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    1、9A课堂笔记课堂笔记Unit.1 210 Unit.2 1117Unit.3 1822Unit.4 2329Unit.5 3034Unit.6 34369A Unit1Welcome1. be familier with 对熟悉2. in the Chinese horoscope (生肖)3. 12 animal signs (1)rat 鼠 (2)ox牛 (3)goat羊 (4)rooster鸡4. What year is this year?-Its the year of rabbit.5. 12 star signs 6. creatures of the star signs(1

    2、)centaur (2)bull (3)ram (4)crab (5)water carrier (6)scale (7)virgin (8)seat goat (8)scorpion Which creature represents your star sign? What decides your animal/star sign?-The year/date of your birth decides your Under the star sign?In the year of? Were you born Language Points1. 形式主语句(1)Its + adj+fo

    3、r/of sb to do sth(2)Its +adj+for/of sb not to do sth Its boring for us not to take the roller coaster.(3)Its +adj+that 从句for 不是人的性格特征 adj of 人的性格特征 2. read your stars/e-mails/letters3. inetrest(U)interesting物 interested人 show interests in English4. 报纸、书、布告、黑板上写道say特殊疑问词为what/内容/say sth about she/say

    4、后面带一个宾语/say sth in English时用say修饰n . have a lot to celebrate修饰v. rain/thanks/hrlp me a lot=very much5. have lots to eat=have a lot to eat (注:后无of) a lot 6. worry about(not)doing sth 强调动作 be worried about sth 强调状态He worries about not getting to school on time.Reading1. be devided into 被分成(被)(主)devide

    5、 sth into A year is devided into four seasons. The teacher has devided us into four groups2. energeticenergy(U); activeinactiveactactor/actress/action/activity3. people born under the same star sign (过去分词作后置定语) a boy called Jackl/a watch made in Japan ; polluted water/protected animals过去分词作前置定语4. be

    6、 similar to 与相似 My pen is similar to yours.5. patientimpatient/impossible/impolite;selfselfish6. at times=sometimes(一般现)7. hard-working adj/hard work 艰苦的工作/work hard 努力工作8. give up doing sth easily 轻易放弃做某事=stop doing sth (it放在give后 give it up)9. give up 放弃/give out分发/give in屈服/give back归还10. be curi

    7、ous about对好奇 The child is curious about everything.11. feeling情感(C) 感受(U)12. family家庭(单数)家人(复数)other泛指: 别的,其他的the other特指: 别的所有的others泛指(=other+名复)the others特指: 其余所有的人和物 13. onethe other I have two brothers, one is a teacher ,the other is a policeman.someothers Some students are running,others are p

    8、laying basketball.注: 14. save adj safen safetyadv safely(1)save money 攒钱(2)save water 节约水be confident of sth/doing sthhave confidence in sth/doing sth(3)save the boy 救那个男孩15. He is confident of passing the exam.16. be generous to sb 对某人慷慨+不可数: 太多的 too much water修饰v :do sth too much17. too much/much

    9、too/too many(1)too much(2)much too+adj much too big(3)too many+名复 too many people18. practiceadj practical/cultural/national/educational/musicalpay attention to sth/doing sth(否定:pay attention not doing sth)be used to doing sthlook forward to doing sthbelong to sb 19. my (I)doing sthme (I)doing sth 2

    10、0. mind 21. worry(1)worry about(not)doing sth (同pay attention not doing sth)(2)be worried about(3)sth worry sb If something worries you,you can ask people for help.22. fair(反)unfair be fair to sbTeachers should be fair to all the students.23. love peace/a peaceful place24. argue with sb about sth (a

    11、rguing/quarrel with sb)The twins often argue with each other about who play with the toy first.25. powerfulpower n26. forgive sb for sth/doing sth Please forgive me for being late again.27. travel to sp28. successful adjn successadv successfullyv succeed(1)be successful in doing sth(2)have success i

    12、n doing sth(3)do sth successfully+nadj/adv+enough+to do sth(4)succeed in doing sth29. enough 30. creativev creat;imaginativeimage31. dream about doing sth 梦想做某事 What did you dream about when you were a child?32. decide vdecision make a decision(1)decide sth In the old days,parents decided their chil

    13、drens marriage(2)decide+疑问词+to do sth We must decide what to do next.(3)decide+that从句 Your star sign decides what your characteristics are.33. dream n/v (dream/dreamt/dreamt)(1)I had a terrible dream last night.(2)I hope my dream will come ture.(3)You cant succeed by dreamingVocabulary1. explain sth

    14、 to sb/explain to sb+从句联系v+adj助动词(现进、过进be+doing sth;被动be+pp)+adv He is explaning to his teacher why he is late again.v后be与v之间2. be English is used widely/widely used.使役v制作 make A to do B3. makeOpposite words 1. 基本式(1)generousselfish(2)modestproud(3)strongweak(4)cleversilly(5)hard-workinglazy注:be wea

    15、k in sth/doing sth在某方面薄弱 Im weak in playing volleyball.2. 加前缀(1)imimpossible/impolite/important(2)ininactive/incorrect/incomplete(3)irirregular(4)ununwelcome/unhappy/unhealthy(5)disdislike/dishorest/disable/disappear/disagree3. 加后缀:lesshopeless/endless/harmless/noiseless(noisy)(U)advice(C)suggestion

    16、s4. show offshow it off;show sb around up5. 建议to do sthdoing sth6. There be+n7. try (not)to do sth The teacher asks us to make a lot of noise.Grammar1. The problem is so difficult that we cant work it out. so+adj/adv+that从句复合句(主谓宾要全)This is such a difficult problem that we cant work it out.Such+a/an

