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    1、本科毕业设计礼貌策略在国际商务谈判中的运用中文摘要商务谈判是利益双方为了共同利益达成协议的一种过程,本质上是一种言语交际活动。从某种程度上说,和谐、友好、合作的谈判环境能够使的谈判有效地进行,而有效的谈判则能够从语言使用艺术上获得。因此,谈判双方应选择恰当的语言技巧和策略。其中,礼貌策略在商务谈判中应用极为广泛,也是一种行之有效的办法。本文试分析商务谈判的语言特征,并从商务谈判的例子中分析礼貌策略的合理运用及恰当表达方式,从而得出礼貌语言策略能够增加谈判者之间的信任度,提供谈判中的自觉性,增加谈判成功的机会。关键词: 国际商务谈判;礼貌策略;语用策略ContentsAbstract i摘要 i

    2、i1. Introduction and Literature Review 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Literature review 12. Language Features of Business Negotiation and the Definition of Politeness 32.1 Language features of business negotiation 32.1.1 Idiomatic and professional terms 32.1.2 Abundant uses of polite languages 32.1.3 Vague

    3、languages 42.2 The definition of politeness 43. Politeness Principle as a Strategy in International Business Negotiation 63.1 Politeness principle (PP) and relevant theories 63.1.1 Leechs politeness principle 63.1.2 Six maxims of politeness principle 63.2 Politeness strategies 73.2.1 Positive polite

    4、ness strategy 73.2.2 Negative politeness strategy 73.3 The functions of politeness strategy in international business negotiation 83.3.1 The benefit of face maintenance 83.3.2 The benefit of cooperative relations 83.3.3 The benefit of establishment of harmonious negotiation atmosphere 83.3.4 The ben

    5、efit of strategy adaptations 93.3.5 The benefit of ones own interests maintenance 94. Application of Politeness Strategy in International Business Negotiation 104. 1 Application of tact maxim 104.2 Application of generosity maxim 124.3 Application of humorous expressions 134.4 Application of euphemi

    6、stic expressions 144.5 Application of persuasive expressions 155. Conclusion 17Note 18Bibliography 19Acknowledgements 201. Introduction and Literature Review1.1 IntroductionWith the development of globalization, trades with other countries become more and more frequent than ever before. A win-win si

    7、tuation is the most desired one that both parties with common and conflicting interests pursue. In business, it is mostly through negotiations that both parties bridge the difference and reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal.Business negotiation plays a fundamental role in a transaction becaus

    8、e negotiators need to negotiate with each other before signing a contract. If a negotiator is only familiar with the knowledge in trade, then he/she might not be able to deal with transaction successfully. But if he/she knows and utilizes some pragmatic strategies, the business activities will proce

    9、ed smoothly and lead to what is desired and expected. Politeness, a social phenomenon, touches upon every aspect of life. According to politeness theory, politeness serves to both reflect and regulate social distance (Brown & Levison, 1987).Since business negotiation is not only a complex human acti

    10、vity but also a process in which at least two or more parties with common and conflicting interests try to reach an agreement of mutual benefits, it is of great value to use polite strategy in business negotiation, which not only establishes and maintains but improves the social relationship with ea

    11、ch other. Only in this way can both parties establish and maintain a harmonious, friendly and cooperative atmosphere with some appropriate, efficient and effective strategies. Among them, politeness strategy is the most commonly used one that contributes to a successful business negotiation. Not onl

    12、y does the thesis focus on the language features of business negotiation, the theory of politeness principle and its maxims and the politeness strategy, but also emphasize how to use politeness strategy in international business negotiation, especially with the use of abundant examples.1.2 Literatur

    13、e ReviewBusiness negotiation is a kind of economic activity which is essentially through the carrier of language driven by interests. As the starting point of economic activities, negotiation plays a significant role in successful transactions. However, people in real communication often do not keep

    14、 them, even intentionally violate the cooperative principle (Grice, 1975). In order to solve this phenomenon, a great amount of scholars had spent a great deal of time in studying it at home and abroad. Below are some famous scholars who make great contribution to the success of business negotiation

    15、 from the pragmatic angles. The English scholar, Leech advances the use of language about courtesy problem. As to the pragmatic study about politeness, Leech (1983) puts forward another pragmatic principle-the Politeness Principle (PP) from angles of rhetoric and style on the basis of Grices coopera

