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    1、小学二年级英语试题三套精选小学二年级英语试题三套精选一、单项选择1. - Where _ he come from? - He _ from London.A. is; / B. does; / C. does; come D. does; comes2. - _? - A-L-I-C-E.A. Whats your name? B. How do you spell your name?C. Whats her first name? D. Are you Alice?3. I ha*e a little brother. He is _.A. an eight years old pupi

    2、l B. eight years old pupilC. a eight-year-old pupil D. an eight-year-old pupil4. - _ is the old man? - He is Russian.A. Whats nationality B. What nationalityC. Where D. Whats the nationality5. -Jack is ill in hospital. - _A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Is that true? C. He will come here. D. Are you OK

    3、? 6. At last, I bought the same car _ yours. A. in B. from C. as D. for7. Look at the woman _ glasses. She is our new teacher.A. with B. wear C. wears D. in8. Eating fruit and *egetables is good _ our health.A. for B. at C. to D. in9. They are _, so they dont understand Chinese.A. Chinese B. Germany

    4、 C. German D. France10. Please write _ me soon.A. to B. for C. a letter D. an e-mail11. _ is _ geography teacher. We all like_.A. Her, our, her B. He, our, her C. He, our, him D. She, us, her二、词汇I. 根据句意及所给首字母完成句子。1. Dale is from the USA. He is A_. 2. Paris is the c_ of France. 3. We should learn to

    5、g_ others politely.4. I know him. We are n_.5. Dont be a_ from the meeting. Its *ery important.6. He b_ that he can do better this term.7. I am _ (骄傲的,自豪的)of myself for not gi*ing up.8. See you _. (随后,等会)9. An _ (国际的) group is *isiting our school this week.10. My parents are both _.(工程师)11. This is

    6、a _ (英国的) family.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Its time for us _(get) up.2. My P.E. teacher is good at _ (swim).3. Let Jim _ (come) to the teachers office.4. Here _ (be) some news for you.5. I am going to study many _ (subject) this year.6. Hurry up! Its time _ (go) to school. 三、 补全对话, 用适当的单词,短语或句子完成对话。 A: Hel

    7、lo. My name is Liu Yang. _?B: My name is Jim Green.A: _?B: J-I-M.A:_?B: I am British. _A: I am from Beijing, China. _ ?B: I am thirteen. How about you?A: I am thirteen, too.B:Im *ery glad to meet you.A: Me, too.四、 句型转换1. Jack and Jim ha*e different schoolbags. (改同义句)Jacks schoolbag _ _ _ Jims.2. I h

    8、ope I can *isit Paris one day. (改同义句)I hope _ _ Paris one day.3. We take pride in our school. (改同义句)We _ _ _ our school.4. The man under the tree is Mr White. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Mr White?5. What is your mother? (改同义句)_ _ _ _?6. Its time for breakfast. ( 改同义句)Its time _ _ _.7. His fa*orite subject is his

    9、tory. ( 改同义句)He _ _ _.【篇二】听力部分:(46%)I. 听录音,圈出听到的单词:(10%)1. hen pen 2. big pig3. ha*e has 4. book look5. eyes ears 6. window door7. tree three 8. lo*e li*e9. bear hear 10. sheep shipII. 听录音,圈出听到的句子:(6%)1. A. This is a dog. B. This is a pig.2. A. I can see an orange. B. I can see an apple.3. A. I li*e

    10、 in Shanghai. B. I lo*e Shanghai.4. A. Close the window, please. B. Open the window, please.5. A. Draw a duck on the paper. B. Draw a chick on the paper.6. A. There is a cat under the chair. B. There is a hat on the chair.III. 听录音,圈出正确的应答句:(10%)1. A. I li*e in Beijing. B. Im from Beijing.2. A. Im fi

    11、*e. B. Im fine.3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do.4. A. Its a square. B. Its blue.5. A. I hear a bird. B. I see a bird.VI. 听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用“”或“”表示:(10%)1. I can see a panda. ( )2. Look at the chick. Its yellow. ( )3. The lamp is on the bed. ( )4. A ruadfdser is on the desk. ( )5. Clean the desk, pl

