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    部编本人教版精品资料七年级英语下册 综合复习讲义 新版人教新目标版必做资料.docx

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    部编本人教版精品资料七年级英语下册 综合复习讲义 新版人教新目标版必做资料.docx

    1、部编本人教版精品资料七年级英语下册 综合复习讲义 新版人教新目标版必做资料综合复习(讲义)一、单项选择(每题 1 分,共 15 分)( )1. ?It was great!A. How are youB. How is the weatherC. How did you get to schoolD. How was the show ( )2. ?He is a short man with curly hair.A. How is Mr. SmithB. What is Mr. Smith likeC. What does Mr. Smith look likeD. How does Mr

    2、. Smith like( )3. Jane can play the piano very well. She wants to be a like Langlang.A. host B. singer C. musician D. dancer ( )4. Why did you school late today?Because I _ late this morning.A. arrive at; woke up B. arrive in; wake upC. arrive at; wake up D. arrive in; woke up ( )5. Where is your fa

    3、ther?He the music in the room.A. is listening B. listens toC. is listening to D. listening to( )6. Jim sing Chinese songs very well now, but he do it last year.A. can; cant B. could; cantC. can; couldnt D. could; couldnt ( )7. Dad, why should I stop computer games?For your health, my boy, Im afraid

    4、you .A. to play; must B. playing; have toC. to play; can D. playing; may( )8. Please the meat and I want to make some dumplings.A. cut up B. cut downC. put up D. blow out( )9. How much do you usually on food and clothes every month?About ¥600.A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ( )10. Why are you standi

    5、ng, Alice?I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting me.A. behind B. next toC. between D. in front of( )11. Amy can play the piano, sing and dance but I cant do .A. any B. another C. other D. either( )12. I have to do. Please give me A. something; anythingB. nothing; somethingC. no

    6、thing; everythingD. anything; nothing( )13. Is there a No. 2 bus stop near here?to read.Yes, there is. at the second crossing, and you will find it.A. Turning left B. Turn leftC. To turn left D. Turns left ( )14. it is today!A. How cold B. What coldC. How a cold D. What a cold ( )15. do you want to

    7、go to a movie?Lets go at 6:00.A. Where B. When C. Why D. How二、完形填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)Jack arrived in a big city of China. When he got off the train, he felt very hungry ( 饥 饿 的 ) and wanted to 16 some food. But he didnt know 17 _ to get to a food shop, so he bought a18 of the city.Jack read the map care

    8、fully. Then he walked along Heping Street and 19 right when he saw the traffic lights. But he was 20 . He didnt find any food shops there!Jack went to ask a policeman 21 help. He couldnt speak any Chinese, so he 22 a piece of paper and drew a food shop on it. The policeman was 23 and he knew what Ja

    9、ck wanted to do. He told Jack to go 24 the bridge and then walk on for about 25 . The food shop was next to a big hospital.Jack found the food shop at last.( )16. A. bringB. catchC. makeD. have( )17. A. howB. whatC. whereD. when( )18. A. mapB. ticketC. photoD. calendar( )19. A. movedB. stayedC. turn

    10、edD. got( )20. A. goodB. badC. rightD. wrong( )21. A. ofB. forC. withD. from( )22. A. put awayC. put upB. came outD. took out( )23. A. cleverB. luckyC. interestingD. happy( )24. A. pastB. acrossC. throughD. above( )25. A. 100gB. 100 cmC. 100 mD. 100 km三、阅读理解(每题 1 分,共 20 分)AThree boys, Tom, Sam and J

    11、im bought seventeen apples. Tom wanted the half (一半). Sam wanted one-third (三分之一), and Jim wanted one-ninth (九分之一). But they didnt know how to do it.Just at that time, a little boy came with an apple in his hand. The boy said to them, “Dont worry. Let me help you.” Then he put his apple into their a

    12、pples, and made the number of the apples eighteen. Then he gave Tom nine apples, he gave Sam six apples and he gave Jim two apples. He gave away seventeen apples and took his apple back.The three boys were very happy. And they said: “How clever the boy is!”根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。( )26. There were _apples wh

    13、en the three boys divided (分配) them.A. fifteen B. sixteen C. seventeen D. eighteen ( )27. What was the three boys problem?A. They couldnt eat the apples.B. They couldnt go home.C. They couldnt divide the apples.D. They wanted to borrow some apples.( )28. What did the little boy do to help them?A. He

    14、 put his apple into theirs when he divided the apples.B. He kept an apple to divide the apples.C. He got one apple from another man.D. He ate an apple before he divided them. ( )29. Which one is right?A. The three boys asked the little boy to divide their apples.B. The little boy helped them to divi

    15、de their apples.C. The little boy wanted to help them.D. The little boy wanted to take away their apples.( )30. The underlined sentence “How clever the boy is!” means in Chinese.A. 这个男孩是多么地感激啊!B. 他怎么样才能聪明啊!C. 这是一个什么样的男孩啊!D. 多么聪明的男孩啊!BIn England, afternoon tea is the most informal (非正式)meal of a day.

