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    1、高考英语一轮复习必备短语1700句A 301 a bit 稍微,有点儿 312 a bunch of一束,一串; 一群,一伙 323 a greatgood deal of 大量的,非常多的 334 a greatgood many 非常多的,很多的 345 a handful of 一把; 少数的,少量的 356 a large amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词) 367 a number of 许多(修饰可数名词) 378 a piece of cake 小菜一碟 389 a range of一系列的 3910 a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样的 401

    2、1 a waste of 浪费 . 4112 abandon oneself to 沉溺于(to是介词) 4213 above all 最重要的是,首先 4314 aboveover ones head 难以理解 4415 absorb sth.into sth.把某事物吸收到某事物中 4516 according to 按照,根据所说 4617 account for导致,是 的原因; 解释,说明; 占( 一定数量或比例)4718 accuse sb.of.指控某人有 罪 4819 achieve ones aimgoal 达到目的 4920 act as 担任 职务 5021 act fo

    3、r代理 . ;为尽力 5122 act on 按照 行动; 对起作用 5223 adapt (oneself)to 适应 5324 add.to.把加到上 5425 add to 增添 5526 add up 加起来 5627 add up to 总计; 等于说 5728 adjust to 适应(to是介词) 5829 admire sb.for (doing)sth. 因(做) 某事而钦佩羡 慕某人 59after all 毕竟,终究; 别忘了again and again 屡次,反复,再三against ones will 违心地,不情愿地against time抢时间,争分秒agree

    4、 to 应允,同意agree with sb. 同意某人的意见; 与一致ahead of 在之前; 在前面ahead of scheduletime 提前aim at doing sth. 旨在做某事aim at. 向瞄准all along 始终,一直all at once 突然,同时all in all 总的说来all kindssorts of 各种各样的all night long 整夜all of a sudden 突然,冷不防all over到处,遍及,浑身all over the world 遍及世界all the best (祝你) 一切顺利all the time 总是,一直a

    5、ll the way一路上,自始至终all through the night整夜alljust the same 都一样; 仍然,还是along with与一起amount to 总计 . ;(意义、价值) 等于 .an approach to(doing)sth.(做) 某事的方法and so onforth 诸如此类,等等answer for(对已产生的不良后果) 负责任,承受 的后果 anything but决不,一点儿也不apart from除 以外(别无) (except);除 .之外(尚有) (besides)60 appeal to迎合,对有吸引力,向 申诉61 apply f

    6、or 请求,申请62 apply to 适用于(to是介词)63 argue against反对64 argue for 赞成65 argue sb.intoout of doing.说服某人做某事不做某事66 argue with sb.aboutover sth. 同某人争吵某事67 arm in arm 臂挽臂68 aroundround the corner 在拐角处; 即将来临69 arrive at a conclusion 得出结论70 as a general rule 一般情况下71 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实72 as a resultconseq

    7、uence of 作为 的结果73 as a consequence 结果,因此74 as a reward for 作为对 的奖赏75 as a rule 通常,一般说来76 as a whole 总体上77 as far as.be concerned就而言78 as follows 如下79 as for关于,至于80 as good as和一样,差不多81 as ifthough 好像,仿佛82 as long as 只要83 as soon as.-. 就 . 84 as usual 照例,照常,跟往常一样85 as well也,还有86 as well as也,又,还87 as f

    8、ar as.远到 ,据 ,就 . 88 ask for help 寻求帮助89 ask for permission 请求许可90 ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃91 assist sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事92 at(the )least起码,至少93 at a bargain廉价地94 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位95 at a discount 低于正常价格,打折96 at a distance从远处97 at a loss 困惑,不知所措98 at a speed of 以速度99 at a time 每次,一次100 at all

    9、根本,丝毫101 at all costs 不管多大代价,无论如何102 at all events 无论如何103 at all times 随时,一直104 at an end结束,终结105 at any price不惜任何代价106 at any rate无论如何,至少107 at any risk 无论冒什么危险,一定108 at any time随时,在任何时间109 at best充其量,至多110 at Christmas在圣诞节111 at church 做礼拜112 at dawn 在黎明时刻113 at dusk 在黄昏114 at ease舒适,快活,自由自在115 a

