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    1、英语歌曲与表演教案20 English Song and Performance Teaching Materials英语歌曲与表演教案Practice teacher: Yuan Ping2012年2月Unit 1一 .游戏:Where is the pen?看上去,教师今天表现出“精神非常不集中”。好象他不能上课,一直在找什么。Teacher: Where is my pen? Where is my pen, children? Is it on the table? Is it in the table or under the table? Where is my pen, Jane

    2、?Jane: It is in your bag.Teacher: Let me see. No, it is not. Where is my pen, Tom?Tom: It is under the book.Teacher: No, it is not.在寻找过程中,教师的视线此时转向bookcase,并提问:“Is it behind the bookcase?”这时,全班同学恍然大悟:老师是做游戏。随之,全班同学一起做游戏。选举一位Leader,让他走出教室。教师把某种东西藏起来,然后令Leader回教室。Teacher: Where is the pen?Leader: The

    3、pen is under the table.Mary: No, it is not.Leader: The pen is in the table.John: No, it is not.Leader: The pen is in your desk, Tom.Tom: Yes, it is.当同学们陷入浓厚的兴趣之际,可转向另种近似的游戏。Leader对其他同学依次发出问题。Leader: Is it in your desk, Anna?Anna: No, it is not.Leader: Have you the pen, Jim?Jim: No, I have not.Leader

    4、: Is it behind the picture, Mary?Mary: No, it is not.Leader: Can I see it, John?John: Yes, you can.Leader: I see it on your desk.另种形式Leader要求全班同学都闭上眼睛,并很快地把某样东西藏起。全班同学提出问题,Leader给予回答。二. 歌曲:Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长Should all acquaintance be forgotten and never brought to mind? Should all acquaintance be

    5、 forgotten and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my friend. For auld lang syne. Well take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.怎能忘记旧日朋友,心中能不怀想,旧日朋友岂能相忘,友谊地久天长。友谊万岁,朋友,友谊万岁!举杯痛饮,同声歌唱友谊地久天长。Notes1. 这是一首古老的苏格兰民族歌曲,经十八世纪著名农民诗人彭斯(Rober Burns, 1759-1796)整理,润色而成,歌词定稿于1794年。 这首在离别时唱的歌颂友谊的歌曲,在英

    6、语国家普遍流传,曾在影片魂断蓝桥中用作主题歌。2. auld lang syne n. (苏格兰)昔日,美好的往日3. acquaintance n. 相识的人,熟人4. forget vt. 忘记5. bring (过去式brought,过去分词brought)带,带来6. mind n. 头,头脑,大脑7. cup n. 茶杯,杯子8. kindness n. 仁慈,善心9. yet ad. 还;仍;更三.Situational Dialogue: Family Financial planning 家庭理财Tracy and Jason, a couple, are talking ab

    7、out their financial planning. KsA中国英语学习网KsA中国英语学习网 B: Hi, honey, heres my last months salary.KsA中国英语学习网 A: Ok, darling. How about this, from now on well put all your salary into savings account, and set aside 20% of my salary as Daniels ducation fund.KsA中国英语学习网B: Thats not a bad idea. But do you thi

    8、nk the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses?KsA中国英语学习网A: I got a raise, have you forgotten? It should be ok.KsA中国英语学习网B: Alright, dear. Its up to you. I get a headache when it comes to figures.KsA中国英语学习网A: Thats why you need a wife like me.KsA中国英语学习网家庭理财(蕾西和贾森夫妇俩正在讨论他们的开支计划

    9、)KsA中国英语学习网KsA中国英语学习网KsA中国英语学习网KsA中国英语学习网 B: 嗨,亲爱的,这是我上个月的工资。KsA中国英语学习网 A: 好,亲爱的。这样吧,从现在开始,我们把你的工资都存到我们的存折里,另外 再拿出出我工资的20%作为丹尼尔的教育资金。KsA中国英语学习网B: 这个主意不错。但是你想你剩下的工资足够支付我们的日常开支吗?KsA中国英语学习网A: 我加薪了,你忘了啊?应该差不多。KsA中国英语学习网B: 好极了。你决定吧。提到数字我就头疼。KsA中国英语学习网A: 这就是为什么你需要一个像我这样的老婆的原因啦。Homework: 课外温习所学的歌曲和游戏,各小组编制

    10、下一单元的PPTUnit 2一 .游戏:Who is taller? Who is the tallest?老师一进教室就说:“Tom, come here.”当Tom走到教室前边,老师就说:“Tom is tall,” 又叫Jim到教室前边来,并说:“Jim is taller than Tom.”再叫Mark到教室前边来,说:“Mark is the tallest.” 然后全班跟着老师讲:“Tom is tall. Jim is taller than Tom. Mark is taller than Jim. Mark is the tallest.”这种教学就带有游戏性质了。进而,

