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    1、高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(1)(一)你的朋友魏东获得了一笔到美国留学一年的奖学金。他去的那所学校碰巧有你一位好朋友Dick。你写信把魏东介绍给Dick,希望他能帮助、照顾魏东,愿他们也成为好朋友。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,意义完整。3. 开头语已为你写好。Dear Dick,One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. It happens that the school

    2、which he will go to is your school.(王叶) . Wei Dong is one of my best friends, as I mentioned just now. He is so kind that everyone in our class likes him very much, including our teachers.(万永秋). He is outgoing and strong with many hobbies and a wide range of interests. (兰天雨) But this is the first ti

    3、me for him to live and study abroad.(何建军) I think that he will need a long time to adapt to the new lifestyle.(邓淼青) I hope that you can offer him a hand when he gets into trouble and you two will become good friends and get along well with each other. (陈自敏)He will not feel lonely and homesick becaus

    4、e of your care and help.(王华杰) Im sure you can share happiness and sorrow with each other.(余涛) Looking forward to your letter as soon as possible. (王玉)Dear Dick,One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. Hell be leaving soon, and, believe it

    5、 or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you can to help him begin a new life.Wei Dong is a handsome tall boy of 18. He is a diligent student as well as a go

    6、od guy to get along with. Besides his study, he has a wide range of interests, such as country music and basketball. I hope you can learn from each other and become good friends.Best wishes. 高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(2)(二)范文一:“Do you feel disadvantaged?” is a question of a survey recently conducted on the Intern

    7、et by a website.About 45.1%of the officials in governments consider themselves as the disadvantaged group(吴静), so do 55.4% of the intellectuals, and 57% of the white-collars .(王华杰)In total, 73.5% of the netizens have a “yes” response. (韩钿焰)How can we remove the feeling of the disadvantaged?(韩玉龙) Vie

    8、ws vary from person to person. 49% of the netizens questioned think we should make all people rich.(周敏)20% suggest that we should let everyone have a stronger sense of safety. (张曦) About 10% advise making everyone have the right to choose the jobs which they like, (冯丽娟) and the obstacles in society

    9、must be removed. (丁臻婷) The rest propose that everyone should enjoy equal rights.(于倩) And all people should be equal. (刘鑫畅)I think we should try our best to remove the negative factors in the daily life and keep an optimistic psychology to face everything.(李思雨)In my opinion, the most important is the

    10、 social harmony.(胡晓月)范文二:“Do you feel disadvantaged?” is a question of a survey recently conducted on the Internet by a website. The result of the survey is as follows. 73% of the investigated netizens claim they belong to the disadvantaged group, including 45.1% of the investigated staff working in

    11、 governments, 55.4% of the surveyed intellectuals and 57.8% of the white collars.How to remove the psychology of being disadvantaged is related to the stability of our society. 49% of the investigated believe that helping everyone be well off is a vital way. 20% of the surveyed think the government

    12、should take measures to strengthen the publics sense of safety and ensure all the citizens can live a normal and easy life. 12% suggest finding ways to make people stronger and healthier. And 10% say its quite necessary to clear up the obstacles that prevent people entering the upper classes. In add

    13、ition, 9% propose making efforts to build an equal and fair society.In my opinion, passing laws to ensure all citizens to enjoy equal rights is of great importance高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(3)(三)范文一Last month, a survey was carried out among 63 students from a class in Senior 1. The purpose of this survey is to ge

    14、t to know whether the students are satisfied with their current learning situations. The main findings are as follows.There are 5 students expressing their dissatisfaction with their study situation by giving it 0-4 points. 29 students are also unsatisfied, grading it at only 5 points. 21 students m

    15、ark their learning situation with 6-7 points, showing a general satisfaction. 8 students, giving 8 points, are pleased with their study situation, but no one is content with it, giving a full mark.The fact that over half of the 63 students are not satisfied with their study situation is well worth o

    16、ur attention. I think 2 reasons may contribute to the very dissatisfaction. The first is that quite a few students fail to prepare themselves for the senior studies, so they havent adapted to the senior courses and dont find the right learning strategies. The second is that the teaching approaches u

    17、sed by the teachers in senior schools may need improving. 范文二Last month, a survey was carried out among 63 students from a class in Senior 1. The purpose of this survey is to get to know whether the students are satisfied with their current learning situations. The main findings are as follows.5 stu

