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    1、完整版英文电影经典台词绝对原创电影类Into the wild1.When he did,he would do it with characteristic immodration.一旦开始,就绝不会回头。2.It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations absoulte freedom.在我们心中它意味着逃离过去,苦恼,约束和烦人的责任和完全的自由3.A in Aparthied in South African Society.A-

    2、minus in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa.A在南非社会代表着种族隔离,A代表着同期南非政治和食物紧缺。4.Rather than love,than money,than faith,than fame,than fairness,give me truth.我宁可不要爱情,金钱,信仰,名誉,公平,请给我事情的真实。5.Some people feel like they dont deserve love,they walk away quietly into empty spaces,tryin

    3、g to close the gaps to the past.有些人认为他们注定得不到真爱,静静的走向没有感情的未来,试图断绝和过去所有的联系。6.The seas only gifts are harsh blows,and,occasionally,the chance to feel strong.Now,i dont know much about the sea,but i do know thats the way it is here.And i also know how important it is in life ,not necessarily to be stron

    4、g ,but to feel strong .大海唯一能给我们的就是无情的海浪,有时候海浪会来的很猛烈。现在我对大海知之甚少,但我知道这就是它存在的方式。我还知道在自己的生命中,你不必很强壮,却要觉得自己很强壮。7.To measure yourself at least once,to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions,facing the blind,deaf stone alone,with nothing help you but your hands and your own hea

    5、d.哪怕只有一次也要去证明自;哪怕只有一次,也要在原生态中去发现自我,独自一人去面对冰冷的石头,仅仅用自己的头脑和双手来帮助自己。8.The freedom and simple beauty is just too good to pass up .自由和单纯因太美好而匆匆流逝。9.There was clearly felt the presence of a force not bound to,be kind to man我感受到自然的力量,他并不会偏向人类。10.The core of mans spirit comes from new experiences.人类的新灵魂来自人类

    6、的新经历。11.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,Gods lights shines on you.只有当你原谅的时候, 你才知道什么是爱。当你会爱了,神的光芒就会照亮你。12.Happiness only real when share.能够与他人分享的快乐才是真正的快乐。The Holiday13.I have found almost everthing ever written about love to be true.Shakespeare said,Journeys end in lovers meeting.Wha

    7、t an extrodinary thought.我发现从古至今书上所写的爱情故事,没一件是真的。莎士比亚曾经说过,旅行因为恋人的相聚而结束,这是多么不可思议的想法。Big Fish 14.We were part of the same equation.我们拥有相同的人生。15.Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring .有些时候抓住一个无法抓住女人的唯一办法,就是帮他套上一只婚戒。16.We were like strangers who knew each ot

    8、her very well.我们就像两个彼此熟识的陌生人17.Dying is the worst thing thats ever happened to me.死亡是我遇上最糟糕的事。18.Kept in a small bowl,the goldfish will remain small.With more space,the fish will grow double,tripe,or quadruple its size.养在小鱼缸里,金鱼就会保持他原有的大小。但如果给予他更多的空间,金鱼就会数倍化的成长。19.Its too small for a mans amibition.

    9、这里对于一个男人来说太小了。20.There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that hes made a terrible mistake.一个理智的男人终会有按下自尊,坦诚他犯下严重错误的时刻。21.The more difficult something is,the more rewarding it is in the end.事情越艰难,最后越能得到丰厚的果实。22.I may not have much,but i have more determination than

    10、any man youre likely to meet.我有的也许不多,但我比任何人都有决心23.I discoverd that the most things you consider evil or wicked are simply wicked and lacking in social niceties.我发现那些你认为最邪恶最坏的东西,其实只是孤独和缺乏融洽的个性。24.Have you ever heard a joke so many times youve forgotten why its funny?And then you heard it again and su

    11、ddenly its new.你有没有曾经因为某些笑话听过很多遍而觉得他一点也不好笑, 后来又听到他,就好像全新的笑话。25.A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories.一个人不停的述说自己的故事,然后他自己也变成了故事本身。This is it.26.At the age of 50,after a decades absence from the stage,Michael Jacson was quietly performing and crafting an entirely new concer

