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    1、全国职称英语语法大全职称英语语法讲座第一讲词类、名词的数与格一、词类:英语中主要有:名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连接词、冠词等。对于初学者,必须搞清。1、名词(包括代词和数词):在句子中作主语、宾语、表语和另一名词的形容词。2、动词:见第二讲3、形容词:可在句子中作表语、名词的定语注意: 以下-ly结尾的词不是副词,是形容词: friendly (友好的) lovely(可爱的) deadly(致命的) costly(昂贵的) likely(可能的) lonely(孤独的) alone (单独的) lively(活泼的) ugly(丑陋的) kindly(和蔼的) manly(男子气的)等

    2、4、副词:主要用来说明动词、形容词和副词本身。注意:除了in, up, down, on, inside, outside. 等只有一些表示方向和位置的副词外,副词不能作表语。例如:Please help me water these flowers when I am out. (我不在时请帮我浇浇花。)5、介词:又称前置词,即放在名词前面的小词.注意:1)介词后面一定是个名词(除习惯外),例如不能说:because of ill,而应该为:because of illness;2)介词后面不能跟that从句,即只能跟名词或带-wh开头的从句,这是英语语法的一条重要规则,如不能说:He di

    3、d not come to the party because of he was ill. 但可以是:She got angry because of what he said. (她因他的话而生气了。)6、连接词:用来连接两个或两个以上词或句子的词。注意:英语中一般不能同时使用两个连接词,如不能说:Although he is very rich, but he is not happy. (只要将although 或but去掉一个即可)关于连接词的使用,详见第三讲:句子的连接一节。7、冠词:用来限定名词的词,分不定冠词a (an) 和定冠词 the, 英语中的冠词使用十分复杂,简单地说:

    4、1) 不可数名词前不能用a (an)2) 第一次提到的单数可数名词用a (n)3) 能用what, who, which回答的名词用the,即3W原则the teacher and the student / the patient and the doctor结构中的the可以表示泛指词性不是一成不变的,是由其在句子中的位子和功能决定的。如:She has gone home. (home为副词)Is she at home? (home 为名词)She looked at me patiently. (look为行为动词) She looked pale. (look为连系动词)二、名词的

    5、数:重点应了解和掌握以下内容:1、名词的可数和不可数:与汉语不同,英语中名词要区分可数与不可数。笼统地讲,物质名词,如:water(水), iron(铁), wood(木头)等, 和抽象名词,如:democracy(民主), freedom(自由), happiness(幸福)等为不可数。不可数名词前不能加a (an),后面不能加s (es),这是考试中对此类题目判断的重要依据。2、以下名词为不可数名词:news(消息) information(信息)furniture (家具) equipment(设备)advice (劝告) weather(天气)work*(工作) clothing(衣服

    6、)baggage(行李)work作 工作 解释时为不可数名词,找工作不能说to find a work, 应为to find a job; work作著作、作品解时是可数名词,如:Deng Xiaopins works (邓小平著作)/ a work about Deng Xiaopin (一件关于邓小平的作品);作 工厂 解释时,单复数同形:a steel works (一个钢铁厂) / two chemical works(两家化工厂)实例:We have a large staff but there _ in the office.A. havent many furnituresB.

    7、 arent many furnituresC. hasnt much furnitureD. isnt enough furniture解题思路:根据名词数的概念A、B肯定错,不必考虑;C、D的主要差异是hasnt与 isnt, 句子中有there,说明该句是there be句型,故正确答案为D.题中staff, office 等词与解题无关。注意辨别句子中斜体词的数及其意义:There is still much room for improvement. (仍有许多改进的余地)He has published two important papers on this subject. (

    8、他在这个课题上已发表了两篇重要论文。)3、以下名词单复数同形:means(手段) headquarters(司令部)works(工厂) species(物种)aircraft(飞机) Chinese(中国人)sheep(羊) fish(鱼)中国的计量单位:li(里), yuan(元), mu(亩)等实例:Every means has been tried out, but without satisfactory results. (每个方法都试过了,但结果不令人满意。)4、形式上是复数的学科名称,如physics , statistics, dynamics 作单数看待;时间、距离、钞票、

    9、重量等复数,可以看作一个整体作单数处理,如:Two days is not enough for me to finish the task. (要我完成此项任务两天是不够的。)5、名词做另一名词的修饰语:一般用单数形式,如:a college student中的college 为单数形式。注意:(1) 以下名词做另一名词修饰语时要用复数形式:sport a sportsman (运动员)/ sale a sales department(销售部) / savings a savings account (储蓄存款)/ communication a communications satell

