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    1、导学案第五单元Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 导学案第1课时主备人: 审核人: 审核时间:学习目标:1. 熟练读出,书写本节课的表示动物的单词2熟练的谈论表示动物的话题,以及自己的喜好.学习重点:学会谈论自己喜欢的动物.课前预习: 1.I can read:我能自学1a并从中找出生词大声朗读。2.I can write:我是小小速记王,能快速而准确地记住1a中的生词。3.I can say and practise:我能用1a中的生词练习句子。4.I can listen:我能仔细听录音完成1b。课内探究:(一)、自主学习1.快速而准确地写出以下词汇:1.想做某事

    2、 2.很可爱 3.欢迎到 _4.大象 _ 5.长颈鹿 _ 6. 熊猫 _ 7.海豚 _ 8.企鹅 9.树袋熊 10.首先 2.写出下列名词的复数形式。 1.koala 2.tiger 3.box 4.bus 5. zoo _ 6. potato 7.boy _ 8. family 9. leaf 10. sheep (二)、合作探究 1练习对话 A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because theyre very cute. A:Why does he like koalas?B:Because theyre kind of interesting.2. let sb.

    3、 do sth.Eg: Lets _(play) basketball. Let Tim _(help) you.Dont let _ (he) _ (play) in the snow.(三)、 研讨交流 1两人一组,展示对话2 练习听力 2a(四)、师生互动总结你所知道的关于动物的单词。_(五)、拓展延伸(一) 用所给词适当形式填空:1. Why _ your father _(like) koalas?2. Lets _ (see)the dogs. 3. He wants _ (play)football with me.4. It is an_ (interest) book.5.

    4、_(Dolphin) are very cute.6. There are many _ (kind)of cars over there.(二)句型转换1. My brother likes dogs. (改为含有why的疑问句) 2. I like pandas. They are very friendly. (用一连合并句子) 3. I want to see the lions because theyre cute. 4.There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. (一般疑问句)5. He likes playing football i

    5、n the park. (否定句)课后巩固一、按顺序排列好句子,组成对话,把正确的序号写在前面的横线上。A. Because theyre cute. B. Lets go and see the giraffes and pandas. C. Why do you like pandas? D. Because they are smart. E. Okay, so why do you like giraffes? _二、句型转换。1. Tom has a new pen pal in China. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ a new pen pal in China? 2. T

    6、here are some elephants in the zoo. (改为单数形式)There _ _ elephant in the zoo.3. I like pandas because theyre very cute. (划线部分提问)_.4. way, tell, me, to, you, hotel, the, let, the, new (连词成句)_ 5. There is a big library. Its next to the bank. (合并成一个句子)_ 作业布置:做 A 选作 B 课后反思本节课的成功和亮点 _本节课需要改进和注意的地方_ Unit 5 W

    7、hy do you like pandas? 导学案 第2课时主备人: 审核人: 审核时间:学习目标:1. 掌握并运用各种短语。 2. 理解课文各部分的要求和目的。学习重点:能用本节课的词汇熟练练习对话。课前预习:1. I can read:我能熟读各部分中的词和句子。2. I can understand:理解课文各部分的要求和目的。3. I can say and practise:能用2c中的词汇熟练练习对话。4. I can listen:能仔细听录音完成要求。课内探究:(一)自主学习 写出下列动词的单三形式。1. help 2. like 3. swim 4. listen 5. p

    8、lay 6. teach 7. go 8.do 9. wash 10. watch 11. have 12. study 写出下列名词的复数。1. mouth 2. knife 3. panda 4. photo 5. tomato 6. tooth 7. leaf 8. bus 9. watch 10. woman 11. family 12. box (二)合作探究:1.练习2a. 2b部分听力.2.核对答案. 解决问题.(三)、交流研讨1.小组为单位,仿照2b 部分编新的对话.2 .小组展示对话。(四)师生互动总结本节课的重点内容.课后巩固(一)单项选择( )1.We like TV a

    9、fter supper. A.watching B.seeing C.looking D.looking at( )2. Lets see the animals. A. go B. to go to C. go to D. to go( )3. Jane like giraffes? Yes,very much. A.Is B. Do C. Does D. is( )4. I like pandas they are beautiful. A. so B. I C. because D. that( )5. Where are the lions ? South Africa. A. in

    10、B. to C. from D. live(二)改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上)1. Isyour brother speak English? _ 2. Does he likes going fishing? _ 3. He likes play games after class. _4. Mr. Wu teachs us English. _ 5. She dont do her homework on Sundays. _作业布置:做 A 选作 B课后反思本节课的成功和亮点 _本节课需要改进和注意的地方_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 导学案

    11、第3课时主备人: 审核人: 审核时间:学习目标:1. 能熟读各部分中的词和句子。 2理解课文各部分的要求和目的。.学习重点:能用本节课的词汇熟练练习对话。课前预习:1. I can read:我能熟读各部分中的词和句子。2. I can understand:理解课文各部分的要求和目的。3. I can say and practise:能用3b中的词汇熟练练习对话。4. I can listen:能仔细听录音完成Part4要求课内探究(一)、自主学习用合适的单词补全句子。1. Lions are from S_ Africa.2. P_ live in China.3. There is a

    12、n e_ in the zoo.4. My teacher is f_ to us. 5. What a_ do you like? - Dogs. (二)、 合作探究1.完成3a, 3b 的内容.2.利用3a中的单词,做替换练习3.小组竞争,展示成果(三)、 研讨交流1. 大声读3a 部分.2. 猜出3a 中的动物.3.仿照3a .做猜动物游戏.(四)、师生互动表演猜动物游戏(五) 拓展延伸一、用所给动词的正确形式填空1. We (not watch) TV on Monday.2. Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday.3. they (like) the