    10、t first sightglance乍一看,初看起来116 at first( in the beginning)首先,最初117 at full length 伸展全身; 详尽地118 at hand近在手边,在附近119 at intervals时时,处处120 at last终于,最后121 at length 结局,最后122 at midnight在午夜123 at most至多,最多124 at no time从不,决不125 at once 立刻126 at one time 曾经,一度; 同时127 at ones command 服从某人指挥吩咐128 at ones co

    11、nvenience 在某人方便的时候129 at ones service 听某人差遣,听凭某人使用130 at (the )pains尽力,用心,下苦功131 at peace 处于和平和睦状态132 at present目前,现在133 at random 随机地,任意地134 at risk 处境危险,遭受危险135 at sea在海上,在航海136 at the age of在岁时137 at the beginning of 在之初138 at the bottom of在底部或末端139 at the cost of 以为代价140 at the edge of 在边缘141 at

    12、 the end of在 末,在尽头142 at the entrance to.在 的入口处143 at the expense of 由付费; 以为代价144 at the mercy of 任由 摆布145 at the moment此刻; 那时146 at the rate of 以 的比率147 at the risk of 冒着 的危险148 at the sacrifice of 牺牲 .149 at the same time 同时150 at the start of在开始的时候151 at the thought of 一想到152 at the top of 在顶端153

    13、 at times 有时,偶尔154 at war 处于交战状态155 at will 随意地156 at work在工作,在运转157 at the sight of一看见(就) .158 attach sth.to sth.把某物附在某物上159 attempt to do sth.试图做某事,尝试做某事160 attend to 处理,料理,照顾B1 back and forth往返,来回2 back to back 背靠背3 badly off贫困的,境况不好的(比较级 worse off)4 ban sb.from(doing)sth.禁止某人(做) 某事5 bargain with

    14、 sb.aboutoverfor与某人因而讨价还价6 base.onupon.把建立在 的基础上7 be about to do sth.正要做某事8 be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专注于9 be abundant in. 丰富,富于 . 10 be accompanied by在 的陪同下11 be accustomed to 习惯于 . (to是介词)12 be adapted to 适应(to是介词)13 be addicted to对 上瘾,沉迷于 .14 be adequate forto do sth.足够的,合格的15 be allergic to对过敏; 讨厌 .

    15、16 be anxious aboutfor为担心17 be appropriate to 对很适合18 be ashamed of 对感到惭愧羞耻19 be associated with (sb.sth. )与(某人某事) 有关 有瓜葛20 be at a loss不知所措,困惑21 be at war 在交战,在打仗22 be aware of 察觉到 . 23 be bad for 对有害24 be based on 以为基础,以为根据25 be blessed with有幸拥有. ,被赋予 . 26 be born intotoof 出生于某种境况的家庭27 be bound to

    16、(do)一定或注定(做) .28 be buried in.沉思,专心于(工作等)29 be capable of 能够30 be caught in 突然遇上(风、雨等)31 be characteristic of 为所特有的32 be charged with 被控告33 be concerned about 关心,担心34 be concerned with与有关系(有牵连) ;对 .关心35 be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑法36 be confident ofabout 对有信心37 be connected with 与有关系38 be content wit

    17、h 满足于 . 39 be crazy about对狂热着迷40 be crowded with 挤满了 .41 be curious about 对感到好奇42 be devoted to对专一专注43 be distant from 离遥远44 be divided into被(划) 分成45 be dying forto do sth.极想,渴望46 be employed to do sth.受雇做某事47 be engaged to sb.与订婚48 be enthusiastic about 热衷于 .49 be equal to sth.胜任某事50 be equal with

    18、与平等,与相同51 be faced with 面临,面对52 be fairunfair to对公平不公平53 be familiar with对熟悉54 be familiar to被熟悉55 be famous for 以而闻名56 be filled with 充满着57 be fond of 喜欢58 be good at 擅长59 be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事而感激某人60 be greedy for 对贪婪的贪心的61 be guilty about 因为而觉得愧疚62 be guilty for对 内疚63 be hard on sb.对某人严厉

