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    重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 论文教学档案1.docx

    1、重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 论文教学档案1重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 (论文)教学档案 题 目 火灾报警-CAN中继器的设计 系 别 自动化系 专 业 名 称 电气自动化技术 班 级 1 班 学 生 学 号 学 生 姓 名 赵文思 指导教师(职称) 杜李苹 (助教) 完 成 时 间 最 终 评 定 成 绩 重庆邮电大学移通学院教务处制 年 月 目 录 1. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)任务书 12. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 (论文)开题报告 33. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)教师指导记录 44. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 基本情况 55. 重庆邮电大学移

    2、通学院毕业设计(论文) 指导教师评语表 66. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 (论文) 评阅意见表 77. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 答辩记录表 88. 重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见 10重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目 火灾报警-CAN中继器的设计 学生姓名 赵文思 系别 自动化系 专业 电气自动化技术 班级 1班 指导教师 杜李苹 职称 助教 联系电话 指导教师所在单位 重庆邮电大学移通学院 主 要 研 究 内 容 、 方 法 和 要 求 进 度 计 划 主 要 参 考 文 献指导教师签字: 年 月 日教研室主任签字: 年 月 日

    3、备注:此任务书于第一学期第十六周前各系发放给指导教师,指导教师填写完整后于下学期第一周内交回各系,由各系进行统计并组织学生于第二周进行选题,确定选题后,交至辅导员于第三周发放给学生。毕业设计于第四周开始进行。重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 (论文)开题报告设计(论文)题目 火灾报警CAN中继器的设计 学生姓名 赵文思 系别 自动化系 专业 电气自动化技术 班级 1班 研究基本内容、拟解决的主要问题 研 究 方 法 、 步 骤 及 措 施 研 究 进 度 计 划学生意见学生签字 年 月 日 指导 教师 意见指导教师签字: 年 月 日备注:此报告应根据下达的毕业设计(论文)任务书,在指导教师的指导下

    4、由学生独立撰写,并于毕业设计(论文)开始后一周内完成。重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)教师指导记录设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 系别 专业 班级 指导教师 职称 联系电话 指导教师所在单位 指导教师的指导过程记录 年 月 日一稿指导过程及意 见 年 月 日二稿指导过程及意见 年 月 日定稿指导过程及意见 年 月 日重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 基本情况设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 性别 专业 班级 毕业论文设计主要内容简介 学生签字_ 年 月 日关键词重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 指导教师评语表设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 系别 专业 班级 指导教师 职称 联系电话 指导教师所在

    5、单位 评定内容学习态度任务完成情况论文写作质量外语水平总评评分标准20分45分25分10分100分评定得分指导教师评语 指导教师签字: 年 月 日重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计 (论文) 评阅意见表设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 系别 专业 班级 评阅教师 职称 联系电话 评阅教师所在单位 评 价 项 目评分标准评定得分选题质量01选题符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求3002题目难易度03题目工作量04理论意义或实际价值能力水平05查阅文献资料能力4006综合运用知识能力07研究方案的设计能力08研究方法和手段的运用能力09外文应用能力成果质量10文题相符3011写作水平12写作规范13篇幅1

    6、4成果的理论或实际价值评阅人评定总成绩评语评阅人签字 年 月 日重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 答辩记录表设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 系别 专业 班级 指导教师 指导教师职称 答辩地点 答辩时间 项目论文讲述对论文的总体评价回答问题总分评分标准30分40分30分100分教师一教师二教师三教师四教师五总 评学生对设计(论文)自述情况:提问及学生答辩情况记录:提问一:答 辩:提问二:答 辩:提问三:答 辩:提问四:答 辩:提问五:答 辩:答辩小组综合评定记录:答辩小组评定成绩: 答辩小组组长签名: 年 月 日重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 系别

    7、专业 班级 指导教师评定成绩(A)评阅教师评定成绩(B)答辩小组评定成绩(C)答辩委员会评定成绩(原则上按照A0.3B0.3C0.4)评语系答辩委员会主任(签字): 年 月 日 毕业 设计(论文)最终等级系审定最终等级: 签章: 年 月 日外文资料Single-chipSCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU that it was first used in industrial control.Only a single chi

    8、p by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTELsZ80 is the first designed in accordance with t

    9、his idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways.Are 8-bit microcontroller early or4 bits. One of the most successful is the INTEL 8031, for a simple, reliable and good performance was a lot of praise. Then developed in 8031 out of MCS51 MCU Sy

