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    1、传媒大学英语一课程考试在线作业考核试题【奥鹏】-中国传媒大学传媒2020年7月大学英语(一)课程考试在线作业考核试题试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Not until everyone is seated, _.A、the lesson will beginB、when the lesson will beginC、that the lesson will beginD、will the lesson begin正确答案:D第2题,This architectural design is better than_.A、othersB、anotherC、the othersD、the re

    2、st正确答案:C第3题,This is the dictionary _ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.A、in whichB、on whichC、for whichD、with which正确答案:B第4题,The hotel is almost finished, but it _ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.A、stillB、evenC、alsoD、only正确答案:A第5题,- Could I speak to Don Watkins,ple

    3、ase?- _.A、Im listening.B、Oh, how are you?C、Speaking, please.D、Im Don.正确答案:C第6题,Hardly _ on stage _ the audience started cheering.A、he had come/thanB、he had come/whenC、had he come/thanD、had he come/when正确答案:D第7题,The question _ at the meeting tomorrow is very important.A、to discussB、to be discussedC、b

    4、eing discussedD、will be discussed正确答案:B第8题,We can advise the manager, but in the end, it is he who has the _ say.A、lastB、finalC、endD、full正确答案:B第9题,I will _ here till you give me some money.A、leaveB、not leaveC、be leavingD、not be leaving正确答案:B第10题,- Im sorry. I lost the key.-_A、No, its all right.B、Wel

    5、l, its OK.C、You are welcome.D、You are wrong.正确答案:B第11题,The atmosphere _ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.A、composes ofB、is madeup ofC、consists ofD、makesu of正确答案:C第12题,I _ the television set for 1,500 yuan.A、costB、paidC、boughtD、spent正确答案:C第13题,They are _ for their son to succeed i

    6、n the game.A、anxiousB、worriedC、sorryD、hunger正确答案:A第14题,The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place _ the main road at the far end of the lake.A、toB、forC、offD、out正确答案:C第15题,Be careful when you drive; _ that every careless mistake could lead to a traffic accident.A、look up toB、keep in mindC、make use ofD、fi

    7、ll up with正确答案:B第16题,With the development of West China, many technicians are _ needed there in recent years.A、manyB、badC、badlyD、well正确答案:C第17题,_ the sun, nothing would grow.A、ForB、WithC、UnderD、Without正确答案:D第18题,- Hello, how are you? _A、Hello, how are you?B、How do you do?C、Fine, thank you.D、Thats OK

    8、.正确答案:C第19题,- What did you have for supper, Jack?- I had some _.A、cowB、oxC、bullD、beef正确答案:D第20题,In the past few years, we _ great progress in IT industry.A、achieveB、have achievedC、are achievingD、achieved正确答案:B第21题,A new school was _ in the village last year.A、held upB、set upC、sent upD、brought up正确答案

    9、:B第22题,We cant find him anywhere. Perhaps he_home.A、is goingB、wentC、has comeD、would come正确答案:B第23题,1 can t hear clearly. Please_the radio _ a little.A、tum ; onB、tum ; offC、tum ; upD、tum ; down正确答案:D第24题,Every time I _ there, I will buy him something nice.A、wentB、will goC、goD、have gone正确答案:C第25题,- I

    10、think he is a good lecturer.- _.A、Sorry, it doesnt matterB、So do IC、Yes. Its a good ideaD、I dont mind正确答案:B第26题,We live in an age _ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.A、whyB、whenC、to whomD、on which正确答案:B第27题,- What a beautiful dress you have on today!- _A、It is suitable

    11、 for me.B、No, it isnt.C、You want to have one, too?D、Thank you.正确答案:D第28题,- What day is it today? _A、Its March 6.B、Its a fine day today.C、Its March.D、Its Monday.正确答案:D第29题,While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, _is now very useful for me.A、itB、whichC、thatD、what正确答案:B第30题,A computer

    12、can only do _you have instructed it to do.A、howB、afterC、whatD、when正确答案:C第31题,Mr. Wand is going to teach you maths _one year. WandA、forB、withC、onD、to正确答案:A第32题,- Madam, do all the buses go downtown?- _.A、Wow, you got the ideaB、No, never mindC、Pretty well, I guessD、Sorry, Im new here正确答案:D第33题,- Docto

    13、r, I dont feel well.- _A、You are fine.B、It doesnt matter.C、Whats the matter?D、Dont take it seriously.正确答案:C第34题,I have _ nothing to do today, so you stay here longer.A、nearlyB、everC、mostD、almost正确答案:D第35题,The teacher doesnt know who is _for the broken window.A、will blameB、blameC、to blameD、to be blam

    14、ed正确答案:C第36题,When father was young, he _from morning till night.A、was made workB、was made workingC、made to workD、was made to work正确答案:D第37题,Stop! If you go any _, you will be in danger.A、farB、fartherC、furtherD、far away正确答案:B第38题,A special committee has been _ to examine the details of the suggestion

    15、.A、set upB、set outC、set downD、set aside正确答案:A第39题,E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication.A、is playingB、are playingC、have playedD、play正确答案:A第40题,- Lets go to the library this afternoon.- _.A、Yes, thats right.B、No. I cant.C、What about you?D、Thats a good idea.正确答案:D第4

    16、1题,- Do you mind my smoking here?- _.A、No, thanksB、Yes, I doC、Yes. Id rather notD、Good idea正确答案:B第42题,Jane s dress is similar in design her sister s.A、likeB、toC、withD、as正确答案:B第43题,Thirty people were expected, but only twenty - four _.A、turned inB、turned overC、turned upD、turned on正确答案:C第44题,The garde

    17、n _while the Greens were away from home.A、took good care ofB、was taken good careC、was taken good care ofD、was taking good care正确答案:C第45题,Only in this way _progress in your English.A、you makeB、you can makeC、can you makeD、you be able to make正确答案:C第46题,Guess! Who is at the door? must be Lin Tao.A、ItB、T

    18、hatC、HeD、She正确答案:A第47题,Well go swimming if the weather_fine tomorrow.A、isB、will beC、wasD、is going to be正确答案:A第48题,When I was a child, I enjoyed _ picture-books.A、readingB、readC、to readD、have read正确答案:A第49题,- Can you go to the concert with us this evening?- _.A、No, I already have plansB、Id love to, but Im busy tonightC、No, I really dont like being with youD、Im ill, so I shouldnt go out正确答案:B第50题,- How do I get to the cinema?- _A、Its very far.B、Yes, there is a cinema near here.C、Its well known.D、Go down this street and turn left.正确答案:D


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