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    牛津上海版高一英语上册同步学案 第8讲 阅读拓展训练.docx

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    牛津上海版高一英语上册同步学案 第8讲 阅读拓展训练.docx

    1、牛津上海版高一英语上册同步学案 第8讲 阅读拓展训练授课日期时 间A / B / C / D / E / F段主 题阅读拓展训练(4) 励志与就业类阅读及写作学习目标1. 在主题阅读中学会励志与学习、就业指南话题相关的单词、短语及句型表达;2. 灵活迁移阅读信息到相关的写作表达中去。教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习;2、 互动探索翻译竞赛?self-confidence understandingcreativitycooperationexperienceseriousspiritFirst words SuccessSecond sentences1. All is not gold t

    2、hat glitters. 2. He, who knows nothing but pretends to know everything, is indeed a good-for-nothing. 3. Opportunity & luck always shows appreciation for those who are bold in struggling. 4. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 5. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.6.

    3、 There must be a use for my talent. 7. A man can fail many times, but he isnt a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. Third Paragraphs“Life is not easy for any one of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something w

    4、ell, and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work until we succeed.” -Madame Curie“Your beliefs become your thoughts; your thoughts become your words; your words become your actions; your actions become your habits; your habits become your values; your values become your destiny.”

    5、 - Mohandas Handhi(默罕默德. 甘地)励志就业类阅读【知识梳理】1:题型说明学业、就业与励志类阅读文章在模拟考试和高考中的出现频率较高。它涉及学生目前的学习、未来的就业、缓解压力、励志等等内容。这类文章一般同学们读起来感觉较轻松,因为它们较贴近学生的实际生活和学习,试题做起来也比较得心应手。在高考题中,这类文章属搭配类材料,所以,它的命题多数属于中低等难度的易得分题,如语法填空题、事实细节题、浅层推理题等。遇到这类文章时,我们一定要抓住得分机遇,尽量不要失分。2:答题方法读这类文章要特别注意做好事实细节题。对于细节试题,同学们要先从题干中找到关键性词语,然后采用略读或跳读,快


    7、题精讲】例1. (2014年闵行高三一模语法填空B篇)When young people get their real jobs, they may face a lot of new, confusing situation. They may find that everything is different from the way things (33) _ (be) at school. It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable in both professional and social situations. E

    8、ventually, they realize that university classes cant be the only preparation for all of the different situations (34) _ appear in the working world.Perhaps the best way (35) _ (learn) how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior. In doing so, youll b

    9、e able to see what it is (36) _ you admire in this person. For example, you will observe how he acts when he is in trouble. Perhaps even (37) _ (important), you will be able to see what his approach to everyday situations (38) _ (be). While you are observing your colleague, you should be asking your

    10、self whether his behavior is like (39) _ and how you can learn from his response to different situations. By (40) _ (learn) from a model, you will probably begin to identify and learn good working habits.例2. Section B (2014年闸北高三一模十一选十)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in

    11、the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A complicated B. suitable C. understand D. regularly E. instant F. access G. divide H. normally I. obtain J. symbols K. referAmong the note-taking forms in todays US schools, the Cornell method is widely recomme

    12、nded. Providing a form for concentrating and organizing notes, the Cornell method sets up a system to direct students to _41_ the paper into two columns. The note-taking column, which is usually on the right, is twice the size of the key word column on the left. The student should leave five to seve

    13、n lines blank at the bottom of the page.Notes from a lecture or teaching occupy the note-taking column which _42_ contain the main ideas of the textbook or lecture. Most _43_ ideas and long sentences are avoided while _44_ or abbreviations(缩写) are preferred instead. To assist with future reviews, _4

    14、5_thoughts or questions should be noted down as soon as possible so that the students may _46_ to these points for reflection or further research. The key-word column is a(n)_47_ place to note down these ideas. These ideas may later turn into potential research results as students are always encoura

    15、ged to reflect on the notes _48_ or go deep into the questions further.Within 24 hours after the note-taking, the student must revise and then produce a short summary in the bottom space. Such move helps him to _49_ the topic better. When preparing for a test, the student has _50_ to a brief but det

    16、ailed record of the previous classes.【巩固练习】基础题:Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word tha

    17、t best fits each blank.ADear friends,We all like to be given second chances. Sometimes, second chances come in unexpected ways. Triathlete Beth Sandens life was completely changed _25_ a bicycle accident had put her in a wheelchair. Read “Marathon Lady” to find out _26_ she resumed competing in mara

    18、thons and triathlons without having to use her legs!People can have second chances. But, what about old or broken items? The citizens of Pasadena, California are hosting “The Repair Cafe”, a place _27_ people volunteer and receive help repairing old items such as jewelry, computers, tools and more.

