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    度成都市广播电视节目奖评奖结果The results of the Chengdu radio and TV program awards in.docx

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    度成都市广播电视节目奖评奖结果The results of the Chengdu radio and TV program awards in.docx

    1、度成都市广播电视节目奖评奖结果The results of the Chengdu radio and TV program awards in2008年度成都市广播电视节目奖评奖结果(The results of the Chengdu radio and TV program awards in 2008)The results of the Chengdu radio and TV program awards in 20082008 city radio and Television Awards has been completed, the award winning progra

    2、ms have been produced by the judges will be considered by the audit and report to Party leadership group and municipal radio and television bureau awards, the following program won the Excellence Award and award nominations (attached), are to be publicized.The publicity time is one week (March 6th t

    3、o March 13th). If there is any objection, if you have any objection, please contact the Committee office. The office of the awards committee is located in the propaganda and Social Administration Department of the Municipal Radio and television administration.Contact person: Min Hongbin, contact num

    4、ber: 61885283Chengdu radio and Television BureauChengdu radio and Television SocietyChengdu radio and Television Awards leading groupTwo, 00, nine, March 5thThe results of Chengdu radio and TV awards in 2008Broadcast classI. excellent awardSerial numberCompanyTitleCreative staffParticipating project

    5、sOneRadio ChengduSurvey the worldLi Wei Zhou AihuaBroadcasting and hostingTwoRadio ChengduThe earthquake weve been throughWang Xiaomei Xu ChenxiThreeRadio Chengdu5 / 16 rescueWang Huan, Liu Guangyi, Li TaoBroadcast messageFourRadio ChengduThe countrys first rural property rights exchange officially

    6、opened in our cityFang Ming Yang DeqiangFiveDujiangyan stationThe board chapel came the sound of chantingYunle Sheng MaSixLongquanyi DistrictFlowers for spring is colourful, the amazing weird showmanshipZhang Xuanhong Chen YafuSevenRadio ChengduThe square of the griefKonzaEightRadio ChengduThanksgiv

    7、ing in a cityZhang Yana, Wu Jing, Wang YiNineRadio ChengduInterpretation of intellectual property pledge financingZhou Yan, Wu Jing, Yang ZhaoTenPengzhou stationThe prime minister left love in the disaster areaYe Tao, Yang Liu, Hu JingyeElevenDouble current stationBorrow a pigDeng Wenbo Jiang Songta

    8、oTwelveRadio ChengduTo buildZhang Lin, Wu Jing, Li TaoThirteenPujiang stationA series of reports on 13 industry linkage and coordinated development of urban and rural areas:1, a good extension of the tea industry chain of multiple channels to increase farmers income2, Guangming township will make gr

    9、eat efforts to increase the income of farmers with small inputs3, the town of Heshan tied up resources and constructed a new pattern of rural tourismXiong Wei, Yuan Yuan, hoodFourteenRadio ChengduThere are flowers and fruit, the construction of its a long roadChen Kui Qiu DongmingRadio reviewFifteen

    10、Radio ChengduAfter the disaster reconstruction, we should use what kind of mentality to face?Fang Ming, Qiu DongmingSixteenChongzhou stationMr Wu: you love life with the interpretation of moralityTang Jing, mother, Fu ShengBroadcast topicsBroadcast topicsSeventeenRadio ChengduShe showed us what it m

    11、eans to be strongZhang Lin, Li Wei, Yang DeqiangEighteenPixian stationTriggered by the fifth generations of Pixian watercressYang Xiuli Ren LiNineteenJintang TaiwanAppreciation of literary works - prose poetrycollectiveLiterature programTwentyLongquanyi DistrictRural know-allFu Shijun, Xiao Jiwu, Ha

    12、n KunliangThe Bang Goes the TheoryTwenty-oneRadio ChengduThe charm of PavarottiZhang Ou, Wang Xiaomei, Wang XinMusic programTwenty-twoRadio ChengduShare shoSongkuikuiTwenty-threeRadio ChengduPass on the message and light the hopecollectiveLive broadcastTwenty-fourRadio ChengduWere togetherChengdu ra

    13、dio collective creationTwenty-fiveRadio ChengduI have a strong motherlandPengjuanVariety showTwenty-sixRadio ChengduGreat love - the disaster heartless earthquake relief heroes documentaryLi Shanzhong, Pu Ying, constitution, Xu DanLong hookupTwenty-sevenRadio ChengduThe backbone of an earthquakeFeng

    14、 Zhaodong, Li Shanzhong, Po WanRadio DramaTwenty-eightRadio ChengduTashi DawaLi Guan name Qiongxue Yangjin - DolmaOriginal songTwenty-nineRadio ChengduGo home earlyWu Fei Xie Wei Pu YingxianThirtyRadio ChengduKiss babyPakistan Yingyan Huang Meng Li PinChildren programThirty-oneRadio ChengduCanton ne

    15、wsChen Kui, Chen Weishi, Zhang LinTop ten newsThirty-twoRadio ChengduIn the cold winter,Chengdu shoe industry is breaking throughWang Yixu, Ning Fangming, et alNews interviewThirty-threeRadio ChengduWords of gratitudeSun Xiaolu, Wang Huan, Liu XinTwo nomination AwardSerial numberCompanyTitleCreative staffParticipating projectsOnePixian stationSend culture to the grassroots, offer the truth, build harmonyZhao Mingfei Luo XiBroadcasting and hostingTwoqingbaijiang districtMoved aroundDuanjieqiongThreeRadio ChengduMemory 5. 12, Chengdu police earthquake relief record - s


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