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    1、全人教八年级英语上Units15单元试题改写句子人教八年级英语上Units1-5单元试题-改写句子(Exercise 一)改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格一个单词。1. He did some sports last week.(改为否定句) (Unit 1, 2019年)He _ _ _ sports last week.2.I was at home yesterday evening.(变为一般疑问句)(Unit 1, 2019年)_ _at home yesterday evening?3.I bought something special in the shop.

    2、(变为一般疑问句)(Unit 1, 2019年)_ you _ _ special in the shop?4. We went to Beijing on vacation.(对画线部分提问) (Unit 1, 2019年)_ did you _ on vacation?5. I wonder what life was like here in the past.(同义句转换)(Unit 1, 2019年)I _ _ _ what life was like here in the past.6. They ate a lot because the food was delicious.

    3、 (变为同义句) (Unit 1, 2019年)They ate a lot _ _the delicious food.7. It seems that he doesnt like the coat. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 1, 2019年)He doesnt _ _ _ the coat.8. They had fun in Daming Lake Park.(改为同义句) (Unit 1, 2019年)They _ _ in Daming Lake Park.9. I always eat junk food,(改为否定句) (Unit 2, 2019年)I _ eat j

    4、unk food.10. Alice brushes her teeth twice a day. (对划线部分提问) (Unit 2, 2019年)_ _ does Alice brush her teeth?11. Alice brushes her teethtwicea day. (对划线部分提问) (Unit 2, 2019年)_ _ _ does Alice brush her teeth?12. Mary is 16 years old. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 2, 2019年)Mary is _ _ girl.13. She usually watches TV f

    5、or over two hours a day.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 2, 2019年)She usually watches TV for_ _ two hours a day.14. She has a healthy eating habit.(改写句子,句意不变) (Unit 2, 2019年)Her _ _ _ healthy.15. He uses the Internet on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 2, 2019年)He uses the Internet _ _a week.16. The b

    6、aby sleepstenhours every day. (对画线部分提问) (Unit 2, 2019年) _ _ hours does the baby sleep every day?17. Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 2, 2019年)_ bad for our eyes _ _TV too much.18. Shesometimesdoes her homework at school.(就划线部分提问)(Unit 2, 2019年)_ _ does she _ her homework at

    7、 school?(Exercise 二)改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格一个单词。1. Lisa sang more clearly than her sister.(改为否定句)(Unit 3, 2019年)Lisa _ _more clearly than her sister.2. I am a little taller than my cousin.(变一般疑问句)(Unit 3, 2019年)_ _ a little taller than my cousin?3. Tom and his brother live in the same bedroom. (改写

    8、句子,句意不变)(Unit 3, 2019年)Tom _ the bedroom _ his brother.4. Do you work as hard as your friend ? (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 3, 2019年)Are you _ _ _ your friend?5. John enjoys swimming. Peter enjoys swimming, too.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 3, 2019年)John Peter swimming.6. I dont think math is as interesting as music.(改写句子,句

    9、意不变)(Unit 3, 2019年)I think math is _ _ _ music.7. I think Eliza is the best performer. (改为否定句)(Unit 4, 2019年)I_ _Eliza is the best performer.8.Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 4, 2019年)Shanghai is _ _ _in China.9.More and more people are becoming the fans of the movie

    10、.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 4, 2019年)This movie is becoming _ and _ _ .10.The girl boughtlots of clotheson the day of Double 11 last year.(对划线部分提问)(Unit 4, 2019年)_ _the girl buy on the day of Double 11 last year.11.I think that radio station ispretty good(对画线部分提问)(Unit 4, 2019年)_ _ you think of that radio sta

    11、tion?12.I think Luxin Cinema has the best service in Jinan. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 4, 2019年)I think Luxin Cinema has _ service than_ _ cinemas .(Exercise 三)改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格一个单词。1. Jessica enjoys watching soap operas very much. (改为一般疑问句)(Unit 5, 2019年)_ Jessica _ watching soap operas very much?2.

    12、Peter and Mike want towatch a talk showtonight. (对画线部分提问)(Unit 5, 2019年)_ _ Peter and Mike want to do tonight?3. I hope to find out whats happening around the world.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 5, 2019年)I hope to find out whats _ _ around the world.4. Jackdoesnt mindthe talk shows. (对画线部分提问)(Unit 5, 2019年)_ _ J

    13、ack _ _ the talk shows?5. What do you think of China? (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 5, 2019年)_ do you _ China?6.I hope that I can go to the USA one day. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 5, 2019年)I hope _ _ to the USA one day.7. They discussed about math problems just now.(改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 5, 2019年)They _ _ _ about math problems

    14、just now.8. Todays cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse. (改写句子,句意不变)(Unit 5, 2019年)Todays cartoons are usually _ _ _ than little Mickey Mouse.9.My sister likes action movies. (改为否定句) (高新区月考2020年)My sister _ _action movies.10. Many young people watch TVthree times a week.(划线提问) (

    15、高新区月考2020年)_ _ do Many young people watch TV?11. Mike is ten years old. Helen is ten years old, too.(改写句子,句意不变) (高新区月考2020年)Mike is_ _ _ Helen.12. How do you like game shows?(改写句子,句意不变) (高新区月考2020年)_do you _ _ game shows?13.How many hours do you sleep every evening?(改写句子,句意不变) (高新区月考2020年)_ _do you

