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    1、商务英语21章节常用商务英语模板第一板块 21章节节常用商务英语模板第一章节 情景模板之面试第二章第三章节 情景模板之公司培训第四章第五章节 情景模板之复印名片第六章第七章节 情景模板之会议通知第八章第九章节 情景模板之准备会议第十章第十一章节 情景模板之介绍公司的发展第十二章第十三章节 情景模板之礼尚往来第十四章第十五章节 情景模板之起身告辞第十六章第十七章节 情景模板之安排约见第十八章第十九章节 情景模板之调研内容第二十章第二十一章节 情景模板之拓展业务第二十二章第二十三章节 情景模板之市场营销第二十四章第二十五章节 情景模板之新产品发布会第二十六章第二十七章节 情景模板之销售第二十八章第

    2、二十九章节 情景模板之广告第三十章第三十一章节 情景模板之商务报告第三十二章第三十三章节 情景模板之个人通关第三十四章第三十五章节 情景模板之机场缴税第三十六章第三十七章节 情景模板之电脑与网络第三十八章第三十九章节 情景模板之讨论价格第四十章第四十一章节 拉拢潜在客户第四十二章第二板块 外贸英语口语900句Lesson 1 情景模板之 面试A:Do you have a resume ? 你带履历了吗?B:Yes,here it is. 是,在这里。A:What kind of work have you done in the past? 你以前做过什么工作?B:I used to be

    3、a receptionist in a state-owned company. 我曾经做过一家国有企业的前台。A:why did you quit that job? 你为什么要放弃那份工作?B:It s far away from home. 公司离家太远了。A:Can you type? And how is your oral English? 你会打字吗?你的英语口语如何?B:Yes,I can.And I am very confident of my oral English. 我会打字。我对我的英语口语很有信心。A:Well,when can you start to work

    4、? 你什么时候能来上班?B:Anytime。 随时都可以。A:Then come to work at 8:30 tomorrow morning. 那明天早上八点半报到吧。B:OK. Thank you very much. 好的。非常谢谢。重点词条Resume rezju:mei 履历 Receptionist rspnst 接待员,前台 Company kmpni公司 Quit kwt离开,辞职 Type tap 打字(动词) Confident k:nfdnt 自信的Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词励志短文Dont

    5、 undermine your value by comparing yourself to others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Dont set your goals by what other people consider importantly. Only you know what is the best for you. Remember you are the master of your own fate.不要因为和他人比较而逐渐削弱自己的价值,因为我们每一个人都是与众不同的。不要

    6、目标定在别人认为最重要的事情上,因为只有你才知道什么最适合自己。记住你是自己命运的主宰者。Lesson 2 情景模板之 公司培训A:Shall I receive some training before I start to work? 我开始工作前是否要接受一些培训呢?B:Yes.All our new employees will go through our in-house training for two months. 是的。我们所有的新员工都要参加为期两个月的公司内部培训。A:Two months?That sounds like a long training plan. 两

    7、个月。听起来是个长期的培训计划。B:You will learn a lot these two months and it wont be too long.Let me show you around the company at first and introduce you to a few colleagues. 也不是很长,在这两个月里你要学习很多东西。让我先带你参观一下公司,再介绍几个同事给你认识。重点词条Training tren 训练 Employee mpli:职工,雇员 In-house training n has tren 公司内部培训 Company kmpni 公

    8、司 Introduce ntrdu:s 介绍 A few e fju 一些 Colleague kli:g同事Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词励志短文Joy in living comes from having fine emotions,trusting them as the freedom of a bird in the open.Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose or put on from the outside as a mask.People who

    9、 have this joy do not need to talk about it;they radiate it.They just live out their joy and let its sunlight and glow into others life as naturally as a bird sings.生活的乐趣来自于拥有良好的情绪,信赖这些情绪,并任由它们如鸟儿翱翔于天穹般地自由自在。生活的乐趣是无法靠姿态摆出来的,也无法用戴上一张面具来伪装。拥有这种乐趣的人无需挂在嘴边,他们会焕发出快乐的气息。他们生活在自己的快乐中,并洋溢着快乐的光芒去照亮着他人的生活,就像是鸟

