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    最新中考英语分类汇编 专题训练含答案解析 补全对话.docx

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    最新中考英语分类汇编 专题训练含答案解析 补全对话.docx

    1、最新中考英语分类汇编 专题训练含答案解析 补全对话(2019安徽)VII. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A. Thats not true.B. For about three months.C. How do you celebrate it.D. I believe you will love it.E. You mean in your hometown.F. I cant wait for the coming of that day.G. If so, you can come to cel

    2、ebrate it with my family.A: Lucy, how long have you been in China?B: 66 A: Wow! Thats a long time.B: Yes, and Im going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here.A: 67 B: Can I? Thats very kind of you!A: 68 Well celebrate it in the countryside. B: 69 A: Yes, Im sure youll l

    3、earn a lot about Chinese traditions there.B: Sounds great! 70 A: Looking forward to your coming.【交际话题】 节假日活动【答案】66-70BGDEF【解析】66. B 从上句“how long have you been in China?”知,答语应该是一段时间。故选B。67. G 上句Lucy提到想在中国过中秋节,下句Lucy表达感谢。由此推知,这里A在邀请Lucy去他家过中秋节。故选G。68. D 从空后句“Well celebrate it in the countryside.(我们在乡下

    4、过中秋节)”推知,A肯定会对Lucy说,你肯定会喜欢在那过中秋节的。故选D。69. E 从上句“Well celebrate it in the countryside.(我们在乡下过中秋节)”知,Lucy猜测,你说的乡下是否就是你的家乡?故选E。70. F 当听到A表达肯定并说能了解许多中国传统的东西时,Lucy肯定会迫不及待。故选F。A. When was it ?B. Its on Red Tree Street.C. Hows it going with you?D. Its next Monday, the 17th.E. Did you spend a lot of money?(

    5、2019四川成都)B .补全对话根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)Holly: Hey, Luke. 41 Luke: Pretty good. You know 1 moved into a new house.Holly: Really? 42 Luke: A week ago.Holly: Wheres your new house?Luck: 43 Holly: Thats a good place. 44 Luke: Yes. Its expensive but nice. All my family like it.Holly: C

    6、ongratulations! I guess youll have a house-warming party, right?Luke: Of course. 45 Will you come then?Holly:Cool. I cant wait to see your new house.话题:房屋与住所41.C【解析】由下文的答语“Pretty good.”可知上文问的是过得怎样,故选C。42. A 【解析】由下文的答语“A week ago”可知上文是与时间相关问句,故选A。43. B 【解析】 因上文问的新房子的地点,故应选择与地点相关的选项,故选B。44. E 【解析】由下文的

    7、回答“Yes”可知,上文是一般疑问句,故选E。45. D 【解析】由上下文可知,此处应填与“ house-warming party”相关的选项,故选D。第四部分 口语运用 (2019四川德阳)从方框中选择恰当的句子,将对话补全,使其通顺达意。A. Thats a long trip.B. Where do they live?C. It takes about six hours.D. How far is it from here?E. How do you go to see them?A:This is my home,Li Ping.B:Oh, its so big. I love

    8、your home,Dai Ming. A: Thanks. My grandparents, home is very big too. B: 66 A:In Guiyang. Its little far.B: 67 A:Its about 500 kilometers.B:Wow, thats far. 68 A:I usually take the train.B:How long does it take?A: 69 B: Wow! 70 【答案】66-70 BDECA 【解析】66. B 根据答语In Guiyang.可知本句应该询问地点,故选B。67. D根据答语Its abou

    9、t 500 kilometers.可知本句应该距离有多远,故选D。68. E根据答语I usually take the train.可知本句应该距离交通方式,故选E。69. C根据问句How long does it take?可知用回答要花费多长时间,故选C。70. A 根据上文谈到了有六个小时的车程,可知本句应对此作出评价,路程太远了,故选A。 第四部分 口语应用(共两段,满分8分)(2019四川凉山)A 从对话后的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。(共8个 空,每空1分,满分8分)A: Hello! 0834 -7936318, South Street Hote

    10、l speaking. 68 B: Yes, please. Id like to book two rooms for the coming weekend.A: OK. 69 B: Just two days. From Friday.A: OK. Single rooms or double rooms? B: 70 A: Two doubles, two double rooms. June 20th and 21st. Right?B: Yes. Whats the price of a double room, please?A: Its 200.B: Thats OK. Can

    11、I book the rooms now, please?A: OK. Whats your name?B: Andy Smith.A: How do you spell it?B: 71 A. Two double rooms, please.B. A - N - D - Y, Andy. S - M- I - T - H, Smith.C. Can I help you?D. How long will you stay?A: Thats all right. Thank you, sir.话题:预定房间【答案】CDAB【解析】话题:预订房间【答案】CDAB【解析】68. C 根据下文“好

