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    1、语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,考点一 表示时间的介词,1in/on/at(1)in用在世纪、年份、季节、月份,不特定的上、下午和晚上等词前面。It often rains_ July.七月份经常下雨。(2)on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上、下午。She was born_ the morning of May 10th.她出生于五月十日的早晨。,in,on,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,(3)at表示在某个时刻或者某个瞬间。I usually get up _ 6:00 in the morning.我通常早上六点钟起床。,at,语

    2、法互动(五)介词和介词短语,2after/in(1)“after(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在时刻之后”,常用于过去时。He said that he would be here _ 5:00.他说他五点钟之后会来这儿。(2)“in(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时。My mother is coming back from England _about a month.我母亲大约一个月以后从英国回来。,after,in,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,3by/until(1)by表示到什么时候为止动作已经完成,常用于完成时。Can you repair my bike _ Sat

    3、urday?星期六之前你能修好我的自行车吗?(2)until表示动作持续到何时。We must work here_ ten oclock.我们必须一直在这里工作到十点钟。,by,until,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,4since/for(1)“since(具体时刻/that从句)”表示“自从起一直到现在”。Uncle Li has worked in this factory _ 2000.李叔叔自从2000年起就在这家工厂工作了。(2)“for(一段时间)”表示“有之久”。Uncle Li has worked in this factory _ over 10 years.李叔叔在这

    4、家工厂已经工作了十多年。,since,for,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,考点二 表示地点或方位的介词,1at/in/on(1)at 用于小地点前。(2)in用于大地点前。(3)on表示“在上面(有接触面)”,表示两地接壤。,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,2between/among(1)between表示“在两者之间”。Dont sit _ the two girls.不要坐在这两个女孩中间。(2)among表示“在三者或三者以上人或物之间”。The village lies_ hills.这个村庄坐落于群山之间。,between,among,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,3across/

    5、through(1)across强调从表面穿过。Go_ the bridge,and you will find the park.穿过这座桥,你就会找到公园。(2)through强调从一定的空间内穿过。The river runs _ the city.这条河流经这座城市。,across,through,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,4over/above(1)over强调在某一物体的正上方,其反义词为under。There is a bridge _ the river.河上有座桥。(2)above强调在上方,但不一定是正上方,其反义词为below。The average temperat

    6、ure here in summer is well_ 30.这里夏天的平均温度远远超过30。,over,above,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,5in front of/in the front of(1)in front of表示在某一空间外部的前面。There is a big tree _the house.房子前面有一棵大树。(2)in the front of表示在某一空间内部的前面。There is a big desk_ our classroom.我们的教室的前面有一张大桌子。,in the front of,in front of,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,考点三 常

    7、见介词的用法,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,We won our match _ that team.我们在比赛中赢了那个队。The desk is_ the wall.书桌靠墙放着。I go to school _ bus.我乘坐公共汽车去上学。Do you go_ that supermarket?你路过那家超市吗?The students are examined one _ one.学生们一个挨一个地接受检查。,against,against,by,by,by,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,My mother bought a present_ me.我妈妈给我买了一份礼物。We se

    8、t off_ New York.我们动身去纽约。She stayed there _ a week.她在那儿待了一周。Many teenagers live _ their parents.许多青少年和他们的父母住在一起。I sat down on the chair _ holes in it.我坐在有孔的椅子上。,with,for,for,for,with,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,考点四 含有介词的重点短语,在家 at home 在学校 at school在工作 _ 立刻 at once在晚上 at night 在一年中不好的时节 at a bad time of the year

    9、在的尽头 at the end of在的开始 at the beginning of 到达 arrive in(at)同意某人 agree with sb.以开始 _ 擅长 be good at,at work,begin/start with,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,对有害处 be bad for 充满 be full of 确信 be sure of/about 习惯于 _对某人要求严格 be strict with sb.对某事要求严格 be strict in sth.忙于做某事 be busy with sth.迟到 be late for 生某人的气 be angry wit

    10、h sb.对某人感到满意 be pleased with sb.对感兴趣 be interested in 与不同 _ 以为骄傲 be proud of 对感到厌烦 be tired of 赶上 catch up with,be used to,be different from,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,依靠 depend on 在方面做得好 do well in充满/装满 fillwith 与相处 _听说 _ 收到的来信 _在某方面帮助某人 help sb.with sth.在的前面(外部)in front of 在的前面(内部)in the front of 在户外;在野外 in t

    11、he open air 最后,终于 in the end 及时 _匆忙,急忙 in a hurry 在阳光下 _,get on/along with,hear of,hear from,in time,in the sun,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,事实上 in fact 处于困境中 in trouble 看 look at 寻找 look for照顾,照看 look after/take care of检查 look over 嘲笑 _动身去某处 _与交朋友 make friends with 在某人回家的路上 on ones way home展出 _ 究竟,到底 on earth 在顶

    12、部 on the top of 另一方面 on the other hand 值日;值班 on duty 步行 _,laugh at,leave for,on show/display,on foot,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,考点过关训练,单项填空12015苏州 In cold winter,the temperature in Harbin often remains _ zero all day.Aabove Bbelow Cover Dunder,B,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,22015云南 The Third ChinaSouth Asia EXPO was held in

    13、Kunming _ June 12th to June 16th.Aon Bin Cat Dfrom,D,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,32015哈尔滨改编 Our class will have a party _the evening of June 30th.Would you like to come?Yes,Id love to,but Im going to visit my grandparents in Dalian.Ain BOn Cat Dto,B,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,42015合肥38中模拟 Bill has made great progress _ the

    14、help of his English teacher.AFor Bunder Cwith Din,C,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,52015襄阳改编 What do you know about Xiangyang?Its known _ its state level scenic spot(景点)Gulongzhong.AWith BfromCto Dfor,D,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,62015河南 Wild animals are our friends.We shouldnt kill them _ food or clothing.AIn BWith CAbout Dfo

    15、r72015常德 We shouldnt go to school _ breakfast.Its bad for our health.Aafter Bwithout Cwith,B,D,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,82015北京 We usually have the first class _ 8:00 in the morning.Aof Bin Con Dat,D,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,92015常州 Would you like to visit the zoo with me now?Sorry.Its _the visiting hours.Lets go there

    16、 tomorrow.Aon Bover Cduring Dbeyond,D,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,10Its a top secret.Yes,I see.I will keep the secret _ you and me.Awith Bamong Cbetween Dbehind,C,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,112015 东营改编 Drinking alcohol(白酒)can be harmful _ your brains.So people in China arent allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18.A

    17、At Bwith Cto Dfor,C,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,122015黔西南My father will leave for England at_onceAright away Bat times Con time Djust now,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,13Take this medicine and drink plenty of water,and youll be fine _ 3 days.Ain BafterCfor Dat,A,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,14.2015天瑞实验中学模拟 When you give someone a call,you should introduce yourself firstAafter all Bat firstCin general Dinstead of,语法互动(五)介词和介词短语,152015宣城模拟You cant achieve your dream _ hard working.Awith Bbesides Cby Dwithout,D,


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