    10、儿自然会歌唱一样。Lesson 3 情景模板之 复印名片A:Excuse me. Can you get this business card printed for me? 打扰一下,你可以帮我印些名片吗? B:Sure,sir. What size? 当然可以,先生。多大尺寸? A:The same as this one. I want it printed in both English and Chinese. 跟这张一样大,中英文都要。 B:No problem. How many do you want? 没问题。您要印多少? A:One hundred. When can I

    11、have them? 100张。我什么时候能拿到它们? B:This afternoon. 20 yuan as deposit,please. 今天下午。请您先交20块钱的订金。 A:Here you are. Thanks. 给你,谢谢! 重点词条 Business card bzns krd名片 Printprnt打印 Sizesaz尺寸Samesem一样 Depositdpzt订金Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词励志短文Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch

    12、your spirits and calm your thoughts.Then,share your good fortune with others.For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent, each time it is given away.The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.花一些时间让生命的美好感动自己的心灵,放松自己思绪。然后把你的幸运与他人共分享。因为生命的美好会在每次给予时变得越来越壮观。生活的

    13、地平线是随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广的。Lesson 4 情景模板之 会议通知A: Susan,well have our board meeting this afternoon. Can you write the agendaon the notice board? 苏珊,我们今天下午要开董事会议,你能把会议的议事日程写在布告栏上吗?B: What will you discuss at the meeting? 这次会议你们要讨论些什么问题?A: Well talk about the financial report of the first half year. 我们将讨论上半年的财务

    14、报告。B:What else will you talk about? 还有什么别的事要讨论吗?A: Well also discuss the personnel plan for the second half of the year. 我们还要讨论下半年的人事计划B: Are these the two main topics of todays meeting? 今天的会议上主要讨论这两个问题吗?A: Yes.Please write them down on the notice board. I want everybody to seethem. 是的。请把这写在布告栏里,我想让

    15、每个人都看到。B: OK. 好的重点词条Agendadend议程 Discuss dsks讨论 Financialfann()l 财务的 Report rprt 报告 Personnel psnel人事 Notice nots注意 Topictpk主题Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词 励志短文Every day we have a choice to live fully.Attitude matters.A positive attitude always works in favor of you while an a

    16、ttitude which is impulsive and rash can easily ruin your reputation.Make sure that you wont lose your calm during critical situations and you will patiently handle them.每一天我们都可以选择充实地活着,态度决定一切。积极的态度通常能使你获利,而冲动或者轻率鲁莽的态度很容易使你身败名裂。你要确保在危急的情况下保持冷静,并且很耐心地处理它们。Lesson 5 情景模板之 准备会议A: ls the room ready for th

    17、e company meeting? 召开公司会议的房间准备好了吗?B: Its almost ready .When will the employees get here? 基本上准备好了。员工们什么时候到?A: The meeting starts at 3:00 p.m,so they should be here at2:30 p.m. 会议下午3点钟开始,他们会在2点半到这。B: OK,Ill get everything ready. 好的,我会准备就绪的。A: ls there anything else you need to do? 你还有其他的什么事没做吗?B: Yes,

    18、l need to set up the whiteboard and the projector. 是的,我需要安上白色书写板和放映机。 A: Do you know how to hook the laptop up to the projector? 你知道如何把笔记本电脑和放映机连接上吗?B: No.Can you show me how to do it? 不知道,你能演示一下怎么做吗?A: Yes,look. 当然,看着。B: Can you remind the cook to prepare the buffet? 你能提醒厨师准备自助餐吗?A: Yes.Anything el

    19、se do you need? 可以。你还需要其他的帮忙吗?B: No,thanks. 不用了,谢谢。A: Ok. Please call me if you need help. 好,有需要帮忙的给我打电话。B: l will get everything ready.Take it easy. 我会把一切都准备好的,放心吧。重点词条Set up st p建立 Hook up hk p 将.连接起来 Laptop lpt:p 笔记本电脑 Projectop prdkt放映机 Receptionist rspnst接待员 Buffetbfe 自助餐 Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对

    20、话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词 励志短文You cant let your failures confine youyou have to let your failures teach you.You have to let them show you what to do differently the next time.So if you get into trouble,which doesnt mean youre a troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to act rightly.No one

