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    1、译林版四年级英语下册课课练译林版四年级英语下册课课练听力材料和参考答案TapescriptUnit l Our school subjectsPeriod 1A Listen and circle 1. Look. This is our new timetable. 2. What subjects do you like? 3. I like Chinese very much. 4. Its time for PE. Lets go to the playground.B Listen and choose 1. B1:Hi, Sam. B2:Hi, Bobby. What subjec

    2、ts do you like? B1:I like Science. Its fun. 2. G:Yang Ling likes Art. 3. G:Hi, Wang Bing. Do you like English? B:No, I dont. I like Art.Period 2B Listen and number 1. B:Hello, Yang Ling. What subjects do you like? G:I like Maths. 2. B:Do you like Chinese, Su Yang? G:Yes, I do. 3. B:Do they like Scie

    3、nce? G:No. They like English. 4. G:Liu Tao, do you like PE? B:Yes, I do. 5. Science is fun. I like it. 6. Mike likes Art very much. He can draw nice pictures.C Listen and choose 1. Thats a big elephant. 2. Welcome back to school, class. 3. A:What subjects do you like? B:I like Music. 4. G:Do you lik

    4、e PE, Bobby? B:Yes, I do.Period 3B Listen and tick W:Welcome back to school, class. We have seven subjects this term. What subjects do you like, Wang Bing? B1:I like Chinese and Maths. W:What about you, Su Hai? G1:I like Chinese too. My sister Su Yang likes Maths very much. She likes Art too. W:What

    5、 about you, Yang Ling? G2:I like Science and Art. G1:Liu Tao, do you like Science? B2:No. I like Chinese and English.C Listen and write 1. B1:Hello, Sam. What lessons do we have this morning? B2:Hi, Bobby. Its Monday. We have Maths and Chinese. B1:Thank you. 2. B1:Hi, Billy. What subjects do you lik

    6、e? B2:I like PE. B1:Lets go and play football. B2:OK.Unit 2 After schoolPeriod 1A Listen and circle 1. What day is it today? 2. Its Thursday today. 3. Yang Ling has a swimming lesson on Tuesday. 4. We cant play table tennis today. What a pity! 5. I have a basketball match today. 6. Su Hai can play t

    7、able tennis.B Listen and tick 1. B1:Hi, Liu Tao. What lessons do you have this afternoon? B2:I have a table tennis lesson this afternoon. 2. A:What day is it today? B:Its Friday. 3. A:Does Su Yang have a swimming lesson on Tuesday? B:Yes.Period 2B Listen and number 1. A:Hi, Sam. Lets go swimming. B:

    8、Sorry, I have a football match. 2. A:What day is it today? B:Its Saturday. 3. A:What lessons do you have on Wednesday morning? B:I have two Chinese lessons. 4. A:Do you have an English lesson on Tuesday? B:Yes, I do. 5. G:What lessons do you have on Thursday, Liu Tao? B:I have a swimming lesson. 6.

    9、A:What subjects do you like? B:I like Science.C Listen and choose 1. A:What day is it today? B:Its Tuesday. 2. A:Lets go and play table tennis after school. B:OK. 3. A:Do you have a swimming lesson on Sunday? B:No, I dont. 4. A:What lessons do you have this afternoon? B:I have Chinese.Period 3B List

    10、en and choose Hi, Im Danny. On Monday morning, I have Chinese, English and Art. On Monday afternoon, I have Maths and Music. On Tuesday morning, I have Maths and Science. On Tuesday afternoon, I have Music and PE. On Wednesday morning, I have Chinese, Art and Maths. On Wednesday afternoon, I have En

    11、glish and PE. On Thursday morning, I have Chinese and Maths. I dont have any lessons on Thursday afternoon. I have five lessons on Friday. In the morning, I have English, Maths and Science. In the afternoon, I have Art and PE.C Listen and write 1. B1:Hello, Sam. When do you get up every day? B2:At s

    12、even. What about you? B1:I get up at six. 2. B1:Hi, Sam. Lets go and play football. B2:What day is it today? B1:Its Saturday. B2:OK. Lets go.Unit 3 My dayPeriod 1A Listen and circle 1. in the morning 2. play football 3. go to bed 4. watch TV 5. go home 6. have lunchB Listen and number 1. B:When do y

    13、ou have dinner, Yang Ling? G:I have dinner at six. 2. G:When do you go to bed, Mike? B:I go to bed at nine. 3. B:When do you go to school, Su Yang? G:I go to school at seven thirty. 4. G:When do you get up, Liu Tao? B:I usually get up at seven. 5. B:When do you watch TV, Helen? G:I watch TV at seven

    14、 in the evening. 6. G:When do you do your homework, Wang Bing? B:I do my homework at six thirty.Period 2B Listen and match 1. B:When do you have lunch, Su Hai? G:I have lunch at twelve. 2. G:What time is it, Liu Tao? B:Oh, its four thirty. Lets go and play table tennis. 3. B:Hi, Helen. When do you g

    15、o to school? G:I go to school at seven forty. 4. G:Hi, Mike. When do you get up? B:I usually get up at seven.C Listen and judge 1. B1:What time is it now, Mike? B2:Its four. Lets play football. 2. W:When do you have breakfast? G:I have breakfast at seven. 3. B1:Do you like watching TV? B2:Yes, I do.

