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    1、春东财17春大学英语2在线作业一满分标准答案 东财17春大学英语2在线作业一满分标准答案 试卷总分:100 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.She used_ all her clothes there.A. buyB. to buyingC. buyingD. to buy 满分:4分正确答案2.Theinvention of chopsticks _ the wisdom of Chinese ancient people.A. deflectsB. reflectsC. conflictsD. relicts 满分:4分正确答案:B3._ Itell y

    2、ou yesterday not to touch that dog!A. HaventB. HasntC. DidntD. Arent 满分:4分正确答案:C4.Son: Mom,may I play my computer game for an hour or two? Mom: _A. Your teacher tells me that you should study harder.B. Sorry, Dads using the computer now.C. Ive said before that the game takes too long.D. Well, ah. Yo

    3、ure absolutely right to ask. 满分:4分正确答案:B5. Its verycold outside. You_ put on your overcoat.A. had better toB. would better toC. had betterD. would better 满分:4分正确答案:C6.Theconvenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in Americaas easy as _.A. pieB. breadC.soupD. wine 满分:4分正确答案:A

    4、7.In the1960s, there was a change in fashion in _ of small cars.A. feverB. foveaC. favorD. fear 满分:4分正确答案:C8.The house_ beside the lake.A. restedB. reposedC. satD. stood 满分:4分正确答案9.Waiter:Welcome, sir. May I help you? Customer: _A. Thank you. Ill have fried tofu and stir-friedcauliflower.B. Sorry. I

    5、 dont need your help, thank you.C. If you want to help me, Ill be glad to accept it.D. Yes, please. Id like a hamburger and a chocolate shake. 满分:4分正确答案10.If you hadtaken the medicine yesterday, you _ much better now.A. must have feltB. might have feltC. would have feltD. would feel 满分:4分正确答案11._?It

    6、s Sunday.A. What day is it todayB. What date is it todayC. Whats the dateD. Whats day 满分:4分正确答案:A12.The musicthat Americans are used to _ to might sound strange to someone from anotherculture.A. listenB. be listenedC. listeningD. listened 满分:4分正确答案:C13.Jackson:Whats there to do at night?Clerk: There

    7、 are clubs, concerts, plays, and soon._!A. You make itB. You name itC.You find itD. You manage it 满分:4分正确答案:B14.Would you_ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?A. stickB.suckC.pickD. spit 满分:4分正确答案:A15.My I havetwo _ instead of beans, please?A. corns earB. corn earsC. ear of cornsD. ears of

    8、corn 满分:4分正确答案16. Adam: Mmm.This is the best pudding Ive ever had!Celia: _ I know youd like it.A. Didntt I tell you?B.Did I say itright?C. Is what I said right?D. What did I say? 满分:4分正确答案17.Hows yourbrother these days? He hasnt been too well just recently. _. Whats thematter? I think hes been overw

    9、orking.A. Itll be pleased to hear you ask after himB. Thats not too badC. Im sorry to hear thatD. Ill tell him what you said 满分:4分正确答案:C18.I cantunderstand _ at that poor child.A. you to laughB. you laughC. why laughD. your laughing 满分:4分正确答案19. A: EastBouren 54655.B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I spea

    10、k to Jack, please?A: _B: OK.A.Whos thatspeaking?B. Could you take a message?C.I thinkshes gone shopping.D. Hold the line, please. 满分:4分正确答案20.She hardlyever eats _ potatoes.A. bread notB. bread orC. neither bread orD. neither bread nor 满分:4分正确答案:B21.The healthseeking youths can following the _ of na

    11、tural living.A. principlesB. principalsC. principalityD. prince 满分:4分正确答案:A22.The littleboy put the bird in a cage to _ it from flying away.A. avoidB. preventC. hinderD. resist 满分:4分正确答案:B23.Operator:_, May I help you? Bill: Id like to set up a telephone service, please.A. SpeakingB. HeyC. Im John S

    12、mithD. Pacific Bell 满分:4分正确答案24. Jessica: Igot home very late last night. I hope I didnt disturb you.Landlady:_,A. No. I heard a lot of noiseB. Yes, I didnt hear any noiseC. Yes. I didnt hear youD. No. I didnt hear a thing 满分:4分正确答案25.There areother techniques that might help you _ your studying.A. withB. atC. intoD. over 满分:4分正确答案:A


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