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    名校小升初冲刺英语试题3 人教PEP秋 含答案.docx

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    名校小升初冲刺英语试题3 人教PEP秋 含答案.docx

    1、名校小升初冲刺英语试题3 人教PEP秋 含答案2019年小升初冲刺试题(三)一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。1.听录音,给下列单词排序A . fine B . thanks C . I2.选出所听到的字母组或单词。 A.thankB.you3.选出听到的单词 A.oneB.short4.听录音,选出你所听到的单词( ) A.loveB.lovelyC.like5.根据录音的顺序给下列图片排序。_二、听录音,选择正确的答语。6.听问句,选择正确的答语( ) A.Yes, she did.B.He visited her grandma.C.He was at the zoo.7.听录音,用数字给

    2、下列句子排序 _The giant knocks down the wall around his garden._The Spring Festival is a very important festival in China._Nian sees red paper on the doors and windows._People can take photos with a camera._I had Beijing Roast Duck for lunch in Beijing._Have a good rest and you will get well soon.8.听录音.选择

    3、正确的图片 A.B.9.10.听录音,选择你所听到的句子( ) A.My legs are long.B.I can see a monkey.C.Its very strong.三、听录音,判断下列图片与所听对话内容是否相符11.Whats the matter with the watch? A.It doesnt work.B.It runs fast.C.It runs slow.12.What is the man going to do today? A.Go over his lesson.B.See a film.C.Have an exam.13.听音,选数字 A. four

    4、teen B. sixteen C. twenty D. seventeen E. thirteen(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ 14.听录音,选出你听到的内容 A.kiteB.skyC.my15.听录音。选择与你所听到的内容相符的图片( ) A.B.四、听录音,选择正确的答案。16.根据听到的内容把短文写完整 Jack and Jones are good_. They are in No. 66 Middle School. They are in the school pop_. They both like music. Their favourite_is mus

    5、ic. They each have a_Both of them play the drum after school every day. Jack likes to play the drum_. Jones likes to play the drum_. On Sundays they have music shows to their families and neighbours. When they play the drum, people_them and shout and sing with Jack and Jones. They_themselves with th

    6、e drum music.五、根据图片和句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。17.They_(be)my brothers and sisters. 18.Look! They_(follow) the lines on the playground 19.My father is in the_(study)and my mother is in the_(garden). 20.I _ (swim) in the lake last summer. 21.There are _ (many) than ten rooms in Sandys house. 六、选出正确的答案。22.Its ti

    7、me for breakfast. Lets drink some . A.milkB.riceC.chicken23.old are you? A.WhatB.AreC.How24.当你想询问谁会讲英语和中文时,可以这样问:_ A.Can you speak English and Chinese?B.Do you speak English and Chinese?C.Who can speak English and Chinese?25.Peter and his father went to a restaurant lunch. A.toB.forC.on26.Im a _. A.

    8、sheepB.dog七、看图选对话。27.根据图片选择相应单词 A. orange B. trousers C. postman D. snowy F. trainF. pupil G. thirteen H. clock I. policeman J. cold(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ 八、从给出的选择适当的句子补全对话。28.根据对话内容补充对话。A. How are you?B、Good morning !C、Yes, I am.D、Goodbye !E、Im fine, too. Thank you.Alice

    9、: Good morning, Miss Fang.Miss Fang: _Are you Alice?Alice: _Miss Fang: _Alice:Im fine, thank you. And you?Miss Fang: _Alice: Goodbye, Miss Fang.Miss Fang: _九、从方框中选择合适的单词完成下面的邮件。(每空一词)29.根据划线部分发音规律,选择单词序号填写。ACoke Brice CShe Dcake Euse (1)Jake and Dave make a big_ (2)Im MikeI like_ (3)Little Joni hope

    10、s he can get some_ (4)Excuse meCan I _the tube? (5)He has a pencil_has a penWe play together 十、连词成句。注意字母的大小写和标点符号。30.is my This parrot.(连词成句) 31.Alice like football does playing (?)(连词成句)32.eat Let s food some_!33.where, on, did, Monday, you, go(?).(连词成句) 34.用下面给出的单词,组成两个句子。young she kind and is十一、阅