    16、sleep every evening?(Exercise 四)改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。1.She read some new books on vacation .(改为一般疑问句)(市中区月考 2020年)_she read_new books on vacation ?2.We use the internetonce a week.(对划线部分提问)(市中区月考 2020年)_ _do you use the internet ?3.My mother cant stand scary movies. (对划线部分提问) (市中区月考 2020年)

    17、_does your mother_of the scary movie ?4.Tom is taller than any other students in his class .(改写句子,句意不变)(市中区月考 2020年)Tom is_ _ student in his class.5.Jim went to bed very late last night .He was busy getting ready for the math test.(改写句子,句意不变)Jim _ _late in order to get ready for the math test last n

    18、ight.(市中区月考 2020年)6.Sam went to the summer camp on vacation.(改为否定句)(历下区月考2020年)Sam_ _go to the summer camp on vacation.7.Nobody is as tall as Li Ming in Class Three.(改写句子,句意不变)(历下区月考2020年)Li Ming is taller than_ _student in Class Three.8.He exercisesfour hours a dayafter school.(就划线部分提问)(历下区月考2020年)

    19、_ _does he exercise after school?9.My parents missed the last train yesterday because of the heavy rain.(改写句子,句意不变)(历下区月考2020年)My parents missed the last train yesterday _the rain was_.10.In fact,Mary is the funniest person I know.(改写句子,句意不变) (历下区月考2020年)In fact,Mary is _ than_I know.11. He did some

    20、 sports last week.(改为否定句) (济阳区月考2020年)He _ _ any sports last week.12. Shewent to Beijingon vacation.(对画线提问) (济阳区月考2020年)_ _ she _ on vacation?13. Alice brushes her teethtwice a day. (对划线部分提问) (济阳区月考2020年)_ _ does Alice brush her teeth?14.The girl gave a wonderful song last Friday.(改感叹句)(济阳区月考2020年)_

    21、 _ _ song the girl gave last Friday!15. She usually watches TV for over two hours a day.(同义句) (济阳区月考2020年)She usually watches TV for _ _two hours a day.16. I wondered what life was like here in the past.(同义句转换)(济阳区月考2020年)I _ _ _ what life was like here in the past.(Exercise 五)改写句子。按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填

    22、一个单词。1.We arrived in Qingdao at 11:00 oclock.(改为一般疑问句)(高新区期中2019年)_you_in Qingdao at 11:00 oclock?2.She goes shopping on weekends.(改为否定句) (高新区期中2019年)She_ _shopping on weekends.3.I saw five children in the house.(就划线部分提问) (高新区期中2019年)_ _children did you see in the house?4.There are over eight hundre

    23、d students in the primary school.(改写句子,句意不变)(高新区期中2019年)There are_ _eight hundred students in the primary school.5.Im less hard-working than my friend John.(改写句子,句意不变)(高新区期中2019年)Im not _hard-working_my friend John.6.Ella always watches TV after dinner.(改为否定句) (槐荫区期中2019年)Ella_always_TV after dinner

    24、.7.Tony bought something for his friends last week.(改为一般疑问句)(槐荫区期中2019年)Did Tony_ _for his friends last week?8.Tom exercisetwice a week.(就划线部分提问)(槐荫区期中2019年)_ _does Tom exercise?9.Sam doesnt work as hard as Sarah.(改写句子,句意不变)(槐荫区期中2019年)Sarah is_ _than Sam.10.Bob is taller than any other student in o

    25、ur class.(改写句子,句意不变)(槐荫区期中2019年)Bob is_ _in our class.(Exercise 六)改写句子。按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。1. Tara works as hard as Tine. (改为否定句) (历城区期中2019年)Taraas hard as Tina.2. I bought something special. (改为一般疑问句)(历城区期中2019年)youanything special?3. Its3 hours ridefrom Toms school to his hometown. (就划线部分提问)(历城

    26、区期中2019年)is it from Toms school to his hometown?4.Lily is fourteen years old. Tom is sixteen years old. (改写句子,句意不变)(历城区期中2019年)Lily is two yearsTom.5. I hope I can be a reporter one day.(改为同义句) (历城区期中2019年)I hopea reporter one day.6.Nelly wants to watch a comedy show.(改为一般疑问句)(历下区期中(2019年)_Nelly_to

    27、watch a comedy show?7.My parents and I wentto Hangzhoulast summer vacation.(就划线部分提问)(历下区期中(2019年)_did your parents and you_last summer vacation?8.“Is it necessary to have cool clothes?”Jane wonders.(改写句子,句意不变)(历下区期中(2019年)Jane _if it_necessary to have cool clothes.9.Ma Yun brought China into a quick-pay country successfully.(改写句子,句意不变)(历下区期中(2019年)Ma Yun _a good job in _China into a quick-pay country.10.Art is Claires talent,but she still hopes to be a doctor.(改写句子,句意不变)(历下区期中(2019年)_Claire is _in art,she still hopes to be a doctor.


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