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    1、word完整版高中英语语法知识词法动词短语练习高中语法知识词法部分讲解动词短语辨析及练习1. add to : 增加,增进小测试: I dont think these facts will _.addto: 把加进 Fifty new books have been _the library.add up 相加 The music _our enjoyment of the film.add up to:总计,所有一切说明 You must have made a mistake when you _the bill _.acton: 按照行动 Theriseinelectricitycos

    2、tshas_ourdifficulties. (药等)对起作用。 Thesefigures_50.这些数字总计为50。actas:担当(同义短语:serveas)Thechildrenstartedto _thewholeaccident.actout: 将表演出来 Atraineddogcan_aguidetoablindperson. 经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。Doesthemedicinetakelongto _ thenervecenters? 这药过很长时间才对神经中枢起作用吗?_mydoctorsadvice,Itrytoavoidtakingmorecarbohydrates

    3、thanthebodyneeds.遵照医嘱,我尽量不摄取超过身体需要的碳水化合物。2. break out:vi.(火灾、战争、争吵等)爆发,突然发生(不能用被动态)break through: 突破,从云层后露出break for sth: (试图逃脱时)突然冲向;向挣脱breakawayfromvt.1)挣脱(某人)2)脱离(组织等),破除(思想体系,传统)breakdown: 1) vi.gowrong(机器、车轮) 发生故障2) failvi.(计划、谈判等)失败3) vi.(身体)垮了, 感情失控4) vt.(化学);分解divide划分breakup: 1) vt/vi击碎,破裂

    4、2) vt.破坏(关系);vi.(关系) 破裂 3) vt.驱散(人群)breakoff1) vt.end断绝(关系) 2) vt./vi.stop停止(说话,工作) ; 暂停; 中断 break into : vt.1) enterbyforce强行进入,破门而入 2) vt.突然起来(同义)burstintobreak into pieces: 成为碎片; breakintosong/laughter/tears/cheers突然唱(大笑,大哭,欢呼)起来 break in: vi.1) 强行进入,非法进入 2) *interrupt打断别人说话,插嘴小测试: The criminal m

    5、anaged to break _the police and ran into the woods. When he heard the news, he broke _and cried.Youmustbreak_ theillegalgroupatonce. Dont break _while others are speaking. Imsorrytoarrivelate,butmycar_ halfway. Why dont you break _for a few minutes and have some coffee?When does the school _? Thepea

    6、cetalks_withoutanyagreementbeingreached. After harvest we break _the soil with a tool pulled by two oxen. Icanthaveyou_ inhealth.我不能让你身体一天天垮下去。 We had our car _ last weekThe sun _at last in the afternoon. The telephone system has _. She had to hold him back as he tried to _the door. Everylessonisbro

    7、kendownintoseveralunits. 每一课都分成几部分。 Jimbegantobreaktheice_ onthefrozenlake. Theshipbroke_ ontherocks.船触礁破裂。 Whatbroke_theirfriendship?/ Theirmarriagebroke_. Thepolicehadtouseforcetobreak_ thecrowd.Thetwocountrieshavebroken_ diplomatic(外交) relations.(22) Webroke_(work) foracupofcoffee.我们停下(工作),喝杯咖啡。(

    8、23) Astrangerbrokeinonthemorningwithoutknocking.(24) Shebroke_ withsomesuggestionsofherown. A. break in B. break off C. break up D. broke down 她插话,提出自己一些建议。(25) Dont _ while others are speaking.(26) We thought it was time to _ the talk.(27) Then the car I was in _, so I had to walk home.(28) When do

    9、es school_?3.bring back: 使回想起bring down: 使下降, 使倒下 小测试: The shopkeeper brought his price _to only five dollars.bring about: vt.cause导致, 引起。同义短语:leadto,resultin,giveriseto The school has brought _new foreign teachers to teach oral English.bringup:vt.educateandcarefor(achild) 抚养,教养(育) The song brought

    10、_happy memories of our schooldays.bringin:vt.1) causetocomein,introduce把带进;引进 Do you know what brought _this misunderstanding?2) earn赚得,获利 The kind old man agreed to bring _the young orphan.bringout: vt.1)显示,使得到充分发挥;使变得明显或衬托 We decided to bring the matter _at the next meeting. 2) 阐明,解释 The wind brou

    11、ght _a lot of trees last night. Next month they will bring _a new edition of the book. Thespeakersbrought_theimportantaspectsoftheproblem. Shemadevariouseffortstobringaboutapeacefulsolutiontotheproblem.她作了多方努力,以促进和平解决那个问题。IwasborninTexasbutbrought_ inChicago. Wewerebrought _tobehonest.我们从小受到教育,做人要诚实

