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    1、涡流探伤仪操作规程DEFECTOMAT CI 2.812 操作规程硬件 Defectomat CI 2.812用于在线检测接触线拉丝机生产的接触线产品, it doesnt include ferromat that is the reason why it is important to have 2 channels DF to analysis the surface and the inside contact wire 1. Equipment CI 2.812 with 2 channels DF 2. Connection cable from the equipment CI

    2、2.812 to the coil (the distance of the cable should be not bigger than 50 m, and it is important to avoid avoid sharp bends in the cable route) 3. Coil (even work with 2 channels DF one coil is enough) ; it is necessary 3 shapes of coil: one on service ,1 spare part and the last one in case of damag

    3、e. 4. Coil support to sustain and positioning in the right place5. 电源220 VAC 300 VA . The diameter of the coil must be adjusted to the Contact Wire to the sections from 85 to 150 mm2: 17 mm for 150 mm2 15 mm for 120 and 110 mm2 12 mm for 85 mm2. The diameter of the coil is important to ensure the se

    4、nsibility of the signal. Necessaries adjustments1- Contact wire speed adjustment through the coilIt is very important to ensure that the equipment detect the defects or report attenuated despite the equipment is working properlyThe equipment can receive speed information through one encoder that con

    5、stantly recognize the speed of the Contact Wire o adjusting internally the equipment setting up the theoretically the speed of the contact wire will be through the coil2-Speed limit 2 limits, upper and lower that must be defined to the equipment CI 2.812. With encoder CI 2.812 only detects defects i

    6、f the speed is inside of the limits. In the case of internal speed adjustment the CI 2.812 can detect and register defects even there are fluctuations in the speed of the contact wire that are not know for the equipment. 3- Frequency adjustment Need to be consider two points Speed of the contact wir

    7、e Deepness of the defects we wanted to detectFaster is the speed of the contact wire greater will be the minimum frequency of work. The equipment CI 2.812 doesnt allow insert frequencies that are not aligned with the contact wire speed.探测频率越大,可探测深度就越小 (lower are the defects that we can analyze) The

    8、frequencies in the equipment are from 1 to 100 kHz. With 1 kHz we can analyze well until 3.5 mm in CuOF and 4 mm for CuMg With 10 Khz we can analyze well until 1 mm for CuOF and 1.2 mm the CuMg With value of 100 kHz (bigger frequency) we can analyze 0,35 mm in the CuOF and 0.4 mm in the CuMg .4-Filt

    9、ersIt is very critical adjustment because in case of wrong set-up the equipment will not detect defects. Originally the value is 0 and must be keep this value 5-Gain adjustmentThe value can be adjusted by the experienceIt is a logarithmic scale (No lineal scale) from 0 to 70 db, it means the signal

    10、can be multiplied maximum by 3.162 times.To double the value of the signal it is enough increase the gain on 6 db ; each db of variation the signal increase o decrease 12% It can be adjusted in tenths of Db. The recommended values are bigger than 50 db in order to be sure the sensibility of the equi

    11、pment is good6-极限 adjustmentThis parameter is to define when the defect is not important (it means it will not be register as a defect), slight or severe. The adjustment is % from 0 to 100 %. 7-Mark assignment The CI 2.812 has 2 output of defects by channel; slight or sever defect (DLL, DG) , so the

    12、re are 2 channels with a total of 4 defect output.We can defined every defect in which output can be register 8-Encoder adjustment In this adjustment we can define the progress represented by each pulse of the equipment Adjustment: process图01 - CI 2.812操作面板总览1 CONF按钮 : To obtain options screen 2 RUN

    13、按钮 : 实时监测数据显示3 - ON/OFF 按钮: 开关4 旋钮:旋转移动光标至需操作的项目,按下以选择此项目1. Speed adjustmentIn the case that there is not encoder the Contact wire speed adjustment through the coil must be adjusted manually. Config (Key 1)切换到参数调整界面By rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option line and pushThe process to push by the r

