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    1、高考英语完形填空高频核心词汇高考真题完型填空高频核心词汇总结136 because / since / for / so / therefore / thus因为、所以97get / got / gets / getting / have / has / had / having / let / lets /让letting /make / makes / made / making79but / however / yet / although / though但是70as / with / without伴随69what / whatever / when / whenever / whe

    2、re / wherever /关系词whether /whichever / who / whoever / how / why60look / looked / looking / overlook / see / sees / saw / foresee /看watch /watched / watching / spot / spotted / observe /observed / observer /witnessed / glance / glanced / stare /glaring52happy / happier / happily / happiness / glad /

    3、 delight /高兴delighted /delighting / joy / please / pleased / pleasant /unpleasant / amused /amusement / amusing48say / said / saying / speak / spoke / speaking / state / states /说话stated /statement / tell / told / tells / talk / talked / talking /talkative /announced / announcement / declare / decla

    4、red46can / could / should / would / might / must / will / willing /情态动词willingly /unwilling / unwillingly / need / needed / needing /needs46ask / asking / asked / required / requires / requirement /要求requirements/ request / requested / demand / demanded /demanding45in / into在里面44care / cared / caref

    5、ul / carefully / careless / carelessness /关心caring /caretaker / concern / concerned41some / somebody / someone / something / sometimes / any不定代词/anybody / anyone / anything / anyhow / anywhere / anyway/ thing41think / thinking / thought / thoughts / thoughtless / consider想/considered / considering /

    6、 considerate / consideration /considerably /reconsidered39afraid / frightened / terrified / scared / scaring / scary / horror害怕/ fear /fears / fearless37difficult / difficulty / hard / harder / hardly / hardship /困难hardships /tough / toughest / challenge / challenged /challenges / challenging37take

    7、/ took / taken / taking / takes / fetch拿取、从事34accept / acceptance / accepted / accepting / adopt / adopted接受、收到/receive / received / reception34move / moved / moves / moving / unmoved / movement /移动、移出remove /removed / removes33cover / covered / covering / discovered / discoveries /覆盖discovering /re

    8、discovered / recover / recovered / recovery /rediscover33work / worked / working / works / workers / job / jobs / career工作、职业/occupation / professions32sense / sensed / sensibly / sensitive / feel / feeling / feelings /感觉、感受felt /passion / passions到32hope / hoped / hoping / hopeful / hopefully / hop

    9、eless /希望wished / want/ wanted / desire / desires31change / changed / changing / changes / unchanged变化31on / upon持续31surprise / surprised / surprises / surprising / surprisingly惊讶30act / acted / acting / acts / action / active / activity / activities /动作reacted/ reaction / reactions30turn / turned /

    10、 turns / overturned / return / returned翻转、回归、归还30mind / minds / minded / minding / remind / reminded /想法、提醒reminding /reminder29opinion / opinions / view / review / reviewing / idea / ideas观点28advice / advise / advised / adviser / suggest / suggests /建议suggested /suggestion27if如果26decide / decided /

    11、 decision / decisions / determined /决定、决心resolution26hurt / hurtful / pain / painful / painfully / injury / injured /伤害、伤痛wound /wounded / ached / miserable26offer / offered / offers / provided / providing / present /提供presented /presentation / represent26courage / discouraged / encourage / encourag

    12、ed /勇气encouragement /encouraging25to对于25242424242323232322222222222222222221212121directed / direction / directions / directly / director / indirectly / 指导guide /guided / guiding / guidance / instruction / instructionsleave / leaves / left 离开、留下recognize / recognized / recognizing / realize / realiz

    13、ed / 认识到、意realizing 识到agree / agreed / agreeing / agreement / disagreement / favor 赞成/ favour/ favored / favorableshow / shows / showed / shown / showing / exhibited 展示belief / beliefs / believe / believed / believes / believing / 认为、信念disbelief /unbelievable / faithlife / live / lived / living / li

    14、ves / lived / alive 生命、生活no / none / nobody / nothing / neither / never / nowhere 完全否定词find / finding / finds / found 找到help / helped / helping / helps / helpful / helpless 帮助doubt / doubted / doubtful / doubting / doubts / undoubtedly / 不相信suspect/ suspected / suspectinganswer / answered / reply /

    15、replied / respond / responded / 回答response /responsible / responsibilitymeasure / method / methods / way / ways 方法even 甚至press / pressed / pressure / stress / stressed / stressful 按压、压力allow / allowed / allowing / permission / admit / admitted / 允许admitting /admissionabove / up 在上面walk / walked / wa