    12、。 Shemadevariouseffortstobring_apeacefulsolutiontotheproblem.Theybrought_someexpertstogivethemadvice.他们请来专家给他们作顾问。 Theincreasedresponsibilitybrought_ herbestqualities. Thesalebroughtinover&200.这次销售赚了200多英镑。她担子重了,这就使她身上的优点得以发挥。 Hegenerallywearsapalebluetietobring_thecolorofhiseyes.他通常结一条淡蓝色领带,以衬托眼睛的颜

    13、色。4.burstoutdoing / burstinto+n突然起来 小测试: She burst _crying./ She burst _tears. burst in/burst into a room, a building: 闯入, 突然破门而入 They burst _laughter. burst in on sb./sth.: (突然闯进而)打断, 扰乱 He burst _on the meeting. The aircraft crashed and burst _flames. Weburst_laughingatthesightofthefunnyexpression

    14、onhisface.5.callfor: vt.1) need需要,要求2)邀约,去接/去叫某人小测试: Doctors are often called _in the middle of the war.callon +sb.=visitsb.拜访某人callonsb.todo号召或要求某人做某事 The train calls _several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou.callat: 拜访(地方); 参观(sw.)callsb.in请某人来(帮助) He called her name _, but she didnt answe

    15、r.calloff: vt.cancel取消call out: 大喊, 高叫 The sports meet was called _on account of the rain.callsb.up: 给某人打电话, 同义:telephonesb.,givesb.acall Lets call _John, for hes moved into a new house.callsth./up: 使回忆起,征召入伍比较remindsb.ofsth. Im waiting for someone to call me _with a price.callsb.back: 给某人回电话同义:ring

    16、sb.back;returnonescall Thiskindofworkcalls_careandpatience. DoyouthinkIshouldcall_BobshomewhileweareinParis? ShallIcall_youat6? Policehavebeencalled _tohelpfindthemissingboy. Thefootballmatchwascalled_becauseofthesnow. Thissongcalls_thememoriesofmychildhood.这支歌引起我对童年的回忆。由于下雪,足球比赛取消了 Please wait for

    17、me at home. Ill call _ you at your house at seven tonight.A. called off B. calls at C. call in D. call for The sports meet was _ on account of the rain. The train _ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou. Please wait for me at home. Ill _ you at your house at seven tonight. He insisted tha

    18、t we should _ a specialist at this point.6. carry sb. back to sth.: 使回想起,是回忆小测试: The smell of the sea carried her_ to her childhood.carry sth. off: 赢得, 获得,成功地对付, 不费劲地处理 He carried _most of the prizes.carryon(with) sth;carryondoing:continue继续下去 Shes had her hair cut really short, but she can carry it

    19、 _.carryout: vt.perform实施(计划),履行(义务,职责),进行(实验、手术等) Carry _until you get to the crossing, then turn left. carry over: 延迟, 延期 carry sth. through:成功完成 Carry _our work while Im away.carry sb. through(sth.): 帮助渡过难关; After he left I just tried to carry _as normal.carry through(on/with sth.): 履行承诺 He carri

    20、ed _peeling the potatoes. They carried _their promise a year later. The match had to be carried _until Sunday. His determination carried him _the ordeal(难关)(11) He has proved he can carry _ on his promises.(12) Thisplanshouldbecarried _immediately.(13) Iexpectyoutocarry_ yourduties.(14) Dontstopcarr

    21、y_,everyone!(15) Evenafterthemusicstarted,theystillcarried _talking.7. checkinatthehotel| check into: 在旅馆登记住宿小测试: He checkedabook_thelibrary. 登记从图书馆借出一本书checkoutofthehotel: 结账后离开旅馆 Please check _at least an hour before departure.(起程) check sth. out: 调查, 查证,核实 The police are checking _his alibi(不在犯罪现

    22、场证明). check over/through sth.: 仔细调查, 核对, 核查 Check _the prices at our new store! check up on sb.: 监督, 督促 | check up on sth.: 查证,核实 My parents are always checking _me. I need to check _a few things before I can decide. Check _your work for mistakes.8. careforvt.1) like喜欢 2) lookafter,takecareof照料小测试:I

    23、dontreallycare_ tea,Ilikecoffeebetter.3) 关心同义:beconcernedwith;careabout Imgladtoseethatyouarebeingwellcared_. care about: 关注,在意, 担忧Anovelist_ otherpeoplesattitudetohiswork. She cares deeply _environmental issues.小说家并不关心别人对他作品的态度。 He never cares _his employees. He didnt care much _her friends.9. clea

    24、rup1) vi.天空放晴 2) vt./vi.putinorder收拾,整理小测试:Theskycleared_soonaftertherain.3) vt.澄清,解释clearuponesview澄清(对.的看法,观点等) Dontexpectmetoclear_(yourthings)afteryouallthetime.clear away | clear sth. away: 把清除掉(以留出空间) He cleared _and made coffee.clear off: 离开, 逃离, 逃跑clear (sth.) out: 把清空, 清理 Its time your toys were cleared _. He cleare


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