    16、 I usually watch TV in the evening. 4. M:Mike, its nine oclock. B:Oh, its time for bed. Good night, Dad.Period 3B Listen and circle 1. Wang Bing has four lessons in the morning. 2. When do you do your homework every day? 3. I usually go to bed at nine. 4. Mike and Liu Tao play football at four forty

    17、.C Listen and match 1. Hi, Im Yang Ling. I have my English lesson at eight forty. 2. Hello, Im Su Hai. I usually get up at seven ten. 3. Mike has lunch at twelve oclock. 4. Hi, Im Liu Tao. I do my homework at six in the evening.Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 1A Listen and circle 1. I can draw some

    18、 flowers. 2. This is a boat. 3. I can see a river. 4. He can draw a basketball. 5. I can see a lake. 6. Lets draw an apple.B Listen and number 1. A:What can you see over there? B:I can see a hill. 2. G1:What are those? G2:Theyre apples. 3. B1:Can you draw the boat? B2:Sure. Its easy. 4. B1:What can

    19、you see over there? B2:I can see a tree and some flowers.Period 2B Listen and judge 1. B1:What can you see over there? B2:I can see some books. 2. W:Can you draw a bird? G:Sure. Its easy. 3. B1:Look. I can draw a tree and some flowers. B2:Well done! 4. B:What subjects do you like, Yang Ling? G:I lik

    20、e Maths. Its fun.C Listen and match 1. B:What can you do, Yang Ling? G:I can make a cake. 2. G:What can you do, Liu Tao? B:I can draw pictures. 3. B:Can you make a fruit salad, Helen? G:Sure. Its easy. 4. G:What can you do, Mike? B:I can play football.Period 3B Listen and circle 1. I can draw a tree

    21、. 2. When do you go to school every day? 3. Can you see a lake over there? 4. Lets make a salad. 5. A:Can you draw it? B:Sure. Its easy.C Listen and number 1. B1:Wheres the bird? B2:Its under the desk. 2. B1:What can you see now? B2:Ah! Its a tiger. 3. B1:This is a tree and these are flowers. B2:Wel

    22、l done! 4. G:When do you go to bed every night? B:At ten oclock. 5. G:What can you do, Liu Tao? B:I can play football. 6. B:Come and play table tennis, Su Hai. G:Sorry, I have a swimming lesson.Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 1A Listen and judge 1. G:I like spring. Its warm. 2. B:Summer is hot. We can go swimm

    23、ing in the sea. 3. G:Autumn is cool. We have picnics and go climbing. 4. B:It is cold in winter. I make snowmen in this season.B Listen and match 1. B:In spring, I often go to fly a kite. 2. B:We go climbing in autumn. 3. G:In summer, it is hot. I eat ice cream. 4. G:It snows in winter. I make snowm

    24、en.Period 2B Listen and choose 1. A:What day is it today? B:Its Sunday. 2. Its warm in spring in Suzhou. 3. Many people go swimming in summer. 4. I can see some yellow socks on the bed. 5. Trees are yellow and brown in autumn. 6. We make snowmen in winter. 7. Su Hai and Su Yang go and see their gran

    25、dpa in summer. 8. Can you draw a horse for me?C Listen and circle 1. It is warm in spring. We fly kites in the park. 2. Summer is hot. We usually go swimming. 3. In autumn, we have picnics with our friends. 4. Lets go skating.Period 3B Listen and write 1. Spring is warm. We often go boating in the p

    26、ark. 2. Summer is a good season in Dalian. We can go swimming in the sea. 3. It is not cold in Sanya in winter.C Listen and judge Liu Tao:Hello, Mike. Its cold. Lets go skating. Mike:Sorry. I cant skate. Liu Tao:Can you swim, Mike? Mike:Yes, I can. I can swim very well. Liu Tao:Do you swim in winter

    27、? Mike:No. I usually swim in summer. Liu Tao:I go swimming in winter too. Its great fun.Mike:I usually play football in winter. Liu Tao:Me too. Lets go and play football this Saturday afternoon. Mike:OK.Unit 6 Whose dress is this?Period 1A Listen and number 1. G:Helens dress is very cute. 2. G:My tr

    28、ousers are too long. 3. G:My gloves are so big. They are lovely. 4. G:My dress is too short.B Listen and match 1. Su Hais skirt is cute. 2. Mr Sus gloves are very big. 3. Su Yangs trousers are too long. 4. Helens cousin has a beautiful dress.Period 2B Listen and choose 1. Its my fathers shirt. 2. My

    29、 shoes are too big. 3. I can draw a pair of gloves. 4. Its very cold. Heres a coat for you. 5. My right hand hurts.C Listen and tick 1. G:Look. Your dress is too long. 2. A:Whose dress is this? Its very lovely! B:Its my sisters. 3. A:Whose shirt is it? B:Is it Liu Taos? 4. B:Ouch! My hand hurts.Peri

    30、od 3B Listen and write 1. A:Whose trousers are these? B:Theyre my fathers. 2. A:Is this your sweater? B:No, it isnt. 3. A:Would you like these shirts? B:Yes. How much are they? A:Theyre ninety yuan. 4. A:Can you see a coat on the chair? B:No, but I can see a dress on it.C Listen and judge It is eigh

    31、t oclock in the morning. Su Hai and her mum are in the living room. Mum:Look at the skirt on the sofa. Is that your skirt, Su Hai? Su Hai:No. Its Su Yangs. My skirt is in the bedroom. Mum:Whose jeans are on the chair? Are they Su Yangs too?Su Hai:No, theyre not Su Yangs. Theyre too long. Are they your jeans, Mum? Mum


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