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    1、广州市初中八年级下册英语重点词组Unit 11. give answers to these questions给出这些问题的答案2. be responsible for对负责3. be born in在(哪里)出生4. take piano lessons上钢琴课5. at the age of 在岁的时候6. win first prize荣获一等奖7. from then on从那时起8. win many awards赢得许多奖项9. at a price付出代价10. be strict with sb.对某人严格11. have fun玩得开心12. give up sth.放弃

    2、某事13. fall ill患病14. in place of代替15. give performances演出16. such as例如17. be grateful to sb.对某人感激18. be curious about sth.对某事好奇19. search for sth.寻找某物20. an experiment on sth.一个关于某物的实验21. lead to导致22. protect sb.sth. from 使某人免受(伤害)23. have poor sight视力极差24. wear glasses戴眼镜25. be tired of doing sth.厌倦

    3、做某事26. take the glasses onoff戴上取下眼镜27. at the same time同时28. be known as作为而出名29. learn about sth.了解某事30. set up建立31. be interested in对有兴趣32. take telephone messages记录通话信息33. talk about谈论34. What does sth. mean to sb.?某事对某人而言是什么意思?35. in an accident在一宗意外中36. have a gift for doing sth.有做某事的天赋37. keep

    4、doing sth.一直做某事38. play the violin拉小提琴39. for love出于热爱40. for free免费41. work hard for sth.为某事努力42. forget about sth.忘记某事43. play chess下棋44. get ready to do sth.准备去做某事45. tidy up收拾;整理46. help sb. with sth.帮助某人料理某事47. give sb. a hand帮某人一把48. on ones own某人自己49. all the time总是50. do some typing打字51. in

    5、common共同的;共有的52. save up筹钱53. talk to sb.与某人谈话54. an expert on sth.一位某方面的专家55. be full of充满56. look for寻找57. be interested in对有兴趣58. a large number of大量;许多59. be adj. enough to do sth.足够(怎样)去做某事60. on Earth在地球上61. return to回到;恢复到62. learn about sth.sb.了解某事某人63. fight for sth.为某事作斗争64. all ones life某

    6、人毕生65. be equal to与相等66. in prison坐牢67. after that在那之后68. spenddoing sth.花费(时间)去做某事69. be at university在大学里70. in total总共71. be regarded as被认作72. in history在历史中Unit 273. be full of充满74. in the late 1930s在20世纪30年代末75. think of sth.考虑某事76. get sb. into trouble使某人陷入困境77. plenty of丰富的78. get in trouble

    7、with sb.犯事落入某人手里79. laugh at sb.嘲笑某人80. all over the world全世界81. on television在电视上82. look funny看起来好玩83. How about doing sth?(你)认为做某事怎么样?84. be delighted with sth.对某事满意85. agree to do sth.同意做某事86. play against sb.sth.与比赛(对决)87. score a goal进球88. stay in bed躺在床上89. feel like doing想要做某事90. turn down把调

    8、低91. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人92. date back to追溯到93. in existence存在94. in good condition状况良好95. be worth (money)值(钱)96. be worth doing值得做97. go for a walk去散步98. at night在晚上99. knock down击倒;拆卸100. in reply回复;回应101. move out of ones way不挡某人的道Unit 3102. the tour of的旅行103. for pleasure为了取乐104. shoot films

    9、拍摄电影105. smell like sth.闻起来像某物106. jump out of ones skin大吃一惊;吓了一大跳107. roar at sb.向某人吼叫108. make a deep impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象109. seem to do sth.似乎要做某事110. get well康复111. not at all 根本不112. in the future在未来113. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事114. clean up清理;打扫115. turn off关上116. at night在晚上117. return

    10、to 回到;恢复到118. make friends with sb.与某人交朋友119. take off(飞机)起飞120. bump into碰撞到121. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事122. What is sth. like?(什么)是怎么样的?123. make money赚钱124. part of 的一部分125. grow up长大126. at first起初;一开始127. a week or two一两个星期128. keep doing一直做129. all the time总是130. not any longer不再131. start doin

    11、g sth.开始做某事132. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人去做某事133. be worth doing sth.值得做某事134. Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做某事吗?135. go together一起去136. be planning to do sth.正在计划做某事137. would rather do sth.宁愿做某事138. pick sb. up接送某人139. in newspapers在报纸上140. be important for sb.对某人重要141. give sb. a lot of pleasure给某人

    12、带来许多快乐142. a couple of一些143. have a bad influence on sb.对某人造成不良影响Unit 4144. be able to do sth.能够做某事145. as part of作为一部分146. stay with与在一起147. be required to do sth.被要求做某事148. take sth. with sb.某人带上某物149. give a talk about sth.对某事发表讲话150. learn about sth.了解某事151. throughout the world全世界152. the aim of 的重点153. go on sightseeing去观光154. as well as还有155. return to回到;恢复到156. keep in touch with sb.与某人保持联系157. go abroad出国158. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事159. take part in参与160. be away from远离


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