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    1、钢管热镀锌114生产线技术操作规程目 录 Contents第一部分 生产概况2 Section one General description of the production line一、生产工艺流程图2 Process flow diagram二、工艺平面布置示意图2 Layout sketch三、原料规格及执行标准2 Specification of material and its criteria四、试生产说明3 Starting-up illustration第二部分 设备的主要技术性能 5 Section two Main technical characteristics o

    2、f the equipments一、钢管前处理段4 Pre-treatment of steel pipes二、烘干炉5 Drying oven三、入料辊道6 Feeding rollers四、镀锌炉6 Galvanizing furnace五、镀锌锅8 Galvanizing vat六、浸锌机构8 Dipping unit七、拨料机构8 Kick out unit八、提升机构8 Lifting unit九、磁力辊8 Magnetic roller十、外吹8 External blowing十一、磁力辊升降机构9 Elevation device of magnetic roller十二、曳出

    3、辊道9 Pulling out roller十三、猫头叉横移机构9 Fork-shaped transverse moving device十四、内吹和升降机构9 Internal blowing and elevation device十五、冷却水槽9 Cooling water tank十六、检查台架10 Check table十七、钝化辊道10 Passivation roller十八、钝化喷淋站10 Spraying station for passivation十九、烘干台架10 Drying table二十、打印辊道10 Stamp roller二一、打印机10 Stamp mac

    4、hine二二、六角打包设备10 Packaging tools二三、除尘器10 Cleaner二四、电器设备10 Electrical device第三部分 镀锌车间技术操作规程11 Section three Operating instruction of galvanizing workshop一、 目的11 Purposes二、 使用范围11 Applying scope三、 工作程序11 Working procedures 3.1、酸洗工序11 Acid cleaning3.2、火炕工序11 Heating 3.3、锌锅工序11 Dipping3.4、内外吹工序12 Blowing

    5、3.5、钝化水洗工序12 Passivation and wash3.6、检验工序12 Check 3.7、司炉工12 Operators 修订状况记录12 Record of revision12第一部分 生产概况 Section one General description of the production line一 生产工艺流程图 Process flow diagram钢管热镀锌生产线是将成品黑管经过表面处理后自动侵锌,在钢管内外表面镀一层耐腐蚀、表面光洁锌层的生产设备。Steel pipe hot-dip galvanizing line is the automatic eq

    6、uipments to produce resistant and smooth layer on the surface of raw pipes after cleaning.黑管raw pipes涂溶剂 applying impregnant空冷natural cooling烘干 drying水冷 cooling with water碱洗脱脂alkali cleaning热浸锌 hot-dipping检验 check盐酸洗 acid treatment外吹 external blowing打印 stamp漂洗 water cleaning内吹 internal blowing入库 ent

    7、ering warehouse二工艺平面布置示意图(附)Layout sketch (enclosed)三原料规格及执行标准Specification of material and its criteria 114生产线 产品大纲 main parameters of 114 production line 序号number规格 specification壁厚mmThickness单重kg/mUnit weight6m重 kgWeight per 6m小时 产量 支/时Yield by pieces小时产量公斤/时Yield by weight面积产量m2/时yield by area所占

    8、比例%Proportion年工作 时间 小时Running time per year年产量吨Yearly yield by weight年面积 产量 m2Yearly yield by area10.52.65 1.22 7.321100800077040180014400136800020.252.65 1.58 9.488448000770313.25 2.44 14.6454680006283013501080084780041.253.25 3.14 18.84424800062851.53.25 3.61 21.653688000628623.55.130.626180005821

    9、0450360026190072.53.756.5139.062058000544104503600244800834.058.4750.82157800050352251800114525944.6512.172.610980004385225180098550计 1004500360002935575执行标准:(GB3091-93)Designed according to criteria (GB3091-93) 注:支重及产量均以黑管计算。因酸、熔剂及锌的消耗与镀管的内外表面积有关,故生产统计除统计重量产量外,还需统计镀锌表面积产量,上述消耗也以表面积为基数进行考核。 Note: st

    10、atistics of single pipe weight and yield based on raw pipes. Because consumption of acid, solvent and zinc is related to and calculated by pipes surface area, production data should include both weight yield and area yield.四试生产说明 Starting-up illustration4.1镀锌炉的点火与升温 Galvanizing furnace ignition and

    11、heating up 4.1.1 在锌锅内码放好锌锭与铅锭后可进行点火,高炉煤气热值极低,续燃能力差,较难点火. 经商议确定用液化气罐胶管及1.5米长的1/2”(?)钢管组成的燃烧器作为辅助火源进行点火。Piled zinc and lead ingots, and use a piece of rubber tube and 1.5 meter long steel pipe as a auxiliary burning device to ignite the main fire, because blast-furnace gas has low calorific value and

    12、is hard to light up. 点火前应准备8套燃烧器对8套烧嘴同时进行强迫点火。Prepare 8 sets of burning device to light 8 burners simultaneously. 由于镀锌炉在此之前曾经过水,但时间已过去4-5个月估计已自然风干。但为保险起见,升温时拟适当延缓升温梯度,并适当增加110区(显含水的蒸发)及300区(结晶水的去除)的保温时间以期炉体安全渡过升温期。The furnace might have been contacted with water and got dry after 4-5 months exposure

    13、 to air. But still for sake of safety, laggard and placid heating speed is recommended, elongate time at temperature of 110(flowing water evaporation) and 300(crystal water evaporation).4.2.试生产用料准备 Raw pipes preparation for start-up4.2.1炉料 furnace material: 1#锌锭 155吨 zinc ingot 155 ton 铅锭 15吨 lead i

