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    学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题 新人教版 新版.docx

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    学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题 新人教版 新版.docx

    1、学年高一英语上学期期中联考试题 新人教版 新版2019学年第一学期半期考高一英语试题(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)第 I 卷(共105分)第一部分 听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。请听5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What did the woman see? A. An airplane. B. A black dog. C. A red house.

    2、2. How many days did the man stay in Sweden? A. Four. B. Five. C. Seven.3. What does the woman say about her house? A. Its next to a bar.B. Its in the city center.C. Its not very comfortable inside.4. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Buy a new car. B. Sell her old car. C. Get a second-hand

    3、 car.5. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a hotel. B. On a plane. C. At a coffee shop.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the man looking forward to the most? A. Pla

    4、ying games. B. Tasting the food. C. Seeing Donald Duck.7. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Take a photo of him. B. Help him find a suit.C. Drive him to Disneyland.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How will the man go back to New York? A. By car. B. By train. C. By air.9. What will the man do the day after

    5、tomorrow? A. Visit the factory. B. Do some shopping. C. Make an agreement.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the man order? A. Juice and eggs. B. Milk and toast. C. Coffee and a sandwich.11. Whats wrong with the mans drink? A. It is cold. B. It tastes strange. C. It has too much sugar in it.12. What wil

    6、l the man probably do next? A. Go to Starbucks. B. Use the Internet. C. Fix the microwave.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why does the man think the carpet is attractive? A. It has lovely pictures. B. Its a good size. C. It has nice colors.14. What does the woman think about the kitchen? A. Its easy to clean.

    7、B. Its quite small. C. It is not very bright.15. What do the speakers look at last? A. The living room. B. The bedroom. C. The bathroom.16. What will the woman do next? A. Discuss with her friend.B. Give the rent to the man.C. See another apartment downtown.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When do the reading

    8、club members gather together? A. On Wednesdays. B. On Thursdays. C. On Saturdays.18. How long does the bicycle ride last for? A. At least one hour. B. At least two hours. C. At least three hours.19. Where should students go for more information? A. To the note board.B. To the students union. C. To t

    9、he school website.20. How many clubs are mentioned in the talk? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AThey are the worlds fittest people. But even Olympic athletes have had their share of difficult, heart-breaking or embarrassing (令

    10、人难堪的) moments.1904 Olympics, St Louis, USAAmerican Fred Lorz crossed the finish line of the Olympic marathon (马拉松赛跑) with a time of 3 hours and 13 minutes. He had beaten the second runner by 15 minutes. Lorz looked happy and fresh, and smiled for the photographers. Just before they gave him the gold

    11、 medal, the race officials arrived and took away the medal, and Lorz was banned (禁止) from races for a year. Then an official told the truth. He had travelled by car for 11 miles of the marathon!1908 Olympics, London, EnglandThe Italian Dorando Pietri was one of the unluckiest marathon runners. When

    12、he arrived in the stadium, he was very tired. The people were cheering, but Pietri couldnt continue. He fell down and got up again four times. Finally, around seven metres from the finish line, he fell down again and didnt move. Worried officials ran over and picked him up. He crossed the finish lin

    13、e and won the gold medal. But a few hours later the Olympic officials had to take it away from him again. They said he couldnt be the winner because Olympic officials had helped him cross the line.2000 Olympics, Sydney, AustraliaEric Moussambani of Equatorial Guinea became one of the most loved athl

    14、etes of the 2000 games. His race was the 100-metre freestyle swim. He jumped into the pool and started swimming. After the first 50 metres he was very tired. He went more and more slowly and almost stopped in the middle of the pool. The officials worried that he was drowning (淹死). But Moussambani co

    15、ntinued and finished the race with a time of 1 minute and 52 seconds, the slowest in the history of the Olympics. Still, Moussambani was happy. He had never swum in a pool of that size before.21. Why was Lorzs gold medal taken away at the 1904 Olympics?A. Because he broke the rules. B. Because offic