    18、dents give themselves 0-4 points, which shows they are unsatisfied with their current learning situation(廖弘). 29 students mark their degree of satisfaction with 5 points, that is to say, they are not satisfied, either(杨磊). There are 21 students with a low degree of learning satisfaction(韩玉龙),giving

    19、6-7 marks. To our surprise, only 8 students show a general satisfaction(邓淼青). But no one is absolutely satisfied with their current studies by giving a full mark(冯丽娟).As is shown in the above chart, only a few students do well in their studies(林东烈). Whats the reason leading to the result(韩田艳)? The m

    20、ost possible reason is that they havent adapted to the study of senior schools(廖鸥鸥). In other words, they are not prepared enough to study the new courses(杨森). 高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(4)(四)Saturday March 27, 2010 CloudyThis afternoon, I was walking along a street when I saw a traffic accident, in which a woman

    21、 was hit/ knocked down by a truck. But after the accident happened, the driver drove off without stopping at all. Seeing that, I quickly ran up to the lady, and carried her on my back to the nearest hospital. But after arriving at the hospital, to my unexpectation, the injured lady told others it wa

    22、s I that hit her and insisted that I should pay for her hospital bill.Hearing what he said, I was shocked and quite angry. I sincerely offered her aid when she was in trouble and danger, how could she charge me against her morality? Afterwards, who will offer to help those in trouble? 高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(5

    23、)(五)作为一名中学生, 和老师建立良好的师生关系是必要的。 请你围绕这个话题,根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文,谈谈自己的看法1建立良好的师生关系的必要性。2你认为良好的师生关系应该是怎样的? 3.如何才能建立这种关系?As a middle school student, it is necessary to build up a good relationship with teachers(文凡/陈自敏/高成佳). For one reason, a good relationship can benefit our study. For another, if teachers and

    24、students get along well like friends, teaching and learning will not be tasks but pleasure(于倩). As a saying goes, teachers are like our parents. They help us, encourage us and share sorrows with us(刘闻). Being a student, I agree to the viewpoint that (杨森) a good teacher-student relation will make lea

    25、rning enjoyable and interesting(李敬烨). And only with the help of teachers will we fall in love with our study and realize our dream(韩玉龙/刘人杰).However, what is a really good relationship like?(余涛) In my opinion, the good relationship is that teachers and students can talk about anything and care about

    26、each other(宋德辉). A good relationship should be equal and harmonious,(万永秋)in which we are teachers and students in class, but friends after class(刘鑫畅).How to set up a good relationship?(张鑫) To begin with, a good communication is a vital step to reach the goal(王玉). We should communicate more with our

    27、teachers (江天文). Teachers are also normal persons, so we should understand them(周敏), and respect them and their work(王志敏). The best way to build up a good relation is to treat teachers as friends(蒋勇). Whats more, accepting their advice in a polite way is also important(丁臻婷). As for teachers, they sho

    28、uld treat all students equally(王琼梅). If so, students and teachers will certainly get on well with each other.(李运佳)高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(6) (六)假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。注意:1周记的开头已为你写好。 2词数: 100词。Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to

    29、Beidaihe. First, I searched the internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe and some hotel information.(王琼梅) In the afternoon, I went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for them.(宋德辉) On arriving home, I continued to help them put into the suitcase the things they neede

    30、d on their journey, such as clothes, credit cards, a cell-phone, ID cards and so on. (张俊夫/杨磊)On Sunday, they set out for Beidaihe with everything well prepared.(王玉) I sent them to the station and saw them off. (何建军) I hoped they could have fun in Beidaihe.(杨勇/韩玉龙) (94 words)高三英语作文优秀范文欣赏(7) (七)假如你是高三

    31、学生李平。最近,你了解到你校高一年级正在进行课改。现在,请你给英语校刊写信,内容包括如下:1、羡慕高一学生及缘由;2、自己感到遗憾的方面;3、课改对学生的益处;4、给高一学生的建议;5、学校在课改中应注意之处。注意:1、词数100左右。信的开头和结尾已给出、并不计入总词数。2、可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。3、参考词汇:The Curriculum Reform课改Dear editor,Im Li Ping, a senior 3 student in our school. Recently I have heard that the Curriculum Reform is being c

    32、arried out in senior one of our school. How I envy the students in senior 1 for their good luck, because the Curriculum Reform makes their classes more lively and interesting, and the school life more colorful. What a pity it is that we have no chance to experience the Curriculum Reform.It is widely believed that the Curriculum Reform must benefit the present studies of the students as well as their future development,because it can promote a rise in their personality.I hope the senior one stude


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