    12、的,我想下周订两间房。”可知,选项C“需要帮助吗?”符合语境。故选C。69. D 联系下一句“只有两天。”可知,选项D“你们将待多久?”符合语境。故选D。70. A 根据上文“单人间?还是双人间?”可知,选项A“两间双人间”符合语境。故选A。71. B 根据上一句“怎么拼写?”可知,选项B“A-N-D-Y, Andy. S-M-I-T-H, Smith.”符合语境。故选B。(2019四川凉山)BA: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Pacific Cinema?B: Certainly. Its on Center Street. You

    13、 can get a taxi or take the subway.A: 72 fB: About 40. It costs only 4 to take the subway.A: Oh, Id better take the subway there.B: 73A: How long will it take me to get to the Center Street by subway?B: It will take you about half an hour.A: Well. 74B: About 5 minutes walk. 75 Its between a big mall

    14、 and a bank.A: Thanks a lot.A. How far is it from the subway station of Center Street to the cinema?B. How much does the taxi cost?C. You should walk to Green Road first, and then take the subway to Center Street.D. Walk along Center Street, its down the street on the left. 话题:问路【答案】BCAD【解析】72. B 根据

    15、上文的“你可以打辆出租车或乘地铁。”和下文的“大约40元。乘地铁只要4元。”可知,选项B“坐出租车花费多少钱?”符合语境。故选B。73. C 根据上文的“我最好乘地铁。”和下文的“乘地铁到中心大街要多长时间?”可知,选项C“你应该先走到格林路,然后乘地铁到中心街。”符合语境。故选C。74. A 根据下文“步行大约5分钟。”可知,此题是询问的距离有多远?应用How far 来提问。选项A“从中央大街的地铁站到电影院有多远?”符合语境。故选A。75. D 根据下一句“它在一个大商场和一家银行之间。”可知,前一句也是在指路,选项D“沿着中央大街走,它就在这条街的左边。”符合语境。故选D。(2019四

    16、川遂宁)第四部分口语运用(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2019四川遂宁)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Mom: Hi, Nick! Are you asleep?Nick: No, Im not Mom.Mom: 71 Nick: Im watching a micro video on the phone. Its very exciting.Mom: Tum off the phone. 72 You can watch it next night. Go to bed! Nick: Do I have to? I think it

    17、s early. Mom: Early? Look at your watch. Its already eleven oclock.Nick: But its Friday night. 73 Mom: Youre right, but tomorrow youll have to get up early and go hiking. Nick: Im sorry I forgot about that.Mom: 74Nick: No. This afternoon my father did. Do I have to take a shower tonight?Mom: Of cour

    18、se you do. 75Nick: OK. Mom.A. Have you packed your camera yer? B. Dont forget to brush your teeth. C. What are you doing now?D. Its your bed time.E. E .I wont have lessons tomorrow. E I wont have lessons tomorrow. 话题:日常生活【答案】CDEAB【解析】71. C 根据下句“我正在手机上看小视频”,可知上一句是妈妈问Nick在干什么。故选C。72. D 根据句末的“Go to bed

    19、”,能推断出来前一句话“到睡觉时间了”。故选D。73. E 根据前一句话“是周五的晚上”,可是明天不用去上课。故选E。74. A 根据Nick的回答“No”,可知妈妈问的应该是一般疑问,只有A符合。75. B 根据上一句“今天晚上我还洗澡吗”,能推断出妈妈的回答“当然得洗澡,也别忘了刷牙”。故选B。. 情景交际(本大题共10分,每小题1分)(2019 贵州安顺)A请从B栏中出与A栏相对应的答语,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(5分) A B36. Excuse me, whats the time now?A. Its half past seven.B. Good luck to you!C. G

    20、ate 14.D. It was wonderful.E. Thanks. the same to you!37. Enjoy your coming summer vacation, Yanyan.38.What do you think of the 2019 Big Data Expo (数博会) held in Guiyang?39. I will take the High School Entrance Exam in Anshun.40. At which boarding gate should I take the flight, please? 【答案】36-40 AEDB

    21、C【解析】36. A问句意为“打扰了,现在是什么时间?”,答句应是回答时间的。故选择A项。37. E前句意为“妍妍,享受你季即将来临的暑假吧!”,答句应致以谢意。故选择E项。38. D前句意为“你认为在贵阳举办的2019数博会如何?”,答句应是评价。故选择D项。39. B前句意为“我将去安顺参加高中招生考试”,后句予以祝福。故选择B项。40. C问句意为“请问我应该在哪个登机牌登机?” ,答句 应为“14号门”。故选择C项。 .情景交际(15分)(2019贵州铜仁)(1)从栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。(5分)I 46. How do you like the fi

