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    1、小升初英语冲刺模拟题小升初英语冲刺模拟题4一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler( ) 4. A. seat B. see C. the D. evening( ) 5. A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg二、单词与短语。(10分)1.写出下列词语的适当形式。(5分)(1)long (反义词)_ (2)h

    2、are(同音词)_(3)white (反义词)_ (4)they are (缩略形式)_ (5)fat (反义词)_ 2.英汉互译,将答案写在横线上。(5分) (1)Sit down, please. _ (2)a red flag _ (3)How are you? _ (4)一只蓝色的鸟_ (5)请打开窗户 _ 三、句型。(10分)1.用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分)(1) My name _(be)Li Dong. I _(be)twelve.(2) _(be) you her friend?(3) Peter and Jack _ (be) classmates.(4) There

    3、_ (be) many goats on the grassland.2.单项选择。(5分)( ) (1) Five and seven _ twelve. A. be B. are C. is D. am( ) (2) - _ is your toy car? - Its on the desk. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where( ) (3) - _, please? - Its eight oclock. A. Whats this B. What is the time C. Whats your name D. What about it( ) (4) M

    4、ike is not at _ school. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) (5) - Whats six _ three? - Its nine. A. but B. and C. or D. for四、用直线连接下列英文字母和对应的中文意思。(10分) fridge 停放 dangerous 吸烟 medicine 楼上 smoke 吐,吐痰 upstairs 冰箱 spit 访问者 park 药 visitor 中心 touch 触摸 centre 危险的五、连词造句。(10分) 1. the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and

    5、, rest(.)_ 2. to, Zhongshan Park, get, I, can, how(?) _ 3. help, me, my, could, lesson, you, with(?)_ 4. yesterday, where, they, did, go(?) _ 5. came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine(.)_六、阅读下面短文,选出最佳选项,将其序号填入提前括号内。(10分)In Georges _1_ there are thirty _2_. There is a clock _3_ the wall. The clo

    6、ck is _4_. There are _5_ student, 18 boys and _6_ girls. _7_ is their teacher. She is a good teacher. She is a good teacher. Look _8_ here! George is near the _9_. He is cleaning _10_.( ) 1. A. room B. bedroom C. washroom D. classroom( ) 2. A. desk and chair B. desks and chairs C. desks and chair D.

    7、 desk and chairs( ) 3. A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 4. A. well B. same C. old D. much( ) 5. A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60( ) 6. A. 12 B. 22 C. 32 D. 42( ) 7. A. Mr Wang B. Miss Wang C. Teacher Wang D. Wang Teacher( ) 8. A. at B. in C. to D. /( ) 9. A. door B. brooms C. school D. flowers( )10. A. it B. them

    8、C. that D. those小升初英语冲刺模拟3一、单词与词组。(16分)1.照样子改写单词(替换、增加、去掉都可以)并组成词组。(9分)(1) bag big a big apple (2) cap _ _(3) set _ _ (4) now _ _(5) book _ _ (6) hat _ _(7) same _ _ (8) shirt _ _(9) nice _ _ (10) here _ _2.英汉互译。(7分)(1) 6:50 _ (2) 老师的房间 _(3) 看起来像 _ (4) a quarter to seven _(5) 放风筝 _ (6) 踢足球 _(7) a ba

    9、sket of eggs _二、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. Here are some flowers _ our best wishes. A. to B. with C. for D. of( ) 2. - Where is _?- September the tenth. A. Teachers Day B. The Teacher Day C. The Teachers Day D. Teachers Day( ) 3. This is Susan King. We usually call her _. A. Miss Susan B. Mrs Susan C. Miss Ki

    10、ng D. Mr Susan( ) 4. - _ are you going there? - On foot. A. Where B. Why C. How D. What( ) 5. What are you going to do _ this afternoon? A. in B. on C. / D. at( ) 6. Im going to _ Uncle Wang _ Tuesday. A. look at; / B. see; / C. see; on D. watch; on( ) 7. She cant ride a bike. She _ school on foot.