    19、“Irelands House of Waterford”, on the other hand, is one place where nothing _28_ (give) a second chance. Any piece of crystal with even the smallest flaw is smashed and melted down! Find out why in our Art article. Some people are given second chances, while _29_ simply take risks. Japanese entrepr

    20、eneur Mikami dropped out of high school at the end of his freshman year. But, for him, the end of one thing was the beginning of something even better. Since then, he _30_ (found) his own company! Check out “Hatching New Idea” to discover more about the growing subculture of entrepreneurship in Japa

    21、n! Are you having a great time _31_ (learn) English? We hope so! But if at first you dont succeed, give yourself _32_ second chance! Thanks for reading, Brandon Bryrant提高题:BIts official, no matter where you live: healthful eating is _33_ the best ways to protect your aging brain. Conversely, a diet

    22、that skimps on fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fish and includes lots of fried foods, red meat and alcohol is highly likely to pave a road to cognitive ruin.On average, 16.8% of the men and women followed were found _34_ (lose) some cognitive horsepower in the studys 5-year span. But that

    23、average obscures a clear pattern: Those _35_ diets were most healthful were least likely to experience cognitive decline, and those with the least healthful diets were most likely.How significant was the effect? Compared to participants who reported eating habits that were least healthful, the most

    24、healthful eaters were 24% _36_ (likely) to have experienced cognitive decline problems of memory, attention and reasoning ability over a roughly 5-year period.The authors of the latest research, which was published in the journal Neurology, suggest that the quality of ones diet _37_ affect cognitive

    25、 aging in a number of ways: Poor nutrition is likely to rob the body and brain of vitamins and minerals that not only promote the generation of healthy new cells _38_ help guard against inflammation, help break down fats and protect cells from stress._39_ (limit) inflammation, stress and blockage is

    26、 critical to keeping the brains lifeline - its intricate web of large and small vessels - open, and to keep ones neurons thrumming.With the incidence of Alzheimers disease in the United States alone _40_ (expect) to triple between now and 2050, diet may be a first line of defense, the authors sugges

    27、t.基础题:CIII. Complete the following passage by using the words in the box: 9%A. probably B. values C. incapable D. lack E. assignedF. put G. ideal H. astonished I. additionally J. common K. wonderA few weeks ago, I was talking to a school inspector in one of the more fashionable districts of Paris. S

    28、he _31_ me by saying that if she had children today, shed _32_ send them to a private school. She had devoted 25 years of her life to the _33_ of free public education, but the truth was that the state system was in a mess.There aretwo main problems: state schools in Frances-have to accept whatever

    29、teachers are _34_ to them by the Ministry of Education. As my school inspector friend _35_it, “one year aschool may be excellent; three or four years later, half the teachers may be_36_!”That is not very reassuring if youre a parent. Private schools can choose their own teachers.The other problem is

    30、 discipline, or rather, the _37_ of it. Not long ago a school in Birmingham made headlines in Britain because the teachers were being terrorized by their pupils. In the suburbs of low-cost apartment blocks, thrown together in the 1960s on the outskirts of most big French cities, such stories are _38

    31、_. A recent poll (民意调查) found that 88 % of French children regard as the biggest problem of their school lives gangs which spend all their time fighting one another. Small _39_, then, that the private schools, with their emphasis on traditional _40_, are enjoying popularity despite disapproval from Frances new socialist leaders, and competition to get into the best of them has become intense.提高题:DA. brings B. existing C. featured D. imaginative E. involving F. professional G. regard H. remain I. satisfactorily J. undoubtedlyI am very happy to report that the 26th


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