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    1、Section ADirections:In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices.1.Children who are over protected by their parents may become_.A.hurt B.damaged C.sopiled D.harmed2.The movie star_ with

    2、your sister, didnt he? A.was used to dance B.used to dancing C.used to dance D.was used to dancing3._ looked up in alarm. A.All the present woman B.All the woman present C.The all woman present D.The all present woman4.The paint on the wall is still wet. _! A.Be sure to not touch it B.Be not sure to

    3、 touch it C.Be sure not to touch it D.Dont be sure to touch it5.China has made a series of plans to _ the times. A.keep up with B.keep away from C.keep in touch with D.put up with6.Bush confidently _ Americans that the war against Iraq will be won. A.ensures B.insures C.assures D.sure7.You should be

    4、_ with what you have. A.combine B.content C.comfort D.contrary8.Our public transportation system is not_ for the needs of the people. A.normal B.complete C.adequate D.perfect9.Jacksons songs are very popular among young people, who is regarded_ other musicians. A.as superior than B.as more superior

    5、to C.as superior to D.as more superior than10.The necessity of criticism and self-criticism_ that it helps us to correct our mistakes. A.consists of B.consists to C.lies in D.lies atSection BDirections:There are 10 incomplete sentences here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the

    6、word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.11.It is said the conference is _(hold) in this hall next month.12.He would have given you more help, if he _(not be) so busy.13.Little did they realize that they _(make) an important discovery in scie

    7、nce.14.We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere _(appreciate) of your help.15.By the end of this year, Mr. Brown _(be) here for twenty years.16.Weather _(permit), the spaceship will be launched tomorrow evening.17._(use) economically, one tin of oil will last least two months.18

    8、.We must keep ourselves _(health) so that we can study well.19.He made a lot of mistakes in his letter because of _(care).20.Five yards _(be) what I ordered.Part II Reading ComprehensionTask 1A:Shopping is an important part of any tourists activities. Shopping leads as the number one activity while

    9、traveling for both domestic and international travelers. The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) reports that shopping is an activity engaged in by 33 percent of domestic travelers. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that 90 percent of international visitors shopped in the United State

    10、s in 2997 as part of their vacation activities.An example of shoppings importance is the Bayside Marketplace. The Rouse Company has created MiamiDade Countrys number one visitor attraction, Bayside Marketplace, which was launched in April 1987. It has attracted more than 120 million visitors from So

    11、uth Florida and around the world. The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau has repeatedly identified Bayside as MiamiDade Countys number one visitor attraction, and Florida Trend magazine recently published a report naming Bayside as the fifthmost visited attraction in the state of Florida.Bay

    12、side has nearly 140 shops offering a variety of merchandise(商品) in both the North and South Pavilions and Pier 5 Marketplace. In addition, Hard Rock Caf and nine additional fullservice restaurants offer everything from different countries. For visitors on the run, the International Food Court offers

    13、 20 fast food eateries(餐馆). Bayside is also the only entertainment venue(聚会地点) in the city offering free concerts 365 days a year.21.According to TIA, which activity is the first one for domestic travelers? A. Sightseeing. B. Shopping. C. Singing. D. Dancing.22.How many percent of international visi

    14、tors shopped in the United States in 1997 as part of their vacation activities? A. 60 percent. B. 70 percent. C. 80 percent. D. 90 percent.23.When was Bayside Marketplace launched? A. In April, 1978. B. In March, 1997. C. In April, 1987. D. In March, 1978.24.What kind of restaurants provide foods fo

    15、r visitors on the run? A. Fast Food restaurants. B. Local Snack Bars. C. Hard Rock Caf. D. Fullservice restaurants.25.Which market is the only entertainment place in MiamiDade County offering concerts a year round? A. Bayside Market. B. The North Pavilion. C. The South Pavilion. D. Pier 5 Marketplac

    16、e.B:Men sometimes say, “ We are better and cleverer than women. Women never invented things. We do.” It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: machines, rockets, and guns, too. But scientists now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has chanted history. They invente

    17、d agriculture.Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, and sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out everyday, too. They collected roots, fruits and grass.Then, one day, more than 10,000 y

    18、ears ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home in the Middle East. They grew, and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after children and the animals. Women like baby animals. Scientists t

    19、hink that women kept the first domestic animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilizationafter women invented agriculture.26.Men believe that they are better a

    20、nd cleverer than women because_. A. they invent things B. they do their work well C. they change history D. they run machines27.Before the invention of agriculture, men went out_. A. to collect animals B. to find animals C. to hunt animals D. to kill animals28.One day, more than 10,000 years ago, a

    21、woman_. A. found wheat B. planted fruit trees C. let fall some grass seeds D. grew vegetables29.From the passage, it can be concluded that women_.A. started civilization B. knew what civilization wasC. helped a lot to start civilization D. understood how important civilization was30.The author wrote

    22、 the article just to tell us_. A. how agriculture was related to civilization B. we owe our civilization to women C. what men had done before agriculture started D. when civilization beganC:Online services are managed by a host system that maintains a base of information available to satellite users

    23、. Users of so-called “dumb” terminals (i.e., those without processing capability) simply access the information base via programs stored on the system. Personal computer (PC) users typically access the host through a modem (调制解调器). A PC software program serves as an interface (接口) between the server

    24、 and a PC, allowing the user to operate through the online system and select different databases using a keyboard of a mouse.National and regional online systems usually have local telephone numbers that PC modems can call to access either a local information base or an indirect long-distance connec

    25、tion, thus reducing long-distance telephone fees. Some online systems allow users to copy large volumes of information onto a local memory storage device, which also reduces the time the user is connected to the online system.Besides offering a great number of different information based, ranging fr

    26、om full-text journal libraries to reports of missing children, online services allow users to , for example, reserve airline tickets, buy stocks, purchase goods, and communicate with other users. In exchange for the service, users usually pay a monthly membership gee. They may also pay to connect to

    27、 various databases on the service or to download information.31.Online services work by providing users with_. A. a base of information B. dumb terminals C. a host system D. a satellite32.How can the users of terminals without processing capability acquire the necessary information? A. They can simp

    28、ly use a keyboard or a mouse. B. They should use a modem to maintain the host system. C. They should connect their computer to a satellite system. D. They can access its base through the programs on the system.33.If you copy the online information onto your PC device, you will_. A. save the time of

    29、connecting to the online system B. reduce the risk of losing information C. pay just local telephone charges D. get local information only34.If you want to read full-text journals online, you usually have to_. A. seek for a large amount of information B. be connected to various databases C. be intro

    30、duced by the local library D. pay a monthly membership fee35.The passage is mainly about_. A. the payment for online services B. the functions of online services C. the development of online services D. the relation between online services and the users云南省普通专升本英语模拟试题及答案(一)来源:青年人(Qnr.Cn)2010/5/5 22:35:57 【青年人专升本考试网】 资料下载 -Task 2 A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant should now what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career


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