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    1、译林英语六年级上册unit7六年级上册英语教学设计课 题Unit 7 Protect the earth课 型新授课 时8-1备课时间12.1授课时间教学目标1. 学生能流利朗读本单元单词2. 学生能够听、说、读、写句型“We should, We should not We use.”重点难点学生能够听、说、读、写句型“We should, We should not We use.”教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1. Warm up T :Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Chen.T : I have

    2、lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies?S: Do you like singing?T: Yes, I do.S: Do you like swimming?T: Yes, I like swimming very much.S: Do you like playing games?T: Yes, I do.T: But I like one thing best, guess.S: Do you like?T: Yes, youre so clever, I like riding bikes best, but why/S:

    3、Because I think its very healthy.T: Yes, because its very “green”(PPT presents the picture of Pm.2.5)T: why should we ride bikes?S: Because of the PM2.5Step 2 .PresentationT: Yes, the PM2.5 is so heavy, now lets watch a video called”Our home”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can yo

    4、u see in this video?(play the video)S: I can see some animals, theyre in danger.S2: I can some air pollutionS3: I can some water, theyre dirty.S4: I can see the trees, theyve been cut down.S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in danger.T: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the pl

    5、astic bags and plastic bottles. ) T: So today were going to learn” Protect the earth”. T: First, Lets listen to the story and circle the problems. What problems are mentioned in the story? S: The problem is water. S2: Trees are the problems. S3: We should save energy. S4: And plastic.T: You did a go

    6、od job, boys and girls. Now lets listen to the tape again and tell the names of each story.T: Did you get it? Lets check.S1: The first is save waterS2: The second is save energy.S3: Next is save trees.S4: Dont use too much plastic.T: Well done, boys and girls, now lets try to fill in the blanks. Ene

    7、rgy comes from_and_ Teach oil and coal(PPT presents oil and coal) _ comes from the trees Teach wood.T: Now lets read and judge, please read it by yourselves.S1: Water is useful,so we should not waste it. ( T )S2: We use water to clean the things every day. ( F )S3: There is much water in many places

    8、. ( F )S4: We should not reuse the water. ( F )T: Now we know water is useful, boys and girls, but why should we protect it and how? Please read and learn. 用直线画出原因(Why do we save water?)虚线画出方法(How do we save water?)S1: Water is useful. In many places, there is not much water.S2: We should reuse and

    9、save it.T: Wonderful, boys and girls, now lets listen to the tape and read after it.2.Save energyT: Now we know water is useful, what about energy? Please read and choose.S1:.Most of the energy comes from_B_.A. water and soil. B. coal and oil. S2. We should _ and we should not_.save energy; drive so

    10、 muchdrive so much; save energyT: Now lets find out why should we save energy and how to save it. 用直线画出原因(Why do we save energy?)虚线画出方法(How do we save energy?)S: Because there is not much coal and oil on earth.S2: We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.T: Yes, so I think we can

    11、 ride bikes, now lets listen to the tape and read after it.3. Save treesT: Now we know water and energy are important, what else?S: Theyre trees.T: Yes, now please read by yourselves and then you can check with your deskmate.S1: Where does wood come from ?S2: Wood comes from trees. We use wood to ma

    12、ke tables, chairs and many other things.S3: We should not cut down trees. S4: Why should we not cut too many trees?S5: Because trees help keep the air clean.T: Perfect, now lets try to fill in the blanks, boys and girls. _comes from trees. We use _ to make tables, chairs and many other things. We _c

    13、ut down _trees because trees help _.4. Dont use too much plastic T: Now boys and girls, wood comes from trees, do the plastic come from the trees? S: No. T: So what do you know about plastic? You can have a group discussion. S: I know plastic bags S2: I know plastic bottles. S3 T: Good, now lets lis

    14、ten and answer, what can we use plastic to make? Should we use too much plastics?S1:We use plastic to make bags and bottles.S2: But use too much plastic is bad for our health. We should not use too many plastic bottles or bags.T: So what can we use? Please have a group discussion.S: We should use pa

    15、per bagsS2: We should use glass bottles.S3; We should use.T: Yes, we should not use too many plastic, paper is better, now lets read after the tape.T: Now please get into a group and use the given words to say sth. about plastic.T: Ok, its time for reading, you can read by yourselves or get into a g

    16、roup.Step 3 . Consolidation. T: “Protect the earth” speech time is coming, here are the tips, boys and girls, 小组合作,每组选择文中的一个小主题.(可以借助板书)Why should we ?We should/shouldnt.切合主题,提出保护口号. T: We should protect the earth because she nourishes us. Class is over, boys and girls, see you! S: See you! Homework