    11、读理解。35.阅读理解 I have a pretty pet. Her name is Polly Bird. When Polly was young, she lived in a birdhouse. Now she lives in a birdcage. When Polly was young, she couldnt sing. Now she sings all day long. When Polly was young, she couldnt eat birdseed. Now she can eat birdseed. When Polly was young, sh

    12、e couldnt fly. Now she flies out of the birdcage every morning. She flies back into the birdcage every evening. When Polly was young, she didnt like our pet rabbit Lulu. Now she plays with Lulu every day. When I am sad, Polly sings to me. She makes me happy. I love Polly very much. (1)What is the be

    13、st title(标题)for this story? A.Peppa PigB.Polly BirdC.Lulu Rabbit(2)Where does Polly live now? A.In a birdhouse.B.In a birdcage.C.In a bird nest.(3)What does Polly do every morning? A.B.C.(4)Does Polly like Lulu now? A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesnt.C.No, she didnt.(5)Why does the writer love Polly v

    14、ery much? A.Because Polly can fly.B.Because Polly can eat birdseed.C.Because Polly can make her happy.36.短文阅读。 Mrs Brown is going to give a birthday party for AnnAnn is her daughter(女儿)She will be twelve years oldA lot of her friends are coming to the party Everyone in Anns family is getting ready f

    15、or the dayMrs Brown is going to cook a big dinner Mr Brown is going to buy a big nice cakeTom is Anns brotherHe is going to buy fruits for the partyAnn is going to clean her room Its six oclock in the afternoonEverything is readyLook! The boys and girls are singing and dancingMary is playing the vio

    16、linThey are very happy(1)Ann邀请你去参加她的生日聚会,你想对她说什么 _Merry Christmas!Happy Birthday!Happy New-Year!(2)请根据文章内容填空。peopleMrs BrownMr BrownTomAnnWhat is he/she going to do?_Buy a big nice cake_(3)How old is Ann?Shes years old A.tenB.elevenC.twelve(4)Anns friends are A.cookingB.playing the pianoC.singing an

    17、d dancing(5)There are people in Anns family A.threeB.fourC.six(6)The birthday party begins at A.5:00 PmB.6:00 PmC.6:00 am(7)Where is Anns birthday party?It is at A.homeB.schoolC.shop十二、书面表达。37.根据图片提示,请以“Better city, better life”为题,写一写如何做一名合格的市民。 参考答案 一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。 1. CAB 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. 4;5;2;1

    18、;3 二、听录音,选择正确的答语。 6. C 7. 4;6;3;2;5;1 8. A 9. 正确 10. A 三、听录音,判断下列图片与所听对话内容是否相符 11. A 12. A 13. (1)B(2)E(3)D(4)A(5)C 14. B 15. A 四、听录音,选择正确的答案。 16. friends;group;subject;drum;loudly;softly;watch;enjoy 五、根据图片和句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。 17. are 18. are following 19. study;garden 20. swam 21. more 六、选出正确的答案。 22.

    19、A 23. C 24. C 25. B 26. B 七、看图选对话。 27. (1)H(2)I(3)E(4)A(5)J(6)F(7)C(8)B(9)G(10)D 八、从给出的选择适当的句子补全对话。 28. B;C;A;E;D 九、从方框中选择合适的单词完成下面的邮件。(每空一词) 29. (1)D(2)B(3)A(4)E(5)C 十、连词成句。注意字母的大小写和标点符号。 30. 31. Does Alice like playing football? 32. 33. Where did you go on Monday? 34. She is kind and young.Is she

    20、kind and young?十一、阅读理解。 35. (1)B(2)B(3)C(4)A(5)C 36. (1)(2)cook a big dinner;buy fruits for the party;clean her room(3)C(4)C(5)B(6)B(7)A 十二、书面表达。 37. Better city, better life We should plant many trees in spring. Trees can keep the air clean. Its good for our health. And we must keep streets, parks and other places clean. When we see old people on the bus, we should give our seats to them. We must walk or drive on the right of the road and we must obey the traffic rules.


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