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    1、学年高二上学期英语期末考试题东辽一中附答案听力2016-2017学年高二上学期英语期末考试题(东辽一中附答案听力) 辽市东辽一中2016-2017学年度上学期期末考试高二英语试题 2017-1-4 本试卷分第I卷 (选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试用时120分钟,满分10分。 共页。考试结束后,只交答题卡。第卷(选择题,共计100分)第一部分:听力部分(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共小题, 每小题1分,满分7分)听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段

    2、对话仅读一遍。1 hat d e n abut the an? A He stpped ringB He used t r at night He ill r vernight2 here are the t speaers st prbabl?A At a lini B In a lassr In a ban3 hih seasn is it n st prbabl?A Suer B Autun inter4 hats the an?A A pliean B A salesgirl A tiet seller hat are the taling abut?A The ht eatherB

    3、The air-nditining The per failure 第二节(共1小题, 每小题1分,满分22分)请听下面段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、三个选项种选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6 hat as the an rbbed f finall?A A purse B A gld nelae A ar7 hat des the an advise the an t d?A Dnt sh gld hains r eelrB eep v

    4、aluable things in the purse Dnt ris fighting the rbbers听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8 h did the an e here? A Fr a rest B Fr a pa rise Fr a b9 hat is the an lie? A An native English speaerB An exellent student A gd epler 10 H sn ill the an prbabl get a raise?A In t nths B In three nths In fur nths听第8段材料,回答第11至l3题

    5、。11 H des T feel abut the b?A Its helpful B Its bus Its bring 12 hat des the an as T t d?A ntinue his stud B D se researh ver re lasses13 hen ill T be bus?A Next spring B Next suer Next autun听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14 hat an e learn abut Debra? A She is vereight B She has t handbags She ill g he1 hat tie d

    6、es the plane tae ff? A At 8:30 B At 10:00 At 10:3016 H il l Debra g t the airprt st prbabl?A B taxi B B ar B bus听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17hat auses peple t spend little tie reading?A There being n tie B The inreasing use f the Internet That reading is nt needed 18H an benefits f reading are entined?A 2 B

    7、4 319hat an reading iprve arding t the speaer?A nes reatin B nes iaginatin nes pinins 20hat des the speaer ainl ant t tell us?A Reading is iprtant B Siene is iprtant nledge is iprtant 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短,从每题所给四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA an aes up ith a big hangver (宿醉)

    8、the rning after attending his pans annual Suer Part He ant even reeber h he gt he fr the part, let alne h he gt s drun and is deathl afraid f hat he a have dne r said the night befre t ae his ife angrThe an fres his ees pen and the first things he sees are t headahe tablets next t a glass f ater n h

    9、is table, and, next t the, a single red rse! He sits up ith diffiult and sees his lthing n the ba f his hair all lean and pressed and the rest f the huse all in perfet rderDubtful, the an taes the tablets and sees a bla ee ling ba at hi fr the bathr irrr Then he finds a nte next t the red rse n the

    10、table, “Seetie, breafast is aiting fr u n the stve I left earl t bu the ing aterials t ae ur favrite dinner tnight I lve u, darling!” The nte as signed, “ur lving ife”The an then als int the ithen His daughter essie is at the table, eating “essiehat happened last night?” The an ass, ith great fear“e

    11、ll, u ae he arund fur l in the rning, drun and ut f ur ind u stubled and fell nt the ffee table and bre it, and gt this b la ee hen u rashed int the tables edge”Puzzled, the an ass essie, “Then h is there a rse n table and breafast n the stve aiting fr e?”“h that,” essie replies, “ell, pulled u int

    12、ur bedr, and hen she tried t undress u, u elled, Leave e alne; I arried and I lve ife!”21 h did the an have a bla ee? A He had a terrible headaheB He didnt sleep ell the night befre He as hit in the ee b his ifeD He fell ver and ned nt the table22 The ife did s uh fr her husband that rning prbabl be

    13、ause _ A she thught it as her dutB her husband gt drun fr her she as ved b his rdsD she anted t give hi a surprise 23 The passage is intended t _ A tell us a funn strB sh us h t are a drunen persn arn us h dangerus it is t be drunD persuade us nt t get drunBSeveral dllars equal nthing fr se peple, b

    14、ut ae a differene fr thers Steve has ust lst his ife t aner and everthing the had is gne due t the treatent He n lives in the shelter fr the heless S e n eah ther ust lie ther heless peple, he didnt thin he needed anthing But ne he entined t e he needed ee glasses His vie hesitated a bit, he led dn,

    15、 and it appeared lie he thught suh a request as ust a drea T uh t hpe fr? It as as if his ish ere nn b e nl I subitted an appliatin fr hi t a prgra that is suppsed t prvide a free ee exainatin and glasses Three nths l ater, I phned t as hat as up ith the appintent but the tld e there as a ash fl prb

    16、le until late suer Steve shed disappintent, thaned e and started t al aa I said, “Hld n, I ill figure ut a a t get u an ee exainatin and glasses” His fae lit up a tin bit He had seen se f the things I have dne fr ther peple in ur shelter and t e it led lie he ight have a line f hpe I t a piture f hi

