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    高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高二第09讲第二十二单元教师版.docx

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    高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高二第09讲第二十二单元教师版.docx

    1、高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高二第09讲第二十二单元教师版第九讲 选修八 第二十二单元(二)同步复习 词汇和短语Unit 22Warm-upgreenhouse effectendangertrapecologybotanicala number ofconsultantbreweryreserveprincipleboycottcorruptconservationLesson 1consensusbeyondBeyond ones controlclaimlook aheadrelevantrefer toin turnlead toraybouncepinagriculturecoi

    2、ncidencecondemndroughtfederalreservationsacrificetake actionadvocaterecyclesubstitutethreatenahead ofpancakehurricaneLesson 2speciesleopardcrested ibisalligatorextincthabitattortoiseapart frommainlandhookanswer forseizecall for an end to sthor elsewrap upbehalfon ones behalffor goodcarry offTibetan

    3、antelopeTibetfashionableWarm-up温室效应危害使困住生态植物的一些顾问啤酒厂保护区原则,道德准则(联合)抵制贪污的保护Lesson 1一致的意见超出超出的控制声称展望未来有关的指,意即依次引起,导致光线反弹固定农业巧合宣判死刑,注定毁灭旱灾联邦的保留,存疑牺牲,献出采取行动主张,提倡回收利用代替品,代用品威胁在前面薄煎饼飓风Lesson 2(动植物的)物种豹朱鹛短吻鳄灭绝的,绝种的产地,栖息地(陆)龟除以外大陆钩子,钩对(不良后果)负责任依法没收、扣押要求结束否则、不然结束代表代表永远掠去、夺走藏羚羊西藏流行的,时髦的enforceall in allorangut

    4、anLesson 3landslidetsunamityphoongrandscalechangeablethunderstormrainfallirrigationarmresult Inroughquakeoffshorecatastropheseparationmeansearn ones livingconstructshabbyclaybrickslipmountainoushowlfleepotentialrollmunication Workshopplugplug ones earsquiltcushionindustrialisationskyscrapernegativea

    5、doptsoundproofrailwarehouseconsiderateall tile bestdecibelsum upas a matter of factfinanceallocatepoliticsfragilepestbreak away fromsharpenersharpenvalidevolutiontrunktuskmaturecarvecalculatecubecubic执行,实施总的来说猩猩Lesson 3滑坡,山崩海啸台风巨大的规模,大小多变的雷暴,雷雨降雨量灌溉武装导致艰难的地震在近海岸的巨大的灾难分离,分开方法谋生建造破烂的黏土砖,砖块滑落滑行多山的咆哮,怒吼

    6、逃走潜在的可能性(平稳地)移动,滚动C W塞住塞住耳朵被褥,被子坐垫,靠垫工业化摩天大楼消极的,负面的采用隔音的铁路仓库想得周到的、体贴的祝一切顺利分贝(音量单位)总结、概括实际上资金分配,配给政治(活动)易损坏的有害的动物离开卷笔刀削尖有充分理由的(生物)进化象鼻(象等动物的)长牙成熟的雕刻计算,算出立方体立方的同步自测Unit 22Environmental Protection.品句填词1Unfortunately,many species are in danger of _(灭绝) nowadays.2As the forests are being destroyed,the _

    7、(保护区)for them is being necessary.3Unless we can get more _(财政,资金),we will close the hotel.4The scientists _(计算) using various kinds of data when the spacecraft would reach the moon.5The murderer was _(判刑) to death for what he had done.6Scientists are _(宣称) a major breakthrough in the fight against c

    8、ancer.7Weve _(分配) acmodation to reach of the refugees.8The owner _(威胁)to drive us out of the pub if we got drunk.9The fruit is _(超过)my reach.10We still dont know exactly how the universe first came into _(存在)答案:1.extinction2.conservation3.finance4.calculated5.condemned6.claiming7.allocated8.threaten

    9、ed9.beyond10.existence.短语识境refer to; trap; lead to; considerate; apart from;answer for; wrap up; carry off; all in all; on ones behalf1Even such a small mistake would perhaps _ disastrous consequences.2_,he is more learned than he was ten years ago.3That just about it for today.4My colleagues are no

    10、w on vocation,so Im attending the meeting _.5Whatever you do now,you must _ it one day.6You might be more _ towards other people.7She was _ in the burning house.8Dont _ this matter again,please.I dont want to talk about it any more.9_the cost,building a house also takes up a lot of time.10She _ the

    11、first prize in the singing petition.答案:1.lead to 2.All in all 3.wraps;up 4.on their behalf 5.answer for 6.considerate7trapped 8.refer to 9.Apart from 10.carried off.完成句子1那位老师轮流帮助每一位学生,此事占用了他大量的时间。The teacher helped each of the children _ _,which took up a lot of his time.2一旦得到命令,消防队会立刻采取措施。Once they

    12、 got the order,the firefighters _ _ immediately.3在那儿他有太多难过的回忆,他永远离开了那个地方。He had too many sad memories there and left the place _ _.4租金要提前3个月支付。Rent shall be paid three months _ _.5在一定程度上我赞成你。I agree with you _ _ _.答案:1.in turn2.took action3.for good4.in advance5.to some degree.单项填空1Its a long time s

    13、ince I saw my sister._ her this weekend?(2007全国)AWhy not visiting BWhy not to visitCWhy not visit DWhy dont visit解析:考查交际用语。Why dont you.?和Why not do.?表示提出建议,是“你为什么不做”之意,解题方法探讨:交际用语是日常生活中的语言,用的最多。所以要求考生熟悉各种场景下运用什么样的语言来回答,并准确地掌握中西方文化的不同之处。答案:C2I have offered to paint the house _ a weeks acmodation.(20