    19、64 be honest with sb.对某人诚实忠诚65 be honoured for 因而受到尊敬66 be hungry for 渴望 .67 be identical to和样,与一致68 be impressed bywith对 印象深刻,留下深刻 印象69 be in a panic 在恐慌中70 be in good condition 情况良好71 be in fashion正在时兴,正在流行72 be in fear(of. ) (为 )提心吊胆73 be in love with 爱上,喜欢(表示状态)74 be in prison在狱中,被监禁着75 be in wa

    20、nt of 缺乏,需要76 be inhave the habit of 有 的习惯77 be inout of luck 运气好不好78 be independent of 脱离,不依赖79 be intended to bedo sth. 目的是作为某物做 某事80 be known as.作为而出名81 be known to.为所熟知82 be lacking in欠缺,没有83 be late(in )doing 做迟了84 be likely to do sth.It is likely that.很可能,有希 望 . 85 be limited to局限于86 be locate

    21、d in位于,坐落于87 be lost in沉浸于 中,专心于 . 88 be made up of 由组成构成89 be marked on标记在90 be marked with 标记着91 be meant to do sth.打算有意要做某事92 be modelled after 根据模仿仿造93 be named after 根据命名94 be native to 源于 的,原产于 . 95 be nervous about对感到紧张焦虑96 be nothing to对无足轻重97 be occupied with 忙于(做) .98 be of badpoor quality

    22、质量差的99 be of benefit to 对有裨益100 be ofgreatno significance 有重大无意义的101 be of service to对有帮助102 be on good terms(with) (与 . )关系很好103 be on vacation 在度假104 be onoff duty(不) 上班105 be opposed to反对,反抗(to是介词)106 be optimistic about 对 持乐观态度107 be out of repair 失修108 be particular about对 . 挑剔109 be patient wi

    23、th sb.对某人有耐心,容忍某人110 be pleased to do 乐于做111 be popular withamong受. 的欢迎112 be prepared to do sth.准备做某事113 be proud of 为感到骄傲 自豪114 be puzzled aboutwith对感到困惑115 be ready to do sth.准备做某事116 be ready for为做准备117 be related to与有关118 be relevant to与密切相关119 be restricted to限于,局限于120 be rude to对粗鲁121 be sati

    24、sfied with 对感到满意122 be scaredfrightened to death吓死了123 be sceptical aboutof sth.对某事怀疑124 be seated 就座,坐下125 be senior to sb. 比某人级别高,比幕金手波清寒126 be sensitive to 对. 敏感127 be short for 是 的缩写简称128 be short of 短缺,缺乏129 be starved of 极需130 be strict about sth.对某事严谨131 be strict with sb.对某人严格132 be superior

    25、 to胜过,比好133 be supposed to应当,理应134 be sure (ofabout) (对 . )有把握135 be tired fromwith 因而疲倦136 be to blame(for sth. ) (对某事) 负有责任,该受责备的137 be true offor与情况相同,对适用138 be typical of是 的特点,典型的139 be unconscious of 未察觉,未意识到140 be under consideration 正在考虑中141 be under debatediscussion在讨论中142 be unique to是独有的14

    26、3 be up to sb.是某人的职责,由某人决定144 be weak in在方面差145 be wealthy in在方面丰富富有146 be worthy of 值得 . ,应受 . 147 bebecome aware of 知道,意识到148 bebecome interested in对感兴趣149 befeel honoured to do 对做深感荣幸150 befeel in the mood for sth.有意做某事,有做某事的心情151 beget back on ones feet(困境后) 恢复,完全复原152 beget close to接近,靠近153 beg

    27、et tired of 对厌倦154 bear in mind (that)记住155 beat ones brains out 绞尽脑汁156 because of 因为,由于157 become of(某人或某事) 怎么样了,将会怎样158 before long 不久以后159 beg for乞求,请求160 beg ones pardon 请某人原谅; 请再说一遍161 beginstart with 以开始162 behind the scenes 在暗中163 believe in 相信,信任164 believe it or not 信不信由你165 belong to 属于166 benefit fromby sth.从 中得益167 betray oneself 原形毕露,露马脚168 beyond all question 毫无疑问169 beyond all reason 毫无道理的(地)170 beyond belief 难以置信171 beyond expression 无法形容,表达不出172 beyond ones control 超出某人的控制173 beyond ones power 是某人力所不能及的174 beyond


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