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    1、江西省教师招聘考试小学英语题2021年4月10日江西省教师招聘考试小学英语题一、单项选择题。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)1、Theunderlinedletter“ch”inthefollowwordshavethesamepronunciationexcept_.A、checkB、technologyC、marchD、church2、Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, _ as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.A、regardB、is regarded

    2、C、are regardedD、regards3、The outbreak of Covid-19 has meant an _ change in our life and work.A、authenticB、allergicC、abruptD、absurd4、Are you going to see “Hi, Mom” by Jia Ling? _ . Its said to be too good a film to miss.A、No problem!B、Thats for sure.C、Why bother?D、Why me?5、It was not until mum agreed

    3、 to take him to the zoo, _ was his favorite, _ he stopped crying.A、where; whichB、which; whichC、that; whichD、which; that6、We can observe that artificial intelligence has a(n) _ on our lives in many years.A、impactB、impressionC、statementD、judgement7、There is still a copy of the book “A Brief History of

    4、 Time” in the library. Will you go and borrow _ ?No, Id rather buy _ in the bookstore.A、it; itB、one; oneC、one; itD、it; one8、On the double 11th day, my uncles online store has successfully sold _ shoes as last year, that is, it can hardly make _ progress.A、as many twice; worseB、twice as many; goodC、a

    5、s many twice; badD、twice as many; better9、Would you please give some advice on how to improve our efficiency?If you make _ most of every class, there will be _ switch in grades.A、/; /B、the; aC、/;aD、the; /10、She has no dreams _ to have a happy life.A、rather thanB、more thanC、other thanD、less than11、 I

    6、ts my treat today. Is there anything particular you would like to have? _ you choose is fine with me.A、WhateverB、WhichC、Anything whatD、No matter what12、“Genius” is a complicated concept, _ many different factories.A、involvedB、involvingC、to involveD、being involved13、There must have been a large numbe

    7、r of tourists in Sanya last winter, _.A、mustnt thereB、havent thereC、didnt thereD、werent there14、_ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Water Cube.A、ShouldB、WereC、WouldD、Could15、 Will Ms. Smith go to the opening ceremony this weekend? No, she has finally decided _.A、notB、not to

    8、 goC、not toD、not to go to16、There have been many _ in their marriage but they still love each other.A、ups and downsB、from head to toeC、time and againD、Over and over17、Bob belongs to that club, whose members meet _ to share ideas and thought.A、OriginallyB、graduallyC、regularlyD、immediately18、I still h

    9、ave some memories of my childhood. _ , I remember the time when I climbed the LuShan Mountain with my friends.A、In returnB、By chanceC、In particularD、By contrast19、Mr and Mrs Green would live to see their daughter _ , get married, and have a kid.A、settle downB、keep offC、get upD、cut in20、How long do y

    10、ou think _ the car factory launches a new mode.A、will it be beforeB、will it be whenC、it will be beforeD、it will be when二、完形填空。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)(一)Everycultivationlanguagehastwogreatclassesofwordsthatmakeuptheentirevocabulary.First,therearethosewords_(21)whichwebecomeacquaintedindailyconversation



    13、weread,lecturesthatwe_(28),orthemore_(29)conversationofhighlyeducatedspeakerswhoarediscussingsomeparticulartopic.Suchwordsarecalled“learned”,andthedistinctionbetweenthemandthe“_(30)”wordsisofgreatimportancetoarightunderstandingoflinguisticprocess.21、21A、atB、ofC、byD、with22、22A、even ifB、evenC、as ifD、a

    14、s23、23A、lessonB、lifeC、letterD、language24、24A、burstB、belongC、blessD、bear25、25A、conductsB、concludesC、comprisesD、composes26、26A、seldomB、everC、neverD、often27、27A、massB、methodC、necessityD、note28、28A、hear ofB、attendC、hear fromD、join29、29A、formerB、fitC、formalD、fare30、30A、politeB、popularC、peaceD、pretty三、阅读理




    18、soon.31、What was special some elementary school students in Auckland? ( )A、This was a new school yearB、They saw something digitalC、They have new desktopD、A digital teacher taught them32、From the passage we know that _.A、Will cannot respond to the kids questionsB、Will can hardly pick up non-verbal cu

    19、esC、Will is very popular with the studentsD、it is unlikely for Will to capture children attention33、What is the benefit of this two-way interaction? ( )A、It can smile backB、It can use microphoneC、It can talk any topicD、It can change if necessary34、Whats Ravishankars attitude to Wills replacing Human

    20、 educators soon?( )A、DisapprovingB、DiffidentC、OptimisticD、Unclear35、What might be the best title for the passage?( )A、Shortage of Human TeachersB、World-first Digital TeachersC、A New School YearD、New Contributes to Education(三)BCan you imagine the feeling of working in the universe? If you could desi

    21、gn the most beautiful gym in the world, what would it be like? Do you dream to be the next Einstein? This summer, you can experience all these things and more. All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.A recent study has found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes onl

    22、ine each day. They usually chat with friends, play games or check e-mails. But next time you get on the web, try exploring the world instead. “with the Internet, the whole scope of history and the world is open to you.” said Russell, Web search expert of Google.“I like to tell my kids, whenever you

    23、have a question, Whenever you have a doubt, search it out.” says Russell.Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride, too. Always ask for permission before downloading pr

    24、oblems and software into your computer. And, check with a parent or adult before visiting any new website.Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth. Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city, from Beijing to San Francisco. Or, visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rainfor

    25、ests over time. With the moon in Google Earth tool, you can walk in Neil Armstrongs famous footsteps. Take a guided tour of the moons surface with Armstrongs fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.36、The passage is mainly intended for _.A、scientistsB、adultsC、teachersD、kids37、According to the pass

    26、age, which of the following is true?( )A、The kids can download software into computer freelyB、Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon aloneC、The kids can find much information they need onlineD、The kids can visit the new website freely without parents guidance38、From Russells perspective, the kids _.A、s

    27、hould never play games or chat onlineB、can solve problems through the InternetC、shouldnt spend any time on the InternetD、should study hard instead of chatting online39、According to the passage, if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests, you can_.A、use Google EarthB、go to watch 3-D filmsC、find a trav

    28、el agencyD、take the spaceship40、In which section of a website can we probably read the passage? ( )A、TourismB、Internet WorldC、CultureD、Health(四)CIn a win for literary fiction amid declining sales, Sally Rooneys novel “Normal People” has been named Waterstones book in 2018.Rooneys second novel, has s

    29、old 41, 000 copies in hardback in the UK since it was publishedin August-five times the sales of her 2017 debut, “Conversations With Friends”. At 27, Rooney is now the youngest winner of the award, which is given by Waterstones-the UKs biggest bookshop chain.“Normal People” received almost universal applause at the time of release. Longlisted for the Man Booker prize, the book won novel of the year at the An Post Irish Book Awards in November of 2018 and has also bee


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