    14、07山东)Ain exchange for Bwith regard to Cby means of Din place of解析:考查介词短语的辨析。句意为:作为一周住宿的交换条件,我已经主动提出粉刷房屋。with regard to“关于,至于”;by means of“通过方法”;in place of“代替”;in exchange of“作为交换条件”。解题方法探讨:介词短语在高考中考查的频率很高。要求考生们在平时学习中熟记短语,加强练习。答案:A3Elizabeth has already achieved success _ her wildest dreams.(2008陕西)

    15、Aat Bbeyond Cwithin Dupon解析:beyond ones wildest dreams 为固定短语,意思是“超出某人的想象”。解题方法探讨:beyond属于用法较灵活的介词之一。但beyond所构成的短语都离不开beyond 的本意“超过”(某个数量,限度),所以记beyond短语时要发挥想象。答案:B4We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _ violence.(2007浙江)Aruns into Bes from Cleads to Dbegins with解析:句意为:我们认为战争不能解决

    16、任何问题,它只能导致暴力。lead to 意为“导致,引起”,解决方法探讨见第5题。答案:C5Theyre quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.(2008江苏)Ato talk Bto not talk Cto talking Dto not talking解析:be accustomed to后跟动名词作宾语,动名词的否定形式应该在动名词的前面加not。解题方法探讨:to是不定式符还是介词对考生来说是个难点。要求平时熟记to为介词的几个短语就可以了。答案:D6Who is that girl on _ red bike?Lu

    17、cy Jenkins,_ art students in _ Beijing University.Aa;an;the Bthe;an;/ Cthe;the;/ Da;the;/解析:考查冠词。 第一个空是特指,表示“骑红色自行车的女孩”;第二个空是Lucy Jenkins的同位语, 表示泛指;Beijing University是专有名词,不加冠词。答案:B7Sorry,Mary.I was a bit rude to you just now._,but dont do that again.AGot it BForget it CThats all right DTake it easy

    18、解析: 考查交际用语。本句是回答sorry,故选择Forget it“没关系”;Got it“明白了”;Thats all right“没什么”;Take it easy“别急,慢慢来”。答案:B8We were late because the road was so _ that we had to drive carefully at low speed.Aspacious Bsmooth Crough Dirregular解析:考查形容词。由drive carefully at low speed可知前文意思应是“路不平”;rough“(道路等)崎岖的,不平的”;spacious“宽敞

    19、的”;smooth“平整的”;irregular“不规则的,没有规律的”。答案:C9Why not go on a picnic this weekend?Good idea. I will _ you at seven on Saturday morning.Aanswer for Baccount for Clook for Dcall for解析:考查短语动词。call for sb.“去接某人”;answer for“对负责”;account for“解释,说明”;look for“寻找”。答案:D10There was mud and water everywhere,_ it ha

    20、rd to travel from place to place.Ato make Bmade Chaving made Dmaking解析:考查非谓语动词。现在分词making作结果状语,表示前句所造成的结果。答案:D.阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。AI recently bought a house and moved in the first weekend of July.Since I have been in my new neighborhood, I have had

    21、the pleasure of meeting a few of my neighbors who seem to be extremely nice people. For Christmas, I thought I would do something nice for each of the neighbors that I know. I sat down and counted. There were nine neighbors but I decided to add one more person to my list for a total of ten. This lad

    22、y that I decided to add lives down the street from me. I meet her every morning walking to work as I drive down the street. She always manages a sweet smile and a hearty wave. I had no idea what her name was and was not even sure which house she lived in.My gift idea was to make small fruit baskets

    23、and leave them on each of my neighbors front porches or door-steps the night of Christmas Eve for them to find, either that night or the next morning. I signed the cards“Happy Holidays from 5104 Northumberland Road.”My neighbors really appreciated the baskets and would tell me as they saw me in the

    24、yard or they would call, and a couple even came by to thank me.This morning on my way to work, I placed my mail in the mailbox and noticed a small note inside. It was addressed simply “Resident,5104 Northumberland Road.”I opened the envelope and took out a Thank You card. I opened the card and read

    25、the message which really caught me by surprise.The card said:“Thank you for the lovely fruit basket you left on the porch of Richard Kelly. It was very thoughtful. Richard Kelly passed away less than a month ago. He never stopped talking about how nice it was that someone remembered him in his time

    26、of illness. He really appreciated it.”I was sincerely moved. I had no idea who Richard Kelly was or that he had been seriously ill.I had left that nice ladys basket on Mr. Kellys porch by accident.21.Which of the following statements can be supported by the passage?A.What a pity it was that the lady

    27、 didnt receive her gift!B.Richard Kelly was so lucky to receive the gift.C.A mistake made by chance caused an excellent result.D.A careless man made a careless mistake.答案 C22.The reason why the writer wanted to send gifts was that .A.he intended to show his friendship to his new neighborsB.he wanted

    28、 to gain respect from his new neighborsC.he intended to express his love to his neighborsD.he planned to make friends with his new neighbors答案 A23.All the following were his neighbors reaction to his gifts EXCEPT .A.telling him as they saw him in the yardB.calling him by phoneC.ing to thank him in personD.being appreciated by a seriously sick man答案 D24.Who knew the truth of the gift to Richard Kelly according to the passage?A.The young lady.B.Richard Kelly.C.The writer.D.The writer of the Thank You card.答案 C25.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer was .A.moved and p


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