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    1、奥鹏大工15秋大学英语1远程英语1在线测试2满分答案奥鹏大工15秋大学英语1(远程英语1)在线测试2满分答案一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)1. The _ price will save you one dollar for each dozen.A. reduceB. reducedC. reducingD. being reduced答 案:B电大英语1考试答案2. Information technology is taught in most schools, _ we have entered the information society.A. soB. while

    2、C. stillD. for答 案:D3. The sick man finally got _A. goodB. fineC. wellD. more答 案:C4. _ me go. It is very important for me.A. Do letB. Let doC. Doing letD. To do let答 案:A5. _ up early tomorrow, or you cant catch the train.A. GettingB. GetC. To getD. Got答 案:B6. They got the work _ before the rainy seas

    3、on set in.A. to doB. doneC. doingD. did答 案:B7. Although John was the oldest in the family, he always let his sister _ charge of the house.A. to takeB. takingC. takeD. taken答 案:C8. _ a foreign language, one must have a lot of practice.A. For masteringB. MasteringC. To masterD. Master答 案:C9. _ it is t

    4、oday!A. How coldB. What coldC. How a coldD. What a cold答 案:A10. Where did you get that handsome picture? It was _ by my father.A. given for usB. a gift to usC. given to usD. a gift for us答 案:C11. For a person with reading habits, a printed page contains not only words _ ideas, thoughts and feelings.

    5、A. yetB. andC. orD. but答 案:D12. Our city is _ yours.A. as bigger asB. as bigger thanC. biger thanD. as big as答 案:D13. I asked him whether he had done all the work himself _ he had had any assistance.A. andB. butC. norD. or答 案:D14. English is understood all over the world _ Turkey is spoken by only a

    6、 few people outside Turkey itself.A. whileB. whenC. ifD. as答 案:A15. There _ some very bad storms recently.A. have hadB. have beenC. has hadD. are答 案:B16. It took us more than two hours _ the dinner.A. prepareB. preparingC. to prepareD. be prepared答 案:C17. The Yellow River is not so _ as the Yangtze

    7、River.A. longerB. longC. longestD. along答 案:B18. _ clever girl she is!A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How答 案:A19. I was on the point of going to bed _ Mr. Zhang rang.A. asB. whenC. whileD. and答 案:B20. _ in the street. Its dangerous.A. Not playB. Not to playC. Dont playD. Dont to play答 案:C奥鹏大工15秋大学英语1(远程英

    8、语1)在线测试2二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)1. Did Thomas come here yesterday? No, he did.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A2. Which sports are you interested in?A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B3. Given enough time, I could pass the exam.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B4. They have decided to give up this opportunity.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B5. How much books do you want to

    9、 buy?A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A6. The duties of a postman are to be delivered letters and newspapers.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A7. The two classmates said goodbye and went their respectable ways.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A8. She brought some toys for the children play with.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A9. Is Lin Lin in Class 3? No, she isnt.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B10. Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B2F0A53C64C73441F


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