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    333 大学英语精读3.docx

    1、333 大学英语精读3333 英语复习一、选择题1、By the end of May 2000, she _A_ inChinafor five years. Awill have stayed Bwill stayCStays Dhas stayed2、She intended to make teaching her _A_ . AProfession BworkCEmployment Doccupation 3、The difference was _B_ cross the river. (2.5 分)Awhere to Bhow toCwhat to Dwhich to 4、Whi

    2、ch is not your favourite subject, Sandy?Football, Mr. Smith.Football isnt a subject, Sandy. Its a game._D_ .AIts I dislike it BThe reason is I dislike itCThats why I dislike it DNo wonder I dislike it5、He walked into the office and shook hands with a smiling man _B_ Mr. Black. ANaming BNamed Cby nam

    3、ed Dcalling6、The shop offers products that range _B_ inexpensive to very expensive. ABetween BFrom CAmong Dalong7、If it rains on Sunday, the party will be cancelled . _B_ ! AWhat a bad news it is BWhat bad news it isCWhat a bad news is it DWhat bad news is it8、Excuse me, can you tell me the way to t

    4、he library? _A_ . ASorry, Im a stranger here, you seeBIm afraid you asked a wrong personCI have no ideaDI cant, forgive me9、Could I speak to Jane please? _A_ . AIm afraid youve got the wrong numberBYes, speak pleaseCSorry, the line is busyDCan I help you10、The child C cold if he had put on more clot

    5、hes. Awere to catch Bshould catchCwouldnt have caught Dcaught11. The teacher found that there were _D_ students already there.Aamount of Ba littleCmany a Da great many 12、Im very interested _D_ plants, animals and geography.AOn BTo COver Din 13、A selfish person doesnt _D_ other people problem. Ato c

    6、are BCares CCare Dcare about 14、The new employee finished the report and _A_ .Aturned it in Bturned in itCturned it up Dturned it on15、A friend of mine, after 10 years of studying ballet, succeeded _A_ becoming a dancer.AIn BOn CWith Dof16、He gave _D_ answer as I did. )Aas same BSame Cas the same Dt

    7、he same17. Last year the temperature _D_ by 10 percent. ARaised BArose CAroused Drose 18、As we were leaving, we saw the _C_ man and his friends entering.Ared hair Bred-hair Cred-haired Dred-hairing 19、They said they were going to invite us on their daughters birthday. _C_ .AVery well, Ill go BAll ri

    8、ght, I like itCThats great. Ill look forward to itDIts OK. I feel excited 20、I have no idea _C_ he has said about the matter.AWhich BThat CWhat Dhow 21、How much is your new bike?_A_ .AIt costs me $200 BI cost $200 to buy itCIt spends me $200 DIt takes me $200 22、Despite _A_ to see him again, she ref

    9、used to reply to his letter.AWanting BWant Cto want Dshe wants 23、Compared this _C_ that, you will see which is better. AOn BUp CWith Dfor 24、Just for today, Im not going to insist that everything I do _C_ perfect.AWas BIs CBe Dare 25、 Tom as well as two of his classmates _ A_ invited to the party.

    10、AWas BWere CHas Dare 26、 Do you like collecting stamps?_C_ .ANo, not like BNo, not exact CNo, not really DNo, nothing 27、Good evening, madam. Would you like to sit here? _D_ .AVery good. You are very kindBFine. Thats no problemCYoure welcomeDId like to. Have a menu, please? 28、I would rather you _C_

    11、 tomorrow than today.ACome Bwill come CCame Dwould come29、Well, Im really attracted by the beautiful city._B_ ?AIsnt it? Whats that BReally? What impresses you mostCIs that so? Whats it DOK, what beautiful30、One should stick to _D_ one has begun. AThat BWhat CWhich Dwhatever 31、She has _C_ all her d

    12、ebts. Apaid in Bpaid out Cpaid of Dpaid out 32、 Please show me your library card. D AThis is my card BMy pleasureCGive it to you DHere you are 33、Ive got a raise for my salary. _A_ ! ACongratulations BThats OKCVery happy DIts fine 34、He was willing to do all _B_ he could to help his friends.AWhich B

    13、That CHow Dwhat 35、When will the performance begin?_C_ .AAbout one hour BAfter one hourCIn one hour DAt one hour 36、What date is it today? _D_ . AIts a fine day today BIts MarchCIts Monday DIts March 637、We are looking forward to _B_ the Great Wall again. AVisit BVisiting Chaving visited Dbeing visi

    14、ted38、John had six eggs. Mary added three, so now they all _C_ to nine.AEqual BAre Cadded up Dsum up39. The hostess _D_ until the guests were seated. Asat down Bwas sitting downCwas to sit down Ddidnt sit down40、 The teacher had no idea _B_ these two students argued about. AWho BWhat CThat Dwhy41 My

