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    1、机场接人常用口语机场接人常用口语1. Excuse me, Sir. Are you Mr. White from New York?对不起,先生。您是从纽约来的怀特先生吗?2. Im Liu Mei, from Guangzhou Textile Import & Export Corporation. Ive come to meet you. 我是广州纺织品进出口公司的刘梅,我是来接您的。3. Welcome to Guangzhou, Mr. White. Our manager will come to greet you later at the hotel.怀特先生,欢迎来到广州

    2、。我们的经理稍后会来酒店问候您。4. Did you have a pleasant trip? 旅途愉快吗?5. Yes, I enjoyed it very much. 是的,旅途非常愉快。6. Anyhow, its a long way to China, isnt it? I think you must be very tired.不管怎样,远道来到中国,不是吗?我想您一定很累了。7. But Ill be all right by tomorrow and ready for business. 不过,我明天就会好的,也会准备好谈生意。8. Do you know where t

    3、he baggage claim area is?您知道行李认领处在哪儿吗?9. How many pieces of Luggage do you have? 您有几件行李?10. I wish you a pleasant stay here. 祝您在这儿过得愉快。11. Thank you for meeting me at the airport.谢谢您到机场来接我。12. If all is ready, wed better start for the hotel. 如果一切都准备好了,我们最好动身去宾馆吧。 英语口语对话:机场接人A: Hello, Mr. Brown.您好,布朗

    4、先生。B: Hello, Lin.您好,林。A: Its nice to see you again in Shanghai.很高兴再次在上海见到您。B: Well, Im so glad to be able to come to this World Expo.是呀,我为能来参加这届世博会而感到高兴。A: How was your flight?飞行顺利吗?B: Just wonderful! Good food and good service.好极了!食品不错,服务周到。A: Now, Mr. Brown, if all is ready, wed better start for t

    5、he hotel.好,布朗先生,如果一切妥当,我们出发去宾馆吧。B: Id like to. Lets go.好的。走吧。A: This way, please. Our car is in the parking lot.这边请。我们的车在停车场。B: OK . But Ms. Lin, the airport looks different from what I saw last time.好可是林女士,机场和我上次见到的有些不一样呀。A: (laughing) Your last time was two years ago, right?(笑)您上次是在两年前,对吧?B: Yes.是

    6、的A: In the past two years, Shanghai has speeded up the expansion project of the Pudong Airport. Youll see more changes elsewhere.在过去的两年里,上海加快了浦东机场的扩建工程。您在别的地方会看到更多的变化。B: Thats why I like Shanghai immensely.这就是我非常喜欢上海的原因。恶补机场接人情景对话Bill: Hey John! Im here! 嗨,约翰!我在这儿! John Hey: Bill. I already saw you.

    7、 Have you been waiting long? 嗨,比尔。我早就看见你了,等了很长时间了吧? Bill: I arrived just now and havent waited long. Did your trip go smoothly? 我刚到,没等多少时间,路上顺利吗? John: Yes, everything was fine and the plane arrived on time. 一路上都很顺利,飞机也是准点到达。 Bill: Im so happy to meet you in Shanghai. You must be tired after such a

    8、long trip. 在上海见到你真太高兴了。你一路上辛苦了! John: Taking a flight really made me tired. But after landing in Shanghai and seeing you, Im not tired anymore. 坐飞机的确是很累,可是一到上海见到了你,我就不累了。 Bill: I think Ive seen you before.In Beijing and Bangkok.Come, lets get into the car to go to our office. 我想我以前见过你.在北京和曼谷.走,我们先上车

    9、去我们的办公室吧。 John: All right, in Shanghai, you call the shots 好的,到了上海,都听你的。 Bill: Gaven has mentioned you many times. Gaven wanted to join us, but he had some work to do, so he couldnt come. 柴总经常提起你.本来我柴总也要来的,不过他有工作要做来不了。 John: Its great enough that you came. Well trouble you a lot from now on. Thanks

    10、for coming to pick me up. 由你代表就行了,以后少不了要麻烦你们呢。谢谢你来接我。 Bill: No problem. Well be very happy as long as you have a good time in China. 没问题,只要你们在中国过得开心,我们就很高兴了。 John: Your English is very good. 您英语语说得真好。 Bill: Thank you. But Ive studied English for just two years and I need to study more. 哪里,我才学了两年,还要多