    11、开始游戏。将全班同学分成两组,A组每次出现三个同学,B组用英语讲出;然后,互易其角色,B组每次出现三个同学,A组用英语讲出。每正确地讲出一句得一分,每讲错一句则扣一分。 最后计总分,决定胜负。两组亦可问答形式出现。A组问,B组答,然后互易角色。如A组的发问:Tom is older than Jim.Tom is younger than Anna.Who is the oldest?Who is the youngest?Tom is shorter than Jim.Tom is taller than Anna.Who is the tallest?Who is the shortest

    12、?Jim is heavier than Mary.Jim is lighter than Tom.Who is the heaviest?Who is the lightest?Jim is weaker than Tom.Jim is stronger than Mary.Who is the strongest?Who is the weakest?Jim is heavier than May,but lighter than Tom.Who is the heaviest?Who is the lightest?The heaviest is the shortest.The lig

    13、htest is the tallest.Is Jim taller or shorter than tom?Is Tom taller or shorter than May?The tallest is the youngest.The strongest is the oldest.Is Tom older or younger than May?Is May older or younger than Jim?The oldest is the weakest.The youngest is the strongest.Is May stronger or weaker than To

    14、m?Is Tom stronger or weaker than Jim?这两个内容,前者可有助于培养学生的推理能力后者是培养记忆与推理的能力。提问的内容亦可以为:Jim is taller than Tom.Tom is older than Mary.Mary is shorter than Tom.Jim is younger than Mary.Who is the tallest?Who is the shortest?Who is the oldest?Who is the youngest?Tom is lighter than Mary.Mary is weaker than

    15、Jim.Jim is heavier than Mary.Mary is stronger than Tom.Who is the strongest?Who is the weakest?Who is the heaviest?Who is the lightest?Dick is fatter than Tom.Tom is younger than John.John is weaker than Tom.Dick is thinner than John.Dick is stronger than Tom.Dick is older than John.Who is the fatte

    16、st?Who is the thinnest?Who is the oldest?Who is the youngest?Who is the strongest? Who is the weakest?Mary is shorter than Anna.Anna is fatter than Susan.Susan is younger than Anna.Anna is weaker than Susan.Susan is taller than Anna.Mary is thinner than Susan.Mary is older than Anna.Mary is stronger

    17、 than Susan.Who is the tallest?Who is the shortest?Who is the fattest?Who is the thinnest?Who is the oldest?Who is the youngest?Who is the strongest?Who is the weakest?这两种游戏内容,既可以训练学生的语言交际能力,又可以培养他们的逻辑思维、概括、分析、推理、记忆的能力,乃至观察能力。初期的课堂教学游戏,可使用下列形容词及其不同级的形式:old older - oldest strong stronger - strongesty

    18、oung younger - youngest weak weaker - weakesttall taller - tallest heavy heavier - heaviestshort shorter - shortest light lighter - lightestgreat greater - greatest fat fatter - fattestsmall smaller - smallest thin thinner - thinnestbig bigger - biggest far farther - farthestnear nearer - nearest这种课

    19、堂教学游戏,还可向学生揭示语言知识与语言结构知识。1.形容词形容词是用来修饰名词,表示名词的属性。形容词有原级、比较级、最高级的区别,其变化有: 规则变化 级构成法原 级比 较 级最 高 级1. 单音节词末尾加-er,est2. 单音节词如-e结尾,加-r,-st3. 闭音节单音节词如词尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个字母,再加-er,est4. 以y结尾者,将 y改成-i,再加 er,est5. 一般双音节和多音节词,前面加more, mosttallfinebigfatheavydifficulttallerfinerbiggerfatterheaviermore difficulttal

    20、lestfinestbiggestfattestheaviestmost difficult不规则变化原级 比较级 最高级well better bestgood better best bad worse worstmany more mostmuch more mostlittle less leastfar farther farthest2.句型olderyoungerstrongerweakertallershorterheavierlighterfatterthinnerme (I am)you(you are)Mark(Mark is)Tom is thanoldestyoung

    21、eststrongestweakesttallestshortestheaviestlightestfattestthinnestWho is the 二. 歌曲:Did you ever see a lassie? ;可曾看见小女孩?Did you ever see, a lassie, a lassie, a lassie? Did you ever see a lassie? Go this way and that? Go this way and that way, and this way and that way. Did you ever see a lassie go thi