    16、tion principle. He holds the idea that its very common that the misuse of language or rudeness or misunderstanding caused by ignorance of others exists in communication, whereas, politeness through language does is the most commonly used method and the most important pragmatic principle in successfu

    17、l communication. He Ziran (1988), the domestic scholar, also holds that polite language is actually a pragmatic strategy. Xu Chenghuan (1902) thinks that polite language is the leverage that language communication may involve parties, which plays the role in adjusting personal relationships. This is

    18、 similar to the idea of Lakoff that the polite language among people is a method of reducing friction when communicating. Whereas, professor Ran Yongping (2007) regards that politeness is an expectation associated with the most optimal relevance effect, and it is the result of understanding from a c

    19、ognitive-pragmatic perspective of politeness and language choice. Whats more, he holds that language, in the form of itself, does not exist in polite problems. Politeness principle is that in the same other conditions, minimizing the expression of impolite beliefs (He Zhaoxiong, 2000:164-165).2. Lan

    20、guage Features of Business Negotiation and the Definition of Politeness2.1 Language Features of Business Negotiation2.1.1 Idiomatic and Professional TermsThere is a series of idiomatic and professional terms in business negotiation. Generally speaking, different terms or expressions are used in diff

    21、erent situations. For instance, in sales purchases negotiation, it includes price, quality, packing, shipping, insurance, etc. In engineering construction negotiations, it has costs, time limit, commencement, completion and the right to use, etc. All these idiomatic and professional terms have the c

    22、haracteristic of simplicity and pertinence. And the following examples are from Business Correspondence (A Wainwright, 2001).(1) Our usual term of payment is by D/P at 30 days sight.(2) Taking into consideration the transport conditions at your end, we have especially reinforced our packing in order

    23、 to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods. (3) If the transaction is concluded on the CIF or CFR Singapore basis, the buyer must have the right to appoint the forwarding company.(4) We regret to say we are unable to accept your order at the previous prices because of a recent rise

    24、in the cost of materials.(5) The goods, before being loaded at the port of shipment, must be inspected by an inspection institution agreeable to the buyer in the presence of the buyers representative.(6) We should like to know if you can undertake insurance of these goods A.A.R.To sum up, idiomatic

    25、and professionalized terms are not only the basic features of business negotiation, but also the necessary parts in the business negotiation as well as in the contract.2.1.2 Abundant Uses of Polite Languages Polite languages create a harmonious negotiation atmosphere for both parties in order to mak

    26、e solid foundation for long term business relationships. In foreign trade communication, no matter agreements or disagreements of ones ideas, it is of great significance to use polite language to show appreciation. The reason is that the success of every transaction depends on the cooperative relati

    27、ons of each other. And the following examples are from English- Foreign Trade Talk in English (Qin Chuan, 2004).(7) -Its very kind of you to come and see me off at the airport, Ms. Wenhui. -My pleasure, Mr. Wilson.(8) This way please.(9) Thanks for helping me.(10)Thank you once again for everything

    28、youve done.To sum up, “please, thank you, kindly, appreciate, its very kind of you, my pleasure,” etc. are the frequently used expressions in all sections during the course of business negotiation.2.1.3 Vague LanguagesFor the sake of avoiding inconvenience and misunderstanding, language in business

    29、negotiation, whether in the oral form or written form of conversation, should be clear and precise. However, in real practice, its very easy for negotiators to misuse words. Misusing language will lead to an embarrassing situation where both parties disagree with each other while its not convenient

    30、for them to discuss it directly. Furthermore, sometimes negotiators cannot express their ideas clearly, or they would not like to say it clearly for some pragmatic purposes, in which cases they prefer to put vague languages to rational use. Using vague languages will make the massage sent out obscur

    31、e in order to avoid what have been said being too fixed so that it can ease up the awkward situation. Vague languages have often been treated as a politeness strategy playing an active role in business negotiation. From pragmatics, vague languages have the function of maintaining the “face” (Brown&L

    32、evinson, 1987). It can not only assuage the negotiating atmosphere, but also can sound out his opponents intentions. The examples below are from English for Business Negotiation (2nd Edition) (Ding Hengqi, Zhang Jing, 2009).(11) We could only tell you that we will try our best to advance the time of delivery.(12) We have always insisted on the principle of “equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods”, but we have adopted much more flexible method in our dealing method in our dealings nowadays. (13) We would


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