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    七年级下册英语 Unit2学案.docx

    1、七年级下册英语 Unit2学案7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town课题:Comic strip and welcome to the unit 第1课时 日期: 20009-3主备: 邱晓芳 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】:1. 学习城市中有关活动场所的词汇.2. 将活动和地点联系起来并建议到不同的地点活动或游玩.3. 词汇: none, order, tin, pizza, enjoy doing., Chinese food, play badminton, love doing, watch films, a tin of dog food, orde

    2、r a pizza 【课前预习】预习课文,回答下列问题1. How much money do they have? _2. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food? _3. What does Eddie want to do with one yuan? _课堂训练一. 词组翻译1去超市_ 2 饿了 _3多少钱_ 4 多少听狗食_5订一个比萨饼_ 6计划一些活动_7看电影_ 8 喜爱打羽毛球_9.去不同的中餐馆_ 10 带他们去运动中心_二. 根据句意和首字母填空1.The question is very easy,but n_ of us can

    3、 answer it.2. Lets o_ some cakes and fruit.3. Well go to the c_ to see that wonderful film.4. I love w_ ball games.5. They will go to the shopping m_ to buy some clothes.6.Can we buy the food _(用) so little money?7. I cant find my Walkman. _(也许) I left it in the classroom.8. He enjoys _(吃) Chinese f

    4、ood.9. I think we can go there by . (地铁)10. Walk along the road (直到) you see the post office.11. There are only two (听,罐) of Coke in the fridge.12. I cant find my walkman. (也许) I left it in the classroom. 课后巩固一 用所给词的适当形式填空1. None of them _(be) from the UK2. Would you like _(go) to the sports center

    5、with me?3. There are at _(little) 2000 students in our school.4. Jane likes shopping. She wants to go to the _(shop) mall.5. A group of exchange students _(visit) the Great Wall now.6. There _(be) much money in my pocket.7. The students _(plan)an activity at the moment.8. He loves _(play) basketball

    6、. Lets _ (go) _(play) it.9. I would love _(play) football this afternoon.10.The teacher tells us _(work) hard.二. 句型转换1. Uncle Wang may be at home.(改同义句)_ Uncle Wang _ at home.2. I have two cartons of milk.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ of milk _ you have?3. Carol has three bottles of orange juice.(同上) _ _ orange j

    7、uice _Carol _?4. All of us like this comic book.(否定句)_ _ _ _ this comic book.5. Theres no dog food.(用not改写) There _ _ dog food.6. We have only 3yuan .( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ do you have?7 We can buy 3 tins of coke with 20yuan. (提问) _ _ _ of coke can you buy with 20yuan?8 Maybe there is a football match bet

    8、ween our classes.(同义句) There _ _a football match between our classes.三、翻译句子1. 我可以点一份比萨和两听可乐吗? _2. 你的运动鞋花了多少钱? _3. 你有多少钱啊? _4. 我喜欢打羽毛球. _7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town课题:Reading (1) 第2课时 日期: 20009-3主备: 邱晓芳 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】:1. 读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本情况。2. 复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇。3.学习介绍城市的各种功能的角度和方法。【课前预习】预习课文,回答

    9、下列问题1. Where can we go walking? _2. What can you see there? _3. Do Millie and Simon live on the same building? 4. What can you buy in the shopping malls? _5What else can we cat in Sunshine Town? _课堂训练 一、词组翻译1. 西餐厅_ 2. 唱京剧_3没关系_ 4.找到所有的纪念品_5. 教你英语_ 6. 教你学英语 _7. 在正确的地方 _ 8. 逛街,买东西 _9.吃北京烤鸭_ 10.我们中的大部分

    10、人 _二、根据首字母或中文填空:1).You can shop u _ten oclock. 2).There are lots of good shops in the c_ of our town.3).The water in the lack is very d_.4).It will _(花费)an hour to go there on foot.5).My school is _(靠近)to my fathers factory.三、完成下列对话,每空一词。1.A: Excuse me,how can I get to the nearest hospital?B: Let me

    11、 _ _ the way.2. A: Theres a new supermarket near our school.B: _ great. Lets have a look and do some shopping there.3. A: Is your school far from your home?B: Of course. It _ about two hours to get home by bus.4. A: W _shall be there ?.B: A_ 8:30 tomorrow. Ill meet you at the entrance .5. A: Have a

    12、great t_, Bob.B: _ .课后巩固一、用所给词完成短文,每词用一次.like , closed , shop , get to , school , opens , in the morning , at night , go to work , a lot of things , go to school, in the evening , go home, many peopleI work in a small _ .It s near an English _ .Every day the students come to buy _, I get up at six a

