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    九年级 新目标 第110单元 讲解和练习题.docx

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    九年级 新目标 第110单元 讲解和练习题.docx

    1、九年级 新目标 第110单元 讲解和练习题Units 1-10综合复习动词短语1. put up张贴 2. call up打电话 3. set up建立 4. cheer up使振奋;使高兴起来 5. clean up打扫干净 6. make up 编造;组成;拼凑成7. look up 查阅;查找8. give up放弃9. stay up不睡觉;熬夜10. fix up修理 11. end up结束 12. use up用完;用光;耗尽13. think up想出14. show up出席;露面15. sell out卖完;售光16. give out分发,发放17. hand out 分

    2、发;发放 18. work out产生结果;发展;成功19. break off突然中止;中断20. break down 停止运转;出故障21. go off发出响声22. put off 推迟23. laugh at嘲笑24. go by (指时间) 过去;消逝25. take notes 记笔记26. try ones best to do 尽某人最大努力做某事27. go to sleep 入睡28. make a decision 作决定29. concentrate on全神贯注于;专注于30. let sb. down 让某人失望31. belong to属于32. knock

    3、into撞到33. dream of梦想34. stay away from与保持距离35. take pride in对感到自豪36. pay attention to对注意;留心37. get along with与相处38. come up with提出;想出39. hold on to继续;坚持;保持40. be afraid to do害怕去做;不敢去做41. be angry with生的气42. be bad for对有害43. be in agreement 意见一致44. be off离开;走开45. be terrified of非常害怕的;极度恐惧的46. be will

    4、ing to do乐意做某事47. be/ get used to doing习惯于做48. be used for用来做【典型例句】1. Please put up this poster on the wall.请把这张海报贴到墙上。2. I called you up yesterday, but you were not in.我昨天给你打了电话,但是你不在。3. A library was set up for the children in this area.这个地区建立了一个儿童图书馆。4. To cheer her up, we will take her to the pa

    5、rk.为了让她高兴起来,我们会带她去公园。5. The womans main job is cleaning up all the rooms in this hotel.这个女人的主要工作是打扫这个旅馆的所有房间。6. The article is made up of three paragraphs.这篇文章由三段组成。7. Please look up the new words in the dictionary.请在字典里查一下这些生词。8. Dont give up even though you meet difficulties.即使遇到困难也不要放弃。9. I staye

    6、d up late last night to do my homework.昨晚为了做作业,我熬夜了。10. The equipment was fixed up soon.设备很快被修好了。11. They ended up spending most of the day doing nothing.结果他们一天中的大部分时间什么都没做。12. The oil has been used up. Go and buy some.油已经用光了。去买一些。13. He has thought up a plan to establish a new factory.他想出了一个建造新工厂的计

    7、划。14. The meeting wont start until a VIP shows up.一个非常重要的人物到来以后会议才能开始。15. The tickets sold out within one hour.票在一小时内售光。16. The little girl gave out apples to everyone in the room.这个小女孩给房间内的所有人都发了苹果。17. Food was handed out to the poor in the street.食物被分发给大街上的穷人。18. Things have worked out quite well

    8、for them.事情的结果对他们来说很不错。19. I broke off my friendship with Linda last week.上周我中断了和琳达的友谊。20. The car broke down when I was on my way to school.在我上学的路上,汽车坏了。21. The alarm clock went off and woke me up.闹钟响了,把我叫醒。22. Putting off work is a bad habit.拖延工作是个坏习惯。23. Dont laugh at disabled people.不要嘲笑残疾人。24.