    17、 and psted his piture and his str in the Titter In abut 4 das, eight peple fr arund the rld dnated $2 eah and ne persn dnated $40 and I ade up the rest t get hi an ee exa and glasses Steve pied up his glasses n ednesda: a 11th, 2011 Tda Steve has returned t a previus b he had in a nearb ar ash Beaus

    18、e he n has glasses he ill be able t see hat he is ding hile leaning the vehiles He is starting a send b at a pet enter next ee!24e an learn fr the first t paragraphs that _A it t a lng tie t treat Steves ifeB heless peple never as fr anthing the authr and Steve have been friends fr earsD Steve as t

    19、ebarrassed t as fr help2The prgra failed t satisf Steve beause _A it as alread ut f businessB Steve didnt subit the appliatin hiself it had se truble in finaneD its nt designed fr peple lie Steve26hat an be inferred fr the passage? A The prgra as lsed three nths ag B The authr ight be a vlunteer in

    20、the shelter Steve gt $240 in ttal fr ind-hearted peple D Steve used t r as a salesan in a ar fatr27The best title fr the passage is prbabl _A ne an seties tal B T heads are better than ne Sall help an reall unt D Gd helps thse h help theselvesLast ear I ruined suer vaatin b bringing alng a dern nven

    21、iene that as t nvenient fr n gd: the iPad Instead f ling at nature, I heed eail Instead f paddling a sall bat, I flled Titter feed (推特简讯) Instead f reading great nvels, I stu t reading fur nespapers eah rning I as behaving as if I ere still in the ffie bd as n vaatin but head asntS this ear I ade up

    22、 ind t tr sething different: ithdraal (退出) fr the Internet I ne it uldnt be eas, sine I bad at self-ntrl But I as deterined I started b giving the iPad t ifeThe ellphne signal at ur huse as rse than in the past, aing attepts at heating an experiene in frustratin I as trapped, fred t g thrugh ith pla

    23、n Largel ut ff fr e-ail, Titter and favrite nespaper ebsites, I had fe as t nnet t the rld exept fr radi and h uh radi an ne listen t, reall? I had t d hat I had planned t all alng: read bsThis experiene has had a happ ending ith deterinatin and the strng supprt f ife, I n in vaatin struggle against

    24、 the Internet, realizing finall that it as I, nt the iPad, that as the prble I ne I had n hen e passed a Starbus and ife ased if I anted t stp t use the i-Fi “ I dnt need it,” I said Hever, as e return t pst -vaatin life, a harder test begins: an I ntinue hen I ba at r? There are ties hen the need t

    25、 n hats being said right n is great And I have n intentin f giving up nveniene pletel But I hpe t resist the teptatin (诱惑) t he e-ail ever five inutes, hih leads t heing Titter feed and a ebsite r tI thin a vaatin is suppsed t help u reset ur brain t bee re prdutive Here I hpe this ne red28 hat d e

    26、n abut the authrs last suer vaatin?A He as deterined t en the beautiful vieB He felt satisfied that he had stu t his usual tietable He hated hiself fr ating as if he ere at r n vaatinD His iPad ruined his plan f finishing a great nvel 29 hat did the authr d t eep aa fr the Internet this ear?A He ut

    27、ff his ellphne signalB He handed his iPad t his ife He refused t heat in his huse D He listened t the radi st f the tie30 hen ba at r, the authr ill prbabl hse t_ A ntinue t read re and re bs B sta aa fr the Internet fr ever stp heing hat is being said right n pletelD eep ntrl f hen and h t use the

    28、Internet31 hat is the authrs pinin f a great vaatin in the passage? A A vaatin eans a hange f pae t ae ne re reative B A vaatin is a perid f tie t d hatever ne ished t A vaatin is having nthing t d but read all da D A vaatin prves that a life f pleasure is vervalu edDT develp nes taste in English,th

    29、e st effetive a is t read English bs extensivel Hever, ne a be at a lss t hse the apprpriate bs,espeiall as a beginnerI uld lie t share se f experiene first English nvel as ane Austens Pride and Preudie,reended b an English teahers and prfessrs as an ideal b fr English learners But I had great diffi

    30、ult in understanding the nvel,let alne ening it Its nt the vabular that trubled e,but rather the a Austen nstruts sentenes,and her a f thining,hih seeed t rete t e at that tie fading enthusias as uh revered after reading Heingas nvel Fareell t Ars I partiularl lied his brief and livel stle S first s

    31、uggestin is,as a beginner, ud better hse nteprar nvels instead f lassial nesHever,reading nvels is nt the nl a t iprve ur English English essas an at ne infr u,entertain u, and iprve ur taste in English The best exaple is Bertrand Russells r Its language is plain, et u annt help feeling the elegane

    32、and the unique sense f hur His siple language enables his philsph(哲理) ithin the reah f rdinar peple Here es send suggestinessas are indispensable Never fll thers pinins blindl,hever faus r influential the persn ight be As a saing ges,ne ans eat is anther ans pisn ith that in ind,e are sure t find ut ur favrite riters thrugh reading a


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