    16、 It is taken between four and five. If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea at any time. Very often it is not taken at a table. The members of the family and visitors take the tea in thesitting room. Each person has a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹) and a small plate for bread and

    17、butter (黄油) and cakes. By the way, do not help yourself to cakes first, bread and butter first, and then cake. Do remember: Though you can eat as much as you want,do not put more than ( 超 过 ) one piece of bread or cake on yourplate each time.( )31. In England, afternoon tea is usually taken .A. betw

    18、een breakfast and lunchB. in the middle of dayC. early in the afternoonD. late in the afternoon( )32. A real English afternoon tea has .A. tea onlyB. both tea and foodC. tea food and vegetablesD. the same things as other meals( )33. If you want to have afternoon tea in a friends home, .A. you must s

    19、end a message before you goB. you must take food with youC. you may go only when youre asked toD. you may go at any time( )34. Help yourself to .A. cake firstB. bread and butter firstC. either bread first or cake firstD. only one piece of bread or cake( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Eac

    20、h person has a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹) and a small plate for the afternoon tea.B. Afternoon tea is often taken in the sitting room.C. For afternoon tea, people use cups only.D. Afternoon tea is often taken with bread and cake.CJune 14th Saturday RainyMy friend Dale phoned me to go to the b

    21、each this morning. But it started to rain after breakfast. I just watched the boring TV show at home.JimJune 15th Sunday SunnyI had a busy Sunday. In the morning, I went to the art club to learn to draw for two hours. Then I cleaned the rooms. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner with my mother for my

    22、father. Do you know why? It was my fathers birthday! In the evening, my parents and I went to see a movie.Ruth( )36. When did Eric have the basketball game?A. On Sunday. B. On a sunny day.C. On June 7th. D. On June 14th. ( )37. Jim couldnt go to the beach because .A. he had to watch the basketball g

    23、ameB. he had to learn to drawC. he cleaned the rooms at homeD. it started to rain after breakfast.( )38. What did Ruth think of her Sunday?A. Exciting. B. Bad. C. Boring. D. Busy. ( )39. The word “won” means .A. 赢得 B. 输掉 C. 放弃 D. 对抗( )40. Which one is TRUE?A. It was sunny when Eric had the basketbal

    24、l game.B. Ruths fathers birthday is on June 15th.C. Jim learned to draw and cleaned the rooms on Sunday morning.D. Ruth went to see a movie with Jim and Eric.DMiss Li is going for a trip in some cities in the country. She wants to go to Beijing or Hangzhou by plane. But she doesnt know what the weat

    25、her will ( 将 ) be like tomorrow. Now she is watchingthe weather forecast (预报) on TV.“Good evening! And here is the weather report for the next twenty-four hours. Most of north China will have a cold day with a lot of snow. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huaihai River. In the south i

    26、t will be fine in the day, but at night it will be rainy. The rain will be very heavy in some places. Beijing will havesnow. The temperature (温度) will be from 0 to 3. Hangzhouwill be foggy (有雾的) with the temperature from 6 to 14.” ( )41. How will be the weather in Beijing tomorrow?A. Sunny. B. Windy

    27、. C. Cloudy. D. Snowy. ( )42. What is Miss Li going to do?A. Shes going for a trip in the country.B. Shes going to give the weather forecast on TV.C. Shes going to watch the weather forecast on TV.C. She is going to visit her friend in some cities. ( )43. Whats the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?A.

    28、 From 6 to 14. B. From 0 to 3.C. From 3 to 14. D. From 0 to 6.( )44. Can Miss Li go to Hangzhou by plane tomorrow according to (根据) the weather forecast? Why or why not?A. Yes, because it will be a fine day tomorrow.B. No, because it will be rainy there tomorrow.C. No, because it will be cloudy ther

    29、e tomorrow.D. No, because it will be foggy there tomorrow.( )45. Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?A. It will be rainy in Beijing tomorrow.B. It will be fine at night in the south.C. Beijing and Hangzhou dont have fine weather for trips tomorrow.D. Most of North China will be windy and

    30、 rainy.四、词语运用(每题 1 分,共 10 分)A. 根据句意和首字母提示完成下列单词。46. Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?Sorry, Im just a v here.47. Please be q . I cant hear what they are talking about.48. L , I got a taxi at this time of night and got home early.49. Who w the answers on the blackboard?Our teacher did.50. Lin Zhi

    31、ying is 38 years old, but he still looks very h .B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。51. It takes Jim around half an hour (get) to school from Monday to Friday.52. Jenny is a very (friend) girl. She likes helping others.53. I just want to stay at home. It is raining _ outside.54. Everyone (be) at home last Saturday.55. There are shoes of all (size) in the store.五、补全对话(每题 2 分,共 10 分)W: waiter S: Sally(heavy)W: Good afternoon. 56.


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