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    1、大学英语精读第五册重点单词Invisible manSome aboutTurn come across/meet withIn contradiction 互相矛盾 self-contradictory 自相矛盾Nave childish 天真Freak of nature abnormal 天生畸形Pertain relate with /connect withExult feel excited/ fell happyUndermine damage secretlyMeekest humble最温顺的Fierce strong firm坚定的Sulk show anger/disap

    2、pointment生气Curse 诅咒spidingHumbleness 谦卑Essence something essentialMight as well do 不妨Neat 整洁的Portable movable 可搬运的Ring 场地Misgiving anxiety焦点Detract divert 分散转移Issue supply /provide 发放供给Usher v direct /guide指引招待指挥 n 领座的人Vibrat shake/tramble颤抖Cluster 簇/串A blast of a wave of 一股Irrational unreasonable不合

    3、理的To caress touch gentlyCling stick to/adhere to坚持,附着在Fling throw/cast 扔Detached indifferent超脱的冷漠的Slipping and sliding 滑倒Sobe calm 清醒的Blindfold 蒙面Stumble walk unsteadily蹒跚Saliva liquid dropping from mouth唾液Prone 脸朝下Lead 牵Mill grind/smash 磨碎Erect upset/vertical正直的,垂直的Weave connecting together编织,交错Ago

    4、nizing mental/physical suffering痛苦的Round 回合Leap jump跳Smash mill/grind 碾碎Rank 等级distinguishing恶心的coarse粗俗的Stale not freshBlank indifference冷漠Punch 用拳头重击Glisten shine 闪光Soak 下沉Swell 肿了Daze be wilder 困惑,迷惑Speculate guess推测Vacant empty/spare空白的Dimensions 维度Crumple fold大山谷Freckled 斑点的雀斑的Lunged for rush f

    5、or 冲向run to跑向Frantically crazilyScoop 铲子try hard to get sth scoop news挖新闻 scooper 狗仔队Contortion twist扭曲 Foul 恶臭的Seared burn seriouslyIn a flash in a minuteLimp weakExtol highly praiseVessel 大船Heed pay attention toCast 扔Gulp swallowEnthusiasm passion /zealEmphasis 重点Nauseated vomit 恶心Render 1 提交 2 服从

    6、顺从perform 3表演 4使5 render to提供。免费给The way to rainy mountainKnoll small hill 土墩Range 山系Landmark 地标Infirm physically weak become weak from oldGreat moment prosperousIn alliance with united with 和。联合Sacred holly神圣的Preeminent outstanding杰出的Grim 严肃的Disposition 性格性情Unrelenting without mercy无情地残忍的Provision

    7、supply/supplies供给,供给品Pillage rob/steal掠夺Surrender give up投降Imprison 囚禁Corral 牲口棚Spare free空闲Humiliation shame 耻辱Affliction of defeat 失败的困扰Dark brooding 暗无天日的忧虑Evolve in develop graduallyDawn 黎明文明Befriend 交朋友Transform changeSlave 奴隶Necessity 必需品Lordly 骄傲的Society of 一群人Priest 教徒Origin 起源神话Hollow log 空

    8、的木头Prophecy 寓言Emerge 出现Live out 活过The shadow of 背阴处Immense无边无际的Continental interior 大陆内部In reality 实事求是Pilgrimage朝圣Timber木材Canyons峡谷Cleavage 裂缝Reckon 认为Wilderness荒原Meadow草地Descending下降Stairway 台阶in luxuriant with 因为而郁郁葱葱unfold 展开recede go back 向后撤grazing 吃草的reach away 拓展course 路程comparison 比较billowi

    9、ng 汹涌的take hold of 占领seal 封闭盖章precisely 准确地说lee 避难所profusion 挥霍grain shelves 层层庄稼团deity 女神solstices 冬至veer 汽车拐弯,人改变信仰caldron 大锅,盆地wean 给小孩断奶mist 薄雾upthrust 用力推ridge 山脊in the birth of time 世纪之初core 核心crust 地壳motion 运动engender 触发do otherwise 做别的事legend 神话at the base of the rock base onclaw 爪子fur 皮毛stu

