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    1、份高自考英语语法试题及答案全国卷2001年4月份高自考英语语法试题及答案(全国卷)2001年4月份高自考英语语法试题及答案(全国卷)(英语本科专业)I、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每题1分,共20分) Choose the best answer from the choices given: 1. In the end , he _. a. got invited b. gets invited c. was invited d. was to be invited 2. He wore dark glasses to avoid _. a. having been spotted b.

    2、to be spotted c. spotted d. being spotted 3. A new theory _ before it can be put into practice. a. must be tested b. be tested c. can be tested d. to be tested 4. Sooner than _ for others, she started her own business. a. working b. worked c. to work d. work 5. I cant afford as _ car as this one. a.

    3、 expensive a b. an expensive c. a more expensive d. a most expensive 6. Do what I tell you -_! a. or else b. or so c. and that d. and do 7. This is the house _ windows were broken. a. whose b. which c. its d. of which 8. A hot shower, a cup of milk, a bag of potato chips, and then a good sleep _ the

    4、 luxury that he needed after the examination. a. are b. was c. were d. is 9. Every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and every cry for help then _ like knife cutting deep into his heart. a. was b. are c. were d. is 10. I expect all the letters _ promptly. a. being typed b. to be typed c. having

    5、been typed d. to have been typed 11. The information was later admitted _ from unreliable sources. a. to be obtained b. to have been obtained c. that it has been obtained d. that it was obtained 12. For a child to give up less mature idea for a more sophisticate one, it requires that the child_ psyc

    6、hologically ready for the new idea. a. is b. be c. were d. would be 13. We still have a lot of problems _. a. unsolved b. unsolving c. unsolve d. to be unsolved 14. He regretted _ her the truth. a. having told b. to have told c. had told d. to tell 15. Domestic-made TV sets are not _ imported ones a

    7、t all. a. more inferior than b. inferior to c. inferior than d. more inferior as 16. _ by accident _ by design, he arrived too late to help us. a. Not only.but also b. Neither.nor c. Whether.or d. Both.and 17._ , he managed to remain among the top 5% of his class. a. To work hard as he did b. Workin

    8、g hard as he did c. Work hard as he did d. Worked hard as he did 18. They left the door open _ to hear the baby. a. so as for me b. so that me c. in order for me d. and for me 19. New machinery _ arriving tomorrow. a. will be b. is c. are d. shall be 20. The family _ able to come to a unanimous cons

    9、ent that the child must be operated on as quickly as possible. a. were b. is c. are d. was II.多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分) Fill in the blanks with one of the items given below: 21. From _ time we learned to count, _ of us knew how old wed be in the Year 2000. the, a, every, none, all 22. The Winter Olym

    10、pics did not prove especially popular among Americans this year. First, the weather was _ historical disaster from the beginning of the events. _ snow began falling the very first day. a, the, any, some, all 23. _ of us decides what to take into the future and what to leave behind. Thats why_ arriva

    11、l of the Year 2000 has become such a personal moment. each, every, all, the, a 24. I _ coffee, give me some tea. will go, have gone, go, through, off, on 25. Put the food where the cat_ it. Didnt come, has come, cant come, at , around, with III.填空题(本大题共20小题,每题1分,共20分) Fill in the blanks with an appr

    12、opriate unit noun: 26. a _ of coughing 27. a _ of lightning 28. a _ of bees 29. a _ of advice Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given: 30. Jane appears as though she _(know) the secret. 31. Two players _(send) off the field during last Saturdays match. 32. Ive f

    13、orgotten to return the key of the safe. People _(must look) everywhere for it. Fill in the blank with an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: 33. It was an island _ name I have forgotten. 34. He carried his luggage all the way home, _ was actually unnecessary. 35. He soon made it clear _ he had

    14、asked for a meeting. 36. The police arrived, after _ the situation became calmer. Fill in the blank with an appropriate conjunct: 37. We visited Nimes ad Arles, _ , two ancient cities. 38. He has not paid his debts and, _ , he has no intention of paying. 39. Theyll be back in an hour. _ , we could p

    15、lay chess. Fill in the blank with an appropriate pronoun: 40. The only thing _ impresses me is her directness. 41. He is a top student at school, _ his brother never was. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition: 42. I hid my gun _ the pillow. 43. I dont go _ men of his type. Fill in the bl