    13、World Cup?4. What they often (do) on Saturdays?5. your parents (read) newspapers every day?6. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.7. She and I (take) a walk together every evening.8. There (be) some water in the bottle.9. Mike (like) cooking.10. They (have) the same hobby.11. My aunt (look) after

    14、 her baby carefully.12.You always (do) your homework well.13. I (be) ill. Im staying in bed.14. She (go) to school from Monday to Friday.课后巩固按要求转换句型, 一空一词。1. A koala comes from Australia. (变否定句)A koala _ _ from Australia.2. He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句)_ he _ dolphins very much?3. The zoo is

    15、 across from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the zoo?4. I like Tom because he is very friendly. (对划线部分提问)_ do _ like Tom?5. The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see?6. Do you have lots of clever friends? (变陈述句)_ _ lots of clever friends.7. Pandas are from Ch

    16、ina. (同义句转换)Pandas _ _ China.8. She doesnt want bananas at all. (变肯定句)She _ bananas very _.作业布置:做 A 选作 B课后反思本节课的成功和亮点 _本节课需要改进和注意的地方_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 导学案第4课时主备人: 审核人: 审核时间:学习目标:1. 能熟读各部分中的词和句子。 2. 能仿写一篇描述自己喜欢的动物的短文。课前预习:1.I can read:我能熟读各部分中的词和句子。2.I can understand:理解课文各部分的要求和目的。课内探究(

    17、一)、自主学习词组互译1.在左边/右边 2.南非 3.其中几个案词 4.别的什么动物 5.吃草 6和朋友玩耍 7.请安静 8.在白天 9.起床 10.每天20小时 11.一头大象 12.two more animals 13.相当聪明 14.在那边 (二)、合作探究1.完成1a ,将动物和形容词一一对应起来.2.根据图片,自己造句.Eg: I think pandas are cute. (三). 交流研讨1.完成听力1b ,1c 部分. 2.核对答案,个人和小组相结合.(四)师生互动1. 大声读1d 部分.2.有你的同桌谈论你所知道的动物.3.展示新对话. (五)、拓展延伸根据汉语完成句子。

    18、1. 你喜欢什么动物? you like?2. 树袋熊喜欢和朋友一起玩耍、吃树叶。Koala likes her friend and eat .3. 大熊猫来自中国。Pandas China.4. 她还喜欢别的什么动物?What she like?5. Molly十二岁,她既友好又可爱。Molly is old, she is and .6.有些动物既友好又聪明。 the animals friendly and clever.7.你还喜欢其他什么花么? flowers do you like?8.它白天睡觉,夜里起来吃东西。It sleeps the day,and it gets up

    19、and eats leaves.9.你喜欢和我玩么?Do you like me?课后巩固用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.Iwant (be)ateacher.2.UncleWangloves (make)things.3.Wouldyoulikesomething ( eat)?4.How/Whatabout (go)outforsupper?5.Mothermademe (clean)thehouselastweekend6.Thankyoufor (help)me.7.Iusuallydosome (clean)onSundays.8.Wouldyoulike (go) (swim)wit

    20、hme?9.Jimoftenhelpstheoldman (carry)water.10.Tomwastired.Sohestopped (work).作业布置:做 A 选作 B课后反思本节课的成功和亮点 _本节课需要改进和注意的地方_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 导学案第5课时 主备人: 审核人: 审核时间:学习目标:1、复习掌握本单元的单词及 短语。 2、 熟练运用本单元句型:课前预习:1.I can say and practise:能用重点词汇熟练练习对话。2.I can listen:能仔细听录音完成活动要求。3.I can write: 能仿写一篇

    21、描述自己喜欢的动物的短文。课内探究( 一)、自主学习用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.Iwant (be)ateacher.2.UncleWangloves (make)things.3.Wouldyoulikesomething ( eat)?4.How/Whatabout (go)outforsupper?5.Mothermademe (clean)thehouselastweekend6.Thankyoufor (help)me.7.Iusuallydosome (clean)onSundays.8.Wouldyoulike (go) (swim)withme?9.Jimoftenhelps

    22、theoldman (carry)water.10.Tomwastired.Sohestopped (work).(二)合作探究:1.完成2a. 选出你认为最危险的动物. 2.阅读2b. 并且选出最好的标题.3.合作完成短语的学习.(三)研讨交流 1.再次阅读2b, 根据提示,完成大脑图. 2.完成3a, 用方框中的词填空.补充成一篇完整的短文. (四)师生互动:完成3b, 用给出的词汇描写熊猫.也可以展开自己的想象去描写. (五)、拓展延伸( )1. see the giraffes. A. Let B. Let we C. Lets D. Let I( )2. - do you like

    23、animals? - they are cute. A. Why, Because B. What, So C. Why, So D. What, Because( )3. The monkeys interesting. A. kind of B. kinds of C. are kind of D. are kinds of( )5. Why go to the zoo? A. dont B. not C. not you D. you dont( )6. Im hungry, I have some food. A. Because, so B. So, because C. Becau

    24、se, / D. So, /( )7. Why he koalas? A. does, like B. does, likes C. do, likes D. do, like( )8. are from . A. Chinese, Chinese B. Australian, AustraliaC. Japanese, Japan D. English, English( )9.Dont . A. shy B. to be shy C. to shy D. be shy( )10.The koala bears sleep the day and get up night. A. durin

    25、g, at B. at, during C. at, at D. during, during( )11.My sister likes to read at home. A. and write B. to write C. and to write D. to writing( )12. My sister often his friends. A. play with B. play C. plays with D. plays( )13. What things can you see in the picture? Athe other B. others C. other D. any( )14.-Isnt Amy tall? - . A. Yes, she is B. No. she isC. Yes, she isnt D. No, she does


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