    10、stems. SCM systems based on this system until now is still widely used. With the increased requirements of industrial control field, began a 16-bit microcontroller, because the cost is not satisfactory but have not been very widely used. After 90 years with the great development of consumer electron

    11、ics, microcontroller technology has been a huge increase. With INTEL i960 series, especially the later series of widely used ARM, 32-bit microcontroller quickly replace high-end 16-bit MCU status and enter the mainstream market. The traditional 8-bit microcontroller performance have been the rapid i

    12、ncrease capacity increase compared to 80 the number of times. Currently, high-end 32-bit microcontroller clocked over 300MHz, the performance catching the mid-90s dedicated processor, while the average model prices fall to one U.S. dollars, the most high-end 1 model only 10 dollars.Modern SCM system

    13、s are no longer only in the development and use of bare metal environment, a large number of proprietary embedded operating system is widely used in the full range of SCM. The handheld computers and cell phones as the core processing of high-end microcontroller can even use a dedicated Windows and L

    14、inux operating systems.SCM is more suitable than the specific processor used in embedded systems, so it was up to the application. In fact the number of SCM is the worlds largest computer. Modern human life used in almost every piece of electronic and mechanical products will be integrated single ch

    15、ip.Phone, telephone, calculator, home appliances, electronic toys, handheld computers and computer accessories such as a mouse with a 1-2 in both the Department of SCM. Personal computer will have a large number of SCM in the work. General car with more than 40 SCM, complex industrial control system

    16、s may even have hundreds of SCM in the same time work! SCM is not only far exceeds the number of PC and other computing the sum, or even more than the number of human beingsSingle chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not complete a certain logic chips, but to a computer system inte

    17、grated into a chip.Equivalent to a micro-computer, and computer than just the lack of a microcontroller I / O devices. General talk: a chip becomes a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the study, application and development of facilities provided. At the same time, learning to use th

    18、e MCU is to understand the principle and structure of the computer the best choice.SCM and the computer functions internally with similar modules, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, the same effect as well, and hard disk memory devices, and different is its performance of these components were relat

    19、ively weak many of our home computer, but the price is low , usually not more than 10 yuan you can do with it . some control for a class is not very complicated electrical work is enough of. We are using automatic drum washing machine, smoke hood, VCD and so on appliances which could see its shadow!

    20、 . It is primarily as a control section of the core componentsIt is an online real-time control computer, control-line is that the scene is needed is a stronger anti-jamming ability, low cost, and this is, and off-line computer (such as home PC), the main difference.Single chipMCU is through running

    21、, and can be modified. Through different procedures to achieve different functions, in particular special unique features, this is another device much effort needs to be done, some great efforts are very difficult to do. A not very complex functions if the 50s with the United States developed 74 ser

    22、ies, or the 60s CD4000 series of these pure hardware buttoned, then the circuit must be a large PCB board! But if the United States if the 70s with a series of successful SCM market, the result will be a drastic change! Just because you are prepared by microcomputer programs can achieve high intelli

    23、gence, high efficiency and high reliability!As the microcontroller on the cost-sensitive, so now the dominant software or the lowest level assembly language, which is the lowest level in addition to more than binary machine code language, and as so low why is the use? Many high-level language has re

    24、ached the level of visual programming Why is not it? The reason is simply that there is no home computer as a single chip CPU, not as hard as a mass storage device.A visualization of small high-level language program which even if only one button, will reach tens of K of size! For the home PCs hard

    25、drive in terms of nothing, but in terms of the MCU is not acceptable. SCM in the utilization of hardware resources to be very high for the job so although the original is still in the compilation of a lot of use. The same token, if the giant computer operating system and applications run up to get h

    26、ome PC, home PC, also can not afford to.Can be said that the twentieth century across the three power era, that is, the age of electricity, the electronic age and has entered into the computer age. However, this computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the

    27、 host, keyboard, monitor and other components. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to give all kinds of intelligent machines single chip (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system took only a minimal integrated circuit, can be a s

    28、imple operation and control. Because it is small, usually hidden in the charged mechanical stomach in. It is in the device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole plant was paralyzed. Now, this microcontroller has a very broad field of use, such as smart meters, real-time indust

    29、rial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, and household appliances. Once all kinds of products were using SCM, can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of products, often in the product name preceded by the adjective - intelligent, such as intelligent washing machines. Now some techn

    30、ical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complicated, that function is too simple and can easily be copied. The reason may be stuck in the product did not use a microcontroller or other programmable logic device.SCM historySCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SOC three stages.First model 1.SCM the


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