    12、t experience. His only audience was a small group of technicians and dancers who watched Michael create a show that would have been his return to the stage.在五十岁的年龄,迈克尔杰克逊还是悄悄排练打造一场全新的演唱会体验。他唯一的观众只有一小群技师和伴舞演员。他们目睹了迈克尔创作这个本该上演的回归。Love Actually27. I love that word relationship. Covers all manner of sin

    13、s, doesnt it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship. A relationship based on the President taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, erm. Britain. We may be a small country but were a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the

    14、 Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter, David Beckhams right foot, David Beckhams left foot, come to that. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. And the President should be prepared for th

    15、at.我喜欢“关系”这个词,掩饰了一切罪恶,不是么?恐怕这就变成了一种恶性的关系,基于总统先生获取所有他想要的,却毫不在意那些对英国来说重要的事情。我们可能国土狭小,但我们同样是个伟大的国家。我们拥有莎士比亚,丘吉尔,披头士,肖恩康纳利,哈利波特。贝克汉姆的黄金右脚。说起来还有贝克汉姆的黄金左脚。仗势欺人就算不上是真正的朋友。而既然对方吃硬不吃软,那么从此开始,我准备采取以更强硬的态度应对。也请总统先生为此做好准备。28 Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at H

    16、eathrow Airport. General opinions starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I dont see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often its not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but its always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boy

    17、friends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, Ive got a sneaky feeling youll find that love actually is all around.每当我对世界

    18、的现状感到担忧,我就会想到希思罗机场的接机厅。很多人都开始觉得我们生活在仇恨与贪婪中,但我并不这么认为。在我看来,爱无处不在。通常它并不光辉夺目或者具有新闻价值,但它始终存在父子,母女,夫妻,男朋友,女朋友,老朋友。飞机撞上双子楼的那一刻,据我所知没有一通来自航班上的通话传递的是仇恨或复仇全都是,爱的讯息。只要你用心去看,我觉得你会发现,实际上,爱无处不在。V字仇杀队29.We are told to remember the idea and not the man,because a man can fail,he can be caught ,he can be killed and f

    19、orgotten.But 400 years later an idea can still change the world.我们被教导说要铭记住思想而不是个人,因为他可能会失败,可能被抓,可能被杀或者是被忘记,但在400年后,思想仍可以改变世界。30.I have witnessed firthand the power of ideas,Ive seen people kill in the name of them,and die defending them.But you can not kiss an idea,cannot touch it or hold it,ideas d

    20、o not bleed,they do not feel pain,they do not love.我亲眼见证了思想的威力,我亲眼看见人们可能会以思想的名义而被杀,或是为了维护他献出生命。但你不能亲吻思想,也不能触摸它或抱着它.思想不会流血,不会感到痛苦,不会爱。31.No one escapes their past,no one escapes jugement.没人能摆脱过去,没人能逃脱上帝的审判。32.Disdaining fortune,with his brandishd steel which smoked with bloody execution.不以命运的喜怒为意,挥舞着

    21、他血腥的宝剑。33.That with devotiors visage and pious action we do sugar the evil himself.人们往往用志诚的外表和虔敬的行为来掩饰一颗魔鬼般的心34.Moments such as these are matters of faith.To fail is to invite doubt into everthing we believe everything we have fought for.像这样的时刻事关我们的信仰。失败就会导致对我们的信念与奋斗目标的怀疑。35.While the truncheon may

    22、be uesd in lieu of conversation,words will always remain theie power.尽管沉默代替了谈话,言语却总能保持他的力量36.Crurlty and injustice,intolerance and oppression.And where once you had the freedom to object.残暴不公歧视和镇压。和在这块土地上你们有过的反对的自由。37.War,terror,disease.There were a myriad of probleams which conspired to corrupt you