    11、学习。 Bill: John, Have you been to Shanghai before? 约翰,你曾经来过上海吗? John: Yes,I have been to Shanghai in 2007 是的,我曾经在2007年来过上海. Bill: What do you think of Shanghai? 你觉得上海如何? John: Shanghai is a beautiful city. 上海是个美丽的城市. Bill: Is very short the airport to our offices distance, 20 minutes may arrive. You

    12、may rest slightly 机场到我们办公室的路程很短,20分钟就可以到达.你可以稍微休息一下. John: Thats not a bad idea. 这主意不赖. Bill: Our destination arrived, should get out. Let us go to the conference room directly. 我们的目的地到了,该下车了.让我们直接去会议室吧.英语口语实用表达:机场摘要:公司里的外籍员工可能经常会搭乘飞机飞来飞去,能用英语准确表达航班时间,描述飞机的行程状况,一定会帮助你给人留下深刻的印象。下面我们就来看几个常用的表达吧!公司里的外籍

    13、员工可能经常会搭乘飞机飞来飞去,能用英语准确表达航班时间,描述飞机的行程状况,一定会帮助你给人留下深刻的印象。下面我们就来看几个常用的表达吧!1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport.(我要去机场接人)2.Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?)3.It has been delayed.(飞机晚点了)4.It arrived on time.(飞机正点到达)5.It has been cancelled.(航班被取消了)6.Where is th

    14、e luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?)7.Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?)8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No.(我会举个牌子在入口.号大门处等你.9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away.我会在停车场等你.你一提好行李,马上打我手机.10.My car is black

    15、 with lisence plate No.我的车是黑色,车牌号是.11.How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机肯定有点感受.12.Did you enjoy your trip? 你享受这次旅行吗?13.Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口吗?14Please let me know if theres anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我。常用机场词汇:起飞take off问讯处.Information Desk机场费 airport fee国际机场 internat

    16、ional airport国内机场 domestic airport机场候机楼 airport terminal国际候机楼 international terminal国际航班出港 international departure国内航班出站 domestic departure不需报关 nothing to declare登机口 gate; departure gate候机室 departure lounge航班号 FLT No (flight number)预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)前往. departure to起飞时间 departure time延误 del

    17、ayed登机 boarding由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures免税店 duty-free shop货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange行李暂存箱 luggage locker登机手续办理 check-in登机牌 boarding pass (card)护照检查处 passport control immigration行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班旅客 international passengers中转 transfers中转旅客 transfer pass

    18、engers中转处 transfer correspondence过境 transit报关物品 goods to declare购票处 ticket office出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire公用电话 public phone; telephone行李牌 luggage tag机场接外国人常用英语A:Excuse me, are you Mr. Robinson from London? Im PR manager of Ti

    19、anshan Trading company. My name is sun kai.打扰一下,您是从伦敦来的罗宾逊先生吗? 我是来自天山贸易公司公关部经理.我叫孙凯.B:How do you do, Mr. sun? Its nice to meet you.你好,孙先生?很高兴见到你.A:How do you do? welcome to Dalian.你好?欢迎来到大连.B:Thank you . Its very nice of you to meet me at the airport.谢谢你来机场接我,真实太好了.A:You are welcome .may I introduce

    20、 my colleage Miss li tian? Miss Li is our sales manager.不用客气. 我可以介绍我的同事李田小姐吗? 李小姐是我们销售部经理.B:Glad to meet you, Miss Li.李小姐很高兴认识你.A:Glad to meet you too .Ive heard a lot about you.也很高兴认识你. 久仰大名.B:You are so kind.你真友善.(they walk toward the car in the parking lot)(他们朝着停车场走去)A:Did you have a good flight?