    9、As time went by, the little girl became a beautiful woman.随着时间的流逝,那个小姑娘变成了一个美丽的女人。25. Youd better take notes when listening to the lecture.在听讲座时,你最好记笔记。26. We will try our best to help them out.我们将尽最大努力帮他们摆脱困境。27. My sister was very tired and went to sleep soon.我姐姐很累,很快就睡着了。28. He often asks many pe

    10、ople for their advice before making a decision.他作决定之前经常会征求很多人的意见。29. Concentrate on your studies because you are a student.把注意力放在学习上,因为你是个学生。30. The boy doesnt want to let his parents down, so he works hard at school.这个男孩不想让自己的父母失望,所以他在学校努力学习。31. The house belongs to my parents.这个房子属于我父母。32. The man

    11、 knocked into a tree when he was thinking about a problem.那个人在思考问题的时候撞到了大树上。33. Mike dreams of becoming a soldier one day.迈克梦想着某一天成为一名士兵。34. Stay away from the dog. It may hurt you.离那只狗远点。它可能会伤害你。35. His parents are not the only ones taking pride in his success.并不只有他的父母以他的成功为荣。36. Pay attention to t

    12、hose signs.注意那些标牌。37. Mary doesnt get along well with her parents.玛丽与自己的父母相处得不太好。38. We need to come up with some good ideas to help those who are poor at English.我们需要想出一些好主意来帮助那些英语学得不好的人。39. Hold on to your dream; one day they may just come true.坚持你的梦想;有一天它们可能就会实现。40. Im afraid to walk in the dark

    13、alone.我不敢独自一个人在黑暗中行走。41. My mother was angry with me because I made the floor dirty.我妈妈生我的气了,因为我把地板弄脏了。42. Playing computer games too often is bad for your eyes.过于频繁地玩电子游戏对你的眼睛有害。43. We are in agreement about the time and place of the meeting.关于何时何地举行此会议,我们的意见一致。44. Sally is off in Africa somewhere.

    14、萨利远在非洲某地。45. Ann is terrified of insects.安害怕昆虫。46. I am willing to live in the countryside.我愿意住在农村。47. Tom is used to getting up early.汤姆习惯于早起。48. The wood will be used for making desks and chairs.这些木头将被用来制作桌椅。【互动平台】一. 单项选择填空。1. My friend took a picture and then _ on the wall of his room.A. put up i

    15、t B. put it up C. looked up it D. looked it up2. The paper will _ a plane.A. used to make B. used for making C. be used to making D. be used for making二. 根据汉语意思将句子补充完整。1. 她的眼睛显示出她没有集中精力做她正在做的事。Her eyes show that she is not _ what she is doing. 2. 他做得很好,没有让我们失望。He did a good job and didnt _. 其他短语1. i

    16、nstead of而不是2. plenty of很多的;足够的3. in the way挡道的;妨碍人的4. on display展览;陈列5. thousands of数以千计的;许许多多的6. in the end最后7. to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是8. in general通常;大体上;一般而言9. as soon as possible 尽快10. at once立刻11. by accident偶然地12. by mistake错误地13. on time按时【典型例句】1. They will go to another city to spend their

    17、holiday instead of staying at home.他们将去另一个城市度假,而不是呆在家里。2. Plenty of water will be provided to the students.充足的水将被提供给那些学生。3. A broken car was in the way. 一辆坏了的汽车挡了路。4. Some famous paintings are on display in the museum.一些名画正在博物馆展出。 5. Thousands of people come to visit this place every year.每年有许多人来参观这

    18、个地方。6. Joan and David got married in the end.琼和大卫最后结婚了。7. To everyones surprise, the little boy can speak good English.让大家吃惊的是,这个小男孩的英语说得非常好。8. In general, young people like this film better than old people.大体上来说,年轻人比老年人更喜欢这部电影。9. Youd better solve this problem as soon as possible.你最好尽快解决这个问题。10. Il

    19、l fetch some water at once.我会立刻取些水来。11. These two pictures were taken by accident.这两张照片是偶然间被拍下的。12. She put salt into her tea by mistake.她把盐错放到茶水里了。13. Alice tries to finish every task on time.爱丽丝尽量按时完成每一项任务。【互动平台】从方框中选择适当的短语填空。thousands of, on time, instead of, on display, in the end1. My brother b