    10、mp 树桩rear against竖起bark 树皮bade 命令kinsmen 亲戚reverence worship崇拜gone out of mankind more than peoplewariness caution 谨慎awe 敬畏come a long way about change a lotbirthright 与生俱来的权利had been to take part inrestoration 重塑in the presence of in the front ofBuffalo 水牛Impale 盯上Medicine tree magic treeA delegati

    11、on of 一伙人Beg and barter 物物交换Herd 游牧、牧民、群 a herd of 一群Hide未经处理的野兽毛皮Disperse 驱散Essential act fundamental behaviorFaith beliefRot 腐烂Slaughtered killed in great number 被屠杀Bend 转弯处Without bitterness 没有痛苦Vision 景观Deicide 对神的杀戮Posture 姿势Beadwork 一串珠子Cane 拐杖Rambling 1 wandering 2 irregularExclusive 排他性Shawl

    12、 披肩Drawn 梳理Inherently innate固有的Syllables 音节Pitch 音调Intensity 密度程度Sentinel哨兵Watch 监管Grain 谷物、树木的年轮Windowpane 窗的玻璃Opaque 半透明的Approach close靠近Domain 领地Feast 盛宴Abide endure bare 忍受Still unmovingLean 瘦肉Ample 肥大的充分的Rubber 擦Wind 扭曲Braid 小辫Cloth布Enmity hatred仇恨的A Council of 一群人Warlord 军阀,好战的人Indulge 放纵Elabo

    13、rate 复杂Fright and false alarm 互相挑逗,互相吓人Beadwork 珠子Banquet 丰盛的宴会Nocturnal in the nightSome certainThe long row of 一长排Creek 小溪流 Rolling plain 起伏的平原Caught sight of 忽然看到Cricket 蟋蟀Perched stayedHandrail 扶手My line of vision从我的角度Fossil 化石Eternal 永恒的Dirt road 土路Grasshopper 蚂蚱Hie go quicklyLegendary 传奇的Dark

    14、stone 墓碑Ancestral 祖先的 ancestor祖先Before and after September 11Invulnerability无坚不摧Radically different 截然不同Reach scope范畴Necessity 只要必要Poll 民意调查Criticism 批评之声Characterization 鲜明的特征Toll 收费Authorize give power to授权Interception stop in the cause拦截Warrant 许可担保Conservative 保守的Accused of 被指控Stipulation 规定,条款A

    15、ir different views 发表不同观点Unpatriotic 不爱国的Eradicated get rid of 驱逐Dissenting disagree不同意见Smolder burn slowly慢慢地燃烧Breeze 微风Stir 搅拌Ash 死灰Landscape scenery风景景色Be stationed at 驻扎在。地方Sniper 狙击手Whisk 飞奔Arch-nemesis 最大的敌人,极大的敌人Anthrax 炭疽病度Chamber 会议室Wistfully nostalgically 怀旧的留恋的Cast in 投影Assassinated 暗杀的id

    16、yllic 田园诗般的drift away 漂流reverent respected 虔诚的尊敬的reserved for 保留in the tone 用的语调loom appear deeply若隐若现的景象unmapped wilderness 没有纳入地图的荒原unclaimed 没有被认领territories 领土a fierce battle violent 暴力的be waged for be carry on likecapital benefit/profitconflict 冲突矛盾spoil 赃物掠夺a battalion of a group of一群securityc

    17、rat 支持安全的人general 官员colonize control控制repressive 镇压性的chorus 合唱团dissenting 持不同意见的人paranoia 多疑症 hubris 自我为中心rush 激进行为dialectic 思维方式 afoot 正在进行(放在修饰的词后面)stirring 轰动assume 假定,推测spectrum scope范畴multihued 多颜色的in succinctly terms 式的语言succinctly =briefly=concisely简洁地turbans 包头turn over 交出prescience 先知先觉vent