    10、ite (通讯卫星) / greeting a greetings cable(慰问电)(2) 不规则名词修饰另一名词时数的变化:a woman doctor (一个女医生) two women doctors (两个女医生) / the Chinese womens volleyball team (中国女排) / a children hospital (儿童医院)6、family(家庭), group(小组), police(警察),committee(委员会), team(组), box(盒), audience(观众)等词,可以是单数,也可以是复数,关键要看题目所给的提示,例如:Th

    11、e whole box of matches _ wet; I couldnt light a simple oneA. wasB. isC. wereD. are解题思路:这道题如果没有后半句I couldnt light a simple one,是没办法解答的。这句话提示了两点:(1)时态为过去时,故B、D已不可能了;(2)a simple one说明是指盒子内的一根根火柴,故答案为C.试想,如果我们把后半句改为 I had to throw it away, 那么正确答案应是A.所以,看清题目的提示对于解题是非常重要的。7、注意以下表达方式中名词的复数形式to be / make fr

    12、iends with(友好 / 交朋友)to change places with (交换位置)to make preparations for(为作准备)to give regards to(向问好)to make matters worse(把事情弄糟)to hurt feelings(伤害感情)to be all smiles(满脸堆笑)to take sides (偏袒某方)to have words with(吵架)to burst into tears (突然哭了)8、量词的使用:由于英语中名词分可数与不可数,量词的使用也有区别:修饰可数名词(a) few / fewer / fe

    13、westmany / more / mosta great (good) manymany aa number ofthe number of既可修饰可数名词 也可修饰不可数名词a lot of / lots ofplenty of (time, money, people)修饰不可数名词(a) little / less / leastmuch / more / mosta great (good) deal ofan amount of / amounts ofthe amount of量词使用中应注意的几个问题:1) 分清可数名词和不可数名词是前提;2) 不要把量词的形式搞混淆了:下面哪

    14、个表达形式是对的?A. A lot students have come back from the summer holiday.B. A few of the students have come back from the summer holiday.C. A great many of students have come back from the summer holiday.D. Many a student has have come back from the summer holiday.E. The number of students have come back f

    15、rom the summer holiday.F. A number of students have come back from the summer holiday.以上六个表达方式中只有F 是对的。为什么?A. a lot students a lot of studentsB. a few of the students a few studentsC. a great many of students a great many studentsD. Many a student has come back from the summer holiday.E. The number

    16、of 表示数目,如:The number of the students in our class is 50.A number of 表示一些,不少,认真对比一下,看出问题来了吗?问多少钱、多少重量时用:How much?问距离时用:How far is it fromto?9、单位词的使用(1) 不可数名词表示多少,一般用much, (a) little, a lot of, enough 等词表达,要数1,2,3,4时要用量词表达,最常用的是a piece of (news, advice, furniture, information)。(2) 成双成对的名词一般用复数,如:a pai

    17、r of trousers (裤子) / scissors(剪刀) / glasses (spectacles)(眼镜) / pliers(钳子)(3) a couple of表示一对,或2-3,如:a couple of days / people / things(4) 记住以下量词表达方式:a loaf (two loafs) of bread (一个(两个)面包)a burst of laughter(一阵笑声)a fit of anger / chill(一阵发怒 / 发冷)a game of chess (一盘棋)a lump of sugar (一块方糖)10、其他应注意的数的表

    18、达形式1)a three-year-old boy 比较The boy is three years old2) five thousand people / several thousand people比较 thousands of people表达具体数字时,thousand不加 s,后面不加 of ; ten, million, billion情况以此类推。3) One-third of the students have passed College English Test Band IV.Two-thirds of the students have passed College

    19、 English Test Band IV.One-third of the population in this area is living below the poverty line.(这个地区有1/3人口生活在贫困线以下。)注意:几分之几的表达形式;动词的单复数由后面的名词数决定。4) a looker-on 比较two lookers-on(旁观者) / a brother-in-law比较two brothers-in-law(姻亲兄弟)5) my father, together with (along with / with / as well as my mother an

    20、d brothers) 结构中,主语作单数处理,即my father11、不定代词的数英语中要对 2 这个数特别敏感:1) 两个中一个、另一个: one , the other; 三个或三个以上中另一个:another / any one2) 两个都:both; 两个都不:neither; 两个中任一个:either3) 三个或三个以上都:all; 都不:none4) 不知总数:一些:some ;另一些:others(有余数)5) 知道总数:一些:some ; 另一些 (没有余数了):the others注意以下表达方式:each other / one another / one after

    21、 another / one by one / the other day (过去的某一天)/ some day (今后的某一天) / every other day (隔天)/ on alternative days(隔天)/ someone else (别人) / something (anything, nothing) else (别的事)实例:Im sorry, Im a stranger, too. You may ask _ across the street.A. another oneB. othersC. the other oneD. someone else解题思路:虽