    13、nd then I have my breakfast . I _by bike . I_the shop at about six fifty . The shop_at seven .We sell things _food and drink .We have school things ,too. So there are often _ in our shop form morning to evening.I have lunch in the shop. At seven _,the shop is _ .All of us _for supper.二、句子翻译: 1他长大后想成

    14、为一名好厨师。 He _ to _ a good _ when he _ _. 2如果你病了,你得看医生。 You _ _ see a doctor _ you _ _.3如果明天天不好,我就不带你去故宫博物馆了。If it _ _ tomorrow, we _ _ you to the Palace Museum. 4如果你不会说英语,你可以用普通话和这些西方人交谈。You can chat with these _ _ in Putonghua _ you _ _ English. 5那婴儿直到他妈妈回家才停止哭泣。The baby _ _ crying _ his mother _ _

    15、home.6这是如此精彩的一个讲座。It is such _ _ _. 7也许老师在办公室里。_ the teacher _ _ the office. = The teacher _ _ in the office. 三、动词填空:1. Where _ your sister _(teach) English? 2. My grandpa _(come) tonight. 3. Tell him _ (not look) out of the window. 4. We wont go to Nanjing if it _(rain) tomorrow. 5. He finished _(r

    16、ead) the book and passed it to her. 6. Its very important _(learn) all the subjects well. 7. I spend much time_(do) my homework every day. 8. Theres a watch _(lie) on the ground. 9. We _(see) Beijing Opera at the local theater last night. 7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town课题:Reading (2) 第3课时 日期: 20009-3主备: 邱晓芳

    17、 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】:1. 通过图片来复述课文内容;通过练习加深对课文的理解。2. 学习知识点和重要短语。3. 词汇: none, order, tin, pizza, enjoy doing., Chinese food, play badminton, love doing, watch films, a tin of dog food, order a pizza 课前预习 Sunshine Town is a new town in Beijing. It is only 40 minutes _ the _of Beijing by_ . The

    18、re is _ air _ in it than in other areas in Beijing. Many students live in tall _. They are _ to their friends. They dont _ to go far if they want help _ their homework. There are _ of shops in the centre of Beijing. You can shop _ ten at night. _ you dont like Chinese food, there are lots of _ resta

    19、urant too. Why _ you visit the local _? You can enjoy Beijing Opera. 课堂训练 一、选择填空( ) 1. She has few friends, _ she? A. doesnt B. hasnt C. does D. is( ) 2. If you dont have enough rest, you _ ill. A. maybe B. are C. may be D. may( ) 3. Hello, Tom! Would you please _ with me? A. go B. to go C. going D.

    20、 for going( ) 4. You mustt eat anything _ you see the doctor. A. because B. if C. when D. until( ) 5. He is more friendly _ I think. A. after B. because C. than D. then( ) 6.There are lots of things _ today. A. do B. did C. doing D. to do ( ) 7.If you dont like chicken, you can have beef _ .A. inste

    21、ad B. instead of C. of D. in( ) 8.How much milk is there in the bottle? There is _ . A. no B. none C. not D. any( ) 9.The new bike _ me 260 yuan. A. took B. spent C. cost D. left( ) 10. It takes 30 minutes _ a bicycle from my home to school.A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. rode二、首字母填空1. T_ is a place

    22、 for people to watch plays or shows.2. Mr. Smith t _ us math in Sunshine School.3. My mother goes to work by u_.4. I buy many s_ in the Palace Museum of Beijing.5. There is less air p_ in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.三、翻译句子1. 天气这么好, 为什么不去散步呢? Its so fine today. Why _ you go _?2. 这家超市

    23、到晚上九点才关门. This supermarket _ _ _ nine oclock at _.3. 我家靠近学校,我不必乘公共汽车上学. My home is _ _ our school. I dont _ _ _ a bus to school.4. 这个瓶里的水比那个瓶里的少. There is _ _ in this bottle _ in that one.5. 从南京到上海乘公共汽车大约三小时. Nanjing is about _ _ _ by bus.课后巩固阅读理解In England, people do no usually talk very much. You

    24、can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers. But they do not talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather(天气). So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the

    25、time of year!” “But it was a little cold yesterday.” Someone may answer.“But it got a little warmer later!” you can say. If you talk like this, the English will think, “How friendly you are!”( ) 1. English people often _ on a bus. A. read B. talk C. sing D. stand( ) 2. English people often talk about the _ when they meet. A. news B. sports C. books D. weather( ) 3. When you meet someone in England, you may say “_” A. Whats the time? B. Fine day, isnt it? C. Where are you going? D. How are things with y


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