    11、A. must get to B. has to get to C. has to go to( ) 8. Granny Li often _ the children stories. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says( ) 9. The shop is about _ away from here. A. two hundred meters B. two hundreds meters C. two hundred meter D. two hundreds meter( ) 10. - Im sorry. I cant help you with

    12、your English.- Thank you _. A. very much B. all the time C. at all D. of course三、五、在栏中选出与栏中相应的答语。(10分) ( ) 1. Can I go into the building? A. I like the yellow one.( ) 2. Whats the matter? B. Yes, Im very happy.( ) 3. Which one do you like? C. All right.( ) 4. Its your birthday today. D. Its near the

    13、 bank.( ) 5. Do you want to join me? E. No, Im not.( ) 6. You shouldnt touch it. F. No, you cant.( ) 7. Where is the hospital? G. Ive got a fever.( ) 8. Are you from England? H. No, I dont.( ) 9. Nice to meet you! I. Im eleven.( ) 10. How old are you? J. Nice to meet you!四、完形填空。(10分)There is a very

    14、big playground in our school. So many students in our school like to play ball games _1_. Some like to play _2_ and some like to play volleyball. _3_ all the boys like to play football. They often play football after school. They also come to play football _4_. But most _5_ students like to play tab

    15、le tennis in the room. They dont like to run in the sun.We all like sports. Its good to play ball games.( ) 1. A. in the sun B. on the playground C. with the teachers D. in the room( ) 2. A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. volleyball( ) 3. A. So B. And C. But D. For( ) 4. A. on Sundays B.

    16、after school C. on Friday D. on weekdays( ) 5. A. woman B. man C. boy D. girl五、根据汉语提示完成句子。(8分) 1. My _ (生日)is in _ (二月)。 2. A: Whats the _ (日期)?B: _ (九月一日)。 3. A:What are you doing?B: Im _ (写电子邮件) 4. Look at the _ (老虎). Its _ (跑). 5. A: Whats Mike doing?B: He is _ (观看昆虫).六、阅读理解,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F).(8分

    17、)On Sunday, Tom usually gets up at 9 oclock. Today, Tom got up at six, because be would go to a picnic with his parents. But it was raining, so they couldnt go to the picnic in the park. Tom went to the kitchen and said to his mum, We cant have a picnic. Mum said, Wait a minute. Then, Mum took out t

    18、he food, a fan and a recorder. Its just like in the park, a cool wind and the birds singing. Mum said.( ) 1. Tom got up at six today because he would have a picnic.( ) 2. It was raining and Tom couldnt go to the picnic.( ) 3. Toms family had a picnic at home.( ) 4. There was birds singing at Toms ho

    19、me.七、书面表达。(8分) 假如你是照片上的女孩Nancy,请你描述一下你全家的照片。 要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范。 2.50个单词左右。 The Photo of My Family08小升初模拟题参考答案I. 1. Japanese 2. short 3. looks 4. give 5. looks 6. trousers 7. player 8. wearing 9. shoulders 10. motorbikes II.11-15 BCDAA 16-20 BCDCD III.21. doesnt have 22. These, are 23. cat, th

    20、eirs 24. What does, look like 25. with, is IV. 26. with 27. give 28. calls 29. say 30. yours 31. shopping 32. in 33. China 34. only 35. Those V. 36. Bis 37. Dor 38. Bis wearing 39. Cwith 40. Bhave VI. 41-45 BBCAB 46-50 DDCAB VII. 51-55 FFTFT VIII. One possible version: Jim is a boy. He is twelve yea

    21、rs old. He is from Toronto, Canada. Now he is a middle school student. He is in No.1 Middle School. He is in Class Three, Grade One. He has two friends. Their names are Jack and Tom. They are not in the same class, but they are good friends. His favorite color is blue.模拟卷A一、B D D C B二、1.1)short2)hai

    22、r3)black4)theyre5)thin2.1)请坐下 2)一面红旗 3)你好吗?4)a blue bird5)Open the window, please.三、1.1)is, am 2)Are 3)are 4)are2.C D B D B四、略五、1. Take the medicine and have a good rest.2. How can I get to Zhongshan Park?3. Could you help me with my lessons?4. Where did they go yesterday?5. We came to school at nin

    23、e last night.六、D B A C A A B D A A 七、1. children2. nine, six 3. housework 4. girl 5. school八、1. empty 2. water3. get4. after5. jumps6. basket7. duck8. out 9. boy 10. egg模拟卷A一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler( ) 4. A.


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