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    1、高中英语必修五unit5讲义及倒装句讲义教 案题目(教学章节或主题):授课日期:授课时间:教学重点、难点:重要性:典型例题: 总结:本次教学评价:非常满意 较满意 一般 家长或学生签字 共 小时本节课回访记录:任课老师签字: 主任签字: 日期:讲 义学生: 任课教师:教学内容:上节课复习1. He ran as fast as he could _ to catch the early bus.A. to hope B. hope C. hoping D. Hoped2. He spent every minute he could _ spoken English.A. practise B

    2、. to practice C. practising D. Practised3. Before going abroad he devoted all he could _ his oral English.A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving4. All her time _ experiments, she has no time for films.A. devoted to do B. devoted to doing C. devoting to doing D. is devoted to doing5. “

    3、Why was a special meeting called?” “_ a new chairman.”A. Choose B. Choosing C. To choose D. Chosen6.I must apologize for_ahead of time. Thats all right. A.letting you not know B.not letting you know C.letting you know not D.letting not you know7._the programme, they have to stay there for another tw

    4、o weeks.A.Not completingB.Not completed C.Not having completed D.Having not completed8.Victor apologized for_to inform me of the change in the plan. A.his being not able B.him not to be able C.his not being able D.him to be not able9.If the car wont start, _ it.A.try pushB.try pushingC.to try pushin

    5、g D.to try to push短语讲解【Unit5 First aid】1make a difference 区别对待;有(重要)作用;有影响We can make a difference by getting involved. 我们可以通过参与(此事)而使其有所改变。Looks dont only make a difference for women. 美貌不仅仅对女性才重要。【思维拓展】make some/much difference 有些不同;作用很大make no/little difference 没有不同;不起作用【例】We have all been gifted

    6、with the ability to _a difference, but most times we are not aware of that gift.Acatch Bkeep Cmake Dtell解析make a difference为固定短语,意为“有影响;使大不相同;重要”。【例】Whether he will agree with us doesnt_.A. make any difference B. make any differences C. do any difference D. do any differences2get done 被She got burne

    7、d when she was cooking yesterday. 她昨天做饭时被烫伤了。We dont want any of you to get lost. 我们不想让你们当中任何一个人迷路。He went out and got drunk. 他出去喝醉了。【思维拓展】get sth. done完成 get paid得到报酬get married结婚 get injured受伤get burned烧伤;烫伤 get infected感染;染上get separated分离 get damaged毁掉get broken坏掉 get hurt受伤get repaired修理 get dr

    8、essed穿上衣服get changed换衣服【例】If you go there alone after dark you might_.Aget attacked Bget attacking Cget to attack Dget to attacking3. put back 把放回(原处);拨回(钟、表的针);拨慢;推迟;阻碍;拖延;(船或船员)返航;驶回The meeting has been put back to next Thursday. 会议延期到下周四举行。If you use something, put it back! 用过的东西要放回原处!That clock

    9、is fast; Id better put it back ten minutes. 那钟快了;我最好把它往后拨10分钟。【思维拓展】put sth. back放回原处 put off推迟;延迟put away把收起来放好 put forward提出;提前put out扑灭;熄灭 put up建造;张贴 put down镇压;记下【例】You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _the books when youve finished them.Aput on Bput down Cput back Dput off

    10、解析put back 放回原处。put on 穿上; put off 拖延;put down 放下,镇压。4. protect against from doing sth 保护、维护 prevent from doing sth 防止、妨碍 He put on his coat to protect himself from catching cold. Nothing will prevent us from reaching our aim.5. and it gives you your sense of touch.sense of touch 触觉 sense of sight 视

    11、觉 sense of hearing 听觉 sense of taste 味觉 sense of humor 幽默感 sense of beauty 美感6. heal vt&vi(尤指伤口)治愈; 恢复健康 heal a wound 使和解healer (cn) 医治者;治疗物Time is a great healer. 时间能够治好创伤。辨析:treat, heal, curetreat “治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。heal 多用于治疗外伤。cure “治愈”,强调结果。7. jewellery 和jewel 的辨析:两者均有“ 珍宝首饰” 之意,jewellery

    12、为集体名词, 不可数;jewel 为可数名词. She appeared at the party wearing some of her finest_. A.jewels B. jewelleries C. jewel D. jewellers I want to buy _ as a birthday gift for my daughter. A. some jewel B. a piece of jewel C. a jewellery D. a piece of jewellery8. wound n.伤,创伤 v. 伤害,使受伤 区别wound, injure, harm 与 h

    13、urt:wound 指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等, 尤指在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。injure 指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。harm 指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指肉体上或精神上的损害。hurt (普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示“疼痛”。例:The bullet wounded him in his arm. 子弹打伤了他的手臂。He was injured in a traffic accident. 他在一次交通事故中受了伤。We wont do anything that will harm the cause of peace.

