:

    17、 Hello, this is xxx speaking.B: Who is speaking?67.A: Mum/Dad. You are wanted on the phone.B: OK. I am coming.68.A: Who is calling? Did he/she leave a message?B: I dont know who it is. He/She wants you to phone him/her back.69.A: May I turn on the radio/light/TV?B: Of course.70.A: May I use your era

    18、ser?B: certainly. Here you are.71.A: Will you please you pass me that paper?B: Of course. Here it is.72.A: Could you do me a favour?B: Yes. No problem.73.A: Can I open the window?B: Sorry. Better not. It is smelly outside.74.A: Can you follow me?B: Sorry. You are speaking too fast.75.A: Happy birthd

    19、ay to you. Here is a small present.B: Thank you very much. I am so happy.76.A: Happy New Year and merry Christmas!B: The same to you.77.A: What are you doing?B: Im waiting for my classmate.78.A: What sports do you like?B: I like football and badminton.79.A: What shall we play today?B: Lets play foot

    20、ball.80.A: Lets go and play football.B: OK, lets go right now.81.A: Do you have a computer?B: Yes. I often play games on it.82.A: Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I collect stamps.83.A: Whats your favourite music/songs?B: My favourite is xxx.84.A: Tell you good news. I have won the first prize.B: Con

    21、gratulations!85A: Which do you like better? Big/Red one or small/green one?B: I think I like big/green one.86.A: Do you like animals?B: Yes, my family has a dog as a pet.87.A: Do you agree with me?B: Yes, I do/ Sorry, I am afraid not.88.A: What do you think of my idea?B: It is a good idea.89.A: I am

    22、 sorry to tell you that you failed to pass the exam.B: Oh, no, no. I am so sad to hear that.90.A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a cold.91.A: Whats the matter with your leg?B: I fell down and it really hurts.92.A: How are you feeling today?B: Much better. Thanks.93.A: What are you going to do this w

    23、eekend?B: I am going to swim/skate.94.A: Where are we going? B: Its up to you.95.A: Can you help me with my math?B: Sorry, I am not available now.96A: We are going to my fathers hometown.B: Wish you a good trip!97.A: Why dont you tell me this?B: Its a secret. I wont tell others.98.A: Mum/Dad, can I

    24、have a word with you?B: Yes, what are you going to say?99.A: Mum/Dad, I dont think I can do it.B: Be confident. I am sure you can.100.A: Goodbye. See you tomorrow.B: goodbye. See you.1. 问好How are you?你好吗?hello! hi!你好Good morning,mom.妈咪早安。Nice to meet you!2. 更衣Take off your pajamas.把睡衣脱掉。What should

    25、I wear today?我今天要穿什么?Its chilly outside,so dont forget to put on your jacket.外面有点凉,把外套穿上。Hows the shirt?这件衬衫看起来如何?Son,it looks great on you.儿子,你看起来很帅。3. 盥洗Go wash your face.去洗脸。Peter,its time to eat breakfast.彼得,该吃早餐了!I am brushing my teeth. 我在刷牙。Alright,you better hurry,your bus is coming.好,你最好快一点,

    26、车子来了。Mom the toothpaste dropped on my shorts.妈牙膏不小心沾到我的裤子了!Oh,dear,go get another pair.Ill help you change your shorts.哦,亲爱的,快去拿另一条裤子,我会帮你换上新裤子。4. 洗澡The bath is ready.洗澡水放好了。Be careful.The floor is slippery.小心,地板很滑。Mom,there isnt any hot water.妈妈,没有热水。Turn on the shower.把莲蓬头打开。Its getting cold.水越来越冷

    27、了。Ok,Ill check the heater.Dry yourself with the towel first.好,我来看看热水器。你先用毛巾把身体擦干。幼儿洗澡1.Time for bath.到洗澡的时间了2.You need to have a bath.你得洗个澡了3.The bath is ready.洗澡水准备好了。4.Im taking a shower/bath .我要冲个澡。5.Mommys scrubbing the bathtub.妈妈在刷澡盆6.Lets prepare all the stuffs we will need for the bath.我们先准备一

    28、下洗澡要用到的东西。7.washcloth,towels,bath tub,clean clothes.洗澡小毛巾,毛巾,澡盆,干净衣服.8.which toys would you like to play with?你想玩哪个玩具?9.you can pick a couple of toys and trow them into the bath tub.你可以选几个玩具,把他们仍进澡盆里10.you stay in the bed and undress yourslef.你呆在床上脱衣服。11.I am preparing water for you.我去倒水;12.Let me c

    29、heck the water temperature.让我试试水温.13.It feels just right!正合适。14.Ok,you can get into the bath now.还行,你可以进去了.15.Do you feel cozy in the warm water?你觉得舒服吗?16.let me wash behind your ears , armpits(胳肢窝), under the chin, around the neck.17.Rub your little hands against each other.Rub them hard!用力搓搓你的小手!1

    30、8.now,let me tip your head back and wash your hair .把头向后仰,帮你洗洗头.19.Look at the water blasting out of the showerhead!看,水从喷头里哗哗地流出来。20.Ok,let me dry off your hair.把头发擦干21.now,you can play with your toys for a little while longer.现在,你可以玩一会儿玩具22.call me when you want to get out the bath.想出来时叫我23.what a

    31、mess youve made!弄得好乱!24.The water is getting cold.水就要变凉了25.you have to get out of bath.你得出来了26.Let me wrap a towel around you.用毛巾把你裹起来。27.Dry you off with a towel.用毛巾把你擦干.28.Go get your bathrobe in the closet/wardrobe.从衣橱里把你的浴袍拿出来。Sleep and waking up睡觉/起床1.Im sleepy.我困了。2.Its time to go to bed/sleep.3.Its time to go sleepy-bye.到睡觉的时间了。4.Lets spread out the futon.铺床吧。5.Hurry up and go to sleep.快点睡觉。6.I set the alarm clock for eight.把闹钟定在


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