    17、1. Listen to the tape and read after it for at least five times.2. Try to retell the story.3. Finish the exercises book. Blackboard Design We should/ We should not use We should reuse.教后记六年级上册英语教学设计课 题Unit 7 Protect the Earth课 型新授课 时8-2备课时间12.1授课时间教学目标1. 学生能够掌握情态动词: should/should not的用法。2. 学生能够使用“us

    18、eto”造句重点难点学生能够掌握情态动词: should/should not的用法。教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1 Warm up1 T shows the picture of the earth, its healthy, then shows another picture of it, its ill.T: Boys and girls, whats wrong with the Earth?Ss: Its ill/unhealthy.T:What should we do?Ss: We should(出示protect the Earth)T: Do you w

    19、ant to be the little environment protector?Lets try to be one, Mr Brown, Chairman of the World Environment Organization, will recruit some Chinese volunteers, do you want to be the volunteers? You must finish some tasks.Step 2 RevisionTask1: Know how to protect the EarthSs answer this question: Save

    20、 the water, save energyTeacher shows respective pictures. (Review main ideas of the story time)T: Lets review some new words. Show pictures: coal, oil, wood, plastic, paper.Task2: Know how to deal with these things Read and judge1. There is not much water in many places. ( )2. Cars do not use much e

    21、nergy. ( )3. We should not cut down trees. ( )4. Trees help keep the air clean. ( ) 5. We should not use plastic bags because they are not useful. ( )Ss judge them.Think and writeHow to protect the Earth 1. We should save_ and_ water. We should not_ water. 2. We should save_. We should not _ so much

    22、. 3. We should save _. We should not cut down too many_. 4. We should not use too many _ bags or bottles. We should use _ bags and bottles. Pupils fill in the blanks and show the answers.Step 3 Presentation & PracticeTask3 Know the meanings of the signs and obey(遵守) them Teacher shows 4 public signs

    23、, pupils must use we should/should not.to make sentences. We should put rubbish in the bin, We should not use much napkin paper. We should not smoke. We should not pick flowers in the park. Teacher guides pupils to learn the use of should/should not: Grammar time. T: There are some sentences in stor

    24、y time about should/should not, read them and try to find the rules. T shows the rules: should:情态动词,含义是应该,后面跟动词的原型。should的否定形式是should not,后面仍旧跟动词原型哦! Task4 Brain storm! Q: What else should we do/not to do to be a good environment protector? Pupils can discuss in a group, then teacher asks the volunt

    25、eers to answer it. Task5 Know how to use the things on the Earth correctly(正确地) T: What does useto mean? Pupils answer it.: 使用做 Teacher shows 3 sentences(课本上). Q1: Which one is not the right way? Q2: What else can we use on the Earth correctly? Task6 Know how to reuse the things T: We use almost eve

    26、rything on the Earth, after using, we drop them, what a pity! I t think clever people can reuse something. T shows four pictures. 1.I collect some paper cups.I can reuse them to make 2. I collect some belts.I can reuse them to make 3.I collect _.(plastic bottles)I can _ them to make_. 4.I _.(buttons

    27、)I can _. T: Boys and girls, you are clever too, can you show your DIYs? Please use this dialogue.A: Hi ,look, this is a. B: Oh, really? A: I reuse a .to make this .,do you like it?B: Yes, its nice / creative(有创意的)I like it very much.Show time.Step4 ConsolidationStep 5 Homework1.Share your DIYs to y

    28、our classmates.2.Go on to finish the application. Blackboard design板书设计: Unit7 Protect the Earth coal oil wood plastic paper We should We should not We useto教后记六年级上册英语教学设计课 题Unit 7 Protect the Earth课 型新授课 时8-3备课时间12.2授课时间教学目标1 能理解并体会字母组合oo在单词中的发音2 能理解Culture time的内容,并适当扩展3 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践重点难

    29、点能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力教具准备PPT, poster, CD教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1 Warm-up1 Free talk T: What day is it today? S: Its T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny / rainy / cloudy T: How do you go to school today? S: I go to school by car / bus / taxi T: Do you wear masks on your way today? S: Yes / No.2 Revis

    30、ion T: As we know, Nanjing has been covered by fog and haze recently. Its not good for our health. ( Show a picture of fog and haze) We have experienced this terrible result. The world environment is getting worse too. What should we do? Discuss with your desk mates. You can use the sentences pattern: We should / We should not. S: We should We should not.Step 2 PresentationSound time1 T: We should do a lot of th


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