    14、我们不会做任何危及和平事业的事。He meant no harm.He fell off the ladder and hurt his leg. 他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。The hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.句型讲解1There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毫无疑问,约翰的快速反应和在学校时学到的急救知识救了斯莱德女

    15、士的命。There is no doubt that. “毫无疑问”There is no doubt about sth. 毫无疑问There is no doubt that he is guilty. 毫无疑问,他是有罪的。There is no doubt about our success. 毫无疑问我们会成功的。There is no doubt that she will keep her word. 毫无疑问她会遵守诺言的【思维拓展】I have no doubt about sth./ that从句 “毫无疑问”I dont doubt that从句 “毫无疑问”(It is

    16、) no wonder (that) . 怪不得I doubt whether. 我怀疑是否I have no doubt that you will succeed.我相信你会成功的。I dont doubt that he will come on time.我相信他会准时来。I doubt whether he will attend the meeting.我怀疑他是否会出席会议。【例】There is _at all that we did the right thing.Ano problem Bno wonder Cno doubt Dno worry解析(Its) no pro

    17、blem完全可以;no wonder难怪;no doubt 毫无疑问;no worry 不急。高考英语中最可能考的四种倒装一、否定型倒装所谓否定型倒装,指的是将含有否定意义的副词置于句首时,其后句子要用部分倒装。具体说来,这类倒装又有以下几个小类:1. 将否定副词never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere 等置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out. 演出刚开始就停电了。Little does he realize h

    18、ow important this meeting is. 他不怎么明白这个会议的重要性。Never has there been such an effort to save whales from extinction. 如此抢救鲸鱼,以使其免于灭绝,是从来没有过的。2. 将 no soonerthan结构中的 no sooner置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain. 我们刚离开家就开始下雨了。No sooner had we reached the airport than the p

    19、lane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。3. 将 notuntil结构中的 not结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:Not until we lose our health do we realize its value. 等到失去了健康,才明白它的价值。Not until I had read your letter did I understand the true state of affairs. 直到我看过你的信,我才了解事实真相。4. 将 not onlybut (also)结构的not only部分置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:Not only did

    20、we lose our money, but we were nearly killed. 我们不但丢了钱, 而且几乎丧了命。Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 不仅他讲话更正确,而且讲得也较不费劲了。5. 将no longer结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:No longer did he feel disappointed, but happy and hopeful. 他不再感到沮丧,而是高兴,充满希望。6. 将not (a)结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:Not a single w

    21、ord did she say. 她连一声也没有吭。Not a soul was there to show us the way. 没有一个人给我们指路。7. 将含有否定词的介词短语置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:At no time did he lose his self-control. 他始终没有失去控制力。On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝 不能触摸的。In Under no circumstances will I lend money to him. 无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。注:in no time(立即

    22、,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序。如:In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。【典型考题】1. Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner _ than it happened.A. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone2. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _ with my progress.A. the

    23、teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied3. Never in m wildest dreams _ these people are living in such poor conditions.A. I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldnt imagine D. couldnt I imagine4. Never before _ in greater ne

    24、ed of modern public transport than it is today.A. has this city been B. this city has been C. was this city D. this city was二、only型倒装当“only+状语”位于句首时,其后句子要用部分倒装。如:Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard. 他只有叫喊才能让别人听到他。Only when we landed did we see how badly the plane had been damaged. 我们只

    25、是在着陆之后才看到飞机损坏的严重程度。The pilot reassured the passengers. Only then did I realize how dangerous the situation had been. 飞机驾驶员要乘客们放心,这时我才明白刚才的情况有多危险。1. Only then _ how much damage had been caused.A. she realized B. she had realized C. had she realized D. did she realize2. Only after my friend came _. A.

    26、 did the computer repaired B. be repaired the computer C. was the computer repaired D. the computer was repaired【特别说明:有时命题者不是利用位于句首的“only+状语”来考查倒装,而是倒过来,利用给定的倒装结构来考查对only的选择。】_ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies.A. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet 三、so型倒装这类倒装主要

    27、见于以下两种情形:1. 当副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后要用部分倒装。如:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 光速很快,我们几乎没法想象它的速度。So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape. 袭击来得非常突然,我们来不及逃跑。2. 当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So

    28、+助动词+主语”这种倒装结构。如:You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。She likes music and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。If he can do it, so can I. 要是他能做此事,我也能。【典型考题】1. So difficult _ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found2. _ about wild plant

    29、s that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A. so curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious3. Its burning hot today, isnt it? Yes. _ yesterday.A. So was it B. So it was C. So it is D. So is it特别说明:(1) 若

    30、前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so改为neither或nor。如:You arent young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。She hasnt read it and nor have I. 她没有读它,我也没有读。Mary never does any reading in the evening, _.A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John(2) 注意“So+助动词+主语”与表示强调或同意的“So+主语+助动词”的区别。如:“It was cold yesterday.” “So it was.” “昨天很冷。”“的确很冷。” 典


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