    20、roke off his friendship with James_. 2. To everyones surprise, Class One won the match _ Class Two. We had expected Class Two to win. 3. Tom didnt finish his homework _ again, so his teacher got angry. 4. Plenty of new books are _ in the library. Lets go and have a look. 5. _ flowers are growing by

    21、the lake. even though【典型例句】 She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.她还告诉我说,即使我爸爸不再跟我们在一起,但是他一直在看着我,并且会一直以我所做的每一件好事为荣。 He went out even though it was raining hard.即使正下着大雨,他仍然出去了。【名师点拨】 even though (=even

    22、 if) 是从属连词,意为 “即使也”,引导让步状语从句。whatever.【典型例句】 Toms grandparents let him do whatever he wants to do. 汤姆的祖父母让他想做什么就做什么。 Whatever my mother did was right.我妈妈做的一切都是对的。 Whatever you do, dont miss the exhibition.不管你做什么,都不要错过那个展览。 Whatever happens, I will go to Shanghai to attend the meeting.不管发生什么,我都会去上海参加

    23、那个会议。【名师点拨】 whatever有两个用法:一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),如例句;二是引导让步状语从句,如例句。not. in the slightest【典型例句】 Social situations dont bother you in the slightest.不同的社交场合一点都不会让你感到烦恼。 He is not surprised in the slightest.他一点都不感到惊讶。【名师点拨】 not. in the slightest意为“一点也不”,相当于not. at all。例句可分别改写为:Social situations don

    24、t bother you at all.He is not surprised at all.【互动平台】 翻译句子。1. 这位母亲依然爱自己的儿子,即使他犯了一个大错误。The mother still loves her son, _. 2. 不管你做什么,我都支持你。_, I support you. 3. 即使在下着雪,他一点都不觉得冷。He _ feel cold _ even though it is snowing. 练习题I. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. She r_ their invitation politely just now.2. Take i

    25、t easy. We have p_ of time to do the job. 3. This school o_ all kinds of courses for middle school students.4. Wang Lin made a lot of m_ in the exam, so he got a D.5. Visiting foreign countries can make you e_ different cultures.6. Quite a lot of information is p_ on the Internet. 7. To my surprise,

    26、 he r_ to my letter quickly.8. Her p_ is not clear, so we cant understand her. 9. He spent his winter v_ in the south. II. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. The result is _ (frustrate).2. The _ (solve) to the problem caused another problem.3. Their _ (friend) became stronger after they left school.4. The hot weat

    27、her made us feel _ (sleep).5. The young man _ (achievement) success in the end.6. He knows the _ (important) of being honest.7. Mary is an _ (energy) girl.8. His teacher gave him some _ (help) advice.9. The _ (noise ) environment made me awake all night. 10. Carmen is _ (interesting) in music and sp

    28、orts.III. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. These books are _ (主要地) for the parents of middle school students.2. Six people, _ (包括) three children, were killed early Sunday morning.3. A special box is needed for the food to be _ (加热) in a microwave oven.4. Please put these clothes into the _ (空的) bag.5. The _ (农民) and

    29、 his wife sold out all the vegetables they had grown.根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。(每空一词)1. 结交新朋友的最好办法是参加各种各样的活动。The best way _ _ new friends is _ _ _ _ all kinds of activities.2. 我不喜欢和别的中国学生练习说英语,因为我们最终会讲汉语。I dont like _ _ English with other Chinese students, because we will _ _ _ in Chinese.3. 为什么不做一名志愿者去帮助那些需要帮助的人呢?_ _ you be a volunteer and help those who need help? 4. 我很难理解这篇文章,因为生词太多。Its _ for me _ _ this article because _ _ too _ new words in it.5. 我年轻的时候,曾经花很多时间学习钢琴。When I was young, I _ _ spend a lot of time in _ the piano.6. 在这个城市,不允许学生做兼职工作。Students are _ _ _ _ p


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