    22、然A、B、C没有语法错误,但D是习惯表达方式。三、名词的格1、人称代词英语中,人称代词有主格,宾格和所有格(的格)形式之分,而的格又有形容词和名词两种形式,即:I, me, my (mine),/ we, us, our (ours) / he , him, his (his) / she, her, her (hers) / they, them, their (theirs) / you, you, your (yours) / it, it, its (its) 这里就不详细讲解了。记住一点:形容词的格永远不能单独使用;名词的格永远是单独使用的。实例:Come if you like t

    23、o see _ painting. _ very beautiful.A. your / ThatsB. hers / ItsC. hers / ThatsD. his / Its解题思路:根据形式和上述使用原则,B(形式错误),C(hers只能单独使用),故是错的。A逻辑不通,且使用不当,故正确答案只能是D2、名词的所有格和双重所有格英语中除了人称代词,其他名词没有主格和宾格之分。表示一个名词的时,称为所有格,即的格.英语中的格一般用介词of 或名词后加来表示,如:学校的财产,原则上可以有两种表达方式:the property of the school或 the schools prope

    24、rty.但是若用此表达鲁迅的书 Luxuns book 或a book of Luxun时,便可能出现意义上的混淆,即,也可能是一本关于鲁迅的书.因此,若要表示鲁迅(拥有的)书时,要表达为a book of Luxuns , 称为双重所有格,即of 与 同时使用。双重所有格除了以上用途外,还表示亲切,如:a friend of my fathers比 my fathers friend更显亲切。解题思路:考试时如果你实在搞不清,应倾向选择有,的选项,如:My wife bought me _ at a _ shop.A. a piece of clothes / tailorsB. a new

    25、 clothing / tailorC. an article of clothing, tailorsD. a piece of clothing, tailors解题思路:这道题考两个语法点:单位词和所有格。如果考生看不懂这个句子,一般应在C、D中选择,正确答案是C(一件衣服), 一块布用a piece of cloth3、反身代词-self /-selves1) 反身代词-self /-selves不能脱离其主格或宾格单独使用,如不能说: The boss wanted to have a talk with herself.(老板想亲自和她谈谈。) The boss (himself)

    26、 wanted to have a talk with her herself. 实际使用中很少会这样讲话。2) 注意以下表达方式:of ones own / to oneself 如:She wants to have a room of her own (to herself) (她想要一间属于自己的房间。)on ones own 如:She wants to finish it on her own. (她想独立完成这项工作。)by oneself, 如:She has been living by herself for three years.(她已单身生活了三年。)以上讲了许多关于

    27、名词的数与格问题,内容似乎很多。但考试时,此类题目只占1-2题,复习时不要花费太多的时间。第二讲动词、五个基本句型、动词的时态和语态一 动词从一定意义上讲,英语语法就是动词的语法,因此,掌握动词的特性、变化、句型是学习英语语法的重中之重。为了能更好地理解下面的讲课内容,首先要搞清动词的几个基本概念。1) be 动词和do动词:be动词也称状态动词,用于说明状态或性质,主要用于构成英语的主系表句型;do动词也称为行为动词,分及物动词和不及物动词;2) 及物动词和不及物动词:不及物动词后面不跟宾语, 也没有被动语态; 及物动词后面一定要有宾语;3) 双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)结构和复合宾语(宾语

    28、 + 宾语补足语)结构:比较下面两个句子:My mother made me a cake.(母亲给我做了块蛋糕。)My father made me a doctor. (父亲把我培养成一名医生。)第一句是双宾语结构,即 My mother made a cake for me.第二句是复合宾语结构,其句法功能为:My father made me (to) be a doctor (I am a doctor). 说明复合宾语结构中,宾语和宾语补足语之间有主谓关系.4) 情态动词:must, should, ought to, can, may, need, used to 等动词称为情态

    29、动词,有三大特征:A. 不受主语人称和数的影响,如:He may go now. / May I go now? 句中may的形式不变;B. 否定时在后面加not, 如:You ought not to have cheated her. C. 与另一动词连用,中间不用 + to , 如上举例。请根据上述原则,(从语法角度)说出以下那种表达方式是对的:A. She needs to see a doctor.B. She doesnt need to see a doctor.C. Does she need to see a doctor?D. She needs not see a doctor.E. She neednt see a doctor.F. She doesnt need see a doctor.G. She needs see a doctor.从语法角度看,A、B、C、E是对的。5) 助动词:帮助实意动词构成某种结构的词,如: He did come yesterday; I saw him in the office.(他昨天确实来了;我在办公室见到他的。 表示强调)二 五个基本句型根据动词的特性,构成英语中五个基本句型:1) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语2) 主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分)3) 主语


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