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    1、20xx高考二轮复习英语考案动词时态和语态20xx高考二轮复习英语考案:动词时态和语态XX高考二轮复习英语考案: 动词时态和语态【专题考案】1. we _ with you for the time being.a. will stay b. will be staying c. would stay d. have stayed2. who sings best in your class?mary _.a. is b. does c. do d. sing3. she _ her pen in her room now.a. finds b. is finding c. looks for

    2、 d. is looking for4. what _ you _ tomorrow morning?a. are/going to do b. are/doing c. are/done d. have/done5. it was not long before the water _ cold.a. is feeling b. feels c. felt d. was feeling6. i _ as soon as you come back.a. went b. have gone c. am going d. shall go7. the scientist _ canada and

    3、 he will give us a talk when he _ back.a. has gone to/comes b. has been to/will comec. has gone to/will come d. has been to/comes8. he found his book this morning, but now he _ his pen.a. loses b. is missing c. has lost d. lost9. she _ to her hometown several times.a. has been b. has gone c. went d.

    4、 is going10. it _ jane and mary who helped me the other day.a. is b. was c. are d. were11. i _ to bed when the telephone rang. 共11页,当前第1页1234567891011a. have been b. went c. am going d. was going12. jane _ some washing this time yesterday.a. is doing b. had done c. was doing d. did13. when i got to

    5、the school, the first class _.a. had begun b. began c. is beginning d. has begun14. mother promised she _ me an english-chinese dictionary.a. is buying b. will buy c. would buy d. has bought15. she objects to _ loud music _ while she reads newspapers.a. have/play b. have/played c. having/playing d.

    6、have/playing16. if it _, we will go to visit the zoo.a. not rains b. doesnt rain c. wont rain d. isnt going to rain17. our english teacher _ all the exercise books last friday evening.a. has corrected b. will correct c. had corrected d. corrected18. what are you doing under the table?i _ to find my

    7、watch.a. tried b. try c. am trying d. have tried19. there _ an english evening party next saturday.a. is going to be b. will have c. is to have d. is going to have20. it is getting late. its time we _.a. go b. went c. are going d. must go21. continue heating until steam _.a. has appeared b. appear c

    8、. appeared d. will appear22. dont get that ink on the shirt, for it _.a. doesnt wash out b. wont be washing out 共11页,当前第2页1234567891011c. isnt washing out d. wont wash out23. i havent seen her _.a. two weeks ago b. since two weeksc. for two weeks d. before two weeks24. my brother _ the youth league

    9、since 1990.a. joined b. has been in c. has joined d. had joined25. where is peter? he _ to shanghai.a. went b. had gone c. has been d. has gone26. i knew i could not finish the homework _.a. by the time he had come b. before he camec. until he has come d. when he comes27. he _ english for ten years

    10、by the time he takes the examination.a. will have been studying b. would have been studyingc. will study d. studied28. the bus came after i _ for about half an hour.a. had been waiting b. have been waitingc. have waited d. was waiting29. i saw that he _ at seven oclock last night.a. still worked b.

    11、is still workingc. was still working d. had been working 共11页,当前第3页123456789101130. i didnt go to see the film because i _ it.a. saw b. have seen c. had seen d. am seeing31. did you ask the teacher what _ this afternoon?a. will we do b. we would do c. shall we do d. would we do32. who _ to school ea

    12、rliest in your class every morning?a. comes b. come c. will come d. is coming33. im sure i _ her four years ago.a. have seen b. saw c. had seen d. will see34. an unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding, and the water _ all the time.a. rose b. raised c. was rising d. was raising35. _ a noise jus

    13、t then?a. have you heard b. were you hearingc. are you hearing d. did you hear36. great changes _ in the last twenty years in china.a. took place b. have taken placec. were taking place d. have been taken place37. _ that dress when he first saw you in the street?a. are you wearing b. did you wearc.