    23、r reason and rob your common sense.战争,恐怖事件,疾病,有无数问题想要摧毁你们的理性,剥夺你们的常识。38.His hope was to remind the world that fairness,justice,and freedom are more than words.They are perspective.他希望以此提醒世界公平,正义和自由,而不仅仅是口头说说,他们是对未来的展望。39.He promised you order, he promised you peace and all he demanded in return was

    24、your silent, obedient consent. 他向你许诺秩序他向你许诺和平 所要的回报不过 是你的服从和沉默 40.Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have.我们的尊严是那么地小 ,但那是我们仅有的41.Beneath this mask there is an idea,这张面具之下是一种思想42.And ideas are bulletproof. 思想是杀不死的43.I dare do all that may become a man,who dares more is more.只要

    25、是男子汉做的事,我都敢做做,没有人比我胆大。44.Sinbols are given power by people,alone,a symbol is meaningless,but with enough people,blowing a building can change the world.象征的力量是人们所给予的,象征本身是无意义的,但人够多的话,炸掉一栋建筑能改变世界。45.Artists uesd lies to tell the truth while politicians used them to cover the truth up.艺术家用谎言来道出真相,而政客用谎

    26、言来掩盖真相。46.The truth is after so many years,you begin to lose more than you appetite.you wear a mask for so long ,you forget who you were beneath it.事实是,在过了这么多年之后,你开始失去的不仅仅是口味。你戴面具的时间太长,都不记得面具下的自己是什么样子了。47Oppenimer was able to change more than the course of the war.,he change the entire course of hum

    27、an history.奥本海默改变的不仅仅是战争的走向,他改变了人类历史的走向。飞屋环游记48.Adventure is there.生活就是冒险。The reader49.The notion of secrecy is central to Western literature,you may say the whole idea of character is defined by people holding specific information.西方文学的核心在于保密的观念,可以说人物性格整个建立在人们未能公开的某些信息上。50.The more i suffer, the mo

    28、re I love.受伤越深。我的爱也越炽热。51.You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.,heaven will take you back and look at you and say,only one thing can make a soul complete,and that thing is love.你生命的结局会比开端更加美丽。连对你敞开怀抱的天堂也会说,只有一样东西 能让一个灵魂如此完整,那就是爱。52.Societies think they operate by something cal

    29、led morality.社会以为自己是靠道德维持的。The legend of 1990,53.You are never really done for as long as you got a good story. and someone to tell it to.只要你有个好故事,一个值得告诉别人的故事,你就永远不会被人忘记。 54.Someone would look up and see her,its difficult to understand,thered be more than a thousand of us on that ship,traveling rich

    30、 folks,immigrants and stranger people,and us,yet there always one,one guy alone who see her first.某人一抬头就能看到她,很难理解,船上有上千人,富人,移民,陌生人和我们.但总会有那个人,一眼就看到了她的单身汉。57.You can off the ship all right but off the ocean.你可以安然无恙额离开船,但是不可能离开大海。Seven58.The world is a good place and worth fighting for.世界是个值得你去打拼的好地方T

    31、he Precious59.I wish I have a nice-looking boyfriend,and really nice hair,and I wanna be the cover of magazine.But first I wanna be the one on the MTV videos.我希望我有很帅气的男友,很漂亮的发型,可以上杂志封面,同时我好希望能当MTV的女主角60.I like deaf,Ill say nothing,Ill open my book and just sit there.Everyday I tell myself,nothing go

    32、nna happen.im not gonna break through.,but somebody is gonna break through me.我希望我是个聋子,这样我就可以一句话也不说,仅仅只是打开我的书,坐在那里就好,每天我告诉自己,什么都不会改变,我也不会改变,但是我希望能有人来改变我。61.Ms.Rain said we gotta have to read and write on our books everyday,how are we supposed to do that,but she sees the word on my face and she says,a longest journey begins with a single step.罗恩小姐要求我们每天读书并且记日记,但那对我们来说是不可能的,她看了我脸上的表情之后对我说,一


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