    16、ank with an appropriate form of the word given: 44. Jane is hardly _(smart) than Mrs. White. 45. She is the _(tall) of the two. IV.改错题(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) Correct errors in the following sentences: 46. We must hurry, other wise the meeting will begin when we get there. 47. I think the students see to

    17、o many love stories these days to be realistic. 48. The company has promised a rise to salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. 49. He suddenly saw the answer to the problem that has occupied his mind for the last two years. 50. Please do not smoke until after the plane takes off. 51. As she i

    18、s tired of working as a secretary, she thinks of finding another job. 52. Francis Bacon wrote that reading made a full man. 53. Go and get some fresh air! You were sitting here all morning. V.改写句子(本大题共14小题,每题2分,共28分) Rewrite the following sentences as required: 54.Turning the following imperatives i

    19、nto the tag question form:Dont let the children stay up too late on weekends. 55. Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form: Lets do it together. 56. Turning the following statement into a YES-NO question: I have already finished the assignment the teacher gave us last week. 57. T

    20、urning the singular nouns or noun phrases into plural forms wherever possible with other necessary changes: A traffic accident often occurs at a crossroads. 58. Using subjunctive mood: A neighbour acted quickly and thus stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors. 59. Using a non-finite verb

    21、: I dont think she would admit that she had sold the house . 60. Combining sentences using comparative degree (more.than.): Susan is intelligent. Mary is not that intelligent. 61. Combining the sentences into one that contains a relative clause: You sent my son an English-Chinese dictionary. Thank y

    22、ou very much. 62. Combining the sentences into one that contains a relative clause: Twenty horses were put into the corral. They were to be trained for riding. 63. Rewrite the following sentence using a disjunct: It is natural that as a beginner he isnt a good driver yet. 64. Rewrite the following s

    23、entence as required: (Using either you or I as the subject) We were responsible for the mistake. 65. Rewrite the following sentence using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: If you travel often, keep a collection of necessities pre-packed. Keeping a collection of necessities pre-packed will giv

    24、e you time to pare the nonessentials. 66. Rewrite the following sentence using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: My wife and I are going to dine out this evening. In fact, we dine out every weekend. 67. Rewrite the following sentences beginning each with anticipatory it: a. This question is v

    25、ery easy to answer. b. You seem to have taken a dislike to him VI.名词解释(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分) Define the following terms with examples: 68. WH-question 69. non-finite verbs VII.简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 70. How is aspect related to time? 71. What are inherent adjectives? 72. What is the difference between

    26、 reference and substitution? 73. Identify (a) the subject, and (b) the theme, of each of the sentences below. Say whether the theme occurs as S (subject), Cs (subject complement), Od (direct object), Co (object complement), Cp (prepositional complement), P (predication) or V (verb) a. My husband wil

    27、l carry your suitcase. b. Not one girl in ten can a young man trust these days. 74.Answer the question below by using (a) the information given in brackets, and (b) the passive voice as a means of achieving end-focus. Who invented the telephone? (Graham Bell, in 1876) 英语语法试题参考答案 I. 单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)

    28、 1、a 2、d3、a4、d5、a6、a7、a8、c9、a 10、b 11、b 12、b 13、a 14、a 15、b 16、c 17、b 18、c 19、b 20、a II. 多项选择填空题(每小题2分,共10分,) 21. the , all 22. a, Some 23. Each, the 24. have gone off 25. Cant come at III. 填空题(每题1分,共20分) 26. fit 27. flash 28. swarm 29. piece 30. had known 31. were sent 32. must have been looking 33

    29、. whose 34. which 35. why 36. which 37. that is 38. worse still 39. Meanwhile 40. that (用 which应看作错误) 41. which (用 who应看作错误) 42. under 43. for 44. smarter 45. taller IV. 改错题(每小题1分,共8分) Correct errors in the following sentences: 46. We must hurry, otherwise the meeting will have begun when we get the

    30、re. 47. I think the students are seeing too many love stories these days to be realistic. 47. The company has been promising a rise to salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. 49. He suddenly saw the answer to the problems that had occupied his mind for the last two years. 50. Please do not smoke until after the plane has taken off. 51. As she is tired of working as a secretary, she is thinking of finding another job. 52. Francis Bacon wrote that reading makes a full man. 53. Go and get some fresh air! You have been sitting here all morning. V.


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