    16、ials made a mistake.C. Because officials picked him up halfway. D. Because he beat the second runner badly.22. What happened to Pietri at the 1908 Olympics?A. He broke a world record. B. He finally won the gold medal. C. He fell down after finishing the race.D. He received help as he crossed the fin

    17、ish line. 23. How did people look at Moussambani?A. They felt sorry for him. B. They thought highly of him. C. They showed no interest in him. D. They had mixed feelings about him.24. Whats the best title of the passage?A. The Suffering Moments of the Olympics B. A Share of the Fittest People.C. The

    18、 Most Loved Athletes. D. The Bad Olympics in history BFrance has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe. Here are some of the best French castles to visit. Youll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France. Have a look and enjoy!Chteau de VersaillesThe Chteau de Versailles i

    19、s about 20 kms southwest of Paris. When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village. Today, however, it is a famous area in Paris. The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis XIII in the 1620s. Years later, he made it bigger. Later, Louis XIV also made it larger, making i

    20、t one of the largest palaces of the world. Chteau de ChambordThe Chteau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world. It sits in the Loire Valley. Being at the heart of Europes largest enclosed wooded park, Chambord, it was built for King Francis I to serve as a hunting lodge. It is on

    21、e of the worlds most well-known castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building.Chteau de ChenonceauAs one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher. It was passed through many hands. The castle was not destr

    22、oyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.Chteau de ChantillyThis historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly, France. This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings: the Petit Chteau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency, and the Grand

    23、 Chteau which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s. There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle. Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens. 25. What do we know about the Chteau de Versailles?A. It sits in

    24、the Loire Valley. B. It serves as a hunting place now. C. It was built for Louis XIII. D. It was the largest castle in the 1620s.26. What makes the Chteau de Chambord special?A. Its long history. B. Its building style.C. Its wealthy owner. D. Its important position.27. Why did the Chteau de Chenonce

    25、au manage to get through the French Revolution?A. It was far from Paris. B. It hid in the Loire Valley.C. It played a very important role. D. It was built by a famous French king.28. Which castle has a fireworks show every two years?A. The Chteau de Versailles. B. The Chteau de Chantilly.C. The Chte

    26、au de Chambord. D. The Chteau de Chenonceau.CI recently traveled with my family to Itacare, Brazil. Itacare is a small town in the state of Bahia, which is known for its beautiful beaches. While there, I met a man named Alvimar Valadares. He walks more than 12 miles a day without wearing shoes, look

    27、ing for sea turtles on the beaches and picking up plastic.There are few sea turtles left alive now in Brazil and around the world. Valadares, who prefers to be called “Capixaba,” wants to help save them. A local hotel sponsors (赞助) his work.Several years ago, the hotel manager noticed a group of peo

    28、ple watching in respectful silence as Capixaba saved three baby sea turtles. The hotel manager realized that these turtles were great ambassadors (大使). They draw peoples attention and make them want to learn about and protect the local environment.Capixaba has worked in the hotels Tartaruga Program

    29、for the past 15 years. (Tartaruga meansturtlein Portuguese.)In addition to watching and checking sea turtles, Capixaba meets with local schoolchildren and fishermen to teach them how to protect the turtles and the environment. The more that people know, Capixaba said, the more they can help protect

    30、the turtles and the environment. For example, since sea turtle hatchlings (幼崽) follow the reflection (反射) of the water to get to the ocean, its important for local houses and hotels to keep their lights dim (暗淡的) at night. That way, the hatchlings will know which way to go.“I really like to work wit

    31、h and teach kids,” Capixaba said. “Theyre the ones who are going to change this and help the turtles.” Then he let me hold one of the turtle eggs!29. Why does Valadares walk along the coast? A. To stop tourists catching sea turtles. B. To record sea turtles population.C. To raise sea turtles for a h

    32、otel. D. To help save sea turtles.30. What did the hotel manager think of sea turtles? A. They needed to be protected. B. They could bring Bahia business.C. They attracted visitors to the hotel. D. They helped people learn about Brazil.31. Whats the purpose of the example in Paragraph 5?.A. To show what sea turtles do at night.B. To show how serious light pollution is.C. To show when s


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