    22、s way and that? (repeat twice)可曾看见个小女孩,小女孩,小女孩?可曾看见个小女孩,这边走那边去?这边走那边去,这边走那边去,可曾看见这个小女孩,这边走那边去?Notes1. 这是一首古老的德国乐曲。大约诞生于1788年,1900年首次在美国出版。2. ever adv. 曾经3. lassie n. 少女,小女孩4. Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that? 你可曾看见个女孩,这边走那边去?5. See sb. (某人) do sth.(某事)是“看见某人做某事”的意思,go 是不带to 的动词不定式,表示动作

    23、的全过程。Go this way and that (way) 意思是“走到这里,走到那里,到处走”,表现悠闲自得,活泼可爱。三.Situational Dialogue;A BarbershopA-barber B-customer A: Good morning. Take a seat, please.tkx中国英语学习网B: Thank you. I want a haircut and a shave, please.tkx中国英语学习网A: Very well. And how would you like your haircut, sir?tkx中国英语学习网B: Just a

    24、 trim, and cut the sides fairly short, but not so much at the back.tkx 中国英语学习网A: Nothing off the top?tkx中国英语学习网B: Well, a little off the top.tkx中国英语学习网A: How about the front?tkx中国英语学习网B: Leave the front as it is.tkx中国英语学习网A: OK. Do you want me to trim your moustache?tkx中国英语学习网B: Yes, please.tkx中国英语学

    25、习网A: Now have a look, please. Is it all right?tkx中国英语学习网B: Well, could you cut a little more off the temples?tkx中国英语学习网tkx中国英语学习网A: All right. Is that satisfactory?tkx中国英语学习网B: Yes, thanks. And Id like a shampoo, please.tkx中国英语学习网A: Yes, sir. (After giving the customer a shampoo) Now shall I put som

    26、e product in your hair? tkx中国英语学习网B: Yes please.tkx中国英语学习网A: Anything else I can do for you?tkx中国英语学习网B: No, thank you. And how much altogether?tkx中国英语学习网A: That will be thirty yuan.tkx中国英语学习网B: Here you are.tkx中国英语学习网A: Thank you, sir. tkx中国英语学习网今天你剪发了吗?头发是一个人形象的重要组成。所以满大街的美发沙龙常常是人员爆满,人人都想塑造个好形象嘛!剪

    27、头发的时候坐着也是坐着,不如趁机学一学剪头发用英语怎么说,以后出国做个发型也好沟通。A: 早上好。请坐。B: 谢谢。我想理发和修面。A: 可以。您想怎么剪?B: 稍微修一下。两边多剪短些,后面不要剪太多。A: 上面不剪吗?B: 哦,上面稍微剪一点。A: 前面呢?B: 前面不要剪。A: 好的。要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?B: 好的。A: 现在看一看。这样可以吗?B: 嗯,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?A: 好的。这样行吗? B: 行了,谢谢。我想洗一下。A: 好的。你要不要打啫哩?B: 要。A: 还有什么别的吗? B: 没了,谢谢。一共多少钱?A: 三十块钱。 B: 给你。A: 谢谢先生。Homewo

    28、rk:各小组编制PPT文档在课堂上集体表演。KsA中国英语学习网tkx中国英语学习网Unit3:一. 游戏:East or West 这个游戏是要求做动作的。以讲台为store,同学们讲英语,一个同学做动作。 同学们讲的内容是: Tom left the store and walked: 4 blocks east.6 blocks west.1 block east.3 blocks west.2 blocks west.Then he stopped for lunch.Did he stop east or west of the store?How many blocks was h

    29、e from the store?在一个同学做过示范性动作后,可以让两个或三个同学一起来做动作。同学们讲的内容可以变换,所做动作也必须变动。二. 歌曲:Do-Re-Mi哆来咪Lets start at the very beginningA very good place to startWhen you read you begin with A-B-CWhen you sing you begin with do-re-miDo-re-mi, do-re-miThe first three notes just happen to beDo-re-mi, do-re-miDo-re-mi-

    30、fa-so-la-tiDoe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun. Me a name of I call myself. Far a long long way to run. Sew a needle pulling thread. La a note to follow sew. Tea a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to doe, oh oh oh. Doe ray me far sew la tea doe. sew, doe.“哆”是一只小母鹿,“来”是金色的阳光,“咪”是称呼我自己,“发”是道路长又远,“梭”是穿针又引线,“拉”是音符跟着“梭”,“梯”是饮料茶点,让我们回头再唱“哆”。 Notes1.美国音乐剧音乐之声插曲。该片曾获1965年奥斯卡十一项大奖。2.doe n. 雌鹿3.deer n. 鹿(复数形式不变)4.female a. 雌性的5.ray n. 光线,射线6.drop n. 点滴,微量7.golden a. 金色的8.needle n. 针,缝针9.pulling v. 拉,是动词(pull的现在分词)10.thread n. 线


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