    18、ure 大胆地说brutal 野蛮的aggressively 攻击性地male way 雄性思维timorous timid胆小的fragile 脆弱的foster nurture=develop养成constructed on建立在mutual 双方的shatter粉碎 smashdoom 命中注定要坠毁的pundit 老学究overnight 一夜之间perceived 察觉到 suspend 1悬挂 2 吊销执照ensuing followinginitiate start开始irradiated 辐射Op-Eds 所有媒体Immune from 对有免疫力Have in common

    19、with 和一样Mire 陷入Struggle to regain 努力地重新获得Zeitgeist 时代精神Register登记Lament 哀悼悲痛Rebuke 责备Profound 深层的Trauma心灵创伤Zealous疯狂的Solace comfortDrape 用窗帘装饰Superhero 超人的Cape 披肩Invincible 不可征服的Billboard 广告牌Commercial advertisement广告The stars and stripes 星条旗Purchase买卖Fourth of July 国庆Linked with 和相关Dedication to th

    20、e constitution 遵纪守法Inescapable 不可避免Presence 出现Supposedly 被认为Suspiciously可疑地Overcompensation 过度补偿Wounded ego 受伤的形象Icon token 象征 Assign 分配Oracular 语言Has much to say 有发言权Fractured分崩离析的Torture 折磨Imprisonment without trial 不经审判关押,秘密关押Public execution 当众处决Extract 获得Confession供词Tolerated 被容忍Defend 保护Enligh

    21、tened 有文化的Paroxysmal 突然出现Motive动机Method 方式Mentality心理活动Compromise妥协In the process of 在的过程中Precious valuable宝贵的Arrest 逮捕Scores of 很多Undisclosed 未泄露的保持神秘的Release 释放泄露Regime 政治体系Participatory democracies共同参与的民主国家Intensity正直Undermine削减Credibility可信度Adhere to =stick to 坚守Fundamental assumption 基本的假定Rabbi

    22、牧师In control 掌控自己Dictum 名言教义Applied to 应用于Geopolitical 地缘政治To wit =that is to sayConsumes 消费In recession 经济萧条Patriotic 爱国Cut back on削减Consumption 消耗Sport utility 运动用途Infamous 有名的声名狼基的Surpass超越了Rejoice 欣喜若狂Pull together 团结一致Buoyed =encouraged=expected 受鼓舞的Sales figure 销售额Rampant 丰盛的Materialism 物质主义Is

    23、olation 孤独感Compulsion 强迫感Grief悲痛;忧伤;不幸Undoing 原因(通常指坏事)Community 社区Rialto 中介Mass consumerism 大众消费ian 式的Assert 假定Extol praise 表扬Nepenthean 忘掉一切的能力In effect 事实上Discourage 阻碍Introspection反思Exhortation 督促Restore 重建Is content to = is satisfied with Shut up and shop 闭上嘴不发表意见Nascent 处于萌芽状态Deteriorating 正在恶

    24、化的Self-sufficient 自给自足Tough times =hard times Anonymous rescuer 无名的营救者Rubble 碎石瓦砾Mute 哑巴 analogy 相似的东西murdered =damagedsnuffed out =distinguishsuicidal 自杀式的armed with 用武装generate 产生paradigm =pattern =model 模式atrocity =evil actionspan =range 范畴innocent无辜的人gallery 长廊burned off 烧焦slicing 倾斜solidified 固化plummeted 快速地下降eruption爆发excavate 发掘make it over =reform 改造paranola 多疑症collective 集体的fragile=weakcareened 倾斜narrative 描述come out of 来源于hijacker 劫机犯apex 顶峰aloft在头顶上condemn 指责unintentional 无意间的battle cry 战斗口号Of studiesServe for


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