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    1、浙江省自学考试高级英语试浙江省2012年7月自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:10005Part : Vocabulary(20%)Section A (200.5%=10%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. With the economy of the country goin

    2、g strong, the _ mood is one of optimism. ( )A. presiding B. circulatingC. floating D. prevailing2. She is quite capable, but the problem is that she is not _. ( )A. consistent B. insistentC. beneficent D. resistant3. The workers of the textile mill _ that trade union leaders be elected from the work

    3、shops. ( )A. urged B. relatedC. combated D. adopted4. We shall offer you advice, but you are under no _ to follow it. ( )A. pursuit B. obligationC. command D. instruction5. These technological advances in communication have _ the way people do business. ( )A. revolted B. representedC. adopted D. tra

    4、nsformed6. Bill is rich. His house is full of _ such as expensive high-tech video systems and all the latest computer equipment. ( )A. luxuries B. festivitiesC. dimensions D. instruments7. By _ the styles of Van Gogh and Dufy, the woman painter has produced some highly original works. ( )A. duplicat

    5、ing B. assimilatingC. transferring D. molding8. We must keep things in _ the overall situation isnt really that bad. ( )A. view B. perspectiveC. prospect D. control9. The losing team were _ in their defeat.( )A. gracious B. gratefulC. grand D. refined10. It was a shrewd move _ to buy the house just

    6、before property prices started to rise. ( )A. on her part B. at handC. at her expense D. on record11. The _ of women to men at my college is about two to one. ( )A. rate B. proportionC. portion D. percentage12. In a _ between the management and the union, a 4% pay raise was agreed on in return for a

    7、n increase in productivity. ( )A. promise B. compromiseC. collaboration D. cooperation13. Human eyes are accustomed to _ a specific object, and once this happens, everything around the object seems to be reduced to background.( )A. pointing to B. sticking toC. focusing on D. probing into14. Samuel i

    8、s always _, never complaining about his poor health and other troubles. ( )A. careless B. joyfulC. cheerful D. glad15. Laws are the means by which science _ to describe nature, not explain it. ( )A. attends B. arrangesC. facades D. attempts16. The _ witness in the case said that he was not concerned

    9、 with the interest, but cared only about the principle. ( )A. princess B. principleC. principal D. prince17. A _ person is reluctant to see any change. ( )A. safe B. radicalC. conservative D. convertible18. The statement was _ and to the point. ( )A. brief B. uneasyC. lousy D. redundant19. This year

    10、 the factory _ almost twice as many motors as it did last year.( )A. turned down B. turned overC. turned to D. turned out20. Lets hang up some paintings on these _ walls.( )A. bare B. emptyC. blank D. vacantSection B (200.5%=10%)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. In each sentence th

    11、ere is a word or a phrase underlined. Below each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing the original meaning. 21. He admitted that he had invented a cock and bull story. ( )A. absurd B. trueC. int

    12、eresting D. reasonable22. He was obviously in good condition.( )A. state B. circumstanceC. situation D. illness23. The pressure for change continued to mount.( )A. persuasion B. stressC. anxiety D. difficulty24. The harvest was set back by bad weather.( )A. delayed B. destroyedC. propelled D. reduce

    13、d25. She is far and away one of the best actresses in the country.( )A. doubtfully B. graduallyC. definitely D. abroad26. Chinese national folk music is an important part of human intangible cultural heritage. ( )A. hypothetical B. valuableC. nonmaterial D. unchangeable27. The government lifted the

    14、ban under the pressure of the public.( )A. removed B. alleviatedC. strengthened D. changed28. The children were too full of beans to sit still. ( )A. very young B. very energeticC. very noisy D. very naughty29. That car model has become obsolete. ( )A. outmoded B. out of stockC. popular D. modern30.

    15、 Current demographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should favourably accelerate economic growth in the long run. ( )A. modern B. rapidC. contemporary D. nowadays31. The film “On Golden Pond” portrays to a certain extent the mentality of the old people. ( )A. activities B. ideasC. opini

    16、ons D. attitude of mind32. Beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not supplant cotton apparel. ( )A. replace B. removeC. misplace D. take away33. My colleague, Mr. Hill, has a small but well-chosen library, where it is said he spends most of his spare time cultivating his mind. ( )A. nourishing B.