    15、 mother is ill. Could I leave tomorrow? _C_ . AGood. You can go BQuite well. Please leaveCNo problem. Please do DNot bad, if you like7、 According to some scientists, there are twelve huge plates that _A_ the outer surface of the earth. Amake out Bmake away Cmake off Dmake up 8、 Dont you think thats

    16、expensive? _A_ . ANot at all. Thats the best price in townBBelieve it or not. Its goodCIts impossible to cost so muchDIts cheap enough 9、Mercury freezes if it is cooled to _D_ . Aa low too temperature Ba too low temperatureCtoo low temperature Dtoo low a temperature 10 There are scientific ways _A_

    17、which man solves problems. Ain Bwith Cat Don 11、_B_ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. ABeing published BPublishedCPublishing DTo be published 12、 All things _A_ the trip will have to be called off. AConsidered Bbe consideredCConsidering Dto consider 15、I lost my money._D_

    18、. AOh, you will be more carefulBOh, you must be more carefulCOh, you would be more carefulDOh, you should have been more careful 17、With her yellow hair, Jane is _A_ girl as a fairy. Aas beautiful a Bas a beautifulCas a more beautiful Dso a beautiful 18、I _D_ for two hours but nobody has arrived yet

    19、. Aam waiting BWaited Chave waited Dhave been waiting 19、It is necessary that _C_ before 10:PM clock.Ashe returns home Bfor her to return homeCshe return home Dshe will return home 38、It is necessary that everything _A_ ready by 6: 00 p.m. (2.5 分)ABe Bwill be CShall Dwould be 25、Only last week I cal

    20、led at _B_ .Amy aunt Bmy aunts Cmy aunts Dmine aunt 28、Health depends _D_ good food, fresh air and enough sleep. AFrom BUp COver Don 32、 Id like to cash this check, please. _A_ ? CHECK:检查,核对,支票 AWhat kind of notes do you want BHow do you wantCWhat do you want DWhat can I do for you 33、In terms of th

    21、e rank of position, an associate professor is _C_ to a professor. ASuperior BBetter CInferior Dworse 34、Id rather you _C_ say anything about it for the time being.Adont Bwouldnt Cdidnt Dshouldnt35 Come on. Lets try the Chinese food. _C_ . AYou are so kind to let me have a tasteBYes, I will tryCMm it

    22、s so deliciousDThey are all good food 37、We were _D_ to leave before the train started. ALong BKeen CWorried Danxious 38、She glanced shyly _A_ him and then lowered her eyes. AAt BOff COn Dwith 39、 _B_ ? I have a headache, a sore throat and Im feeling rather weak.AWhat are you BWhats the matter with

    23、youCHow are you today DWhat can I do for you 2、According to _C_ they have told me, they should return within about one week. AThat BIt CWhat Dwhich 3 I wonder if I could take a few days off work._C_ . AIm sure you could leave off workBI should say a few days is no problemCWhy, whats the matter with

    24、youDNo, you mustnt go away 15、_B_ , he bought his wife a present.AOn his way to home BOn his way homeCIn his way home DIn his way to home 24、Is he very strict with you?_A_ . AYeah. He seldom smiles BYeah. He is not kindCYeah. He makes us excited DYeah. He is afraid 26、He was sure to be successful, f

    25、or he had always succeeded _C_ whatever he tried. AOf BAt CIn Dfor 33、The students will take winter vacation _C_ in February. ASometime BSometimes Csome time Dsome times 35、The lake shone _C_ glass in the moonlight and she _C_ it very much. Aliking, liked Bliked, like Clike, liked Dlike, likes 39、 D

    26、o you know what day is today? _A_ .AToday is Wednesday BIt is a fine dayCIt is February 11 DIt is raining1. Meal was ready. We stopped _B_.(2.5 分)ATalk BTalking Cto talk Dhaving talked 7、At no time during his speech _C_ that he would make another film soon. (2.5 分)Ahe mentioned Bhe should mentionCdi

    27、d he mention Dshould he mention 12、He raised his arm to _B_ his face from the blow. AProtest BProtect CPrevent Dstop 13. Im busy now, so I do not have _C_ time as before to spend on my stamps. AMuch BMore Cas much Dmore than 16、Health depends _D_ good food, fresh air and enough sleep. AFrom BUp COve

    28、r Don 18、The directors have a meeting every Friday, _C_ there is nothing to discuss. AIf Bin case CUnless Dwhen 19、In the past few years the school _C_ much money on its labs. Ahad spent BSpend Chas spent Dspent 27、She didnt like to _A_ the hotel bedroom with a stranger. AShare BLive CStay Dborrow 2

    29、8、Guangzhou is the most beautiful place _B_ I have ever visited. AWhere BThat CThere Dwhat 30、If I _B_ you, I _B_ that job. Awas, would take Bwere, would takeCwas, would have taken Dwere, would have taken 32、 _C_ I dont want to have anything to do with it. AIn part BPartly CFor my part DIn my part1. Any mistake, even _A_ one, would cause a great loss.A.the smal


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