    21、旅行愉快吗?B:Not bad. there was a dense fog in London so the flight was delayed several hours.还不错. 伦敦起了大雾因此飞机延误几个小时.A:Im sorry to hear that .听到这些我很难过.C:How long did the flight take?飞行多长时间.A:16 hours non-stop.16小时不停飞.C:It must be a very tiring trip.那旅行一定很累.B:It is .是的.(at the hotel)A:So you need a good re

    22、st after such a long flight. we wont stand in your way.在长途飞行之后你需要好好休息. 我们不打扰您了.B:Thank you very much.谢谢你们.机场接机常用英文口语Excuse me!Are you Mr.Johnson? 打扰了,您是Johnson先生吗?Yes,thats right. 是的,我是。No, you got the wrong person. 不,您认错人了。How do you do, Mr.Johnson! I am Tom, the salesman of the ABC company.您好,John

    23、son先生!我叫Tom, ABC公司的销售员。How do you do, Tom! Glad to meet you. 您好,Tom。很高兴认识您。I came to pick you up to your hotel. 我是来接您去饭店的。Thank you. You are very nice. 谢谢,你真好。How was your trip? 您旅途还好吗?Very good. Thank you. 很好,谢谢。Not very good. I was got air. 不是很好,我晕机。Do you feel better now? 您现在好点了吗?Yes,but I feel v

    24、ery tired. Because its a very long trip. 是的,但是我感觉很累,因为飞行时间很长。Lets go and check in the hotel. 让我们去饭店登记吧!Let me help you with your luggage. 让我帮您拿行李。Please wait for me here. I am going to the parting lot to drive my car. 请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。商务英语口语考试:机场迎接Unit 1 Meeting at the Airport. Useful expressions 有用的表

    25、达式1.Excuse me,but are you Mr. Smith from New Jersey?对不起,您是新泽西州来的史密斯先生吗?2Did you have a good trip?旅程还顺利吗?3How was your flight?飞行顺利吗?4,Its nice to see you again,here in Shanghai很高兴在上海再次见到您。5Thank you for meeting me at the airport。谢谢您到机场来接我。6How many pieces of luggage do you have?您有多少行李?7Let me help wi

    26、th your luggage我帮您拿行李吧。8The re is a shuttle bus2 for Expo visitors有一辆为世博会参观者准备的往返穿梭车。9What time does the shuttle bus leave for the airport?班车什么时候开往机场?10It leaves every half an hour每半小时有一班。11If youre ready, wed better start for the hotel如果您准备好了,我们最好现在出发去宾馆。12Im Liu Mei,from Shanghai CraftsArts Import

    27、Export CorporationIve come to meet you我是上海工艺品进出口公司的刘梅,我是来接您的。13Anyhow,its a long way to China,isnt it?不管怎么说,到中国算是一次长途旅行,对吧?14I wish you a pleasant stay during the Expo season。祝您在世博会期间过得愉快。15I didnt expect the airport to be so efficient!我真没想到机场会这么高效!16Do you know where the baggage claim area is?您知道行李

    28、领取处在哪儿吗?17Its very convenient to travel from the airport to the downtown area从机场到市区十分方便。18The Hongqiao Airport is mainly for internal flights,while the Pudong Airport is mainly for international flights.虹桥机场主要承载国内航班,浦东机场主要是国际航班。19With the arrival of so many tourists and business travelers .随着这么多游客和商

    29、业人士的到来20Shanghai has speeded up the expansion project of the Pudong Airport上海已加快了浦东机场的扩建工程。2010年世博会新世界英语口语专题会话:在机场迎接(1)Dialogue 1 (Ding Lin is sent by the Galaxy Hotel to meet Mr. Brown and Tommy at the Pudong Airport ) Ding Lin: Excuse me, but are you Mrs. Brown and Tommy from California? Mrs. Brow

    30、n: Yes, we are. Ding Lin: Im Ding Lin from the Galaxy Hotel. Ive come to meet you. Ding Lin: Oh, how do you do, Mr. Ding? Ding Lin: How do you do, Mrs. Brown? Let me help you with your luggage. Mrs. Brown: Thank you very much. (turning to a little boy) Come on, Tommy. Ding Lin: This way, please. We have a shuttle bus for Expo visitors over there. Mrs. Brown Oh, thank you. 对话 1 (丁林受银河宾馆委派到浦东机场去接布朗太太和汤米) 丁林: 对不起,你们是从加州来的布朗太太和汤米吗? 布朗太太:是的,我们


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