    17、tillingC. developing D. raising34. If you think photography is my hobby, your belief is quite mistaken. ( )A. fraudulent B. erroneousC. deceitful D. illegal35. What appears to the laymen as unimportant and unrelated facts is often precious to the archaeologist. ( )A. minute B. trivialC. diminutive D

    18、. unpopular36. The lounge has a seating capacity of 30 people but it is too dark to read there.( )A. dim B. dingyC. gloomy D. depressed37. The constable was severely reprimanding the two young tobacco addicts.( )A. criticizing B. scorningC. reproaching D. punishing38. A policeman is sometimes is a p

    19、ompous figure in childrens story books but as a matter of fact, he is very helpful in enforcing law and order.( )A. courageous B. egotisticC. gallant D. swaggering39. The crowd swelled until the noise made could be heard for miles. ( )A. grew B. shoutedC. cheered D. scattered40. Thus our conviction

    20、is reinforced that only socialist revolution can really solve the problems of the people. ( )A. argument B. proposalC. belief D. theoryPart II: Cloze (200.5%=10%)Directions: In the following passage there are 20 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that

    21、best fits into the passage.It seems parents have long been right. Going to bed early is key to 41 enough sleep and helping adolescents feel 42 the world, a new study reported. 43 sleep among youngsters, according to the study, may 44 depression and suicidal thoughts.“Our results are 45 with the theo

    22、ry that inadequate sleep is a risk factor for 46 , working with other risk and protective factors 47 multiple possible causal pathways to the development of this 48 disorder,” said lead author James Gangwisch. “Adequate quality sleep could 49 be a preventative measure against depression and a 50 for

    23、 depression,” he added.The study followed the 51 habits of some 15,659 college and high-school students, and found those who consistently went to bed after midnight had a 24 percent higher risk of depression than those who turned in before 1000 pm. Night owls also ran a 20 percent higher risk of 52

    24、suicidal thoughts.The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adolescents 53 sleep at least nine hours or more a night. Those who were tucked in before 1000 pm reported they slept 54 about eight hours and 10 minutes. But that amount of sleep dropped 55 for those in bed after midnight. And

    25、 56 who slept five hours or less a night were 71 percent more likely to 57 depression and 48 percent more at risk of becoming suicidal.It is a societal expectation that adolescents do not need as much sleep as preadolescents, yet studies suggest that adolescents may actually 58 more sleep. Studies h

    26、ave found that adolescents do not go to bed early enough to 59 for earlier school start times, and transitions to earlier school start times have been shown to be associated with significant sleep 60 .( )41. A. get B. getting C. be getting D. have got( )42. A. at the top of B. to the top of C. on th

    27、e top of D. on top of( )43. A. Lack of B. Plenty of C. An amount of D. A lack in( )44. A. trickle B. trigger C. strip D. trim( )45. A. cooperative B. constant C. consistent D. comprehensive( )46. A. depression B. frustration C. indignation D. opposition( )47. A. with B. for C. through D. under( )48.

    28、 A. mood B. sense C. brain D. body( )49. A. but B. also C. still D. therefore( )50. A. protection B. treatment C. research D. direction( )51. A. daily B. nightly C. weekly D. monthly( )52. A. conflicting B. struggling C. crashing D. battling( )53. A. might B. would C. should D. could( )54. A. at lea

    29、st B. in detail C. on average D. by nature( )55. A. largely B. significantly C. chiefly D. unusually( )56. A. adults B. adolescents C. infants D. lads( )57. A. erupt B. encounter C. suffer D. submit( )58. A. request B. require C. appeal D. plead( )59. A. compensate B. complement C. compliment D. com

    30、promise( )60. A. syndrome B. evolution C. deprivation D. compassionPart : Reading Comprehension (202%=40%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each pas

    31、sage carefully and decide on the best choice.(1)Mention Colombia, and most people think of cocaine, kidnappings and guerrilla violence. These have served to keep all but the most adventurous tourists away for decades. But under Alvaro Uribe, Columbias president since 2002, violence has fallen steadily and many parts of the country have become safe. Now the government is trying to replace conventional images of Columbia with different ones: white-sand beaches, colonial


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