    14、otary switch is universal to activate of the menus in each option By rotary switch (4 on fig 01) Select below optionsSpeed clock refSpeed clock setSpeed clock testPush and select by rotary switch, the internal on the 3 cases. After select these options come back to the menu line by rotary switch. Wi

    15、th this option the CI 2.812 consider that the speed of the contact wire will be manually set-up by the user in m/s By rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option Internal Speed in m/s Set-up the speed of the contact wire and come back to the menu line 2. Speed limitConfig (Key 1)Open configuration menu

    16、By rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option line and pushThe process to push by the rotary switch is universal to activate of the menus in each optionBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose below optionsMin Speed m/sMax Speed m/sSelect by rotatory switch the maximum and minimum speed of the contact wir

    17、e. Come back menu line (remember in the case of internal speed the interval between maximum and minimum speed is the tolerance against unexpected variations on the contact wire speed).This adjustment must be done always, even there is encoder o no If there is a big range of speed (maximum speed mini

    18、mum speed) it will generate a big electric noise in the equipment. The user must find the balance between both things: electrical noise and speed tolerance.3. Frequency adjustmentConfig (Key 1)Open configuration menuBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option channel defectomat and push; then appear

    19、s a menu as above pictureBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Select Frequency kHz , push and it will appear a list with all frequency possible: between 1 and 1000 kHz. Consider that the coils we are using only accept maximum of 100 kHz The frequency to be selected will depend of the deepness and detail to

    20、 analyze; in the Trolley 1 kHz of frequency is a maximum deepness of 6 mm . In general the formula to recognize the maximum deepness of insight is: mm ; where f is the frequency of the Defectomat in Hz . This action is only done in the defectomat channels; In the cas of ferromat in the 2 channel the

    21、re is not possible this option. 4. Filters adjustmentConfig (Key 1)Open configuration menuBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option channel defectomat and push; then appears a menu as below pictureBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Select Filter Corr, and push; then will be open a window named Change F

    22、ilter Corr -4.4 . It means that the parameter range is between -4 to 4 through 0, so 9 values in total. in normal operation the values of this parameter should be between -1 0 1. This parameter open or close the electronic filter of the equipment; if the value is near 4 the filter is practically clo

    23、se and the equipment couldnt detect defect. If the value is near -4 will be electromagnetic noise and maybe will obtain wrongly defectsThe values can be adjusted by rotary switch in both sides as the arrows showsThis action must be done in the case we use a second channel5. Gain adjustmentConfig (Ke

    24、y 1)Open configuration menuBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option channel defectomat and push; then appears a menu as below pictureBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Select Gain dB , push above ; then will be open the windows with title Change Gain =71.9 .By rotary switch you can adjust the gain val

    25、ue with a resolution of 0,1 db that means gain or lost 1% of the signal. This action must be done in the case we use a second channel6. Threshold adjustmentConfig (Key 1)Open configuration menuBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option Analyse defectomat and push; then appears a menu as below pictu

    26、re By rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose below optionsF1.Threshold% (slight defect)F2.Threshold% (sever defect) Each time each option has been select will be open a window that let adjust the threshold with a resolution of 5% (the levels can be adjusted from 5% to 5%) . This action must be done in th

    27、e case we use a second channel 7. Mark assignmentConfig (Key 1)Open configuration menuBy rotary switch (4 on fig 01)Choose option Mark assignment and push; then appears a menu as below picture By rotary switch (4 on fig 01)First, ensure the option Marking output is on; if not the output signals will

    28、 not be open in any case. To change the status of this option you should select by the rotary switch, push and select on of the menu that presents. Then select Marking Equipment Push and will open a list, select M1.M4 (it means all the output signals are potentially open) select:Mark Assignment CH1M

    29、ark Assignment CH2Will be open a table as you can see in the picture (left below side of the screen), select each output of the equipment: M1 a M4; a defect slight or sever in each one of the two channels, it is possible assign logical operations as F1&F2. The option no will be used to not assign any signal in the correspondent output.


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