    16、lking / step / stepped / stepping / steps 行走、脚步、台阶try / trying / tried / tries / attempt / attempted / attempting 尝试promise / promised / promises / promising 承诺worry / worrying / worried / worries / worriedly 担忧fall / falling / fell / drop / dropped / dropping 掉落21sad / sadly / sadness / sadder / up

    17、set / sorrow / sorrowful /sick21stop / stopped / stops21by21hold / held / holding21interest / interested / interesting / interestingly / interests/uninterested / uninteresting20good / better / best / goods / well / welled / bad / badly /worse /worsened20or / either20just / merely / only20draw / drew

    18、 / drawn / drawing / draws / drawers / pull / pulled/ pulling20every / everybody / everyone / everything / each20patience / patient / patiently / impatient / impatiently20image / imaging / imagine / imagined / imagining /imagination /imaginations / imaginable20fortunate / fortunately / fortune / unf

    19、ortunate / unfortunately /luck /lucky / luckily19comfort / comfortable / comforted / comforting /uncomfortable /uncomfortably19note / notes / notice / noticed / notices / unnoticed19 appreciate / appreciated / appreciating / appreciation / appreciations /grateful / thank / thanked / thankful /thankf

    20、ulness19 call / called / calling / recalled / recalling1919expect / expectation / expectations / expected / expecting/unexpected / unexpectedly19situation / situations / case / cases19 disappointed / disappointedly / disappointing / disappointment难过、难受停止通过方式握住兴趣好、坏或者、否则仅仅拉、抽取每个耐心想象幸运安慰、舒适笔记、注意感谢呼叫进行

    21、运动、演奏期待情况失望19191918181818181817171717171717161616161616many / much / more / most / mostly / lot / less / least / few 多、少argue / argued / arguing / argument / quarrel / quareled / 争论、争吵quarreling /quarrelsprepare / prepares / prepared / preparing / preparation / 准备preparations/ readyappear / appeared

    22、 /appearing / appears / disappear / 出现disappearance/ disappeared / disappearingrelax / relaxed / relaxing / relaxation / relief / relieved 放松follow / followed / following 跟随satisfy / satisfied / satisfying / satisfactory / satisfaction / 满意、满足dissatisfied /dissatisfactionsupport / supported / suppor

    23、ting / supports / supportive 支持final / finally / eventually / last / lasted 最后、最终near / nearly / approximately / almost / probably 大概、附近、几乎proud / proudly / pride 骄傲normal / normally / ordinary / common 普通persuade / persuaded / persuading / persuasively / convince 说服、信服/convinced / convincingenjoy /

    24、 enjoyable / enjoying 享受depended / depending / independence / independent / rely 依靠/ relied /reliable / count / counted / counting / countsright / corrected / correction / properly / appropriate 正确break / broke / broken / breaks 打破hand / hands / handed / handbook 递给regret / regretted / regretting /

    25、regretful / regretfully 后悔、遗憾plan / planned / planning / plans 计划examine / examined / examining / check / checked / cheque 检查、支票nervous / nervously / tense / tensely 紧张16still仍然16lose / lost / losing / loss失去16shock / shocked / shocking震惊16know / knew / knowing / knowledge知道16until / till直到15give /

    26、gives / giving / gave / given给15and和15value / valued / valuable / treasure / priceless / worthless价值、珍惜15shame / shamed / shameful / ashamed可耻、羞愧15strange / strangest / strangely / strangers陌生的、奇怪的15effort / efforts努力15go / went / gone / going去15confidence / confident / confidently / unconfident信心15

    27、excited / excitedly / excitement / exciting兴奋15study / studies / studied / studying / student / students / learn学习、了解/learned / learning15serious / seriously / seriousness / severe严重的15about / around / round / rounded / surrounded / surroundings周围14keep / keeps / kept / keeping / keeper / maintain保持

    28、、保存14save / saved / saving / savings保存、储蓄、挽救14ever曾经14put / putting放14embarrassed / embarrassing / embarrassment尴尬14curious / curiously / curiosity好奇14chance / chances / opportunity机会14stand / stood / bear / unbearable / tolerate / tolerance忍受、容忍14always / often / usual / usually / unusual / unusually /经常constant /constantly / occasionally14course / courses / lesson / lessons / programs课程14practice / practiced / practical / exercise练习13reach / reached / reaching达到13hit / strike / strikes / striking / struck打击、突然想到13open / opens / opened / opening打开13anger / angry / angrily愤怒13concentrate


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