    17、+adj+n+that从句复合句The problem is too difficult for us to work out(无it)too+adj/adv+for sb+to do sth简单句(主宾不重复)The problem isnt easy enough for us to work out.(无it)adj/adv+enough(for sth)+to do sth简单句注:所有这4个句型不能出现very、quietGrammar 句子成分 概念:构成句子,在其中起着不同作用的成分叫做句子成分. 常见的句子成分:主(S)、谓(P)、表(pred)、宾(O)、宾补(OC)、定(A

    18、ttr)、状(Adv)1. 主语(表示动作的执行者或承受者)哪些成分可作主语?(1)The hunter killed the fox. 名词 (2)Whos speaking,please? 代词 (3)To be here is a great pleasure. 不定式 (4)What he said is not sure. 句子 (5)Swimming is a good sport. 动名词注意:(1)Its impossible to finish the work in three days. (形主/真主)(2)It took me ten minutes to walk t

    19、here. (形主/真主)(3)There are some children on the playground. (形主/真主)2. 谓语(1)He is writing. (v)(2)I can speak a little English. (v) 动词的分类及物v +宾语 (v+人/物)不及物v+状语(1)联系动词+表语 (be/become,感官动词,turn/get/grow,stay/fall)(2)行为动词不可单独作句子成分,需和后面的v连起来做谓语。(3)助动词(帮助v构成时态或语态)(4)情态v3. 表语(说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份等)哪些成分可作表语?(1)You

    20、 are a student. 名词 (2)These arranges taste nice. 形容词 (3)She is in the classroom. 介词短语 (4)My hobby is painting. 动名词 (5)My job is to teach English. 不定式 (6)This is why he is late. 句子4. 宾语(动词、介词后) 哪些成分可作宾语?(1)You have many friends. 名词 (2)We all like him. 代词 (3)He wanted to go there alone. 不定式 (4)I enjoy

    21、 working with you. 动名词 (5)He said he would be back soon. 句子 注:有的动词后面可以带两个宾语,指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。 You buy your friends nice gifts.(IO/DO) He gave me some books.(IO/DO) 当只有一个宾语时,不管是人是物,都是直接宾语。 We find it important to protect the environment.(形宾/真正的宾语)5. 宾补(补充说明宾语情况的成分,宾语与宾补之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。) 哪些成分可作宾补?(1)They

    22、 found him a clever boy. 名词 (2)He has got everything ready. 形容词 (3)Let me out. 副词 (4)He asked me to turn off the lights. 不定式 (5)Dont you see the girl running towards us? 现在分词 (6)He found his cake eaten. 过去分词6. 状语(副词,时间,地点,方式,程度,原因,目的,结果,频率)7. 定语(修饰n/不定代词,放在n前不定代词之后)可译为 的 对定语提问:Which 哪些成分可作定语?(1)Mill

    23、ie is reading the school newspaper. 名词 (2)This is a difficult problem. 形容词 (3)They are our books. 代词 (4)The man in the shop is our new teacher. 介词 Language Points1. do an experiment/operation/a project2. have/has got/caught a toothache(长动作:have had a toothache)I have had a toothache for two weeks.3.

    24、 find(1)find sb/sth+adj(2)find sb doing sth(3)find sth done4. collect pictures of all kinds of5. the first cloned sheep(过去分词作后置定语)6. be awake/asleep/alone/alike/alive7. have sth done让别人干某事 I have had my hair cut.Intefrated Skills1. make a predctionvt predict sth 预测2. be available(可获得的)on request3. c

    25、all sb on+号码/e-mail sb at+邮址with sthdoing sth4. spend money wisely5. have problems(difficulty)If you have problems with your study,you can ask the teacher for help.Do you have any problems working out this problem?6. eat healthy food=eat healthily7. have problems/trouble/difficulty doing sth 在有困难、8.

    26、 have fun in sth/doing sth热闹的活泼可爱的生动的9. lively/living/alive/live (1)lively (2)living有生命的 (3)alive 活着的 (4)直播的the most suitable person to do sth(take this work胜任这项工作)be suitable for sb The film is suitable for all ages.10. come up with=think out/come out/come over过来11. suit vadj suitableStudy Skills1.

    27、 informal greatings2. informal endings:lots of love;cheers3. salng words or expressions(俚语)4. jokes or try to be funny5. abbreviations:UK 、USA、 DR6. contractions:Shes;IdMain taskAddress左上/右上Date左上/右上1. How to write a formal recommendation(1)Heading (2)greatings(Dear)PurposeReasonsConclusion 结论(3)Mai

    28、n body (4)Closing/Ending(5)Signature2. 获得available;get=achieve3. Main body(1)the purpose of the writer(2)Reasons A abilities B personalities/personal qualities/characteristics C what he did(3)Conclusion4. Reasons(1)confident A be not afraid of doing sth B be sure of ones own ability C can do anythin

    29、g if he tries his best(2)hard-working A do extra work B try to finish his homework quickly C read lots of books in his free time D do a lot of exercises to improve himself E try his best to do everything well F never give up easily(3)clever A always get good marks in tests B work out a lot of diffic

    30、ult maths problems C always come up with new ideas(4)organized A never forgrt the things he needs to do B make sth tidy C make a plan before doing things D be good at making or planning things(5)helpful A often help others when they are in trouble B give seats to others C help sb cross the road D donate money to charities E help new students learn about the new work F try to be a volunteer/do voluntary w


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