    12、ease. ( )VII. 听录音,连线:(10%)1. big and brown2. fat and pink3. small and thin4. black and white5. tall and grey笔试部分:(54%)I.:书写,按字母表顺序写出dn的字母:(6%)II. 根据例词,写出下列物体的颜色:(6%)例:tree-green1. orange- 2. banana-3. frog- 4. sun (太阳) -5. moon- 6. leaf-III. 根据例词,将下列单词分类:(12%)ice-cream tiger pear pen biscuit postman

    13、purple doctor brown ruler cow peach1. panda: 2. lemon:3. cake: 4. policeman:5. black: 6. pencil:IV. 选择:(10%)( ) 1. Who is he? He is brother.A. I B. your C. my( ) 2. What you see? I see a policeman.A. are B. can C. do( ) 3. I li*e Shanghai.A. in B. on C. at( ) 4. Look! This is my sister and this is .

    14、A. me B. I C. my( ) 5. I like play.A. to B. / C. and( ) 6. Listen the clock.A. at B. to C. in( ) 7. There a doll on the floor.A. am B. is C. are( ) 8. is your dog? Under the tree.A. What B. Where C. What colour( ) 9. Is your mother a good teacher? Yes, .A. she is B. he is C. I am( ) 10. Its *ery col

    15、d. Put on coat, please.A. your B. you C. IV. 根据下列情景选择正确的句子:(10%)1. 你想问别人看到了什么,可以问:( )A. What do you hear? B. What do you see?2. 你不喜欢冬天,可以说:( )A. I dont like winter. B. I like winter.3. 你叫别人不要在草地上行走,可以说:( )A. Dont walk on the grass. B. Dont walk on the ground.4. 上课时,老师请同学们仔细听,可以说:( )A. Listen to me.

    16、B. Look at me.5. 告诉别人你要吃冰淇淋,可以说:( )A. I like to eat ice-cream. B. I ha*e an ice-cream.VI. 根据答句选择正确的问句:(10%)( ) 1. Yes, its under the tree.A. Is the star on the tree?B. Is the star under the tree?( ) 2. Yes, I do.A. Do you like the snowman?B. May I ha*e a hot dog?( ) 3. I can swim.A. What can you do?

    17、B. What can Spotty do?( ) 4. Its brown and yellow.A. What clour is it?B. What is this?( ) 5. She is my sisiter.A. Who is she?B. What is she?【篇三】一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打,不相符的打。(2*10)1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )9. ( ) 10. ( )二.听单词,选择与它相符的图片的代号。(2*5)11. ( ) A. B. C.12. ( ) A. B

    18、. C.13. ( ) A. B. C.14. ( ) A. B. C.15. ( ) A. B. C.三.听录音,用和判断句子正误。(2*5)16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( )19. ( ) 20. ( )四.听录音,完成下列单词。(1*10)1. tab_e 2. j_mp 3. s_eet 4._rass 5. bic_cle6. _ly 7. li_e 8. cle_n 9. _ose 10. b_rd笔试部分(50分)一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。cow sofa walk raadfdsit umbrella二.读单词,圈出不同类的词。1. panda ho

    19、rse bird bear2. skip climb fly bed3. ferry plane train car【小学生期中考试】4. lamp *ain bed table5. duck sleep pig elephant三.看图,在正确句子的前面打。1. 2. 3.Spotty can climb. I like to write. Its a table.Spotty can swing. I like to dance. Its a lamp4. 5.The pencil is under the book. I can ride.The pencil is on the boo

    20、k. I can fly.四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打 。1. What can Spotty do? ( ) Spotty can run. ( ) I can run.2. What do you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I hear a duck.3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, thank you.4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I dont. ( ) No, I dont.5. Where do you li*e? ( ) I li*e in Shiyan. ( )I lo*e Shiyan.五.写出下面句子的书写形式。1. Dont ride a bicycle here.2. Kitty is under the sofa.3. Close the window, please.4. Spotty! Come here.5. I*e got four eggs.网络搜集整理,仅供参考


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