    14、have you worn d. were you wearing38. she _ when i go to see her.a. is always working b. was always workingc. always worked d. has always worked 共11页,当前第4页123456789101139. i will ask her for the book now, for she _ plenty of time to read since i lent it to her.a. has b. has had c. had had d. was havi

    15、ng40. our football team _ every match so far this year, but we still have three more games to play.a. wins b. was winning c. had won d. has won41. i dont think jim saw me; he _ into space.a. just stared b. has just stared c. was just staring d. is just staring42. _ my glasses?yes, i saw them on your

    16、 desk a minute ago.a. do you see b. have you seen c. had you seen d. would you see43. who is clarke?_ him yet? i saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.a. havent you met b. hadnt you metc. didnt you meet d. dont you meet44. im sorry to keep you waiting.oh, not at all. i _ here only a few minu

    17、tes.a. am b. was c. have been d. will be45. i dont work here; i _ until a new secretary arrives.a. am just helping out b. just help outc. have just helped out d. will just help out46. i first met lisa three years ago. she _ at a radio shop at that time.a. has worked b. was working c. had been workin

    18、g d. had worked47. lily _ a book about china last month but i dont know whether she has finished it.a. wrote b. had written c. is writing d. was writing48. is this raincoat yours?no, mine _ there behind the door.a. hangs b. is hanging c. has hung d. is hanged 共11页,当前第5页123456789101149. lucy is not c

    19、oming tonight.but she _!a. had promised b. will promise c. promised d. promises50. your phone number again? i _ quite catch it.its 89703388.a. dont b. cant c. couldnt d. didnt51. i can guess you were in a hurry. you _ your sweater inside out.a. had worn b. worec. were wearing d. are wearing52. we _

    20、that you would fix the tv set this week. im sorry. i to, but ive been too busy.a. had expected; had intendedb. are expecting; had intendedc. expect; intendd. expected; intend53. he will stop showing off, if no notice _ of him.a. is taken b. will be taken c. takes d. has taken54. it is said that anot

    21、her new car factory _ now. yeah. it _ one and a half years.a. is building; takes b. is being built; will takec. is built; will take d. is being built; takes55. im sorry, but i shouldnt have been so rude to you. you _ your temper but thats ok.a. have lost b. had lost c. did lose d. were losing56. why

    22、? tom, your shirt is so dirty! mum, i _ my storeroom downstairs。a. cleaned b. have worked c. was cleaning d. have been cleaning57. they wont buy new clothes because theymoney to buy a color tv set.a. save b. are saving c. has saved d. were saving58. good heavens! there you are! we _ anxious about yo

    23、u, and we _ you back throughout the night.共11页,当前第6页1234567891011a. are; expectb. were; had expectedc. have been;were expectingd. are; were expecting59. ive finally finished my paper and it _ me an entire month.a. takes b. took c. was taken d. had taken60. the traffic in our city is already good and

    24、 it _ even better.a. gets b. got c. has got d. is getting61. has jack finished his homework yet? i have no idea;he _ it this morning.a. was doing b. had been doing c. has done d. did62. i will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. im sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and i _ my gues

    25、ts in my office.a. is being met b. will meet c. will be meeting d. will have met63. alice came back home the day before yesterday. really ? where _?a. has she been b. had she been c. has she gone d. had she gone64. john and i _ friends for eight years. we first got to know each other at a christmas

    26、party. but we _ each other a couple of times before that.a. had been; have metb. have been; have metc. had been; had met d. have been; had met65. i _ ping-pong quite well, but i havent had time to play since the new year.a. will play b. have played c. played d. play66. ive won a holiday for two to f

    27、lorida. i _ my mum.a. take b. am taking c. have taken d. will have taken67. you havent said a word about my new coat, brenda. do you like it? i m sorry i _ anything about it sooner. i certainly think its pretty on you.共11页,当前第7页1234567891011a. wasnt saying b. dont say c. wont say d. didnt say68. whe

    28、re _? i got stuck in the heavy traffic. i _ here earlier.a. did you go; had arrived b. have you been; would have beenc. were you; would comed. are you; was69. i know mr brown;we _ to each other at an international conference.a. are introduced b. have been introducedc. were introduced d. had been int

    29、roduced70. where do you think _ he _ the computer? sorry. i have no idea.a. has ; bought b. ; bought c. did ; buy d. had ; bought71. i _ to a party, but ive got nothing to wear. why dont you have a dress made for the party?a. was askedb. will ask c. have asked d. have been asked72. i didnt like aunt

    30、 lucy, who _ without warning and bringing us presents.a. always turned upb. has always turned upc. was always turning upd. was always turned up73. what do you think of this kind of tv set, which _ in shanghai? well, i dont care such things.a. was madeb. is made c. has been made d. had been made74. tom, did mr. li join you in your discussion? no, he _, but he happened to have fallen ill.a. would like to b. will c. was to have d. was going to join75. did he notice you


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