    22、lm? A. A computer engineer.47. This way, please. B. Congratulations!48. What is your father? C. Sounds great!49. Why not go out for a picnic this Sunday? D. Boring.50. I got the first prize in the English competition. E. Thank you.【答案】46-50:DEACB【解析】46.D根据句型“How do you like”就等价与句型“What do you think

    23、of.”,是询问某人的看法,观点的句型。句意“你认为这部电影怎么样”。选项D(很无聊)符合语境,故选D。47.E句意:“这边请”!那答语得表示感谢,选项E(谢谢你)符合语境,故选E。48.A句意:你爸爸是干什么的?是用来询问职业的,选项A(电脑工程师),符合语境。故选A。49.C句意:这个周日问什么不出去野餐呢?Why not do sth.?是用来提建议的句型。选项C(听起来不错),符合语境。故选C。50.B句意:我在英语竞赛中获得了一等奖。选项B(祝贺你)!符合语境,故选B。(2019贵州铜仁)(2)从方框里选择能填入对话空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。(10分)Sales

    24、woman: What can I do for you? Wang Li: 51 Saleswoman: Sure. They are right over there. Lisa: Wow! There are so many clothes here. Wang Li: Oh What a nice shirt! 5 2 Saleswoman: You may try it on.Wang Li: 53 Lisa: No. It really fits you well. Wang Li: 54 Lisa: I want to buy a blouse for my mother. Do

    25、 you have any blouse here? Saleswoman: Of course we do. What about this red one? Lisa: It looks nice. Im sure my mother will like it. By the way, what is it made of?Saleswoman: Its made of cotton. Wang Li: 55 Saleswoman: It costs 120 yuan. Lisa: OK. Ill take it.A. Would this style look nice on me? B

    26、. I think Ill take it. How about you?C. Could you tell me where the shirts are? D. How much does it cost? E. How do I look? Does it make me look fat?话题:Lisa和王丽去服装店,和售货员展开的对话。【答案】51-55: C A E B D【解析】51.C根据下文“当然可以!它们就在那边”,可知,上一句是询问东西在哪里。选项C“你能告诉我衬衫在哪里吗”符合语境。故选C。52.A根据下文售货员的回答“你可以试一下的”,可知选项A“我穿这个款式好看吗?

    27、”符合语境,故选A。53.E根据下文Lisa的回答“不,它真的很适合你!”可知选项E“我看起来怎么样?显胖吗?”符合语境,故选E。54.B根据上一句Lisa的回答,可知衣服很适合王丽,所以王丽将买下它。再根据Lisa下一句的回答“我想为我妈妈买件衬衫”。可推知前一句是王丽问Lisa“你呢?你要买什么?”综上所述,选项B符合语境。故选B。55.D根据服务员的回答“120元”,可知上文是询问价格。选项D“它多少钱?”符合语境,故选D。从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,并在答题卡上将其对应的字代号涂黑。(2019四川广元) (A)A 66 B: Yes, please. I want to j

    28、oin a club,A: What can you do?B: 67 A: So what club do you want to join, the swimming club or the art club?B: The art clubA: 68 B: Its 232-4672.A: OK. See you then!B: See you. A. I can draw and I can swimB. Can I help you?C. Whats your telephone number?话题:加入俱乐部(人教七下U1)66. B 根据答语:是的,我想参加一个俱乐部。可以问句应表示

    29、“我可以帮你吗?”故选B。67. A 根据问语,你会干什么,来选择答语,我会画画和游泳。故选A。68. C 根据答语中电话号码提示,可以推测问句是询问电话号码。故选C。(2019四川广元) (B)A: Hi, Bill! Are you listening to music again?B: Yes, Tommy. Ill never be tired of itA: 69 B: I like music that I can sing along with. How about you?A: I prefer music that is quiet and gentle. 70 B: Oh,

    30、 Taylors songs have great lyrics. By the way, which group is your favorite?A: My favorite group is One Direction. 71 B: Me too. I also like One Direction bestA. I prefer groups that can play different kinds of music.B. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift. C. What kind of music do you like?话题:音乐69. C

    31、根据答语:我喜欢听我可以随之而唱的音乐,可选出问句:你喜欢哪种音乐?故选C。70. B根据答句:Taylor的歌有着优美的歌词,可以推断出我最喜欢的歌手。故选B。71. A 根据问句:你喜欢哪个组合,可推断出我喜欢能演凑不同种类音乐的组合。故选A。(2019新疆).从B栏中选出与A栏中相匹配的答语(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)A B21. Its a lovely day, isnt it? A. The same to you22. Happy New Year! B. Good idea l23. Lets go hiking tomorrow. C. Yes. its a fine


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