    21、s born is good at all things.You become good at things by hard work.你不能让失败来限制你而必须让失败来开导你。你必须让失败向你展示下次如何以不同的方式去做这件事情。因此,如果你遇到麻烦,那并不表示你是麻烦的制造者,而意味着你需要更加努去把它做对。没有一个人天生就会擅长做所有事情。通过勤奋你会变得擅长各种事情。Lesson 6 情景模板之 介绍公司的发展A:Could you tell me something about your company? 你能给我介绍一下你们公司吗?B:Of course.Its a Sino-Am

    22、erican joint venture.Its established in 2002.We are mainly engaged in the manufacture and sales of televisions. 当然可以。我们是一家中美合资企业,成立于2002年。我们主要生产和销售电视机。A:How about the structure of your company? 你们公司的组织结构是怎么样的呢?B:It consists of four departments:Finance,Marketing,Production,and R&D. 公司包括四个部门:财务部、市场部、生

    23、产部和研发部。A:How many employees do you have? 你们有多少名员工?B:We have one thousand employees in all. 我们总共有1000名员工。A:Do you have a branch office in Shenzhen? 你们在深圳有分公司吗?B:We dont have any now. 现在还没有。重点词条Joint dnt 共同的,联合的 Venturevnt 冒险:企业 Established stblt 确定的 Engaged ngedd 从事于 Manufacture mnjfkt产品,制造Television

    24、tlvn 电视 Department dp:rtmnt 部门 Finance fanns 财务 Marketing mrkt 市场营销 Production prdkn生产 Branch brnt 分支Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词励志短文Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want.If you do it, your life will start appearing much better

    25、than before.For perhaps its the first time in your life,youll know what it means and you feel satisfied.记住从现在开始,多想想你拥有的,而不是你想要的。如果你这样做,你的生活就会比以前更美好,或许你生平第一次懂得了心满意足的含义。Lesson 7 情景模板之 礼尚往来A: Hello,Ms.Ada. 你好,艾达小姐。B: Hello,Mr.Zhang. 你好,张先生。A: Can l buy you a little gift? 我能给你买一个小礼物吗?B: You dont need to

    26、 buy presents for me. 你没必要给我买礼物。A:Id like to represent our company with this as a token of our appreciation foryour friendly cooperation. 我想代表我们公司把这个送给您,以此来表达我们对您的友好合作的感激之情。B:Thank you. It is very kind of you. Your help to our company is no less thanwe have given. 谢谢。您真是太客气了。您对我们公司的帮助也不少于我们。A: l hop

    27、e its useful for you. 我希望这个对您有用。B: l am sure it will. 我相信它会的。重点词条Buy bai买 Gift ft礼物 Present preznt礼物 Represent .reprzent代表 Token tokn表示Appreciation .priie()n感激 Friendlyfren(d)li 友好地 Homework在陪练群找到搭档分角色进行对话练习给重点词条造句 每个单词一句话用情景模拟法记忆重点单词励志短文Nobodys journey is smooth.We all stumble.We all have setbacks.

    28、If things go wrong,you hit a dead endas you willits just lifes way of saying time to change courses.So when we meet crisis and have difficult time,we should ask:What is it here to teach me? If you really get the lesson,you will pass the test and get to move on and you dont have to repeat the lesson.

    29、 每个人的一生都不会是一帆风顺的。我们都会跌倒,都会遭受挫折。如果出现了问题,你进入了死胡同这正是生活在告诉你是时候改变路线了。所以,每当遇到困难和危机时,我们应该问:它教会了我什么?如果你真正吸取了教训,你就会顺利通过考验,你就会继续前进,不会再次重蹈覆辙。Lesson 8 情景模板之 起身告辞A:Oh,it about time. Ive got to go now. 哦,时间差不多了,我该走了。 B:Right? 是吗?A: Its time to say goodbye. 该跟您说再见了B: So soon. It seems that you have just got here.

    30、这么快。我觉得好像您刚来。A: l feel that way, too. But it is said that all good things must come to an end. 我也有同感, 不过人们常说没有不散的宴席。B: It certainly has been a pleasure chatting with you here. 在这里与您一起交谈我确实很高兴。A: yes, Ive had a delightful time with you, and l appreciate that you have spent somuch time with me. 是的,我与您度过了愉快的时光,感谢您花这么多时间和我在一起。B: l hope you will be here again if youre free. 希望您有空再来。重点词条Seems si:mz似乎 Certainly srt()nli确实地 Chattt交谈 Pl


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