    14、ngot 15 ton4.2.2.盐酸:37%盐酸比重为1.19,试生产时一条线先配2槽酸按17%浓度配制约需浓盐酸20吨. 正常生产时每日约消耗2(8”)-7(1/2”)吨不等的浓酸,根据供货条件与生产计划可确定维持生产必要的储备量. Hydrochloric aid: its solution of 37% concentration has specific gravity of 1.19. Confect two tanks of 17% hydrochloric acid for one production line before start-up, and around 20 t

    15、on of high-concentration hydrochloric acid may be needed. In normal production, 2(8”)-7(1/2”) ton of 37% acid are consumed per day, so some stock of it is necessary to maintain continuous production with respect to delivery and production plan.4.2.3 熔剂的铵锌比按1.6:1,浓度按450克/升配制,一槽熔剂需用氯化铵4.7吨,氯化锌2.9吨。Pro

    16、portion for ammonium and zinc in solvent is 1.6:1, almost 450g per liter. One tank of solvent needs 4.7 ton of ammonium chloride and 2.9 ton of zinc chloride.4.2.4 锌铝合金:含10%的锌铝合金100公斤,在生产过程逐渐加入,锌液中铝含量为50g/吨。添加铝的目的一为防止锌液的氧化,二为增加镀锌管表面的亮度,三为增加镀层表面的均匀性,防止由于锌层表面产生过大晶花而出现鼓棱。Zinc and aluminum alloy: 100kg

    17、of zinc-aluminum alloy with 10% of zinc is added into solvent, keeping aluminum content of 50g per ton in solvent. The function of aluminum is: 1. prevent oxidation to zinc solvent; 2. increase brightness of galvanized pipes surface; 3. improve uniformity of galvanizing coat; reduce protuberance cau

    18、sed by uneven zinc distribution.铝过多会阻碍合金层的形成而出现漏镀现象。Excessive aluminum may impede form of alloy coat, and the result is that the coat may not be integral. 4.2.5 钝化剂的准备:钝化箱一次投放量为350升,其消耗与配制请与供应厂家联系。Prepare passivation additives: adds 350L of it to passivation case for one time, and consult supplier f

    19、or its consumption and confecting method. 4.3.工艺参数 process parameters 4.3.1 产品基本参数与设备运行参数 equipments and operation parameters 114生产线 114 production line序号规格壁厚mm单重kg/m6m重 kg小时 产量 支/时小时产量公斤/时面积产量m2/时生产节奏秒螺旋转速/调频Rpm/ Hz曳出速度 m/s大磁辊电机频率Hz小磁辊电机频率Hz内吹时间s浸锌时间s所用螺旋生产方式10.52.65 1.22 7.32110080007706.59.2/91 1

    20、.194831491#双管20.252.65 1.58 9.4884480007708.5 7/69 0.8270621641#双管313.25 2.44 14.64546800062813.24.55/450.543382732#双管41.253.25 3.14 18.844248000628173.5/35 0.4034303942#双管51.53.25 3.61 21.65368800062819.6 3/300.35302631082#双管623.65 5.1030.6260800055827.72.2/220.2521194623#双管72.53.656.5139.062058000

    21、55817.63.4/340.434304793#单管834.058.4750.821578000503232.6/260.326234804#单管944.6512.273.21098000438331.8/180.21181651164#单管114线小磁辊电机 114 line small magnetic roller motor n=1460rpm i=23 r=100mm 大磁辊电机 large magnetic roller motor n=1460rpm i=59 r=225mm 4.3.2 温度参数:temperature parameters 烘干炉温度:120

    22、-200(热电偶显示)drying oven temperature: 120-200 (measured with TC) 熔剂温度:70-80(温度计人工测量)flux temperature: 70-80 (measured with thermometer manually) 锌液温度:4505(热电偶测量或手持高温温度计人工测量)zinc pool temperature: 4505 (measured with TC or thermometer manually) 水冷槽水温:70-80(温度计人工测量)temperature of

    23、 cooling water tank 70-80 (measured with thermometer)4.3.3 前处理操作与管理:pre-treatment and regulation 酸洗液检测制度:rules on check pickling liquid 1)检测内容 a)HCl 浓度 check items: a) HCI concentration b)铁离子浓度 b) iron ion concentration 2)检测频度:4小时/次 check frequency: every 4 hours 3)酸浓度不足可通过添加新酸予以调整以提高酸洗速度。Wh

    24、en acid concentration gets below the required level, add some new to maintain acid washing efficiency. 4)铁盐浓度操标时应予排放。Expel pickling liquid when iron ion exceed requirements排放标准:铁离子浓度200g/升 expel standard: iron ion concentration over 200g/liter 或FeCl2浓度450g/升 or FeCl2 over 450g/liter HCl浓度4% HCI conc

    25、entration less than 4% 酸洗操作:acid washing operation酸洗使用天车成捆进行移位与翻动,每个酸槽中均置放有3个梯形石,酸洗时通过天车吊带的收放与梯形石的散捆作用,使钢管表面相互磨擦,促进除锈。在整个酸洗过程,这种吊带收放的操作最少需进行4-5次。There are 3 ladder-shaped stones in each acid-washing tank, and use crane to move and rotate bundles of pipes. Through cranes motion of raise and drop, friction among the pipes can helpful with removing rust on pipes surface. During whole acid washing process, raise-and-drop motion should be performed for 4-5 times.钢管表面油污阻碍除锈并造成


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