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    1、英语 招生入学考试复习备考题库及答案(高中起点升专、本科)英语(一)备考试题库2014年一、语法与词汇练习一1. Is this the key the door? A. of B. to C. for D. from2. There a table tennis match sometime next week, isnt there? A. is going to be B. is going to have C. will have D. will be 3. She told her daughter in the street any more. A. to not play B.

    2、not to play C. dont play D. not play 4. “Whats on the desk?” “_ some glasses.”A. It is B. There is C. They are D. There are 5. You can have fish meat, but you cant have . A. neithernorboth B. bothandneither C. eitherorboth D. eitherorneither 6. Theres not work to do. I can leave soon. A. many B. a C

    3、. little D. much 7. The box on the desk is made wood. A. of B. from C. in D. out 8. You cant go into the room because it yet. A. isnt cleaned B. not cleaned C. hasnt been cleaned D. wont be cleaned 9. She has lunch at home on Sundays. A. dont B. hardly C. doesnt D. not 10. Whats wrong this machine?

    4、It doesnt work. A. on B. at C. of D. with11. _ house is beautiful. But _ is more beautiful than _. A. Toms my he B. Toms mine hisC. Toms mine him D. Toms my his12. “How many people will go to London for the Olympic Games in 2012?”“Its hard to say._ people, I think.” A. Million of B. Millions of C. T

    5、wo millions of D. Two million of13. I thought the task would be very hard but it _ to be easy. A. showed B. made out C. had D. turned out14. We had many pens, but ink. A. few B. a few C. not many D. not much15. The water steam when the temperature is above 100. A. becomes into B. makes intoC. takes

    6、into D. turns into16. Of all the actresses, she speaks English _. A. the most fluent B. most fluently C. better D. the most beautiful 17. Mary and Bob _ married on 9th April, 2009. They in love for a long time. A. getare B. gothave been C. have gotwere D. gotwere18. The girl wanted her brother to tu

    7、rn off the TV set. A. afraid B. frightened C. frightening D. frighten19. The doctor on the boy as soon as he there. A. operatesgets B. operateswill get C. will operate. gets D. will operateget 20. The _ soldier was sent to the field hospital. A. hurt B. wounded C. hurted D. harmed21. The noise of th

    8、e birds broke the mornings _.A. peace B. piece C. place D. quiet22. We went on with our work without a _. A. stopping B. break C. relax D. hobby23. Go _. We will help you. A. ahead B. on with C. over D. about24. This English paper is _ once a week.A. public B. put C. published D. set25. Dont worry a

    9、bout me. Ill be back _. A. before long B. long before C. for a short time D. just now26. They have many _ including three black cats. A. pandas B. pears C. pets D. peaches27. Youre _ late. The manager has already come.A. terrible B. nearlyC. terribly D. near28. He living in the country to the city.A

    10、. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves29. There is in todays newspaper.A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new30. Help to the apples, children.A. you B. yours C. yourselves D. yourself 31. Ill finish this work a week. A. in B. after C. before D. on 32. Neither of the twins c

    11、lever, Im afraid. A. arent B. are C. isnt D. is 33. The ice is too thin for you to . A. walk B. walking C. walk on it D. walk on 34. Ill give it to her as soon as she back . A. come B. came C. will come D. comes 35. We all carefully but we nothing.A. listenedlistened to B. heardheardC. listenedheard

    12、 D. heardlistened to练习二1. The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai .A. in the past ten years B. for ten yearsC. last year D. ten years ago2. My wife was out. I look after my little brother.A. have to B. mustnt C. need D. had to3. I met a friend of yesterday.A. Dicks mother B. Dick moth

    13、er C. Dick mothers D. Dicks mothers4. If you need any money, Ill lend you .A. one B. it C. those D. some5. The population of China is larger than of Japan.A. one B. those C. that D. these6. good time they are having!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a7. Half of the money your brother.A. belong to B. b

