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    1、常用儿童日常英语对话 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998常用儿童日常英语对话儿童日常英语对话1.A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.2.A: How are you?B: Fine. Thank you.3.A: Whats your name?B: My name is xxx.4.A: Hello. Nice to meet you.B: Hello. Nice to meet you too

    2、.5.A: How do you do?B: How do you do?6.A: This is my good friend, xxx. Do you know him/her?B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere.7.A: Whos that boy/girl over there?B: It is a new comer. Sorry, I dont know.8.A: How old are you?B: I am ten (years old).9.A: Which school are you in?B: I am in xxx Primary/

    3、 Senior School.10.A: What class/grade are you in?B: I am in Class One and Grade Two.11.A: Where do you live?B: We live in XXX district.12.A: What does your father/mother do?B: He/she is a worker/ teacher/ doctor(B: He/she works in the office/ factory/ school/ hospital.)13.A: Have you learned English

    4、?B: Yes, a little/ some14.A: Do you like English/ Chinese/ math?B: Yes, I do(B: No, not very much)15.A: What is this?B: It is my toy.16.A: Is this your bag?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt17.A: Whose bag/book/pen is this B: It is mine/ it is not mine.18.A: Do you want something to eat/drink?B: Yes, I wan

    5、t to drink some cold water/eat some fruit.19.A: What did you have for lunch?B: We had some dishes and rice/ noodles.20.A: What food do you like Help yourself to the dishesB: I like fish. It is delicious.21.A: What would you like to eat?B: Id like to have some ice creams.22.A: Whats on today on TV?B:

    6、 There is a good film today on channel 623.A: What is your favourite programme on TV?B: Films and cartoons24.A: Can I watch TV a while.B: No, you have to finish your homework first.(B: OK. But only for about half an hour.)25.A: Turn on the TV/ air-conditioner, please.B: OK. But where is the remote c

    7、ontrol.26.A: Turn the TV down a little. It is too loud.B: All right. Is it OK?27.A: Whats the weather like today?B: It is said it is going to rain.28.A: It is raining outside. Better take the umbrella with you.B: OK. But Id like to take the raincoat with me.29.A: Lovely day isnt it?B: Yes it is.30.A

    8、: Today it is hot.B: I want some ice-creams/ cold water.31.A: Today it is very cold. Put on more clothes.B: OK/ I dont think so.32.A: What time is it?B: It is eight oclock/ half past eight 8/ eight fifteen.33.A: Take it easy. It is still early.B: Your watch is slow. Lets hurry up.34.A: It is time to

    9、 get up. It is seven thirty.B: Oh, I must be quick or I will be late.35.A: Come on. It is time for you to go to bed.B: But I am not sleepy/ I cant go to sleep. 36.A: When do you get up everyday?B: I get up at seven and then wash my teeth and face.37.A: What day is it today?B: It is Wednesday today.3

    10、8.A: What date is it today?B: I think it is 8th of May.39.A: How is everything at school?B: It is fine/ It is terrible.40.A: Can you swim/skate?B: Yes, I can/ Sorry, I cant41.A: Look, what you have done You did it. Right?B: Sorry. I am terriblly sorry.42.A: Whats happening Why are you laughing?B: No

    11、thing happened. It is just a joke.43.A: Who has done this What a naughty boy/girl you are?B: sorry. I didnt do it on purpose 44.A: What a nuisance Who did it?B: Sorry. It is not me.45.A: I am sorry.B: Thats all right.46.A: Well done. You have done a good job.B: Thank you. 47.A: Thank you very muchB:

    12、 You are welcome.48.A: Excuse me. Can I take this seat?B: Yes, of course.49.A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office/station?B: You go straight on and turn left/right at the next traffic light. You will see it there.50.A: How long do you think it will take?B: I think it will take you

    13、 about 20 minutes by bike.51.A: Do you like computer games?B: Yes, I like it very much.52.A: We are good friends now. Can you give this to me?B: Sorry. I am afraid not. One of my friends sent me.(B: Yes. But youd better keep it secret.)53.A: What are you looking at?B: We are looking at our photo.54.

    14、A: Look at my photo. I took it when I was a boy/girl.B: It is great. What lovely it is!55.A: Mum/Dad, my shoes are too tight.B: Lets go shopping tomorrow and buy you new ones.56.A: How can we get there?B: We can go there by bus or by bike.57.A: Can I have a look at those clothes How much is it?B: Of

    15、 course. It is 20 yuan.58.A: Miss, I want to go to the loo/toilet.B: OK. Wee wee here and poo poo there.59.A: What a mess! Keep your desk/bed tidy.B: I didnt do it but I will tidy it soon.60.A: Dont put things everywhere. B: OK. I will put them as they are.61.A: XXX, dont help yourself to the things

    16、 here.B: No, I am just looking at them.62.A: Do you think it is true?B: I bet it is/ believe it or not.63.A: Do you like it It is cool.B: I dont think so. I know there is a better one64.A: Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them.B: OK. But there is no water.65.A: Excuse me. Do you know xxxs telephone

    17、 number?B: Yes, let me see./Sorry. I cant remember it66.A: Hello, this is xxx speaking.B: Who is speaking?67.A: Mum/Dad. You are wanted on the phone.B: OK. I am coming.68.A: Who is calling Did he/she leave a message?B: I dont know who it is. He/She wants you to phone him/her back.69.A: May I turn on

    18、 the radio/light/TV?B: Of course.70.A: May I use your eraser?B: certainly. Here you are.71.A: Will you please you pass me that paper?B: Of course. Here it is.72.A: Could you do me a favour?B: Yes. No problem.73.A: Can I open the window?B: Sorry. Better not. It is smelly outside.74.A: Can you follow

    19、me?B: Sorry. You are speaking too fast.75.A: Happy birthday to you. Here is a small present.B: Thank you very much. I am so happy.76.A: Happy New Year and merry Christmas!B: The same to you.77.A: What are you doing?B: Im waiting for my classmate.78.A: What sports do you like?B: I like football and b

    20、adminton.79.A: What shall we play today?B: Lets play football.80.A: Lets go and play football.B: OK, lets go right now.81.A: Do you have a computer?B: Yes. I often play games on it.82.A: Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I collect stamps.83.A: Whats your favourite music/songs?B: My favourite is xxx.84

    21、.A: Tell you good news. I have won the first prize.B: Congratulations!85A: Which do you like better Big/Red one or small/green one?B: I think I like big/green one.86.A: Do you like animals?B: Yes, my family has a dog as a pet.87.A: Do you agree with me?B: Yes, I do/ Sorry, I am afraid not.88.A: What

    22、 do you think of my idea?B: It is a good idea.89.A: I am sorry to tell you that you failed to pass the exam.B: Oh, no, no. I am so sad to hear that.90.A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a cold.91.A: Whats the matter with your leg?B: I fell down and it really hurts.92.A: How are you feeling today?B: M

    23、uch better. Thanks.93.A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: I am going to swim/skate.94.A: Where are we going B: Its up to you.95.A: Can you help me with my math?B: Sorry, I am not available now.96A: We are going to my fathers hometown.B: Wish you a good trip!97.A: Why dont you tell me this?B: Its a secret. I wont tell others.98.A: Mum/Dad, can I have a word with you?B: Yes, what are you going to say?99.A: Mum/Dad, I dont think I can do it.B: Be confident. I am sure you can.100.A: Goodbye. See you tomorrow.B: goodbye. See you.


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