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    1、综合英语二自考试题22012年1月综合英语(二)自考试题全国2012年1月自考综合英语(二)试题课程代码:00795请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (15 points)1. Much _been said about the problem but nothing _ been done so far.A.

    2、has, had B. had, hasC. had, had D. have, have2. Id like to have _ with you sometime this week about your approaching exams.A. a word B. some wordC. some words D. one word3. My aunt was a dancer and she went on _ stage at _ age of eight.A. the, an B. /,theC. the, the D. a,/4. Tomorrow will be cloudy,

    3、 with a few sunny_.A. intervals B. periodsC. steps D. instance5. Hes been unemployed for a whole year and is craving _ a chance to work.A. to B. forC. at D. in6. The worlds supplies of petroleum _.A. have gradually exhausted B. are being gradually exhaustedC. are gradually exhausting D. are graduall

    4、y exhausted7. In many parts of the world the only _ water supply lies below the ground.A. continuous B. permanentC. instant D. constant8. Since life is short and the world is wide, _ you start exploring it _.A. the early, the better B. the quicklier, the betterC. the sooner, the better D. the quick,

    5、 the better9. This is the computer _ we have had so much trouble.A. to which B. at whichC. with which D. of which10. Without trees our world _ a much drier place.A. is B. will beC. would be D. must be11. I would appreciate _ it a secret.A. your keeping B. you to keepC. that you keep D. that you will

    6、 keep12. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A. could have slept B. sleptC. might have slept D. have slept13. This ticket _ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.A. gives B. grantsC. entitles D. credits14. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the

    7、_ movie could not hold our attention.A. three-hours B. three-hourC. three-hours D. three-hours15. Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A. didnt hear B. hasnt been hearingC. hasnt heard D. hadnt heard完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共1 5小题,每小题1分,共15分)Fill in each b

    8、lank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first 16 , they were like newborn children, unable to use this 17 tool. Yet once language developed, the

    9、possibilities for human kinds future 18 and cultural growth increased.Many linguists (语言学家) believe that evolution is 19 for our ability to produce and use language. They 20 that our highly evolved brain provides us 21 an innate language ability not found in lower 22 . Proponents (建议者) of this innat

    10、eness theory say that our 23 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, 24 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical biological times for language development.Current 25 of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting

    11、the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. 26 , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in 27 grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being 28 . to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the rules

    12、of their first language have become firmly fixed.29 some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been 30 from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that interaction with other human beings is necessary

    13、for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language acquisition than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. In other words, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually

    14、 shape their childs language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.16.A. generated B. evolved C. born D. originated17.A. valuable B. appropriate C. convenient D. favorite18.A. attainments B. feasibility C. entertainments D. evolution19.A. essen

    15、tial B. available C. reliable D. responsible20.A. confirm B. inform C. claim D. convince21.A. for B. from C. of D. with22.A. organizations B. organisms C. humans D. children23.A. potential B. performance C. preference D. passion24.A. as B. just as C. like D. unlike25. A reviews B. reference C. react

    16、ion D. recommendation26.A. In a word B. In a sense C. Indeed D. In other words2 7.A. various B. different C. the higher D. the lower28.A. revealed B. exposed C. engaged D. involved29.A. Although B. Whether C. Since D. When30.A. distinguished B. different C. protected D. isolated难句释义。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择

    17、一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts.(10 points)31. The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media.A. The hero was admired for what they had done for society; the celebrity burst ont

    18、o the scene by the work of the media.B. The hero made it through thcir own efforts; the celebrity achieves fame because of his good relations with the media.C. The hero of the past was active; todays celebrity is passive.D. The hero publicized himself; the celebrity is publicized by the media.32. Th

    19、ere was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the souncl of falling dust.A. Compared with the most violent crashes in the past, this one seemed as gentle as dust falling.B. Compared with this ear-splitting crash, all the other crashes in his past life seemed nothi

    20、ng.C. In his past life he had never experienced a crash of such force as to make falling dust seem violent.D. When this crash occurred, its deafening noise drowned all other noises; so no one could hear dust falling.33. Every student should regularly experience the “Aha!”_ when something you never u

    21、nderstood, or something you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.A. When students suddenly come to understand something new, or when they solve a mystery, they usually shout: “Aha!”B. Students should keep learning new things so that they can feel the joy of discovering what they didnt understand

    22、before.C. Students should often change subjects in their studies so that they can experience surprises, which makes learning more enjoyable.D. If learning is made more surprising and mysterious, students will never find it boring.34. It was in her mind to share their refuge.A. The thought that they

    23、should share the refuge was constantly troubling her.B. She was wondering if they should share their shelter with the neighbors.C. She didnt mind that their shelter should be made a public place.D. She thought they should share their shelter with the neighbors.35. That did not answer; the sherry was

    24、 a little too dry.A. His efforts of selling sherry proved a failure; the sherry was not moist enough.B. Nobody answered his hawking; people did not buy his sherry because it was too dry.C. His trail of selling sherry did not provide a solution; he soon became tired of it again.D. He did not get mone

    25、y in this business; the sherry dried out and he had nothing to sell.36. Nothing was too good for that child (Laura).A. Laura deserved whatever her parents did for her.B. Laura was a spoilt child and she was hard to please.C. Laura never took her parents love and care for granted.D. Laura was untouch

    26、ed no matter what her parents did for her.37. If I care about you, Im concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become.A. . you will become what you want to be.B. . you will eventually become a gifted person.C. . you will develop all your abilities to the full.D. . you

    27、 will be capable of doing all sorts of jobs.38. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed.A. The poor should not fall in love the way the rich do.B. The rich can be romantic; the jobless should be practical.C. The rich can afford to love; the jobless must seek a livi

    28、ng.D. The poor, without a job, should be wise enough not to fall in love.39. Child is a believing creature. Cliff undoubtedly believed them.A. A child always wants adults to believe him.B. A child readily accepts what adults say.C. A child never rejects what adults tell him to do.D. A child never th

    29、inks that adults can be right.40. Ill have to lie again and say we came down with food poisoning, or something.A. .food poisoning kept us in bed.B. .a serious disease affected our health.C. .we suffered from an illness such as food poisoning.D. .we suffered from food poisoning or something like that

    30、.IV.阅读理解。阅读短文,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Read the two passages and answer the questions. (20 points)Passage 1Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices t

    31、his in the job applications that come cross his desk every day. “Its amazing how many candidates eliminate themselves,” he says. “Resumes(简历) arrive with stains. While other candidates dont bother to spell the companys things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselves how the details were working on fit into the larger picture. If they dont fit well, we should drop them and move t


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