    14、elong C. belongs to D. belongs8. Thanks to Mr. Wang, he kept us to remember the important things.A. to ask B. asking C. to be asked D. not asking9. I dont think the news you told me true.A. are B. is C. being D. am10. Mike knows the questions in English.A. to answer B. answer C. how answer D. how to

    15、 answer11. He hardly up early at weekends.A. gets B. get C. doesnt get D. dont get. 12. The teacher gave me advice on how to play the piano.A. an B. some C. a D. many13. Did you see him the restaurant?A. to enter B. entered C. enter D. enter into14. you study, you will be at English.A. The harder; b

    16、etter B. Harder; betterC. The harder; the better D. The hard; the good15. If it tomorrow, we shall not visit the factory.A. will rain B. shall C. is raining D. rains16. The little girl is trying to catch the _ butterfly.A. running B. jumping C. singing D. flying17. If you never tell others about you

    17、r secrets, it may make you _, or even sick.A. happy B. excited C. unhappy D. interested18. Teachers be patient with students.A. need B. cant C. mustnt D. should 19. Brazilians love sports, football.A. especially B. usually C. in fact D. after all20. Do you know how much the _ for this parcel?A. post

    18、 B. postage C. mail D. sending21. _ good dancer Huang Doudou is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a22. I love my pupils and Im a good friend of . A. they B. them C. their D. theirs23. We were surprised to the news. A. hear B. listen to C. heard D. listened24. My parents didnt watch TV last night and

    19、I didnt _. A. so B. too C. either D. as well25. _ do you _ the film HERO? A. Howlike B. What like C. Howthink of D. What think26. Jack Londons books were _ and he became famous and rich in his twenties. A. useful B. successful C. helpful D. traditional27. There are many in our school.A. woman teache

    20、rs B. womans teachers C. women teachers D. womens teachers28. How is it that you dont know the time of the meeting? I remember _ you an E-mail last Thursday. A. to send B. send C. sending D. sent29. Lily is a hardworking student. Her teacher is always her schoolwork. A. satisfied with B. surprised a

    21、t C. amazed at D. amused at30. I _ take a package tour _ travel alone. A. would rather than B. prefer to C. will rather than D. had better than31China is a country a very long history, a rich culture and many beautiful places. A. has B. for C. in D. with32. Have you ever _ why some people are left-h

    22、anded?A.wondered B.thought C.believed D.expected33. Ill go up the ladder, and you can _ the tools up to me.A. give B. put C. hand D. point34_ awaythisdirtyshirtandbringmeacleanone. A.Pick B.Bring C.Carry D.Take35. We should plant more trees because they CO2 and let out O2.A. take in B. take off C. t

    23、ake out D. take away练习三1. I know those at the meeting.A. German B. Germans C. Germen D. Germany2. There is university in that small town.A. a B. one C. an D. the3. Rose has never seen the TV play, she?A. hasnt B. does C. doesnt D. has4. How long your brother the army by the end of last year?A. hasjo

    24、ined B. hasbeen in C. hadjoined D. hadbeen in5. Though he is only a boy, he able to do the work.A. can B. can be C. is D. not6. The new film is really worth .A. see B. seeing C. to see D. being seen7. I will wait for Tom until he doing his work.A. finishes B. finish C. will finish D. finished8. Can

    25、a blind woman see her own eyes?A. through B. by C. with D. at9. When spring comes, it gets and .A. warmwarm B. warmwarmerC. warmerwarm D. warmerwarmer10. I speak a little English when I was four.A. am able to B. was able C. could be able D. could11. Mary, with her husband, Japan twice.A. has gone to

    26、 B. has been to C. goes to D. has been in12. Dont hurry! Theres time left.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few13. Peter was running to the bus stop he might not miss the early bus. A. after B. because C. so that D. as soon as14. The girl crying when she heard the bad news.A. can B. couldnt help C. could help D. cant help15. Mr. Smith said he had to add to it A. something else B. else somethingC. else anything D. anything else16. Which hotel did you _ during your trip to London?.A. live B. stay in C. stay D. living17. Here is No. 6. No.7 must be on the _ side of the street. A. front


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